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- Students will be divided into several
- Each group will be given a certain
• Commercial
• Infomercial
• Campaign (Role Play)
- Criteria
Presentation: 30%
Creativity: 20%
Message: 40%
Cooperation: 10%
Total: 100%
1. Know how to write and deliver speech
2. Identify the parts of speech
3. Share the relevance of speech writing and
delivery for communicative competence
4. Write and deliver a speech about relevant issues
in the Philippines.
Lesson 1, Writing and Composition
A speech may be defined as...
• the expression of or the ability to
express thoughts and feelings by
articulate sounds (form of
communication through spoken
• a formal address or discourse
delivered to an audience
Factors to consider:
• Know your audience.
• Choose your topic well.
• Find purpose or thesis.
• Research and organize.
(Create your draft and outline before
the final output.)
• Develop structure to deliver your
• Spice it up.
✓ Set the tone
✓ Give an overview
✓ Discuss purpose
✓ Formulate your thesis statement
✓ Provide supporting details
(facts, research, and statistics)
✓ Strengthen your thesis statement
✓ Closing statement
(Advice, solution, recommendations,
and etc.)
✓ Leave a “mark” on your
Remember, in writing a
• You write for the ear, not for
the eye.
Factors to consider:
•Read what you've written out loud as practice.
•Remember you are writing "oral language".
•Check the "tone" of your language.
•Check the length of your sentences.
•Have you chosen words everybody will
Types of Speech
The four basic types of speeches are: to inform,
to instruct, to entertain, and to persuade. These
are not mutually exclusive of one another. You
may have several purposes in mind when giving
your presentation. For example, you may try to
inform in an entertaining style. Another speaker
might inform the audience and try to persuade
them to act on the information.
Types of Speech
Informative Speech:
Informative speeches aim to educate an audience
on a particular topic or message. Unlike
demonstrative speeches, they don't use visual aids.
They do, however, use facts, data and statistics to
help audiences grasp a concept. These facts and
statistics help back any claims or assertions you
Types of Speech
Informative Speech:
For example, a zoo guide gives an informative speech to a
group of people, educating them on a zoo animal using various
statistical facts or historical information.
Informative speeches can also cover social or economic topics.
Although they're not designed to get the audience to believe a
certain viewpoint or opinion, they inform the audience with all
the relevant details surrounding a particular topic.
Types of Speech
Some examples of informative speeches:
o A teacher telling students about earthquakes
o A student talking about her research
o A travelogue about the Tower of London
o A computer programmer speaking about new
Types of Speech
Entertaining speech:
Entertaining speeches aim to amuse a crowd of people. Often
less formal and shorter than traditional speeches, entertaining
speeches communicate emotions rather than giving the
audience facts and figures. Rather, they often include humor or
funny stories.
You can often find entertaining speeches at a birthday party or
a wedding. Some examples of entertaining speeches include a
best man's speech at a wedding or a principal's speech before a
school talent show.
Types of Speech
Some examples of entertaining speeches:
o Excuses for any occasion
o Explaining cricket to an American
o Things you wouldn’t know without the movies
Types of Speech
Demonstrative Speech
Demonstrative speeches serve to educate an audience about a
topic or idea they don't have knowledge of. They often include
visual aids to help better demonstrate or describe something in
greater detail. While you can easily confuse a demonstrative
speech with an informative speech, a demonstrative speech
actually demonstrates how to do something.
Types of Speech
Demonstrative Speech
For example, a tech company can give a speech demonstrating
their new devices. While they're informing the public about
their new products, they're demonstrating how they work, thus,
making it a demonstrative speech.
Types of Speech
Persuasive Speech
Persuasive speeches help convince an audience that the
speaker has the right opinion on a particular topic. Persuasive
speeches can cover any topic from entertainment to something
more serious like politics. Typically, speakers use concrete
evidence to better persuade their listeners and gain their
Types of Speech
Persuasive Speech
When you include evidence, it helps make your stance more
believable and may even be enough to change a listener's mind
about the particular topic you're speaking on. With enough
facts to back up your opinion, you have a greater chance of
receiving the audience's support.
Types of Speech
Some examples of persuasive speeches:
o Become an organ donor
o Improve your health through better eating
o Television violence is negatively influencing our
o Become a volunteer and change the world

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