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Politician, Lawyer, Doctor, Public Speaker, Teacher – then your people skills are vital – read on.

If you’re in the “Dating Game”, then you can

Get Game by in10se use this book to take it to a whole new level – read on. If you want to form a deep connection with someone, or with groups of people then read
As humans, we need human interaction to not only satisfy our needs for connection, but to help us define who we are and to make meaning out
About Me of our lives. We are continually connecting and finding similarities and differences between ourselves and others. Connection is what makes us
I’m a guy who could be considered VERY successful with women. It wasn’t always so. human. Improving your “Game” can take this to whole new level.
I remember always being interested in women... even in Kindergarden. I remember there was the REALLY cute girl named Laura. Now EVERY
guy in the class LOVED her... and this was in KINDERGARDEN. She had these cute little brown locks and she would wear those little ruffles Mindsets, Identity, Beliefs, Values
I even remember one day, we were all sitting cross legged on the floor, and she was in front of me and she stood up... I couldn’t resist the urge to
flip up her dress! - I got busted by the teachers aid for that - I guess it all started early for me. How to start getting consistent results with women
Then in 3rd grade I remember sitting under a desk watching a movie in the class with the lights turned off and there was a cute girl sitting under
there with me. That was my first kiss!
And it went on... in 6th grade I dated GROUPS of girls and their friends, switching from one girl to the next each week. It was still all innocent
back then...
Now, in college I was pretty successful with women. I hung out with a group of guys that were »Naturals» and we would frequent places that
chicks hung out and always have a good share of women around.
Now it was during college that I actually started to formally study this stuff. I learned all kinds of different »system» and read all kinds of pop
psychology books on relationships.
After college, I got even MORE into studying Hypnosis, Persuasion, NLP, Psychology, Negotiation, Sales... you name it. -Anything that I could
apply to Seduction. And my results started getting more and more consistent. I’ve spent HOURS upon HOURS learning this stuff and actually
What’s more is that I found a group of friends that also had the same interest in this stuff and we all learned and taught each other. I’ve listed
these guys in the special thanks section.
So what I want to do is to give you not only my insights but offer you both a MINDSET and a SKILLSET that you can now use to be Have your results with women ever been »Hit or Miss»? Or sometimes it was like you just didn’t FEEL like getting AWESOME results with
EXTREMELY successful with women women was possible for you? Or maybe you felt like getting GORGEOUS women may be possible, but if you did it would just be LUCK!?
Hey man, we’ve all been there and it’s not a fun place to be. I’m here to get you over that once and for all. In this book we going to cover alot of
Preface ground - and work from the INSIDE OUT, from MINDSET to SKILLSET.
Back in my College days, I had a friend that ALWAYS seemed to have a woman - in fact, SEVERAL women that he could call on virtually
This book is about Charisma - among other things. It’s about skillful human interaction and most of all, about “Game”.
So what is this thing called “Game”? every day of the week. He was one of those »Fraternity» type of guys although I don’t think that was his secret. He wasn’t particularly good
Well, have you ever interacted with someone that you were just drawn to? Maybe you felt an underlying sense of trust and comfort, and maybe looking and he wasn’t rich either. It wasn’t until after I started learning this stuff that it began to make sense.
there was certain “smoothness” in the way that they interacted with people and the way that conversation just “flowed”? And people were just Now was this guy just a Nymphomaniac or was he a Nymphomaniac that I could actually learn something from!?
drawn to this person – naturally. And the more time that you spend with this person, the more you feel a connection – like both of you are One day I was asked him, »So tell me man, how is it that you seem to always have a woman available for you and not just one, but several?» He
coming from the same place… where time just seems to stop and you’re completely wrapped up in the moment – engaged and captivated. told me, »How could you NOT?! When I don’t have a woman, I feel like crap. I guess I know what I want and I know what I need... I couldn’t
Having “Game” is about being able to create these kinds of connections wherever you go – with whoever you meet. Now how would you like to imagine having it any other way.»
have more Game? This guy LOVED women and he knew it! Needless to say, this is a guy that GOT IT.
The underlying principles discussed in this book can be used in virtually any social context – from dating, to the job, to social interactions with So now that I think back on it, one of the reasons he had consistent results is that he was CLEAR on what he wanted. He knew that when he
friends. didn’t have a woman, he felt like crap and having a woman was the best thing in the world.
He was avoiding PAIN and pursuing PLEASURE. -Talk about a powerful motivational driver! I later found out that this was called a
»Propulsion Mechanism» - when your motivated by the PUSH of avoiding pain and the PULL of pursuing pleasure.
Now, I didn’t necessarily want to become a Nymphomaniac, but there was some powerful motivation there going on - and I could learn from it.
Now if I could just come up with a way to use that »Propulsion System» to motivate not only MYSELF, but the WOMEN I wanted to be with
me, I knew that I would be on to something BIG- and that’s exactly what I’ve done!
Here’s the diagram - and there’s alot going on here at many different levels. In the coming chapters and as you finish the book - my plan is that

Now “Game” can be further divided into “Inner game” and “Outer game”. I’ve done extensive modeling of people who have Game and you can
think of Game in terms of process and product. Products are the surface level expressions of deeper intangible processes. It’s like when you see
ripples on the surface of a pond, and you realize that there are deeper undercurrents which are causing those ripples. Processes are those deeper
I first of all present a Mindset. “Inner” game – these are the internal beliefs, attitudes, and values that naturally flow from a sense of who you
are, your identity, and your sense of self meaning. “Outer” game skills flow naturally from a good “Inner” game.
I next present a Skillset. “Outer” game – these are the capabilities, behaviors, skills, and strategies that create results. Outer game can feedback
into Inner game as well – so that whether you focus on Inner game or Outer game first, realize that the two are tied into each other and that your
focus is what’s important.
Now I’m going to talk a little about the concept of Inner Game - why? Because it’s SO Important. Now I’ve known many guys that were
Whenever you see someone who’s doing something that works, look deeper. Look for process as well and you may just find something useful.
»Naturals» at seducing women. Guys that have GAME. Now, I had always been pretty good with women but my results back then were
It’s kind of interesting to notice that although the “outer game” may vary among those who are successful, the “Inner game” is often very
inconsistent. I would hang out with guys in college and watch what they were doing. I’d focus on their strategies, their skills and behaviors -
basically focusing on their OUTER GAME.
Now who is this book for? This book is for anyone who wants to improve their “Game”. If you’re a Salesman, Marketer, Actor, Entertainer,
Now the thing was, I started trying some of the things that they were doing - their tactics and tricks, but I found that there was something
DEEPER going on. These guys had a certain level of CONFIDENCE in their skills with women. Not only that, but they had things pretty well
together in other aspects of their lives as well. Now as I tried their tactics and behaviors, I did start to get more consistent results - but ONLY in
proportion to how tight my INNER GAME was!
You can take the TIGHTEST skills and tactics and teach them to someone and their results may be hit or miss until they get their INNER
GAME built up.

The 3 steps to LOCK IN Seduction mastery

Now how do you LOCK IN the motivation that will get you results with women? -Here is my 3 step process:
1) FOCUS... on what you lack FIRST
2) Focus on what you can have NEXT
3) Let the momentum of that propel you forward as you focus on being in the MOMENT
As you begin to notice a change in your focus, you’ll start to notice a change in not just your MOTIVATION, but in your RESULTS.
Now I’m going to make this simple.
With Inner Game, - You get what you focus on. The things that you notice, the things you think are possible for you, what you think you
deserve, the things that you are willing to take action on... it all comes from what you focus on.
You get the right focus by asking yourself the right questions. And for that matter, you can get the kinds of results that you want from others by
asking them the right questions that cause them to change their focus... it is this shift that makes the difference.
The brain will find the answer to basically any question that you ask..even if the answers aren’t based in reality. Your brain will find the answer
I did something awhile back that changed my GAME dramatically and started giving me consistent results. It basically helped to BUILD up my
»Seduction Confidence» .
I started asking myself questions like, “What is it about me that makes me so successful with [Women/life/work etc.]?” “Why am I so magnetic
And this has become my model for seduction as well! and charismatic?” “How do I make people feel so good about me and about themselves?” “What is it about me that makes me so irresistible to
1) I want a woman to FOCUS on what she lacks first, women?”
2) FOCUS on what she can have with me NEXT, - And you know what? - I started noticing things that I was doing that WORKED and it just started to FEEDBACK into my INNER GAME - and
3) And then let the momentum of that propel the seduction forward as she focuses on being in the MOMENT then my results started getting consistent... and AMAZING by any standards that I would’ve had before!
[Notice that all of these questions presuppose your success with women. When you ask yourself questions like these, and really allow yourself to
The ROSETTA STONE of SEDUCTION go inside and find all the answers to these questions... notice how your focus shifts... notice how you begin to see and feel all the things that
work for you... and say that as your state shifts, you will begin to notice that your focus has changed... and now your brain is proving all the
Your going to get sick of seeing this diagram but this is IT! This is the ROSETTA STONE OF SEDUCTION - This is the KEY! things that you have asked yourself to be true...]

The Secret to Being 100% Successful 100% of the time

Now how do you know that things are true for you? This is where beliefs and rules come in. For instance if you believed that being successful
with women was about learning something about every interaction and improving your game... then you could never fail... then you would focus
on success and that would lead to more success.

A MENTAL SHIFT that will get you the BEST RESULTS with Women

One Secret to having SEDUCTION CONFIDENCE!

So now that I look back on my college days, I realize what it was that was REALLY at work. It all came back to INNER GAME. When I really If you were you were to believe that success with women meant that you had to get laid by every single woman you met... then guess what...
started to get results - something happened. I realized that the more success I had with women, the more successful I would BE with women! It Your result may be hit or miss at best... and you’d be focused on failure and that would lead to more failure. What failure really is, is not being
all feeds back into INNER GAME. able to feel any pleasure no matter how good your results were. Don’t set your criteria for success too high.
Not just that, but the more natural confidence that I had in other areas of my life, the more that confidence would spill over into my GAME. For example, think about the baseball player Sammy Sosa. He may not be able to control whether he can hit a home run every time. The ball
I remember in College, there was this girl that I was head over heals for. She was 18 years old, blond hair, tight body to die for, and she was in may spin a certain way, hit a jet stream, or an outfielder may climb the wall and catch it. There are an infinite number of variables which he
her »adventurous» mode - if you know what I mean! can’t control. He can focus on the »process»: putting a pure, sweet swing on the ball. Thinking in terms of putting leverage on the ball and
I would’ve done almost anything for her. I even made out with her while she had CHICKENPOX! Eewwww!!! maintaining the power of the swing gives him more of an advantage. If he thinks in terms of »homers» he actually loses power and leverage by
Now, this girl knew how to play me. At the time she me CALLING her all the time, talking on the phone with her for HOURS, putting off my over swinging and lunging at bad pitches.
studies to be with her... she was basically TOOLING me! She turned me into a WOMAN! (not literally of course!)
Have you been there too? Sucks doesn’t it!
Now at the time, I was in a local Rock band and not just that, but I was in full control of it... Creatively, and otherwise. And I was VERY A Detailed look at LOCKING IN Seduction Mastery
confident about my direction as well as my Musicianship. Now this friend of mine that was SO good with women would sit in and play guitar
with us on occasion - even though his musical skills weren’t all that great.
Well after practice one day, I was telling him about my woes with this 18 year chick and he said, »You know man, here’s what you need to do...
You need to have the same kind of confidence that you have in this Rock Band, with this Girl.»
And I thought to myself, »He’s right!»
It’s a part of HAVING VALUE, and the natural confidence that you have in other areas SPILLS OVER into your GAME.

1)In the center box, we see where you may be presently. This is your current situational context. You may have some Game already, you may
have aspects of your Outer Game or Inner Game in place or not, or any combination of those. This is also the context of your environment. Do
you have an environment that is conducive to seduction?
2)In the first box, we see what you want more of or lack in your life. And by the way, this model of motivational change applies not only to
Seduction, but to any area of your life. These are the “Reasons” – the drives that PUSH you and the needs that motivate you. As you gain a
PHYSICAL awareness of these “lacks”, a Dissatisfaction with where you’re at now BUILDS. The motivation here is primarily PHYSICAL. ready to explode!
This has the effect of PUSHING you forward.
Getting a solid Kinesthetic sense of what you lack - How does it FEEL to not have what you want? FEEL it The ONE THING that it would all come down to...
3) In the last box, we see what is possible. These are the “Results” – the drives that PULL you from your present context into what is
possible for you. The motivation here is primarily created through VERBAL/VISUAL/MENTAL stimulation. As you do this, the anticipation A few years back, a good friend of mine Josh “Swinggcat” (check out his web site and ebook at and I
BUILDS. Some of the Verbal/Mental/Visual techniques that create this anticipation include: were talking about distilling the core beliefs of guys that were successful with women.
Of course there were many qualities that we came up with from Flexibility, to Calibration skills, but one of the most important principles that
Self Value Elicitation – which amplifies your motivation for change and puts you on the right track came up was “Being the Prize”.
Talking about sex (Affirmations, Presuppositions - Talking »as if» you’ve already achieved your results...) So what does it mean to “Be the Prize”? Well, the CHICK equivalent to this concept is »BE A CREATURE UNLIKE ANY OTHER» - I’m
Thinking about and associating yourself into your results - experience it »as if» now, write out and diagram your goals and results to lock them those of you that have read that »RULE» book recognize this.
in I would say that being the Prize means that you know at a deep level that you are a catch – that any woman would be lucky to be with you. You
Be around people who have achieved what you want to achieve (Model what they do, get to the root of their beliefs about what they do and have Value.
who they are, and how they relate to others and their environment Now here’s an assignment:
4) Both Dissatisfaction and Anticipation create the Tension that propels to the Results. This is both Pushing and Pulling at the same 1) I’d like you to make a list of all the things that you are good at and all the positive qualities that you have.
time through both Physical and Verbal/Mental/Visual processes. Everyone has these qualities and everyone is different. If you have any difficulty, have a female friend help you list out these qualities and
So ask yourself the right questions, then notice the shift in your focus then notice how your state changes and how your results skyrocket! abilities so that you have actual confirmation from a female. If you don’t have a female available get an outside opinion from a friend.
2) Now, as you write out all these positive traits and qualities, take a »2nd person» perspective and start to form a mental picture of how
someone would see you having all these traits and qualities.
The DRIVING FORCE behind Seduction 3) Now I want you to physically STEP IN, that’s right - get off your butt and STEP IN to where you see yourself
Now, you know you’re great and you can have the quiet self confidence that if someone really knew you, they would think the same thing. If
you get a response from a women that could’ve been viewed as negative before, from now on you know that it’s either because they just don’t
know you yet or it’s just their automatic behavior. The question is, do they deserve to be with you?
4) Cultivate yourself
Find the things you are good at, develop your interests, excel at what you choose as your interests, and live your life passionately. This is why
women are attracted to men who are good at what they do and when a man excels in her presence. It has to do with demonstrating value to her

The 3 questions that enable you to QUALIFY a woman

I realized that there were several things that I was doing to create Sexual Tension in women. First I focused on building the Sexual Anticipation.
I do this by having women focus on why they like sex. And do this by asking “So what is it about sex that you really enjoy?” - and as they start
to describe it, the tension for it within them starts to build. Then I ask, “So what would it be like to do this?” ...and the anticipation builds as
they imagine it.
The other thing that I do is to create physical DISSATISFACTION with where their at now. In other words, I tease them physically and make
them VERY HOT.
These 2 things together; The PULL of the Sexual Anticipation and the PUSH of the Sexual Dissatisfaction are what make up the Sexual Tension
that DRIVES the Seduction.

