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First, I would like to thank the Almighty God for his defense and providing me with respectable
health and strength, that I am who I am today. I would like to direct my honestly gratefulness to
my father Faustine Terugwa, and my mother Levinas Prosper for all of the provision in my
lifetime and education. Your supervision, love, care and anxiety for my wellbeing have been of
great help in production sure this research report is accomplished. Thank you for always
existence there for me, my God exalt you.

It is my happiness to diagnose my research supervisor Dr Basesa Jumanne for her great

assistance, supervision and motivation. Without her systematic support and inspiration, the
concluding of this arena report would not have stood conceivable, may the Almighty God bless
him abundantly.

I am also grateful to my course mates Fatuma Sud, Flowina Florian, Irene Maganyiro, and
Deliphina Renatus whose contribution and suggestion contributed in no small way in the
completion of this work.
Paramount and principal, I desire to dedicate this investigation field report to the Almighty God
who provided me with health, asset and fortification throughout the period of this research work,
and my cherished father Faustine Terugwa reinforced me economically and ethically, throughout
the whole historical of my learning
Field practical training is compulsory requirement for the ordinary diploma at the institute of
finance management (IFM). This field report is about field training conducted at Dodoma city
council for eight (8) week in Dodoma region. This report consists of work done and lesson
learned in the field also is consider three chapter.

Chapter one explains about the historical background of the Dodoma city council mission and
vision of the organization and organization structure which describe, function of Dodoma
municipal council and the objective of the organization.

Chapter two explain about work done and lesson learned during the field training. The work
done is like Issue control number by using LGRCIS, batching of receipt, create bill of land rent,
Collection of service levy, and Visiting customer and also explain about challenged related to the
field work.

Chapter three explain about conclusion and recommendation of the organization and
recommendation to (IFM) Institute of finance management.
DMC – Dodoma municipal council

DCC- Dodoma city council

IFM- Institute of finance management

LGRCIS- Local government collection information system.


DEDICATION.................................................................................................................................................... ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF ABBREVIATION..............................................................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Overview of the chapter..........................................................................................................................1
1.1.1Placement in the organization................................................................................................................1
1.2.1. Functions of Dodoma Municipal Council.......................................................................................2 Statement............................................................................................................................3 Vision Statement.............................................................................................................................3 Core values......................................................................................................................................3
1.2.2. 5Objectives........................................................................................................................................3 Structure of DCC’s finance department.......................................................................................4
1.3 Review of the industry..............................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO................................................................................................................................................7
2.0 ACTUAL WORK DONE AND DEPARTMENT DUTIED UNDERTAKEN.........................................7
2.2 Department duties....................................................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Issuing control numbers by using LGRCIS.....................................................................................7
2.2.2 Batching of receipts...........................................................................................................................7
2.3 Challenges on demand of task performed..............................................................................................9
3.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION........................................................................................10
3.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................................10
3.2 RECOMMENDATION......................................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Recommendation to organization...................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Recommendation to Institute of Finance Management................................................................11


1.1. Overview of the chapter

This chapter explained about the placement of field work in the organization were my field work
was conducted as well objectives which an organization aim to have so as to improve the
revenue of the council and how to combat different task happening in the organization. Also,
organization structure and function of department.

1.1.1Placement in the organization

Practical training (field) based on account department Account department divide into revenue
and expenditure department. And revenue department divide into two section such as Hotel levy
section and service levy section. This department was concerned about finance management.

During my practical training at Dodoma city council I was placed in finance department of the
organization which was consist of revenue collection, under this department I was engaged
mostly on the issuing control numbers. For the matter of time it was necessary for me to work
under few sub departments so as I could be able to learn, understand and well practice the
activities under that department, since DMC is large organization to learn everything on eight
weeks was too short.

The placement in account department based on application account knowledge and execution of
certain tasks which were relevant to my field of study depended on duty and task that appeared
in our department.

