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Revision Test

Chapter: 4

Total Marks: 15

Q1. Give meanings of the following words: (3)

i) Perilous

ii) Furiously

iii) Venture

Q2. Why was Abu Quhafaa (R.A.) worried? (2)

Q3. What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma (R.A.)? (2)

Q4. Which incident in the story shows Hazrat Asma's (R.A.) love and respect for the Rasool (S.A.W.)? (2)

Q5. Translate the following paragraph into Urdu: (6)

She was the wife of Hazrat Zubair bin al-Awwam (R A.) and the mother of Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair
(R.A.). She died at the ripe old age of about a hundred years. Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair (R.A.) used to
say that he had not seen anybody more generous and open hearted than his aunt Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.)
and his mother. Hazrat Asma (R.A.) was so generous that she sold her inherited garden and gave away
all the money to the poor and the needy. Nobody ever returned empty handed from her door step.


Kindly complete the test and submit it by hand on Monday.

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