The HIDDEN FORMULA for creating the Driving Force in a Seduction

Does this really seem like a NOVEL CONCEPT!? You

know, as basic as it seems, there are too many guys willing to throw their standards to the wind at the mere CHANCE of having a beautiful
That’s right… you need to actually have standards and if a woman fails to meet those standards then you need to be able to walk away. It’s not
worth your time. And you know what? – Women have a sixth sense and alot more attraction for a guy with standards who’s willing to walk
So in using this principle within yourself, find all the reasons that you want what you want... let the dissatisfaction with where you’re at now away!
build, anticipate your results - and let it literally pull you to where you want to be. Here are the 3 questions:
How to avoid stagnation: In Yourself and in a Relationship: 1) What Quality do you want in a woman? («X»)
2) How do you know you have this Quality in a woman? («Y»)
3) What do you get from having this quality in a woman - in just the way that you want it? («Z»)

OK, first of all... get your mind out of the Gutter! Although there may some truth to that perspective as well we wont talk about that for now! Now after you’ve done this for 3 separate qualities, here’s what I want you to do:
Now, it’s pressure that turns a rock into a diamond right? 1) Rank these three in order of importance to you
But you want to avoid what I call »The Success Trap». Satisfaction saps motivation for improving yourself and saps the fire in a relationship. 2) Look at this list. Now you know that this is what you are really after in your interactions with women – anything else is just a momentary
So how do you avoid stagnation: both in yourself and in a relationship? Keep up the Tension KEEP IT UP! distraction. If a woman can’t fulfill these qualities in the way that you want them to be fulfilled, or if she doesn’t even want to try – then you’re
That’s right, it can NEVER end because once it does - you’ll stop growing as a person, or in a relationship, things will stale out. wasting your time with her – move on.
So it’s Focusing on the reasons for what we want and Focusing on what is possible for us that creates the Tension (Dissatisfaction + 3)When you interact with women from now on, ask yourself, “Can she meet my values in a woman?” And then you can challenge her if you
Anticipation) within us that motivates us - think she may be able to. Women respond to a challenge.
In when you’re with a woman it works the same way. You create this tension by making her as unsatisfied sexually as you can (Teasing, playing 4)For example if you want someone that’s adventurous and open-minded you may say, “I don’t know about you… it may not work out between
hot/cold physically etc.) until she has to openly want it more than you do! These are the REASONS. us because you seem a little old fashioned and I’m looking for someone with a bit more of an edge.” – If she has any edge to her at all, she’ll be
And then you also guide her imagination and let her visualize and imagine the Seduction. These are the RESULTS. more than happy to go out of her way to make sure you see that side of her!
This creates the Anticipation and Dissatisfaction - THE SEXUAL TENSION - that builds the pressure until her buying temperature is about
If you don’t have this, you don’t have anything Here’s something that I got turned on to by David DeAngelo ( ):
What she SAYS = What she THINKS (Which may be just social and cultural programming), What she DOES = What she FEELS.
THIS is important. This is why if you don’t know this little fact, women can SEEM so confusing... saying one thing and doing another.
Appearing to change their mind at a moments notice. I’d say that 99.99% of men don’t know this little fact and if they did... well then it
would be a different world out there.
I was watching a TV show with a girl and Donald Trump came on and she said to me, »He is sooo hot!» I looked at her and said, »So what is it This is what is being spoken underneath what is actually spoken.
about him that’s hot?» She said, »Well he’s a billionaire for one thing... and I don’t know... he’s just hot!» And I thought about that. Then I
asked her, »So what would be more attractive to you - someone who was born into money where they inherited a fortune, or someone that was 7 Principles that can change your LIFE
the kind of person who had the skills and abilities that actually went out there and made their billion dollars? She said, »The guy who had the Ok, this is the »Deep» side of me coming out. Time to PREACH!
skills of course!» Now let me tell you a little about an ancient Philosophy called Huna. Now Huna was around for thousands of years in Hawaii and Polynesia.
Women seem to have built in »winner/loser» detectors for sensing guys that either have something going for them vs. guys that don’t. It’s There is wisdom in these 7 Principle that will carry over into all aspects of your life.
probably some kind of unconscious evolutionary based mechanism for finding a suitable mate... And no matter how tight someone’s »Outer Now I’m not saying to go out a become a KAHUNA, or to start getting crazy with the RITUALS, but just use these principles as they come up
game» is, if they don’t have anything else going for them («Inner game»)- then women will know it and be out of there. in your life. Your life will be better for it. Remember, it’s not ALL about Seduction... well, maybe a little bit isn’t!
So if you look at the diagram below, you see that Outer Value and Inner Value are interrelated. Outer Value is the PRODUCT of the PROCESS Awareness »The World is what you think it is» (everything is a dream, all systems are arbitrary)
of Inner Value. So what comes first, the chicken or the egg? - Well in this case, they come TOGETHER - they are BOTH reflections of each Freedom »There are no Limits» (everything is connected, separation is a useful illusion)
other - as a matter of perspective. So it’s not necessarily JUST about the »Outer» signs of success, but ALSO about the »Inner» qualities - being Concentration »Energy Flows where attention goes» (everything is energy)
the kind of person who is successful. And if you think about it, after everything in life is said and done, the only thing any of us will have left is Persistence »Now is the moment of power» (everything is relative, power increases with sensory attention)
the kind of person that we are. Love »To love is to be happy with» (Love increases as judgment decreases, Everything is alive, aware, and responsive)
Confidence »All Power comes from within» (everything has power, power comes from authority)
Wisdom »Effectiveness is the measure of truth» (there is always another way to do anything, the means determines the end)