1.2.1. Functions of Dodoma Municipal Council.

 To establish and maintain offices and building for the purposes of the transacting the
business of the authority and for public meeting and assemblies.
 To take and require the taking of measures for the conservation of natural resources, the
prevention of soil erosion and the prohibition of the control of cultivation;
 To name or rename, where necessary all streets (such names to be affixed in conspicuous
place), and to cause the building in such streets to numbered.
 To make, keep and maintain clean and in good order and repair all streets and sewers
together with all buildings, machinery and things belonging thereto which have or shall
become vested in an authority and to provide for the drainage of surface water. The authority
shall have power to divert or alter the courses of any street on sewer and to keep the same
clear of obstruction so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health
 To prevent or control the keeping, movement, destruction and sell of the livestock, animal
and birds, so their keeping or use does not become a public nuisance or injurious to health.
 To provide for the treatment of congested area, for the closure and demolition of buildings
unfit for human or other habitat either from structure or sanitary causes or from narrowness,
closeness, or bad arrangement from those buildings, or of the streets; and for prohibition of
the use of such habitation; and pay compensation if it shall so think fit.
 To provide, maintain, supervise and control public markets and ponds, and cold-storage
depots, minerals water factories and public or private slaughter-houses, and all matters and
things as may be necessary for convenient use of such markets, ponds, cold-storage depots,
mineral, water factories and public or private slaughter houses, and to impose fees, rents and
tolls in respect of the use of public markets, ponds, or slaughter-houses by the person.
1.2.2Organization structure.
The Five Years Rolling Strategic Plans (FYRSP) for Dodoma City Council defines the future
direction of the council for the period coming. The future direction is to define in terms of vision,
mission, strategic plans, objectives, activities and resources needed to realize them. Formulation
of FRYSP is based on systematic assessment of the existing situation and was developed through
a participatory approach involving key council stakeholder. Statement.
The mission for Dodoma City Council is

To improve and deliver better and suitable Economic and social services, maintain peace and
order, enhance environment protection, facilitate decentralized and work towards poverty
alleviation and deriver services towards satisfaction of community and another stakeholder. Vision Statement.

The vision statement for Dodoma City Council is

To be best Council in the country which cares for its people through improvement of economic
and social services, Good governance and protect the environment for sustainable social-
economic development and continue to a sense of accountability. Core values.

The core values of Dodoma City Council read as follows

It is our council let us be accountable, responsible, innovation, and transparent in providing

quality services and ensure integrity discipline and productivity.

1.2.2. 5Objectives.
 The objectives of Dodoma City Council include;
 To ensure the implementation of laws, policies and regulation.
 To provide good services in a participatory and good governance in order to eradicate





INFORMATION,’s organization structure








 To maintain and promote peace and order within its boundaries.






BEE KEEPING Structure of DCC’s finance department






1.3 Review of the industry
Dodoma Municipal Council was established under the local government (Urban Authorities) act
number 8 of 1982.It was established in order to discharge functions conferred upon it by the
named act. Dodoma municipality is located in the middle of the country. It is bordered by
Chamwino district in the East and Bahia district in the West. It lies between latitude 6.00 and
6.30 south, and Longitude 35.30 and 36.02 East. It is 456km to Dar es Salaam and 426kmo to

According to the population and housing census of 2012, Dodoma District had 410,956 people of
which male are 196487 and females 211,469 with the households’ size growth of 4.4. The
number of households is 93,339. Growth rate is 2.7%. Population projection for the year 2016 is
457,825 and female235, 587

1.3.1 Economic activity

It is about 75% of per the urban population engaged in crop and animal husbandry. 25% of the

Population is engaged in small businesses such as retail shop, carpentry and food vender. Other

Activities include small and medium industries, consultancy and construction work. Main

Industrial products are wine, Mattresses, furniture and mineral water. Other included honey, wax

And herbs from the forests. Municipal’s income is generated from agriculture (crop and animal

Husbandry). Per capital income is estimated to be Tshs 407,486

Dodoma municipal council is administrative divided into one parliamentary constituency, four
(4) divisions, forty-one (41) wards,18 villages, one hundred and seventy (170) streets and (89)
hamlets. These villages have rural and urban area. According to the population and housing
census of 2012, Dodoma District had 410,956 people of which male are 196487 and females
211,469 with the household’s size growth of 4.4. The number of households is 93,339. Growth
rate is 2.7%. Population projection for the year 2016 is 457,825 and female235, 587.


2.1 Introduction

During the field practical different tasks and duties operation supportive were performed as
assigned by the supervisors under the DMC finance revenue department.

2.2 Department duties.

2.2.1 Issuing control numbers by using LGRCIS.

As a trainer I was assigned to work closely with revenue accountant, by using the required
system of LGRCIS we were able to assign control number of various invoices example building
permit, land sales, art and advertisement, parking fee. LGRCIS enable us to register a person
particular which provide details to the organization which enable revenue collection to be easy.
Control numbers are number which are assigned to the people so as to pay a particular required
amount for revue collection.

Lesson learnt.

I learnt how to use LGRCIS software which enable us to register a person according to his or her
invoice and assigning control number according to his or her invoice requirement.

2.2.2 Batching of receipts.

Under this circumstance I was assigned to arrange receipts in a file based on their payment.
Under this section receipt were arranged every Monday so as to maintain records of revenue
payer in DMC. All revenue collected from all sources of revenue should be analyzed in receipt.
So, receipt should be issued and also date of receiving and signature to confirm that.
Example of receipt of all government revenue are land sale, contract fees, house rent,
service levy and receipt of building permit.