Skillsets, Strategies, Techniques, and Tactics

The Blake Richards Propulsion System of Seduction

How to make a woman play in YOUR court

Have you ever noticed that when a woman chases you FIRST - you have SO much more power in the relationship?
Just think about it... when she chooses you, you have the power, she is in your territory... she enters into your frame. You are the Now lets look at what’s going on here:
prize. The King of Spain is all powerful in Spain. He has no power in Japan. That’s why it’s so important to be chosen. If you appear to 1)In the center box, we see where a woman is presently. This is her current situational context. She may be ready to hook up, she may need to be
be the one choosing her, then you give away your power... Bad. Don’t waste your time on a woman who doesn’t choose you... motivated, she may not be in the mood yet… This is also the context of the environment. Where is she right now? Is this an atmosphere that’s
it will only drain you. conducive to seduction?
I first got turned on to this realization by the book, »The Pimp Game» by Mickey Royal, a former Pimp. This book is truly a FREAK SHOW 2)In the first box, we see what a woman wants more of or lacks in her life. These are the “Reasons” – the drives that PUSH her and the needs
and makes for some great reading! that motivate her. As she gains a PHYSICAL awareness of these “lacks”, a Sexual Dissatisfaction with where she is at now BUILDS. The
So how do you get a woman to chose you? motivation here is primarily PHYSICAL. This has the effect of PUSHING her forward. Some of the physical techniques that create this
dissatisfaction include:
1) First of all, it starts with your frame. You are the prize. Being physically HOT and then COLD – Turn her on physically, then STOP, then turn her on physically, then STOP
This is Identity level stuff. Your game has to be tight. In all areas of your life... from career, home, Do this with teasing flirtatious touching and caressing, like massaging her neck, brushing her neck with your lips, nibbling on her ears, stroking
lifestyle... You have to represent what women want. »Alpha» characteristics apply here. the insides of her arms…
In the book, »The Evolution of Desire - Strategies of human mating» David Buss talks about women’s preferences. He states that when Make sure not to cross the line into sexual touch, don’t full on kiss her yet or touch her breasts/genital area yet – you want to build the tension
seeking a permanent mate, women not only seek men with resources, but with qualities that lead to the accumulation of resources - FIRST and make her physically aware of what she LACKS.
like ambition, status, intelligence, age, health...
2) Realize that all women want something. 3)In the last box, we see what is possible. These are the “Results” – the drives that PULL her from her present context into Seduction. The
Whether it be excitement, adventure, security, love, respect... whatever it is, you need to find out what it is that motivation here is primarily created through VERBAL/VISUAL/MENTAL stimulation. As she is stimulated, the anticipation BUILDS and
makes her happy and what makes her smile. Find out her »criteria» for being happy. A Value Elicitation could do this easily and amps up her buying temperature. Some of the Verbal/Mental/Visual techniques that create this anticipation include:
give you her »criteria» («How do you know when you have X?» and »What is it like when you have X?»). Sexual Value Elicitation – which elicits a sexual state
A woman will choose a man that seems to be able to deliver. She has to know that you can deliver, and what is it that you are Talking about sex (Describing how an orgasm feels, how different positions feel…)
delivering really? - FEELINGS. Thinking about sex
Many women have an underlying feeling that they are held captive by their work, life, bills, REALITY... Why do you think that Visualizing sex (Can be visualized in manuals, books, movies, etc.)
women go to »chick flick» movies, read romance novels, watch soap opera’s? It’s because they have needs that aren’t being met and 4)Both Sexual Dissatisfaction and Sexual Anticipation create the Sexual Tension that propels to the Seduction. This is both Pushing and Pulling
they are trying their best (unconsciously) to meet them. Work, home, bills, etc. - all things that TAKE... and you are the one at the same time through both Physical and Verbal/Mental/Visual stimulation
thing that seems to be able to GIVE. How can she resist? So what is OUTER GAME? Quite simply, it’s the SKILLSETS, strategies, techniques and tactics that EVOLVE from an interplay between
3) Most women are never satisfied Inner Game and whatever context you happen to be in.
In all areas... from sexuality to self-esteem to career, to LIFE. There are many women that want to live in a »TV world» where nothing is Think of it like this: These are the surface ripples on the pond and translate into what is OBSERVABLE in what you do and in your results.
mundane... where there is danger and spontaneity... adventure... the need to be rescued. Many women will create this drama because they Depending on the context of a situation, different skillsets may evolve and as well as different strategies. The law of requisite variety states that
want it so much. the person with the most options and choices in a given situation will be the most successful. So learn as many skillsets as you can and try them
TENSION at work! out in varying contexts. You have to find what fits best for you and what most of all brings out your own natural qualities.
Seduction takes place IN THE MOMENT. Now, this concept is one of the KEYS to seduction!
Think about this... this means that a woman has to be “ASSOCIATED” into the experience. She can’t be “DISASSOCIATED” from the and said to myself first, “Why are they telling me this? - and then – “What NEED do they have?»
experience with you and thinking logically or thinking about the dishes or any other worries of the day. And if you thought »The need to get laid!» You’d probably be right!
In the coming chapters, I’ll tell you my method for getting a woman fully associated into the experience and FEELING – remember that But anyway, when a woman can recognize that you KNOW what she needs, then she’ll feel like you’re a guy who can talk to her THE WAY
throughout all the discussions about this technique or that, your PRIMARY goal is to get her feeling - because feeling leads to action. HER GIRLFRIENDS DO.
This is what seduction is about. For example - a girlfriend of mine was telling me about how much she wanted to see me, how she thought about me all day long, how she
You can also break down Seduction Sequentially: My friend Erik »Mystery» Von Markovik has a GREAT format for doing that. missed me throughout the day.
Check out his site at I asked myself, “What does this mean? Why is she telling me this?” (It means that she wants to see me and be with me.)
1) Early Game - Attraction stage Then I asked myself, “What need does she have right now?” (She needs to feel connection - She may be lonely - She may be insecure)
This is where you open, your approach, your walk-up. There are many different ideas about this stage, but most of all you need to be interesting
and convey value. The spark of attraction occurs within the first 30 seconds of when a woman’s attention is on you – It’s either there or it isn’t. The 6 Magic words that will make her feel INCREDIBLE
But all you need is that spark and what you do in the next stage can amp up the attraction.
2) Mid Game - Comfort and Rapport stage 5) The process for the need – The magic words, “So what would have to happen…?”
Most of the material presented here is for Mid-Game. The goal of the stage is to get a woman comfortable. Now you aren’t trying to be a But I don’t stop there!
“friend” because at the same time you want to keep the attraction going and to cycle back and forth between the attraction and comfort stages If I identify someone’s need as needing to feel a sense of “connection” or “trust” or “comfort” or some other need - then thats a PRIME
until the momentum of these propels you to the End Game. OPPORTUNITY to follow up and get her FEELING GOOD!
3) End Game - Sexual stage To continue the example above, I would say, “You’re sounding like you need to feel close to me...” then “So what would have to happen for you
This is it. This is the stage where you are alone with a woman and the vibe is right. The comfort is there and you’ve amped up the sexual to feel close to me right now?”
attraction. The environment is perfect. I present a few of my methods for gaining momentum in this stage as well as overcoming resistance. Now you’ve not only heard their need, but you’ve found out WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN for her need to be fulfilled!
And the great thing is, IT ALL COMES FROM HER!
Using these skills, just about every woman you talk to will not only fascinated by you, but will think that you’re AMAZING - WAY better than
How to communicate with a woman in a way that will BLOW her MIND! a GIRLFRIEND - because you have »equipment» of course - and you’ll be like no other guy that they’ve talked to before!
Do you want to BLOW a woman’s mind with the way that you communicate with her? I don’t care HOW good looking you are, if you can’t
communicate with her - then it’ll be over ... or she’ll just tell you to shut up and get down to business if you’re good looking enough and if she’s The 2 SIMPLE questions that can get her to FEEL ANYTHING
horny! Good looks may be how a woman decides to talk to you, but how you communicate with her is how you’ll get LAID!
Now, communication is what it’s all about. This is how we interact with each other and you can’t NOT communicate. Everything that you do,
say, don’t do, don’t say… the way you look, what you wear, what you don’t wear… it all says something about you.
So the question is... what are you communicating to people?
Early on as I was learning about various »seduction systems» I had a friend who I’d go hang out with and I’d watch him approach women and
watch their responses.
Now not to make him sound bad, but the guy didn’t comb his hair, he had bad acne, he looked somewhat disheveled most of the time, he had his
eyebrows in a permanent »scowl»... his breath smelled, his shirt was untucked... I mean Geez!...
You get the picture.
He’d just WALK UP to a woman and she’d look at him and suddenly her face would go into PANIC MODE!
Now we tried to help him with those things but - that was just him... he didn’t really GET IT.
Now what was he communicating to women before he even opened his MOUTH!? I have to give it to the guy though... he was an APPROACH
MACHINE... kind of like a boxer that just WONT FALL DOWN after getting beat and beat and beat...!
Anyway, You GET IT!
So now, let’s look at the ways that we communicate and I’ll give you some of my insight into these ways: Now, there’s just a certain way that I talk. And if you do this too.. and women will feel like you’re LISTENING TO THEM.
1) Words - “WHAT” is said Even if you’re just saying the WORDS I’m going to tell you. In other words, you can PRETEND, and GET AWAY WITH IT!
Alot of guys will memorize certain things to say like “patterns” thinking that they have to get the words perfect and that they have to say the Seriously though, Deep communication is what gives you insight into their world, into their view of life, their perspective, and most of all is how
words in a certain order. A lot of times it just ends up sounding unnatural – like a “sales pitch”. I elicit a »Romantic» or any other state. Here’s an example that illustrates the difference between »Deep» and »Superficial Communication”.
Even their OWN EYES gloss over when they start into their SCHPIEL!!! Now on to the WORDS TO SAY: »SO WHAT IS IT ABOUT...?» and »SO WHAT IS IT LIKE...?» Now first what NOT to do -
You can always tell when someone is talking AT you vs. talking WITH you. Question: What do you enjoy? Superficial - (This is what you want to avoid - it’s fine early on, but as you build rapport, go for DEEPER
Now, don’t get me wrong though... If you talk with the right tonality and have the right body language, it often doesn’t matter WHAT you say, communication)
so much as HOW you say it. Example - She says Dancing: Guy »So where do you dance?» Girl: At such and such club. Guy: »So what kind of dancing do you do?» Girl:
Now get ready to blow their minds because the next levels will get you doing just THAT. This is when you talk to them on THE deeper levels. Oh techno type Guy: »So how long have you been dancing?» Girl: My whole life. See where this goes... NOWHERE. But the thing is that
2) Tonality and Body Language - “HOW” things are said MOST GUYS communicate like this! Now contrast this to »Deep Communication» - («X» and »Y» just represent her specific responses that
Tonality and body language both give power to the words that we use and can amplify the meaning of what we say. Like I said before, you can fill the blanks in with) Me: »What do you really enjoy?» Her: Dancing: Me: »SO WHAT IS IT ABOUT dancing that you really
sometimes it doesn’t even matter WHAT you say, so much as HOW you say it.. enjoy? Her: I really enjoy X and doing this type of thing. Me: »So when you’re doing X, and you’re really starting to get into it, what is this
3) Meaning - “WHY” things are said and the interpreting the context in which things are said like?» (You are EVOKING THE FEELING NOW) Her: It’s like »Y» Me: »You know when I’ve danced before it’s almost like your
Have you ever been talking to a woman and she goes ON and ON and starts sounding like those little characters from that SIMS computer experience where you can do X.... and feel Y... it’s just amazing» (And adding YOUR perspective using HER words!) -By now she’s going
game? glassy eyed because she’s FEELING so GOOD. Here’s another example: She says »Music» I’d want to avoid »Superficial» responses like
BLAH blah blah blah.... blah BLAH ? blah blah...! ohhhh... Blah...! »What kind of music» »What groups do you like?» etc. GO with Deep communication: Me: »SO WHAT IS IT ABOUT music that you
And you’re thinking, what the Hell is she telling me this for!? enjoy?» or you could say, »SO WHAT DO YOU REALLY ENJOY ABOUT music?»
We’ve all been there... but the REASON that she keeps going ON an ON is because she has a NEED. and she’ll KEEP going on and ON until Her: She says »I feel X» or if she says I like »X». Then I’d say »So how does »X» make you feel?»
ONE, either you put your hand over her mouth, or TWO, you address THAT NEED and let her know you HEAR HER NEED. Me: So when you’re listening to music and really feeling it... WHAT IS IT LIKE for you?»
Now, most women just GET THIS level NATURALLY. Her: She says »Y»
They’re ALWAYS reading between the lines and INTERPRETING what is said. They’re like little detectives who have to try to figure Me: »I like that... You know, I know for me when I listen to music it’s almost like your experience also where you can feel X and you start to
everything out! Y.... it’s amazing»
So when a woman starts talking to you just step back and say to yourself, “Why are they telling me this? What does this mean?” Again... Glassy eyed!
NOW what’s MORE is that you can use this to get a woman into a SEXUAL MODE:
Me: »SO WHAT IS IT ABOUT sex that you enjoy?»
The secret way to talk her her LIKE HER GIRLFRIENDS do Her: I like »X»
4) The Need –what need does this person have? Me: »So when you have »X» and you’re really enjoying it, WHAT IS IT LIKE?»
Now, take it a step further... And Booom... she goes RIGHT INTO THE FEELING! - her mind has gone SEXUAL, you can BET that she’ll be not only FEELING IT
If you can recognize this level, then you are far ahead of the game. In order to recognize this level, I’ve talked to women and just stepped back PHYSICALLY - but that now she’ll be much more receptive to SEX.
How to know how far to go with a woman her dream about you and your future together without you having to bring it up. This will cause her to invest a lot of emotional energy in you
and in her hopes for the relationship.
Let me tell you about some guys I’ve known. They study Seduction, they know all the »tactics», they may even be able to go out and get 10 3) Time engagement
phone numbers at the drop of a hat. But THAT’S usually where it ends. The more TIME that a woman spends with you, the more TIME ENGAGED she will become. She will be a lot more devoted to someone that
Now you can have some SKILLS, and you can know all kinds of theories... but when it comes down to interacting with people on a PERSONAL she has been with for years than a stranger. Also the more time she spends “winning you over”, the more valuable you will be to her. People tend
level - your rapport and END GAME closing success will be proportional to two things: Your INNER GAME and your ability to CALIBRATE to place a higher value on what they have to work hard for and what they have to pay more for.
and be FLEXIBLE. 4) Social engagement
I’ve seen guys that go up to a girl and they’ll be talking about something totally irrelevant to the conversation, or they’ll skip from topic to topic The more SOCIAL TIES the both of you share, the higher the value of the relationship to her. When you’ve met her family, friends, coworkers
- without any kind of natural transitions. And they just doesn’t GET that other people are thinking »What the HELL is he telling me that for!?» - and you share common friends, and she’s met and shares yours, she’ll value you MORE.
and it just comes off as BIZARRE.
Part of it has to do with being able to truly CONNECT with people - without any GAMES or FRAMES... when it just comes down to ONE
PERSON connecting with ANOTHER in the moment. How to associate yourself into a woman’s WORLD
Women pick up on »Fakeness» real quick and while it may be fun at FIRST to play and roleplay, , at some point you have to be a REAL Here’s a SECRET about the way that the MIND WORKS and how you can USE THIS for seduction!
PERSON and you have to see the REAL PERSON right in front of you. The mind keeps FILE SYSTEMS and organizes thoughts, feelings and states in file systems. In his book, »The Secrets of Communication»,
Now the first step in truly connecting is being able to step outside your own FILTERS and not just seeing the other persons perspective - but Peter Thomson talk about this concept.
sharing it. To illustrate, what is the first thing that you think about when I say think about a big 4 legged animal that begins with the letter »E».
Now, shocking as it may be - there are alot of people who actually have trouble with this! You’d probably say »Elephant». That’s at the top of most people file systems.
There’s a book on »Emotional Intelligence» by Daniel Goleman. You may even want to check this book out if you’d like to have better Here’s how I USE THIS for seduction.
connections with people. To induce a state of »Attraction», I want a woman to open her FILE SYSTEM for attraction... and more specifically to put me in it.
Emotional Intelligence is being able to understand oneself as well as others, being able to control emotions (or not), and being able to have the I also want to be put into the »Ideal Lover» file as well as the »Perfect Guy» file if at all possible.
right degree of emotion at the right time for the right reason for the right duration. I will do this by Asking questions that cause her to go inside and OPEN these files. (So tell me about your perfect guy... how would you know
Now this guy Goleman talks about how Emotional Intelligence can apply to the broader context of living, stating that one’s emotional that this guy was perfect for you... how do you know that you’re attracted to this guy...)
intelligence (The »EQ») is even more important than »IQ» when you look at things like being ’successful’ in many parts of life - from personal It really doesn’t matter at ALL what her answers are. In fact, each woman has not only different »End Values» (The quality that they are after)
relationships to professional relationships, self-satisfaction and self-growth. for what they want in a perfect guy, they also have different »Means Values» (How they know).
So what is a major tool that you can use to see if what you’re doing is working? CALIBRATION -notice a woman’s responses. Do I care if I don’t satisfy her values fully? No... in fact all I care about is that I have opened her »File» and that I am in it.
Calibration is feedback. Would you want to drive a car without the feedback of seeing the road, or without feeling the steering wheel? One change in the way you SAY something that will get her to LINK what she FEELS to you
Calibration tells you when you can turn it on full blast or when you have to tone it down. It’s about getting outside of your own head and into the Now how do I put myself in those files? Many different ways, from actually demonstrating value, to telling stories about how in the past you
interaction. met those values, to using »linkage» words like »THIS» person (vs. THAT person) and »THESE» things (vs. THOSE things) that associate her
So what do you do with the information that calibrating gives you? You USE IT and have the FLEXIBILITY to change what you’re doing and into the experience.
either TURN IT UP or TURN IT DOWN On a more subtle Neuro-linguistic level, people will LOOK to certain places and use certain gestures and say certain words when they open their
particular »files». Noticing these is what calibrating is about.
A surefire method of getting a woman INTRIGUED I notice these things and mirror them back. These are so called »Anchors» that link external to internal reality. Like Pavlov’s Dog.
It’s better to use someone’s own anchor than trying to create a new one
What if I were to tell you that I KNOW what women REALLY want… would you believe me?
The approach I use for this is to be INDIRECTLY DIRECT. Now what does that mean?
Well, many times I’m INDIRECT with what I say, but DIRECT with what I do. This is part of what creates “tension” and attraction with the The 2 purposes of the Phone Call
people that I interact with. It’s a dichotomy and seemingly incongruent - which is why it is like a splinter in the person’s mind. Many people Phone game is a form of Isolation because in order to talk to you she has to engage. So use this to your advantage. Remember, there are
have it the other way around. They are direct with what they say but indirect with what they do. In other words, they come across as “needy” primarily 2 goals of the phone game:
(Just like everyone else) but having no guts to follow up on it. -Bad combination. Of course the worst combination is the person who is indirect 1) Comfort building - The phone is another comfort building “location” If I decide that I want to comfort build with a gal, then I’ll use some of
with what he says and indirect with what he does. That’s my definition of a spineless “wuss”. my comfort building themes on the phone. But you have to keep in mind that there is a fine line between talking too much and talking too little
Now how about being DIRECT in what you say and DIRECT in what you do? -Generally this isn’t a good idea, it’s kind of jolting but I’ve on the phone. If you talk too much, they may get stuck in fantasy land. You don’t want to stall there. Find that “spot” and keep it moving to the
know guys that actually pull this off by knowing how to IMMEDIATELY turn it down and play Hot/Cold with a Woman. next goal - Setting up a meeting. 2) To set up a meet If you’re following up on a phone number that you’ve gotten, it’s imperative that you take
it to the next level on that first phone call. If you don’t, you risk stalling... which could land you in “lets just be friends” land. So keep the
How to totally WRAP UP a woman into your world momentum from the initial attraction going. If both the comfort and attraction are already there and you’ve gotten good signals of interest from
her indicating both, then keep the phone call short and sweet. The primary goal should be to set up a meeting.
Have you ever known a woman who was SO into a guy and who had devoted so much time and energy to him that he could do virtually
ANYTHING and she would still cling to him? - I know, it’s unhealthy - but it happens. She was fully ENGAGED into him.
Here’s another scenario: You’re with a woman and you’re having the most interesting and stimulating conversation... the VIBE is there and you The 3 EASY questions that will make her LOVE you
can both FEEL it. Nothing else exists - You were both ENGAGED into each other.
Engagement is when a woman invests herself into the interaction. Remember that engagement also amps up her willingness to take action as
well as her willingness to stay committed to you in the long term. This is a take on the “Commitment and Consistency” principle but here’s how
it specifically applies to seduction and relationships. Here are several ways that a woman can be engaged.
1) Physical engagement
If you are the first man that a woman has been with then more likely than not, she will have given a huge amount of “engagement” energy to
you. She will never forget you as her first. Now if you use this concept, she will be extremely devoted to you just because of this.
Other examples of physical engagement include making a woman do things for you like favors, working for you… etc. One analogy is that you
are like a “bank” and the more “money” (work, energy, physically engagement) that she puts in, the more invested in you she will be.

One MAJOR KEY to getting a woman to VALUE you

Value elicitation achieves rapport through conveying understanding, elicits feelings, and links you via “file systems” theory. Here’s the format:
X = End Value, Y = Means to the End Value, Z = The Feeling
Give a woman the gift of working for you. She’ll value you more for it. You: “So when you’re with a guy, what quality would you want to have in the relationship?”
2) Emotional engagement Her: “X” quality (honesty, closeness, passion…etc.)
You can get a woman emotionally engaged by opening up her emotional side and sharing it with her. Share her hopes, dreams for the future, and You: “So how do you know when you have X quality?”
values. In addition, you can talk to her about the FUTURE and build a picture of it with you both together if she brings it up first - Now do this Her: “I have Y»/»I do Y»/»I feel Y”
only if you MEAN it - Otherwise you’d be PLAYING with her heart and that’s bad Karma. Take your time, and calibrate her. You can also let You: »So how do you feel when you have X, and you’re doing Y?»
Her: “Z” (fulfillment, awesome, peaceful…etc.) Early Game is based on Attraction, Mid Game is based on Comfort and Rapport, and End Game is based on Sexual arousal.
You: So “Z” is what you’re really after… It’s all about feeling “Z”. 1) Attention phase-attraction
You can repeat for 3 values. The essence is of this phase is ambivalence. Female behaviors during this stage may include primping, object caressing, and glancing at and
then away from the male.
One technique that will get a woman HOT 2) Recognition phase-attraction
Female behaviors may include head cocking, pouting, primping, eyebrow flashing and smiling.
One of the things that I do early on is to give a woman a sense that there is “something more”. I may start off as being overly confident and 3) Interaction stage-comfort and rapport
tease her just like a good seducer would - but then I’ll let her “discover” that I keep a journal... or drop a line about some random act of kindness In this stage, conversation is initiated and the female may appear highly animated, excited, laughing, smiling, with frequent gesturing.
that I just did... or mention something that I did for my mom recently (“I took my mom out for dinner last Valentines day”)... a “soft” side. And 4) Sexual arousal phase
I just leave it at that... a one sentence hint about what I did or do, and then move on to the next topic as if I don’t really want to talk about it. If Touching gestures are exchanged. Couples may hold hands, caress, hug, or kiss.
they don’t ask about it, you can bet they’re thinking about it and will bring it up later. If they do ask about it - I may mention a little more and In addition, there are certain “steps” that are commonly predictable in a male/female sexual interaction. A social scientist named Morris
then say, “It’s not really a big deal... it’s just me.” And then she begins to find out what a great guy you are... and humble to because you don’t suggested that there were 12 steps that couples in Western culture go through from initial contact through intimacy. He indicated that the steps
talk about it much. I call this technique of mine “Baiting”. Because it’s what you offer to hook them in. have an order that usually is followed in female/male relationships. The steps are as follows:
You put on your bedroom eyes and sexual smile, and stares into her eyes. She looks up occasionally and smiles at you nervously. You’re leaning 1) eye to body
forward on your elbows, head in hands. You reach slowly to her neck and pull her necklace from between her cleavage. 2) eye to eye
Can you feel the vibe here? 3) voice to voice,
I know there’s been times I’ve felt it too and I’ve tried to put my finger on what it is that makes this possible. Now keep in mind that a major 4) hand to hand
portion of seduction is psychological, but there is also a physical element. 5) arm to shoulder,
Part of what makes Sexual Rapport possible is a basic unspoken understanding. The understanding is that Sex is going to happen and that it is 6) arm to waist
inevitable. Now a man can project this sexual rapport so convincingly that it draws a woman in. 7) mouth to mouth
Now how do you know that Sexual Rapport is present? Well, that’s like trying to describe the wind or the ripples on the surface of a pond. All 8) hand to head
you can do is describe the effects and signs that the wind is there or describe the ripples on the surface of the pond knowing that the deeper 9) hand to body
currents are creating them. The underlying processes are driven by the unspoken understanding, the assumption, and the “vibe” when you know 10) mouth to breast
that it’s on. 11) hand to genitals
There are also environmental cues to accelerate the “vibe”. These include soft music, flickering candlelight, the sound of flowing water, dim 12) genitals to genitals or mouth to genitals
lights, and food. Now if you skips steps or fail to respond to a step you could be seen as fast or slow. But also keep in mind that not every woman follows this
Here are some of the physical cues that show that this Rapport is present and also be aware that this Sexual Rapport can be modeled as well. In rule. For example, some women have hang-ups in certain areas like kissing. Don’t let a block in a certain part of this sequence stop you from
other words, imagine that the ripples on the surface of a pond actually create the deeper currents. Mind blowing huh? But in the realm of progressing to or at least testing the next one. You may even find your own “bridging techniques” to move from one step to the next. The point
Rapport and human interaction, this is how it can work. is to realize what sequence works for you and to be able to flow from one step to the next. Also, have the flexibility to take what a woman offers
Early Game you and to use that to gain the momentum to take it to the next step.
• Body posture: stretched out, laying back relaxed, stretching arms, taking up a lot of space
• Eyebrow flash combined with a smile “coy glance,” an expression combining a half-smile and lowered eyes
• Signs from a woman: neck presentation. The woman’s head tilted sideways Occasionally the woman may stroke her exposed neck area The little known principle that will make her obey you completely
with her fingers Have you ever noticed how lovers talk to each other and how they act around each other?
• Smiling During college, I was watching a roommate of mine and his girlfriend interact one day and this occurred to me. They were sitting there on the
Mid-Game couch cuddling, holding each other and talking “baby” talk to each other. He would even call her “baby” and you should’ve seen how they acted
• face to face, eyebrow flash, whisper when they thought no one was looking. I was actually kind of embarrassed for him. He was this big macho guy and she was normally a strong
• Some body contact, hand hold (brief) willed confident woman – but around each other when they thought no one was paying attention, they both became “baby” like – they both
• Sometimes “playing with” an object, called object caress. For example, keys or rings are often fondled., caress (face/hair) regressed. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about. You may have even been there before.
• Stroking the thigh and inner leg, caress (leg) caress (arm), caress (torso), and caress (back) So what is regression and how does it play into Seduction? Quite simply, regression is a return to a previous stage of psychological
• Body posture- Lean forward/back development. Some philosophers would say that “love” itself is a regression of sorts, and that the desire for love is actually motivated by a
• ”accidental” breast touch/brush occurred when brief body contact (less than 5 seconds) parental bond that developed during infancy and childhood. You can actually accelerate the seduction process by “regressing” your target by
• Knee touch the legs may be brought into contact with the man’s legs so that the knees touch, one another while seated using some of the following techniques and concepts.
• Thigh touch, seated side by side 1) Comfort and trust are a prerequisite to regression
• Foot to foot may result in the woman moving her foot so that it rests on top of the man’s foot Remember Erickson’s stages of development in Psychology 101? The first stage during infancy is Trust vs. Mistrust. Trust and comfort are the
• Gestures- shoulder hug: partially flexed arm was draped on and around another person’s shoulder keys that lead back to this stage.
• Lateral body contact may be similar to shoulder hug except that the woman moves under the man’s arm so that his arm is draped 2) Teasing
around her shoulders rather than vice versa So why does teasing work so well for regression? Women love to feel like teenagers for one thing. Of course they would never admit to this -
• Frontal body contact occurs when the chest and thighs of the woman rests against the chest and thighs of the man and it was during this time when they were discovering their sexuality and when they were having “first crushes”. It was also during this time
• Play, these behaviors consist of one pinching the other, tickling, sticking out their tongue, of approaching from behind covering the that they were out chasing boys more actively, before the boys started chasing them.
eyes You can tease a woman verbally and also you can do things that tease her physically – like snapping a bra strap, giving her a “raspberry”, or
• Women may sit on the man’s lap even a “nuggie”. Although they may say they hate it, many women actually love this kind of thing.
• Whole body movement: Parade consists of the woman walking across the room, perhaps on her way to the bar or the restroom. Yet 3) Being the “Therapist”
rather than maintaining a relaxed attitude, the woman exaggerates the swaying motion of her hips. Her stomach is held in and her back is arched Although this approach can be controversial, it actually can cause a regression quite effectively - maybe even dangerously so. Psychoanalysts
so that her breasts are pushed out; her head is held high have called this regression effect “transference” because as the person talks about their childhood and past memories, they transfer their parental
• Dancing behavior is one of the most frequently seen signals. It’s called the solitary dance because, while seated or standing, the woman father figure “bond” to their therapist. Freud actually used this method in Psychotherapy and he ended up with a number of his patients obsessed
moves her body in time to the music. and falling in love with him.
End Game So how would you use this? Get the woman to talk about her childhood. Have her describe her first memories with you, what she was like as a
• In this stage, body contact predominates including massage, caressing, stroking hair, lips little girl, if she had a safe place or a favorite place that she would go to play. Also have her describe her first crush and her first kiss… what it
• Voices are low and subdued, talking slows and may stop altogether was like and all the details about it.
• Eyes may close and kinesthetic stimulation may predominate 4) You can regress her or you can regress with her
So how can it be useful to know where you’re at in the “Courtship stages”? First of all, I don’t believe that every woman will fit into these Regressing a woman is like having the “father figure” dynamic. Some women want this at an unconscious level actually – and you’ll recognize
patterns, but it helps to know the patterns that most women will generally fall into, so that you know how to adjust your approach and have a these women by the demands that they make on you. They are looking for someone to take care of them – emotionally, physically, mentally. But
general idea of where you’re at in the process. it can be very draining – unless this is the dynamic that you know as well.
According to Evolutionary Psychology, women give certain signals and “sexual cues” to men that invite an approach. In fact according to social Regressing along with a woman is much easier – I don’t need to say much about this, although don’t be like my college roommate. Keep some
scientist Givens there are four phases of courtship. And he indicates that it is often the female who controls interaction in these early phases. shred of your masculinity intact! One day she may wake up from her “trance” and think “What a wuss!” Being tender and sweet at times is
enough – but only when she goes first and when she’s earned it! One principle that will get you IN with a woman every time
5) More on Non-Verbal regression
• Cuddling The will to survive is not the strongest instinct in humans. The strongest instinct is to do what is familiar – Virginia Satir
• Feeding her (your hands to her mouth) People may be attracted to what is different but they feel comfortable with what is familiar. The key to seduction is finding the balance between
• Letting her suck on things (your fingers, candy, etc.) both.
• Protective touch: (your arm around her in a crowd…) When talking with a woman, focus on commonalities. Find more and more things that you have in common so that you start to stack these
• Spanking similarities. You can always return to these if the conversation stalls.
• Playful touch: (light »roughhousing»…) Once you have enough commonalities in place, you can begin to shift the perspective from “You and I” to “Us and Them”. It is now about you
and her both together looking out into the world. This is a great way to accelerate comfort and rapport in the Mid-Game.
Secrets to BUILDING your dream woman
The Principle that will change her MIND and BODY
This is probably one of the most powerful strategies that one can use in everything from Seduction, Persuasion, Cold-Reading and in guiding
someone in HOW TO ACT when they’re with you. The Physiology Principle is further distilled from the Physical/Emotional distinctions.
So what is this exactly? Basically, the concept of »Parts» is a metaphorical way of talking about independent programs and strategies of Now here is the twist. If you want to influence someone (Emotionally/Mentally) and they are »stuck» in whatever their position is, just
behavior. Programs or »parts» will often develop a persona that becomes one of their identifying features. have them physically move.
In Seduction for instance, we create this »part» of a woman by first Cold-reading her (that is, accurately Pacing her current reality), and then In other words, if you can’t change their mind/emotions immediately, change their body, and their mind will then much more easily follow.
giving her a self-concept and self-image to live up to. (Leading). Actually giving this new »part» a persona and a Name is a blatant way of doing
How do I specifically bring out »Parts» in someone?
How to make her resistance seem ridiculous
1) I presuppose that I am interacting with that specific part. (Identity) In this method, if you propose something to someone and they give you resistance, you take the resistance that they give you and you project it
2) By doing this I give them a self-image to live up to and support them in this to extremes into the future until they see how silly their resistance is or they »laugh it in».
3) I break down resistance by getting them to Meta-state, and then talking to the »Part of them» that is beneficial to my intent.
At a Club:
Her: I haven’t ever done X because I’m Y.
Me: ...and even though you’ve never done X, there is still a part of you that wonders what it would be like... hold that thought... because maybe A girl says to you, »I don’t meet guys in bars.»
there’s even a part of you that really wants to do it and would really enjoy it. You: »I can see that, because if you did, next thing you know, you would be meeting new people, having new experiences, maybe having alot of
Her: I don’t know... maybe. fun, living life to the fullest, and of course that just wouldn’t be good, because it would be unlike anything that you know now and might just
Me: So if you were to step into this part of yourself... and imagine what would it be like... what kinds of things would you enjoy about this... break your model of what’s possible for you...»
what kinds of things would you find yourself really wanting to do this...
A New Identity (A new »Part») You: »I can see that, because if you did, next thing you know, you’d be knocked up by some guy, you’d be barefoot and pregnant the rest of
The classic example is the »Dancer» name. your life, living in a trailer park, and then you’d have all these little rugrats running around saying »mama, mama»...»
1) Once you’ve Cold-read her and you have paced her current reality, you begin to introduce the Self-Image. The »Dancer» self image.
2) You NOTICE all the things about her, her behavior, and her environment, that validate this self image and you Support this all by
commenting on it, having her ratify it, describe it, reframe it... etc. How to seduce HER into seducing YOU
Bringing out a Part of them that has been Repressed
This principle puts the “burden of proof” onto your target as well as offers a challenge.
The classic example of this is the »Shadow» concept. In this concept, you talk about the part of people that is repressed... the part of them that
I’ll say »Tell me all the reasons I should be with you» and »You have to give me a reason to want to be with you, either by what you do or what
corresponds to Freud’s concept of the Id. This is like the instinctual, biological human urge that we as a society have learned to repress.
you say... I don’t just go for anyone, I’m pretty selective... you have to show me that I want to be with you.» There’s no better way to eliminate
...Of course that which is repressed gets expressed. Often in ways that we aren’t aware of and in ways that we can’t control. (You’ve all heard of
resistance then seducing a woman into seducing you.
the term »Freudian Slip». Well, this is just a small example.)
I remember the first time I did a cold read. I had met a woman at a coffee shop and a friend of mine had been chatting her up and trying to get a
Carl Jung was a Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst that studied with Freud. He took the repression idea even further and brought into the repression
good level of rapport with her. I happened to walk by and I said to her,
concept, the notion of the »Shadow». Of course talking about something makes it more real and invests it with mental energy. Carl Jung’s
“Yeah… I know about you… on the outside you come across as totally uninhibited and wild, and you’re really outgoing and the life of the
philosophy was to achieve a balance between light and dark... the part of you that you show to the world and the part of you that is hidden
party… but underneath all of that you’re just someone who’s really kind of shy, and you want someone who can see you for who you really
(maybe even from yourself).
are… where you don’t have to put on an act… and you can just relax and be yourself. In fact this kind of connection is really what you want
Giving the »Shadow» it’s own Persona, Identity and it’s own »Voice» can be very powerful... be careful though!
most of all… and you’re somewhat of an emotional type… where you experience the world through your emotions…”
How Time forms an Onion skin of »Parts»
She said… “Take me, I’ll go anywhere with you right now!”
In this idea, as time passes we layer on new »Parts» just like the layers of an onion. For example, under the metaphorical onion skin of parts,
So what is cold reading exactly? Well some people actually get impressions about people. Can this be developed? Sure… It’s a people reading
there is the part of a person that is still a child.