Lesson learnt.
Under this circumstance I learnt on how receipts are arranged in a manner way so as to allow
accountant to maintain proper records in the organization and to print receipt document.
2.2.3 Create bill of land rent

Under this circumstance I was create bill of land lent through the system of land, housing and
human settlement development Also, land rent bill is performed by writing name of customer,
plot number and block.

Lesson learnt.

Under this circumstance I learnt on how to create bill of land rent and also, I know how many
interests the customer is charged when is not paid on time.

2.2.4 Collection of service levy.

Under this circumstance I was done by collecting revenue for business in the street and also, in
either way the accountant visit business to view and assets the receipt of payment of service levy
and give the customer about service levy and emphasize them to pay on time.

Lesson learnt

I learnt on how to collect service levy to the customer and provide education for those customers
who what to know more about service levy. This means that service levy is collected by looking
the receipt for past in order to know if the customer is pay or not pay and if the customer is not
pay they should pay started with the past year which is pay.

2.2.5Visiting customer.

This process is done by looking revenue license and tin number of the business if your business
is registered or not and if is well verified by belong agencies of time. Also, they provide
education for customer on how to differentiate between service levy and business license
because some of people is difficult to them to differentiate that to things
Lesson learnt.

I learnt on how to visit customer to provide education about service levy. Some of people is no
that if is pay money for business license is order pay even service levy which provided in the

2.3 Challenges on demand of task performed

2.3.1 Unfamiliarity with the kind of software used pose a need of greater concentration on input
data, also some of works were needed to be done as soon as possible and because of lack of
experience it was difficult to do at quicker speed some of the challenging task in term of critical
and analytical was uses of LGRCIS system at a first sight which was real difficult to learn since
it involve a lot of processes to follow, this made me took a note of each and every step to follow
so that i can easily memorize and detect any error, this technique made it easier for me and i
came to memorize all processes without any help.
2.3.2 Another challenge was some invoices that are received from a supplier are not seen clearly
this was making a chance of wrongly input of figure in preparation of journal vouchers, a
problem like that may lead to misinformation so I had to set all those invoices with unclear view
aside until i consult my supervisor.
2.3.3 Network problem was another hindrance on performing tasks, since LGRCIS system need
network to work at full speed.
2.3.4 Problems are part of our daily life, nothing can go easily smooth. Although there were
some achievements, I also experienced some problems while working at DMC. Several problems
and difficulties that I encountered are as listed below.
2.3.5Unexpected wrongly input of data which affect overall amount at the end of balance
happens many times.
2.3.6Some of the work was not easy to be left alone for instance uses of LGRCIS system which
is every sensitive system which is tracked by TAMISEMI so any misinformation may lead to the
block of the system or may lead to the suspiciousness of illegal manipulation of the system
which may put a responsible accountant at a risk.
2.3.7Some of days were not the same a period of not having a task for a day happened sometime
because of the busiest of closing accounts at the end of the month.


3.1 Conclusion
Practical training program is one among the valuable programs which was prepared by IFM to
enhance student’s learning, practicing and understanding. The training exposes student to new
challenges necessary in their carrier. Most of the things taught theoretically are practiced during
this period/session. It enables students to experience different working environments before they
are actually employed upon completion of their studies.

During the practical training, students are exposed to various people such as directors, managers
and among others that they never mate before. This helps the students to understand how to deal
with different managers at different levels. They also learn how to behave towards their seniors
and other colleagues.

It has been my pleasure getting a chance to do my practical training at DCC; the organisation
accepted me and exposed me to the real world in professional terms, real life and life as a worker
at a certain organization. My training at DCC helped me to gain the knowledge relating to
accounting and also on more audit methodologies.

In addition to that, the practical training helped me to get experience on how to accommodate

with the changes of different professionals, career development, how tasks are performed in the

organization and other things from the workers who were at the working places. The

explanations given to issues we raised enhance knowledge and clarify matters not well

understood in class. Hence the practical training is very essential in increasing competency of the

students once they graduate.


3.2.1 Recommendation to organization

Organization should have facilities which will enable the collection of revenue of the city these
facilities are like many computers as well as many printers so as to simplify the work easy. Also
organization network system should be at high speed rate so as allow the preparation of control
numbers to the customer so easy as well to minimize conjunction of people.

3.2.2 Recommendation to Institute of Finance Management.

The duration of the practical training should be extended to more few weeks for a student to do
more task and duties which will increase his/her skills, working capabilities, exposure,
understanding and relating what have been done to theories learnt. At my placement student
from other university spend more weeks and get more to learn and understand well. Also the
time of placement sometime collide with the busiest period of the organizations (ending of
financial year) this cause the learning process to be difficult.

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