skill and it just requires some attention.
People often have a Past self-concept («Part») that is MORE REAL to them than their Current self-concept. This is especially true in people that
But you can achieve the same affect by speaking in generalities and “hedging” your languaging… as well as knowing when you have a “hit” or
have many limitations. (They cant »Meta-state» and see the distinction between their Past self, their Current self, and their Future self. A limited
positive response.
Past then becomes both a limited present and a limited future... a self fulfilling prophesy.)
If given with enough authority, you can be very convincing.
A key here is that sometimes you can age regress someone just by presupposing that you are talking to the »CHILD part». Talk to them as if
Cold reading is probably one of the best ways to build Rapport with a woman. I use Cold reading in Mid Game primarily.
they were a child, View them as a child, treat them like a child, and they will live up to your self image.
Cold reading does many of the things conducive to seduction. Here are a few:
They can’t argue with this presupposition because by nature presuppositions are unstated underlying beliefs from which we speak and act. They
• Conveys understanding of her world
are what needs to be true in order for a statement to make sense. And more often than not, you can’t argue with something that isn’t stated
• Demonstrates value
Realize also that people have a Future Self Concept as well. Much of seduction is based on embedding yourself with this Future Self-Concept. • Gets her intrigued
• Builds rapport through understanding
The »Part» of them that is Others
• Tells her how to ACT around you
This is an interesting concept. Inside of us, we all carry around the »Part» of us that is our parents, the »Part» of us that is our friends... etc. What
My suggestions for learning this skill are:
really sucks is when people bring a »part» of them that is their parent from when they were a small child into Present reality. And then they act
1) Familiarize yourself with basic personality “types”. I’ve included the two general types of women (Physically and Emotionally sexual
as if this representation of their parent was current reality. External and Internal representations may totally be different.
One of the things in NLP and Gestalt Psychology is that you must have someone resolve a conflict internally with the »Part» of them that is
2) You can use a tool like “The Cube”. The book “Secrets of the Cube” by Annie Gottleib is excellent. Other tools could be palmistry or
their parent (or any other conflicting part), before any external resolving with the actual person can occur.
handwriting analysis, although a thorough knowledge of these isn’t what’s important. What’s important is conveying authority and being
How would you use this in Persuasion/Influence/Seduction?
convincing. Focus on the interaction… be in the moment.
Get them to Meta-state.
3) Know certain categorizations: Inner vs. Outer – For example “Inner health” is much different than “Outer” health. Outer wealth is much
Once they realize that their resistance is not really themselves, but others influences... other »Parts» that are trying to tell them what to do, they
different than Inner wealth. Outer relationships are much different than Inner relationships.
can then make a Conscious choice based on what THEY actually want.
• The emotionally sexual female has sexual cycles, meaning that she usually feels the desire for sexual stimulation once every three to
seven days, and sometimes only once a month.
• In the beginnings of a relationship, she wants sex often, but as the relationship goes on, her sex drive wanes.
• Immediately after sex she doesn’t want to be touched
• She cannot become aroused if she feels overly possessed or if arguments precede sex
• Sexual stimulation starts with her mind, not in her body, so her mind has to be relaxed before she can enjoy sex
• A 100% emotionally sexual female will have little or no arousal from kissing or heavy physical stimulation and may even be irritated
by it
• The Emotionally sexual female doesn’t want to be expected to have sex. If she feels that her partner is coming home expecting sex, and
if this feels like habit, she’ll start to dread it and will begin to think of ways to avoid sex
• She may start to make up excuses not to have sex. And stay up late after her partner goes to sleep. She may fake a headache or actually
develop one. If she works, she may say that she is too tired.
• The more she is pushed sexually, the more she backs up into her shell
4) Use what they give you. Watch their responses
Now this stuff is kind of technical and kind of ADVANCED, so until you get really good at COLD READING, you may want to skip this
section and come back to it later to further enhance your cold reads.
One understanding that will bring out the VIXEN in her Now these are called “Meta-programs” which are patterns of behavior that people often repeat without realizing. These are the DEEP
Now, I KNOW this profile well. When I’m with a woman who is PHYSICAL in any way - like she may be into working out, running, sports - I STRUCTURES behind the SURFACE STRUCTURES of behavior.
start to paint this picture of HERSELF for her. 1) Focus of Interest
Now WHY do I do this - well this is what COLD READING is about and I do this so she’ll know HOW TO ACT with me! · People Oriented
Ok, so when I say a woman is PHYSICALLY sexual, it does not mean that she doesn’t feel emotions, but that she places her physical body ’IN · Activity Oriented
FRONT’ of her to protect her emotions, and therefore requires a great deal of physical attention. She experiences the world through her body. · Things Oriented
Now here’s the material you can use for COLD READING with PHYSICAL females: · Place Oriented
• A female can become physically sexual at a very early age if she receives a lot of physical attention from her father or if she is · Data Oriented
emotionally rejected. 2) Match vs. Mismatch
• If a female is involved with an emotionally sexual male as an adult and he rejects her, she will become more physical. · Matcher
• If a physical female is deprived of physical attention she’ll become even more physical You looks for sameness
• A Physical female wants to be the image of the perfect partner You see what’s happening now as similar to what happened in the past
• She is strongly influenced by how others see her, and is very eye-minded herself, so her dress and overall appearance become very You look for what is there
important to her You tend to look for things in terms of what they have in common with
• She spends a lot of time keeping up her appearance You tend to look for how things fit together
• She tends to have more confidence in her attractiveness than the emotional female, and is more able to see her body as being You Match what people say with what you already know
satisfactory · Mismatcher
• The physical female wants to please her partner, and is deeply hurt if he criticizes the actions that she has taken to please him. You tend to Looks at how things are different
• In every respect the extreme physical female attempts to embody femininity, and the specific considerations detailed below can all be You can see how things don’t fit together
viewed in light of this attempt You can find what is not there that people often miss
• She thrives on sex and looks at men sexually You may sort for what is missing
• She may perform sexually once a day or as much as five times a day You more often look for what is not present
• She can be somewhat vain and tends to exaggerate her need to prove she is feminine You may look more at how things are different
• Generally, she may lack confidence in any situation where a deep emotional involvement is present 3) Necessity vs. Possibility
• She has a tendency to be immature at times, and is usually extremely possessive · Necessity
• If the physical female is with a male who is withdrawn or undemonstrative, or who does not compliment her, she will feel rejected and You are mostly motivated by need, obligation, responsibility, pressures
become hurt or angry You may be motivated to do something because you must rather than because you want to
• She finds herself catering to her mate and can be easily hurt and controlled in a relationship because of her need and desire to be You have a tendency to take what comes and accept it
accepted You are more interested in what is known than what is not known
• Usually she feels that she puts more energy into making a relationship work than her partner does. Your actions tend to be planned
• She needs plenty of personal attention and affection, such as having her hand held, doors opened for her, etc. You give the impression that you have to do things
• If she is accepted sexually and feels sexual gratification, she interprets this as emotional acceptance. You may have the sense that you either really don’t have choice or maybe that you have trouble making choices
• The physical female functions on physical feelings, and as a rule is very intuitive. She can therefore sometimes be irrational and it may You look for proven ways, »how to», and »step by step» ways, what has worked
be difficult to explain any logical idea or to discuss things with her when she is upset · Possibility
• She may like rough sex and heavily physical stimulation You have a desire to learn
You can look at things and see what is possible
You are motivated to look for new options and new challenges
One understanding that will bring out her SOFT side You are very interested in potential
Now, the EMOTIONAL female is altogether DIFFERENT. You can tell these types by the SPACEY look in their eyes! Go to a NEW AGE You can be good at developing new ways to do things
convention and you’ll find that most of these chicks are EMOTIONAL. You are always looking to expands your horizons
Now, the emotionally sexual female uses her emotions to defend her physical feelings. She has an inward emotional need that she feels must be 4) Toward vs. Away
satisfied and she therefore covers her physical need by exhibiting the OPPOSITE behavior and WITHDRAWING INTO herself. · Toward
Here’s some of the material that you can use for COLD READING Emotional women: You move toward your goals, Moves toward outcomes
• She usually has trouble expressing herself and tends to feel her emotions more deeply than she expresses them You move toward what you want
• She tends to be deeply devoted to work and career, and may even be into women’s liberation groups You May have a tendency to have difficulty seeing what needs to be avoided
• She is more likely to have female friends than the physical female (who considers other women a threat) and also openly admires other You sometimes may minimize negative consequences
women’s bodies · Away
• She looks for attractive points in other female bodies because she is never totally satisfied with her own You move away from what you don’t want
• She dresses more conservatively than the physical type You are good at identifying problems
At times you may have a tendency to focus on problems You have to know for yourself that something is right for you
May have trouble defining or articulating their goals or what you do want · External
You may become easily distracted by negative consequences Validation is sought from outside of yourself
5) Specific vs. Global You rely on others evaluations, judgments, and feedback to develop your own opinions
· Specific You require direction from others
You can have a tendency to perceive things in terms of its parts You can draw conclusions based on others reactions
You’re good at breaking down tasks and things into smaller parts You often have to ask others what they think about things
You’re very detail oriented, You want details first You may tend to conform to other peoples standards
You can sometimes get caught up in the details, and miss the overall goal You rely on external sources for knowing things are true
You feel like you need to have the details in sequence, what to do, where and how to begin, and what to do next You respond to the external world
You need to know how each step contributes to overall goal 9) Power vs. Achievement vs. Affiliation
You need to have concrete examples · Power
· Global You look for being in control, making choices for yourself and maybe for other people
You talk and think in terms of generalities · Achievement
You’re very Big Picture oriented You are interested in the goals you can accomplish, the results you can get
You concentrate more on the overall direction of a project or task, rather than each step of the way · Affiliation
You want to see the Big Picture first then the details You are interested in the people that you can be with, who you are seen with and affiliated with
You can tend to summarize things using general terms and abstract examples 10) Beginning process or Completion
You may have difficulty following step by step procedures · Beginning process
You often talk about overviews, leaving out specific details You enjoy starting new projects, ideas, beginnings
You may talk about events without attention to sequences · Completion
6) Associated vs. Dissociated You enjoy finishing things, seeing what you can mark off your list
· Associated 11) Positive vs. Negative
You tend to see time as a series of events and related episodes · Positive
Can go back to a memory and relive it vividly You are optimistic, »The glass is half full»
You tend to be less aware of how time passes when you’re into something You’re the kind of person that can take adversity and begin to see the good, the silver lining in the darkness
You can easily get caught up in the now You can see the benefit of how experiences may work together for the good in your life
You tend to make decisions quite quickly · Negative
You have a high drive to complete something in the short-run, but in the You tend to be more realistic rather than overly optimistic about things
long-run, you can have trouble completing things 12) Sequential vs. Random
You are more related to a feeler rather than a detached thinker · Sequential
You are more in touch with your feelings Your thought patterns tends to be more sequential, and linear at times, organized from point a to point b, very linear as well
· Dissociated · Random
Tendency to see events as a series of related episodes Your thoughts tend to seem unorganized although you may talk around a topic and may run off on tangents at times
Time can be linear, long at times You can get distracted sometimes from what you were originally talking about
Aware of the duration of time You sometimes get caught up in the tangents
You can tend to go through a long process when you make decisions 13) Independent vs. Proximity vs. Cooperative
You are able to detach yourself from emotions and be objective · Independent
You have a tendency to be on time and impatient with anyone that is late You like to work alone
You’re more likely to review a situation, rather than to relive it · Proximity
More related to analytical, thinker rather than feeler You’re fine taking responsibility for task, but you like to be around other people when you work
7) Focus of attention: Self vs. Others · Cooperative
· Self You enjoy sharing work as a team and working with others in a group
You basically perceive interactions in terms of what is in it for you 14) Convincer filters: Number of times vs. Length of time
You attend to your own thoughts and feelings · Number of times
You can be compelled to respond to your own inner world needs You are convinced by something by the number of times that you experience results and how many times you get these results
You can »be inside» a lot and sometimes can have a difficult time connecting with others thoughts and needs · Length of time
You evaluate your feelings about others primarily by what is going on and how you feel You are convinced by something by how constant the results are for you over a period of time
· Others · Consistent
You basically perceive interactions in terms of what you can do for other people You need to be convinced every single time and are never really ever fully convinced
Others are the focus of your attention
You focus on the outside world and pay attention to people One of the BEST WAYS to TRIGGER a woman’s EMOTIONS
You primarily respond to others thoughts and feelings primarily by what responses you are getting from others
You organize situations to please people Here’s ANOTHER POWERFUL WAY of getting a woman to FEEL. This is the »FILE SYSTEM» at work again.
You try to anticipate others responses and needs Talk about a PLACE that she’s attached an EMOTION to. Now there are some UNIVERSAL places - like take the BEACH for example.
Taken to extremes, can be co-dependent I first got turned on to this idea when I was talking to a CHICK one day and she was talking about when she was a little girl. She said, »When I
8) External vs. Internal locus of control was little, there was this swing in the back of the house, and there was this little running brook there... and you could hear the sound of running
· Internal water... and I used to go there for hours and just look up at the stars sometimes... I’d go there whenever I got upset or needed to be alone... I felt
Your validation and source of authority comes from within totally SAFE there»
You rely on your own criteria, evaluations, and judgments I said to her, »You know you can STILL go there... whenever you feel upset or stressed... just close your eyes and see the swing... look up at the
You evaluate things on the basis of what you think is appropriate stars... hear the running brook... it’s like you’re there now...»
You use your own feelings to know when you’ve done a good job And she looked at me and said, »YOU make me feel totally SAFE!»
You may also be your own harshest critic So as I further fleshed this concept out I worked out some basic principles:
You are convinced by things that you already know to be true by your own experience 1) Meet a woman WHERE SHE’S AT - mentally, emotionally, and physically. From here you can lead them into other places... or create
You resist when someone else tries to decide what is right for you new ones.
2) Find her LINKS between INTERNAL places and EXTERNAL places
One surefire way to overcome resistance
Now this gets kind of DEEP so unless you’re in the mood then just skip this part... but if you really want to learn some GREAT underlying
principles then READ ON. Do you ever wish that you had a CROWBAR to break down a chicks resistance and open up her responsiveness?
There is a differentiation between Internal reality and External reality, although without consciously thinking about it we experience the world as The »crowbar method» does just this...
one Integrated reality. In fact, because we experience reality as this »Integration» of Internal/External factors, there is no »real time» distinction Here’s an example: Let’s say you are talking to someone that you want to do »X».
(without stepping ) between the two... hence my definition of an »anchor» is a »link» between the External and the Internal world. In other You say, »Think of a number from 1 to 10 and if I can tell you what it is, then you have to do »X», OK?»
words, physically cueing the External world creates Internal cues through this link... Now if she says OK... then you’re IN! You’ve taken her from a categorical NO to a MAYBE...
There are Internal Places (emotions/states) and External Places... and the two are often linked (anchored to each other). This brings me to Then they think of the number and you follow up saying some random number (if you do Mentalism even better...)
elicitation/evoking emotions as a place... and importantly »places as emotions». This technique is PERFECT for that »token anti-slut» resistance!
I’ll ask a woman, »What is your favorite place in the world?... tell me about it...» or »If you could be anywhere right now, where would you
be?...» or »What was your favorite place when you were growing up?...» and as they describe the place... the FEELINGS start to come back. Blake Richard’s Deep Rapport Builder
How to LOCK IN your position with a woman This theme is a rapport builder as well as an opportunity for anchoring for those of you that do this. In addition, it really shows that you get it,
Sometimes I’ll say to a chick, »You’re a bad girl aren’t you...?» TOTALLY a rhetorical question because she knows she is! when it comes to »relationships», when a woman brings it up.
Then I’ll say, »But you’re BAD in a GOOD way right?» ANOTHER rhetorical question... I’ve had to come up with a good response on the fly when women have asked me what I’m looking for in a »relationship». I normally don’t like
Then I’ll say, »And you’re GOOD in a BAD way too huh?...» to bring up the »R» word, but when a gal brings it up, you have to have a good reply... one that will show them that you are intelligent, that you
You get the idea. These are questions that LEAD. These kinds of questions don’t really have an answer... they just LEAD a woman to where you have it together, that you are sophisticated, and that there is more to you than meets the eye.
want her to go! Now the context of using this is that I have only used it with gals in a casual environment, (a bookstore, coffee shops, restaurant). This is for
Think of all the things that have to be true about a woman’s reality. Turn these statements into Rhetorical questions. Think of where you want when you are alone, having one of those one on one, deep rapport conversations, as a prelude to (a few steps before) the full close.
things to go... THEN make the DOT to DOT connections between the Rhetorical questions and the RESULTS that you’re going for. -----------------------------------Begin theme
“I have a new theory about all relationships and what makes up the ideal one.
The Principle that hopelessly draws her to you First of all you need Passion. This is where you have a physical chemistry with this person, where you feel drawn to this person that you’re
with, you may even feel a warm feeling right here in your stomach and maybe it spreads all over your body when your with this person… where
you can lose track of time and give yourself completely to this experience…
Next you need Intimacy. This is where you feel an emotional connection with this person, like you’ve known them before, and like you were
always meant to know this person… like this was meant to be and where you feel completely comfortable and close… and you may feel it right
here in your heart…
Then you need Commitment. Philosophers have called this a sense of “duty”… where you feel secure, knowing that this is someone that is
here for you, that we both choose to be together… and this is someone that you can see yourself with now and in the future…
Now, all relationships are based on varying degrees of each one of these elements.
For example if you have just passion, but no intimacy or commitment, then that would be like just physical infatuation. Like a one night stand or
something… nothing more, nothing less…
If you have just intimacy, but no passion or commitment, then that would be just friendship. And we all have those…
If you have just commitment, but no passion or intimacy, then that would be an empty relationship. Like a lot of married people out there… so
sad. Then you can have passion and intimacy, but no commitment. This is like a “Romantic affair”… and maybe the knowledge that it is
White is only as white as black is black.
something that’s now or never… or that you have no guarantees about, makes the passion and intimacy even more intense…
Let me illustrate. Have you ever seen a chick that would go for BAD boy jerks... one after the other and then get tired of it and gor for a teddy
And you can have passion and commitment, but no intimacy. That is like people who stay together because they really like the sex.
bear NICE GUY, and when she tired of that she’d go for the BAD boy jerks again. We’ll she’s one that needs CONTRAST.
And you can have intimacy and commitment but no passion. That would be like grandma and grandpa who are together for companionship, but
One is only as good as the other is BAD... but then again, sometimes BAD can be GOOD!
cant remember the last time they did it. And of course the ideal, as with all things… is about balance, where you can have just the right amount
We’re always COMPARING and CONTRASTING. Like it or not, a woman is instantly comparing you to every boyfriend she’s ever had... So
of passion, just the right amount of intimacy, and just the right amount of commitment… well… now that I think about it, an extra little bit more
don’t you hate those guys that break the BELL CURVE!?
passion would be nice… what do you think?”
Well, now you can BE one of those guys...
--------------------------End theme
So how does this apply to Seduction? Give her the best of BOTH... never be predictable... this HOT/COLD technique can create an underlying
TENSION that will keep her HOOKED!
Another application is the »Baiting» technique where you may show an outward »Strong» side with a hint of inner »Sensitivity». This is also One of the BEST WAYS to make a woman feel comfortable
How to get a woman to do ANYTHING Telling stories is one of the best ways to Build Comfort and Rapport in the Mid Game. It gets a chick ENGAGED and when everyone’s
attention is on you, it says all the RIGHT THINGS!
Here are a couple of tips about the way that I tell stories.
Get to the point where you can improvise your stories based on themes… NEVER memorize stories »word for word»... and be sure to throw
in little details that the person that you’re talking to can identify with – details in your story that have some similar characteristics with the
situation or the gal you’re talking to.
One thing that I do is to link the woman I’m with to a character in my story. And that character is in a similar situation and of course the
character does exactly what you what the girl to do. – also keep in mind that you can use this same tactic as a tease if the story is about a
“dorky” girl that she »reminds» you of.
For example, here’s one that I use... If there is a girl that you are with that is kind of sexually inhibited you may say, «You know, you kind of
remind me of this girl that I know... Actually you look a lot like her... My friend Jen, and I remember she was telling me about how she was
with this guy once, and she was totally turned on... they’re like over at her place on her couch, alone, late at night... the mood was perfect...
candles were on, they had the wine out... and they’re here totally making out, and getting all into it... but you know what she told me was that
There’s the story of the frog that is put into the pot of water as the heat is turned up slowly... and the frog doesn’t jump out because the change is she had been kind of shy when it came to sex... (I’m Pacing her here) but she totally wanted it. But you know, it kind of took her awhile, and it
so slow that it is unrecognized. was just like a reflex to keep pushing her boyfriend away... (more pacing) I guess it was just like a pattern that she got into, and she really just
You can get a woman to do virtually ANYTHING using this principle and given enough time and patience. But in order for it to work BEST, kept doing it out if reflex, not even really thinking about it.
you have to BREAK UP the tension - turn it on, turn it off, turn it on more, turn it off... So anyway, at the end of the night, her boyfriend had been pushed away so much that he just stops everything... no kissing, no touching,
Just think of it as continually testing and CONDITIONING for RESPONSIVENESS. When women decide to have SEX, it’s because they are nothing... and he gets up and says kind of in a matter of fact tone, »I’m going home... goodnight» And he starts walking toward the door. And
Responsive... men on the other hand are Persistent then Jen tells me she didn’t know what got into her... (leading now) she just jumps up and starts ripping his clothes off, her clothes off, pulls
him to her bedroom and she said that it was just an incredible night... they totally went at it... she said it was like everything that she had always In my book I extensively cover MID GAME which focuses on Comfort building and Rapport – so Check it out!
really wanted to do, she did... totally uninhibited. She said it was just awesome... so now, what do you think?» 5) They take the first sign of resistance as failure
And ending this with a question, I get to calibrate her even more, and of course she’s »identified» with the character in my story (Jen). Now not all chick will go to bed with you the first time you make your move. Most of the times, chicks need REPEATED attempts where you
So she gets to »be» Jen for the duration of my story... and so that when that moment comes for us where we’re the ones making out on the FLIRT with her comfort zone. You know, every chick has a comfort zone – a line where things go from being Rated “R” to being rated “X”.
couch, she’ll have already gone through both the resistance and then giving up the resistance in her mind through »Jen». I’ve also use stories And if you push that line too much, it may shut her down – so FLIRT with that line. When she offers resistance, PULL BACK. And I’m talking
about a »friend» that a gal reminds me of, to do things like bring out bisexual qualities, bring out the »naughty side», open up a gal to the ANY resistance – and I pull WAY back and go back into comfort building (MID GAME).
»friends plus» frame, getting gals to role play (being a ho/stripper), getting gals to experiment and more... Then as I approach that line again, I can come that much CLOSER to that line until I have to pull back again. As this may be repeated several
times, you get that much closer and closer to her comfort zone line until before she knows it, you’re INSIDE her! (I talk about this in my book
2 KEYS to building Rapid Rapport with a woman in the chapter on the Gradient Principle)
6) They follow THEIR OWN automatic responses and don’t make the bold move
One of the best ways to accelerate rapport in the Mid Game is venue changing. You know that ONE POINT in the date, where you know it could go one way or the other. And you know that what you do at that point could
I’ve gone from coffee shop inside to coffee shop outside (to get »fresh air»)... to outside in their car (because »it’s cold» to ... :) to their car. MAKE or BREAK the seduction? Have you guys been there? I have – too many times, but I’ve learned something.
Remember also that one important principle in persuasion is that if someone is stuck emotionally, get them moving physically. Too many times before I would just GO WITH THE FLOW… and to tell you the truth – that’s just not conducive to seduction! How many times
This is using the mind/body connection. have you been over at a chick’s house… it’s late at night and you can tell that it could be “Game On”, and then she tells you, “It’s getting late…
The more venues a woman feels comfortable with you in, the more her overall comfort level is. I should go to bed” and you say, “Ok… well I enjoyed hanging out with you… and I’ll talk to you later…”
One other key that needs to be mentioned - Isolation. If you have isolation first - then why change venues? Then as you hear the door shut you’re wondering where you went wrong… you could be in BED with her right NOW!
To give you an example, the day before yesterday (Wednesday afternoon), I went to pick up a 28 year old blond with a tight body and So how do you get over this? Well first of all, be AWARE of your automatic responses and hers as well. And know that you can use whatever a
long legs from her house. woman gives you. Like in the example above, what if you were to say… “Go to bed?! But I hardly know you! I’m not that easy… but I could be
When I called her on the phone that day she asked, »So do you want to meet somewhere or do you just want to pick me up?» if you gave me a massage!”
Well - if a woman gives you an opportunity to isolate... take it! So you see how you need to interrupt the auto-response! And humor works best followed up with a suggestive comment.
We had met at a coffee shop last week and talked briefly and I was just following up on it. 7) They don’t focus on the moment
Well I went to pick her up and as we sat on her couch, I thought to myself, »She enough into me that we don’t have to go out!» At this phase in the Game, a lot of guys are in their own heads and not focusing on the moment. They may be thinking of the last pattern to use
So I built sexual attraction and comfort (using some of my Sexual Rapport material) - and BAM... we were off to her bedroom within or what to say next… but to tell you the truth – at this stage in the game, you need to throw those out and focus on getting her to FEEL in the
30 minutes - no venue changes... just isolation. MOMENT. This is where seduction happens!
And you want to get her associated into the moment as well by getting her to FEEL (including body feelings). The thing about FEELINGS is
Blake Richards Top 10 End Game Mistakes that they draw a person into the moment. Like when someone is angry for instance – and they can’t think about anything else… or when
First of all, let me tell you what End Game is. All successful seductions have an End Game phase. This is where you have built up the someone feels pain – that’s VERY real in the moment. The same goes for feeling pleasure and for feeling AROUSED sexually.
attraction and comfort and you are alone with the woman. So it’s at THIS stage that the results of the Seduction are playing out. This is where 8) They think that the woman will lead them by the hand
so many guys screw up… and it’s often focused on the least in seduction because to tell you the truth, not many guys get there. There off getting At this stage in the game, even women that seem sexually aggressive will want the MAN to take action first. One chick that I was with said she
phone numbers – and that’s IT. Believe me – the focus of this book, “GAME” is about how to get PAST that point and wanted a guy that was “Confident”. I asked her, “So how do you know when a guy is confident?” She said, “When he’s able to do with me what
on to the Seduction. I really want him to do without me telling him how to do it.”
Ok, now to the top 10 End Game mistakes that most guys make and what you can do to avoid these mistakes: When you get certain “buying signals” from a woman, you need to close QUICKLY. Now not all buying signals are equal. For example, a
1) Bad Logistics suggestive flirtatious smile when you offer to massage her is much different then when she pulls her pants down and bends over! Let your
One guy I used to know would go out and say, “I’m going to get laid tonight!” And then we’d get to the club and he’d go home to his parents buying signals tell you how quickly to move…
house – no lay. I told him, “Now exactly where are you going to do this? And do you have condoms – ON you, and if a woman were to walk up 9) They’re attached too much to the outcome
to you right now and want to have sex with you, would you be ready?” – Hmmm? was his answer. One thing that women have radar for is “Neediness”. In fact a guy who’s willing to walk AWAY from her has more power than she does in the
The point is, if you WANT success, you have to be READY for it. Now, when I want to get laid, I have a framework of how I want it to happen. “negotiation”.
Sure- it can be spontaneous and I have to have some flexibility built in, but one of the keys to End Game is Isolation and not just that, but Instead of focusing on the outcome (the home run), focus a little on the process – but mostly be in the MOMENT.
logistics ALREADY in place for every Isolation scenario that you could come up with. For example, I have condoms in my CAR… Now did If a woman does a take away from you and you don’t respond… it tells her that YOUR in control and it communicates that YOU have
they come in handy? – Well last WEEK they did when I was out with a chick at a DRIVE IN. Same day close with her… CHOICE. – After all, how many guy would actually decline an offer of sex from an attractive woman?
2) They trigger her automatic responses And if she senses that you would – then you’ve upped your value in her eyes… as well as made yourself a challenge for her!
Now all chicks have an automatic response for a guy getting physical with them – It’s just something that’s BUILT IN – through evolution to 10) They go too fast and out of her “sequence” without amping up the desire enough
protect their productive resources. And when you think about it, they HAVE to have this in place because then they would end up a being a HO Remember, building desire is about building the sexual tension. Take time to let her get her buying temperature up. Tease her, play hot/cold,
or be pregnant their whole lives! So what are the typical triggers? I’ll list a couple: FLIRT with her comfort line (the line where things go from being rated R to being rated X) until SHE crosses it.
When a guy gets too sexual too fast And go the typical “physical” sequence unless she gives you resistance – in which case you pull back to Mid Game, then as you go back into
When a guy stops “talking” and just goes into LUST mode before she does End Game, you test again at the NEXT higher level.
When she get the feeling that a guy just wants her for SEX or just sees her as an object I call these “Courtship Stages” and I talk way more in depth about them in my book. These are the typical physical steps in a seduction. Now
When a guy goes straight for the crotch –most of the time at least the order doesn’t always apply, but for the most part they do. For example, if you go straight from “hand to hand” to “Hand to Genitals”, most
When a guy seems too eager to get down her pants chicks will resist. So know this natural sequence.
When a guy seems sneaky and dishonest Here’s an abbreviated version:
You get the point. The key is to go slow, keep talking to her, be suggestive without being overtly sexual, and wait until SHE goes first hand to hand => arm to waist => mouth to mouth => hand to head => hand to body => mouth to breast => hand to genitals => genitals to
with being physically sexual. genitals or mouth to genitals
3) They engage her logical mind To wrap up, well there you have it guys, my top 10 End Game Mistakes and how to overcome them!
Just imagine this: you’re on the couch with a chick, maybe watching a movie or talking, and you start to notice the VIBE as the sexual
tension is building. You know that it COULD be GAME ON if you play your cards right… Now what do a lot of guys do? They get all The 3 AMAZING questions that will cause a woman to JUMP you!
nervous at this point and start talking about GUY stuff… LOGICAL stuff like work, school, analyzing this and that… BIG mistake!
You want her logical mind OFF at this point. Don’t say or DO anything that could engage her logical mind. You don’t want her solving
MATH while you’re trying to get her in bed!
The focus should be on the FEELINGS. Get her arousal AMPED UP. Build the sexual tension. In my book, I go into depth on how to
build this using a PROPULSION mechanism – and for those of you that don’t know what that is, it’s a motivational system where you
have both PUSH from avoiding pain and PULL from pursuing pleasure.

4) They don’t build up the comfort enough

A chick will RARELY get physical with a guy that she’s not comfortable with. You need to build up the comfort and rapport before
you go into END GAME. When you hear a chick say, “But I hardly know you!” – Then you know you need more comfort building!
Now, would you like to learn 3 AMAZING questions that will get a woman to JUMP YOU!? Well, READ ON. 3) Create Doubt: I want them to not be sure if there really is anything... even if they give me signs of interest, I will play hard to
First of all, before even attempting this, there must be rapport. I make sure to only do this when I have her in a place where I can get and maybe respond minimally if they outright get physical.
logistically close her... (i.e. you and her alone in a locked room (or private place) with little chance of interruption , whether that 4) Create Safety: I want them to feel safe and comfortable about being alone with me.
be at your place or hers or any other setup)... 5) Early Light Touching: There is a difference between touching that sends the »I’m interested» message, and touching that gets them
This is also done as part of the »Impulse Close « to build up the chemistry and sexual tension where there is a phase shift into a sexual state. comfortable with you touching them. I do the latter... which may confuse them more because I don’t outright cross that line at first.
1) The Sexual Value: X And because I don’t get outright physical with them, they feel OK about going back to my place to »Watch a video» or »Hang out» for a while.
«WHAT ABOUT SEX REALLY TURNS YOU ON?» (I’ve had many gals tell me that they weren’t sure if I liked them or if I didn’t until we were alone)
The quality itself that a gal enjoys about sex and wants more of. (i.e. Romantic sex, Nasty sex, Bondage sex, taboo sex...) When Alone:
2) The Rule: Y 6) Recapitulate/Repeat Sexual themes: Then when alone, I bring up the sexual themes/sexual value elicitation combined with:
«HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE X?» 7) Heavy touching to Close: I pour on sexual rapport touching at the same time, look for green lights, and if all lights are green, I don’t
This is the way that she knows that she has that quality... What she/he does. i.e. Her process. stop until the Close.
«How do you know when you’re having really _______ sex or you’re feeling really _______? What kind’s of things do you do, or does
the other person do?» »How do you know that you have this sense of _______ when you’re with this person that’s closest to you...» How to Understand a woman’s CODE
3) Interaction between the Value and the Rule: Z
«SO WHAT IS IT LIKE TO HAVE X WHERE YOU’RE DOING Y?» Here’s a concept that a friend of mine Tyler Durden turned me on to. (Check out the site ) and
and BOOM! - she goes into Sexual FEELING mode! David DeAngelo’s site ( ).
4) Repeat back X, Y, Z There are »Sub-communications» being communicated on many different levels. Sure »Value» is one of those levels and
(Value) = X, (Rule) = Y, (Interaction) = Z of course it is very important to seduction.
«So when you’re with this person where you’re having the most X sex, where you’re/they’re doing Y, and you feel this sense of Z … Keep in mind that from an evolutionary standpoint, women are hard-wired to respond to men that convey value -this means the
This is what you really enjoy about it, isn’t it...» guy with the money, resources, social proof, status, prestige, etc... and yes this is just one of the sub-communications that we
Now another Example: communicate and that others communicate to us.
1) »What is it about SEX that you really enjoy?» She may respond with »feeling skin on skin»… (This is really Y... what they do… Now how can we better understand these sub communications? I think some of the answers can be found in Evolutionary Psychology -
the rule… i.e. how they know) Human Mating Strategies.
Focus back on the quality: This has to do with how we’ve been hard-wired by evolution to select, compete for, and attract mates. Just think, all of us are the
«So what does feeling skin on skin give you?» products of reproductive success.
Then they may respond with something like »Closeness». NOW, Closeness (X) is the quality that you are after. This means that we all have it hard-wired in us to know naturally what to do to get laid! It’s just a matter of being able to adjust
2) »Closeness» (X Quality) … »Skin on skin» (Y Rule) to the Interaction between the two (Z) to today’s contexts and situations. Those who don’t get selected out. (i.e. they don’t get laid)
«SO WHAT IS IT LIKE when you have a sense of closeness with this person, where you can feel skin on skin... ?» Here are some of the categories and these aren’t necessarily what we think of consciously - much of it is unconscious and just kind
3) »It feels COMPLETE» (Z Interaction between quality and rule… i.e. WHAT IT GIVES THEM) of forms a »gestalt» and an impression. In other words, this is what the unconscious animal part of us thinks - the part of us that has
4) You then repeat it all back to them as you anchor the state. been selected for by Evolution.
«So say that you’re with this person who is closest to you, where you feel this closeness, this feeling of skin on skin… where you feel this sense 1) Value - The sub-communication is »What will I get out of being with this person?» - This is based on the perception of status,
of completion… where this is something that you really enjoy and something that you want, isn’t it…» social proof, resources...
For men - either having or having the potential for the accumulation of resources (having characteristics like ambition, intelligence,
industriousness etc.)
7 ways to accelerate the CLOSE For women - the physical characteristics of beauty, health, sexual capacity etc. as well as status, etc. that confer a societal value
There are many many sexual »stories» out there. And there are many ways to introduce sexual »themes» and from there it’s a hop, skip 2) Physical - The sub-communication is »Do they have good genes?» and »Can they protect me?»
and a jump to the full close provided the locale is appropriate. I think this is a little different than the sexual communication. For a man interacting with a woman, physical communication is
When I tell a sexual »story» or introduce a sexual theme, I may approach it as follows: about beauty, youth, health and in evolutionary terms how well she would be able to bear offspring as well as have healthy »genes» -
1) A story about a friend’s experience In other words a woman’s reproductive capacity. Other than reproductive capacity, an attractive woman also has a positive influence
2) A sexual JOKE on the social status of a man.
3) A story that I just make up that seems to pace the current situation between her and I For women interacting with men this type of communication has to do with the ability to protect resources and is a part of security.
4) A story that I want her opinion on and that can give me »insight» into the »way that women think» The reason why physically strong men are more desirable than weak men is because strength communicates »fitness» and »good genes»
5) You can pick up any womans magazine like Cosmopolitan etc. and find many articles on sex (from attitudes, beliefs, techniques, as well as the ability to protect accumulated resources.
should’s/shouldn’ts, to taboo’s, how to’s, etc.) This provides an endless supply of material and themes to »ask her about». 3) Sexual - The sub communication is »Is this person able to pass the genes down?» - This level of communication I think has to do
6) As part of a Cold Reading... if she seems overtly like a »Physical type « I’ll include a reading about her Sexuality. with the ability to be fertile and to bear offspring.
7) As part of an analysis like »The Cube»: Which includes a Sexual analysis (The Horse) For men interacting with women, it has to do with the perception that she’ll be a good lover, sexual attractiveness which is more likely to
8) Indirectly/Covertly: by using sexual metaphor (phalic/feminine intercourse symbology) - and language words like: Penetrating you, wet, lead to orgasm.
hard, sliding in deep, feel it deep inside, filling you up, coming etc. If they ever call me on it, I just play innocent and say, »You don’t For women interacting with men, this has to do with his virility... if he is able to both have and give her an orgasm -thus increasing her
want to think about sex all the time, DO you? You’re kind of perverted! I better be careful around you.» - Reverses the frame) chances of conception.
The goal during all this talk is to get her FEELING the sensations IN HER BODY. When telling a story, go into the sensual details... explicitly, 4) The availability of resources - The sub communication is »Is this person likely to share their resources and commit them to only me?»
telling it as if she were »in the first person mode» experiencing it herself. When asking her »opinions», and about what she likes, For women evaluating men this has to do with the likelihood of commitment of resources to her and her offspring. Traits like generosity,
you could »Normalize» it by at first making it not about her, but what most women like, then get her to go into detail about how kindness, and love make this more likely. Also commitment is important because it equates to security about access to his resources and
she feels it in her body, where, what comes first... then next, etc. not having to share them with other potential (or past) mates and offspring. This sub communication is also about trust.
Women get so turned on and ready to go just by having them describe what a female orgasm feels like... step by step, what they do, For men evaluating women this has to do with her fidelity, and the likelihood that she will only mate with him, thus increasing his chances
how they know it’s coming, how they feel it... what it’s like when they get to that moment... of having offspring with her. A promiscuous woman is less attractive to a man as a long term mate, because it means the possibility of
allocating resources to offspring that aren’t his, as well as having to compete for her resources (sex/sexual reproduction).
One Closing technique that makes her lose control Now regarding Sexual Communication, some would say that appearing to »Get it» is enough... however it’s not enough for me.
Understanding »Sexual communication» is not enough... you have to actually be able to USE IT! and USE IT WELL!
The IMPULSE CLOSE occurs Impulsively. You want to overwhelm any defense all at once, not ever having given them a chance to build And this is just one of the sub communication levels that are always present. This is just one aspect of »The Code».
up their defenses, and do it at a moment when it is the most advantageous to do so. So to bring this from abstract to concrete levels:
How do you apply this to the Close? 1) Be aware of, demonstrate, understand, and communicate the code on a:
This is the Breakdown of my Impulse Close method: - Sexual level
Until I extract them to a private place; - Value level
1) Vague and Ambiguous or “Indirectly Direct”: I will use lots of sexual metaphor, sexual stories and themes… - Physical level
2) Open up the Sexual talk early on: I will talk a little about sexual talk so that I have a lead in for later when we are alone («You know - Trust level
you were telling me about X... I just remembered one more thing...»)
The Shadow and the Rising Sun Theme woman, for seduction purposes, less is more. Her inner world of fantasy is far richer than what you could create with your words. Talk with her
about her ideas of the ideal man, the ideal romance, the ideal relationship. Open up this world within her, show a few romantic gestures and then
“You know, I was thinking about something the other day...about polarities... about the whole concept of the Yin and Yang...about hot and make yourself scarce – yet balancing and at the same time acting out that scarceness with romantic gestures that show you’re thinking about her. and white...light and darkness. And how opposites are really the same thing...just varying degrees on the same spectrum...of What to remember: Never let reality break the “Romantic” illusion.
possibilities...and how one is defined in relation to the other...and how there are no absolutes. 3) The Daddy’s Girl
And then I remembered something that a Psychologist friend of mine said once...She said, “I have to go feed my shadow”...and I wasn’t quite About her: This type of woman was spoiled as a child. She was given everything her heart desired as a child and as she grew older, she became
sure what she meant at the time until I read something by Jung. He said that everyone has a Shadow...a dark side...a place of forbidden desires. bored and now continually looks for variety, switching from person to person and place to place before boredom sets in What she needs:
This is that part of you that you hide from the rest of the world...maybe even from yourself... where you can experience and imagine those... Variety, to be pampered, a daddy figure.
thoughts...the things that you wouldn’t want anyone to ever find out that you long for and dream about...where you want to experience all the How to seduce her: The key is to offer Variety. Provide a lot of distraction – new places to go, new things to do, new things to discover.
excitement of this let go of all the things that had been holding you back just let go... Maintain a certain mystery to your character as well so that she is continually discovering new things about you. Once they get hooked, they can
and enjoy all that life has to offer... The Shadow is a good thing, he believed...because it brings a sense of balance. grow dependent on you, just as she would a daddy figure.
Now, this sense of balance is very important because the concept that whatever you repress grows and begins to spill over into other parts of What to remember: Never offer a long term relationship to these types, instead focus on spoiling them and offering new and exciting things
your life. If your shadow is repressed it grows and grows...until it just takes you over completely. Jung said it was like the Rising Sun... and as they grow dependent on you, they will be the ones to initiate a long term relationship. Focus on variety. They are looking for the one
because in the morning, as the Sun rises in the sky...... person – the parental figure, who can give them the spoiling that they crave.
it gets higher and higher... closer and closer to the highest point in its path (midlife) ...until at mid-day it changes polarity completely... and 4) The Conservative Girl
everything that was once About her: This type of girl is ultra concerned with appearances and what is “proper”. These are girls who have their “Rules” and they are
true has now changed...and now the opposite is true... and the sun goes down. This was the concept behind mid-life crisis. (I usually anchor afraid of looking like a slut. Since they are so concerned with what is “proper” the opposite is secretly true as well. They are fascinated by the
the path of the rising sun with my hand) improper, and deep down are intrigued by dark sinful passions. They sense this and run The other way. Remember the “Shadow” theory – that
It’s like the more you try to deny your shadow, the more intense your shadow becomes...and the more intense your shadow becomes the more we all have both a side we show the world and a shadow. The more extreme the character trait, the more extreme the shadow is. What she
you feel that underlying tension growing within you for it to just come out ...until one day it just takes over completely. needs: To be awakened to their shadow.
So balance then is a good thing. How to seduce her: Make her aware of her shadow. Draw her in to the “helping you reform” mode. Give them opportunities to let go of their
Now what if you were to step into your shadow right now, and see the world through the eyes of your shadow…. What would that say about the self control and to let their shadow out. Synesthesia demos work well with this type of girl, allowing her passion to come out in the form of a
person that you are symbol/color and then symbolically amplifying it and fractionating it… spreading it throughout her body.
now vs. who you were before. What is it… that this shadow most wants and desires right now? What do you deserve to enjoy now” What to remember: Don’t pay attention to what they say, pay attention to what they do. Get them to open up their shadow side by talking
about it and doing things that would get them to imagine it and then let it out.

How to TRIGGER the Vixen in the Virgin 5) The Innocent Virgin

About her: This type of girl is inexperienced. She is intensely curious about the ways of the world and about sex. She is still idealistic and
Have you ever experienced a situation where someone told you not to do something – and in fact they actually prevented you from doing it. And wants romance. Most of her ideas of what sex and romance is like come from the media and from movies and romance novels. She is secretly
the more tension that built up, and the more that you tried not to do it and the more that they prevented you from doing it – the more you wanted intrigued by the wild side of sex and wants to experience all the things she’s heard about.
to do it. What she needs: To be corrupted, romanced, swept away and shown the ways of the world by someone with experience
Until – suddenly you were let loose and then BOOM! you did it right then and there. How to seduce her: Talk about all the things that she is intrigued by, about sexuality and the kinds of things that people do sexually. Give her
Well you experienced “The pendulum effect”. the hint that you are very experienced sexually and take on the frame that you are opening up a new world to her… a touch of romance with a
This is similar to “The Shadow” concept. The more extreme you go to one side of behavior, the more extreme the opposite behavior will be touch of corruption.
when the “Pendulum swings”. What to remember: Don’t go overboard with the corruption, she may get scared away. Keep it romantic and idealistic. Get her to fantasize and
In fact, if you notice extremes of any kind of behavior in the people that you interact with, then realize that at some point or in some way, they lead her imagination down the path of fantasy. Then give her opportunities to open up slowly to this sexuality. Make it corrupt as well at times,
will be swinging back to the opposite side – and it will be just as extreme. talking dirty to her during sex, experimenting with every kind of sexual kink that you know of or have experience with.
6) The Drama Queen
About her: This type of woman always has some drama going on and without it gets bored very easily. Since the pain of drama is actually a
How to TAILOR your seduction specifically to the woman source of pleasure for her, she is attracted to the “jerk” type of guy and unconsciously craves to be mistreated. She may have grown up in a
Everyone needs something. This is the key to Victim Theory. Find what your WOMAN needs or wants more of and then appear to be able to family where dad was verbally or physically abusive and this has set up her patterns for what she is comfortable with and what she has known
give it to them. all her life. They despise “Nice guys” and see them as wussies. They confuse meanness with confidence and arrogance with assertiveness. They
love to complain to their girlfriends about how badly you mistreat her.
They will tell you too, either directly through words or actions - or indirectly through looking at their past relationships. It may be adventure, What she needs: Drama and someone to be a jerk to her
attention, romance, a naughty experience, mental or physical stimulation. Once you identify what it is that they lack, you can be the one to give How to seduce her: Give her what she wants. Draw her in first and then push her away. Go Hot and then Cold. Ignore her some days. Make
it to them. Learn to see the reality behind the appearance. Nobody in this world feels whole and complete. When you see the people around comments about how hot other chicks are and never compliment her. She needs to make the connection that her giving you pleasure equals you
you, also notice what’s MISSING in their lives. It’s been said that someone who doesn’t NEED anything CAN’T be seduced. So if they don’t being nice at first and then mean to her. They unconsciously love the drama and love to be treated like shit once in a while.
seem to have that NEED, CREATE one! What to remember: Only be nice after you’ve mistreated her, never before. If you are nice to her before you’ve been mean, then you run the
Victim type risk of her flipping the roles and creating an argument with you so that she can start the drama cycle which will lead to the nice make up
1) The Reformed “Party Girl” feelings afterwards. The only time you give her nice treatment is when you are making up for how mean you’ve been to her. “Make up”
About her: She is a “physical type. This type of woman is one who used to have nights when she would go out with the girls, flirt with the niceness is the only kind of niceness that is seen as real to them.
guys, maybe even had one night stands. She may be in a long term relationship now or may have settled down due to her age, responsibilities 7) The Codependent
and stage in life. Yet there is still a part of her that yearns for those “wild days” and remembers how good they were. Maybe she was quite the About her: This type of girl probably grew up in a dysfunctional family where the burden of “fixing” things fell on her. She is attracted to
seductress and could get any guy into her. people with problems because when they can “help” someone who has problems it secretly gives them a sense of superiority. These type of girls
What she needs: A taste of the wild side. are good listeners and will try to get you to spill your guts about any issues. They will be supportive and mothering.
How to seduce her: Cross her path and offer her the chance to experience even just one night of her “wild days”. Talk about her old party days, What she needs: To feel like she is “saving” you.
what she used to do, what she enjoyed about it. Then go DO it. Go out on the town, to her old spots, do some of the things she used to do, party How to seduce her: Let her get the sense that you have had to deal with a lot of issues and that you are troubled. That you’ve done bad things
it up and their old ways will come back. in the past and that you feel guilty as well as being sad about never finding someone to feel connection with. You have problems and you draw
What to remember: Make her think she is the one corrupting you, and seducing you and introducing you to the “wild side”. her in by talking about your feelings to her, talking to her about issues (whether real or made up). Be troubled, sad and vulnerable. You can also
2) The Hopeless Romantic be the sexually troubled man with uncontrollable addictions that she needs to help you with.
About her: This type of woman is one who has a rich inner world of fantasy and dreams. She imagines one day meeting the man of her dreams What to remember: Always be the under dog, the one who gets the short end of the stick, the raw deal. Let her share your loss and to give you
who will sweep her off her feet and take her away from life’s day to day concerns. She longs to live in the world of Love, Romance, and rich encouragement and feel like she’s supporting you.
emotions - and she does this through the Romance novels that she reads, the Soap operas, when she goes to that Romantic comedy at the 8) The Immature Mature Woman (MILF or Sugar Mama)
movies. They may have had to settle for an “ordinary guy” at some point but a part of them still yearns to be swept away. They may suppress About her: This type of woman wants to hold on to her youth. She is older and has a high sex drive. She may not have done all the things that
their passion in life and it may come out in their home furnishings, the pictures they put on their walls, and their love for art and music. she wanted to do when she was young so is now trying to recapture her desirability. She may have been attractive and had guys all over her
What she needs: Romance, the illusion of the ideal lover, scarcity and mystery. when she was younger but now that she has gotten older, she craves the attention that she once had.
How to seduce her: Give her just a part of what she wants, like a touch of Romance – and mystery. Let her imagine the rest. In this type of
What she needs: Attention from a young stud. 5)Good old Guilt Objection destroyer
How to seduce her: Give her the attention that she once had. Make her feel desirable and sexy. She wants to feel young again and she’s looking The Objection: She doesn’t want to do something.
for a boy toy. Let her feel like she is corrupting you as well and showing you new sexual pleasures and opening up new worlds of experience to The Response: »It’s ok then... you don’t have to do this... even though it would be really nice of you... even though it would totally make my
you. Be immature and crazy and act like teenagers together. She wants to do things like make out in a movie theatre and go have sex in the back day... even though it would be totally special for me... maybe you just aren’t that way... that’s fine...» Then do a take away.
of the car afterwards. She wants to go to a hill overlooking the city lights and make out like a teenager. 6) The »Trade» Objection destroyer
What to remember: Don’t forget that she wants to be both the sugar mama and the teenager at the same time. Act immature and bring out the The Objection: She doesn’t want to do something.
immature behavior in her. Do sexually adventurous things with her. Spontaneous sex and sex in public places apply. The Response: »OK, I’ll tell you what... let’s make a trade then... What would I need to do for you, for you to do this for me?» Then listen and
9) The “10” agree. Another variation is the »Take turns» approach where you say,»Ok, you do this this time and next time it will be my turn.»
About her: This type of woman has always been lusted after for her looks. Guys will either be intimidated by her or will flock around her to 7) The »What would need to happen» Objection Destroyer
feed their lust. She may have only have developed her appearance and may be lacking in depth of character or knowledge – but not always. She The Objection: She doesn’t want to do something
is most insecure about her looks because it is often the only thing that sets her apart and makes her special. Because she is always pursued by The Response: »So what would need to happen then for you to do this?»
men, she secretly wants a man that she will have to work hard to get. She longs to be valued for her personality, intelligence, and character. One method that will have her screaming for more
Thus she often feels alone – alienated by both women and men who never see past her appearance to who she is as a person. What she needs:
Someone to see her as a person, to stimulate her mind and value her for her personality, character and intelligence. Blake Richard’s Orgasm Technique
How to seduce her: Treat her like a normal person. She has to choose you. Don’t focus on her appearance yet don’t ignore it altogether because
of her insecurities. Draw her in and then play Hot and Cold with her so she can feel like she needs to work to get you. Demonstrate value.
What to remember: Steal her frame of being the object of desire. See past her appearance and make her earn your affection.
10) The »Novel» girl
About her: This type of girl goes for all things that are exotic and different. For example this is the white chick who loves ethnic guys. They
may also be intrigued by different world religions and into »New Age» and yoga or they may be a Rebel punk rocker, or a girl from a small
town who wants to see the big city. In any case their Identity is tied up in being different and unique. They really loathe their own culture and
themselves at a deep level and look to the exotic to give them temporary escape. What she needs: A touch of the exotic, escape from normality
How to seduce her: Play up what makes you different, Peacock - the more extreme the better, vary it up often because what is exotic and novel
now will soon become mundane and ordinary. Same with sex. These women LOVE doing kinky things and pushing the limits of sexuality.
These are the types that end up having group sex and doing kinky shit with animals. What to remember: Give them escape from the ordinary.
But as much as you can offer the exotic to them, nothing will really offer permanent escape from themselves.

How to completely DESTROY a woman’s resistance and amp up her Responsiveness

We’ve all been there. It’s late in the evening and the sexual tension is amped up. You’re sitting on the couch with a woman and just making out.
You know that you need to get her sexual arousal level amped up and then you go for the bold move. She resists...
It’s not that she’s not into it... she may just not be READY! This just means you haven’t gotten her buying temperature up high enough yet. You
need to continue to SOFTEN HER UP and focus on getting her FEELING and more RECEPTIVE.
First of all, a few words to the conservative ones out there. Sex is NATURAL. It’s how we GOT here and the »Energy» from sexual drives
Or here’s another situation. You want a woman to do something for you and she objects.
Well, here are a some objection destroyers that I’ve been using. Keep in mind that some of these use »Reward» and some use »Punishment» have been redirected and »sublimated» and have shaped our modern day society. Now of course I’m not openly advocating casual sex...
motivation. A good propulsion mechanism uses both together at the same time... So these can be used in combination with each other. Sex in a committed relationship can be a beautiful thing! And of course, be responsible and safe...
1) She asks »Why?» objection destroyer The Objection: I had an 18 year old amateur adult film actress (She was beautiful - long light brown Ok guys, now to the DIRT!
hair - killer body) - She was moving away so I told her, »We need to get together and have some fun before you go.» She said, “Why?”(as if Here it is... my own special technique that has been perfected through trial and error. This technique ROCKS and is the
saying what’s the point?) best thing I can assure you that most women will experience in their LIVES!
The Response: So I said to her, »Actually, the better question is... WHY NOT?» Here it is. Step by step.
2) The Crowbar Mentalism objection destroyer 1) Of course the mood has to be right. She has to be ready to go physically.
The Objection: I’ve had several women that have been firm about certain things like not coming over to my place on like the first or second 2) Once you are making out with her, go down, kiss her neck, then her breasts, then her stomach, then the insides of her thighs...
times that we’ve met. And so I’ll say, »Ok... that’s fine, but why don’t we do this... Guess a number between 1 and 10 and if I can tell you what 3) Then go back up to her mouth, then kiss her neck again, then her stomach, then the insides of her thighs again... and you may even
this number is, THEN you have to come over OK...» [Side comment:] Now what this does is take her from her »Solid» position and move her want to »bite» softly her ass cheek on either side... then start sucking on the insides of her thighs... closer and closer to her pussy...
to the more flexible position of possibility of »Well if he gets the number right - which I doubt he will, THEN I’ll go» - This is also known as take your sweet time...
the »Crowbar» method in sales and persuasion. 4) By this time she should literally be DRIPPING wet. You should be able to SEE the milky juices flowing down
The Response: - I have her guess the number, get out my Palm pilot and open the program where you can draw on the screen. - Then she thinks 5) Then go right in and lick right up the middle all the way to the top of her clit in one sweep. watch her reaction...
of a number and I act as if I am writing it with my palm stylus. you really don’t write anything at all. - Then I say, »Ok, tell me the number» - If 6) Then put you fingers inside her. (2 if possible) I will usually put the index and middle fingers of my right hand inside) and put
she objects just say, »It’s ok... just tell me the number and I’ll show what I wrote down.» - She tells me her number and I’m holding the stylus them ALL the way in to touch the spot deep in the upper vaginal wall right on the upper rim of her cervix.
with my other hand and my palm pilot in the other, with the screen facing down. - I have the NOTE program open on the Palm Pilot and with 7) Keep your fingers STRAIGHT as you reach back for that spot then pull your fingers toward the front in a gentle sweeping motion.
my THUMB I write the number that she tells me - as she tells it to me so that it takes only a split second... you have to practice this to get it Go DEEP, back and forth and do this slowly and rhythmically. Keep it steady and keep it slow at first.
smooth. - I then show her the number that I »Wrote down» and say, »Let’s go» - always works! Then bring you other hand to rest your palm on top of her pubic mound and press IN with your palm as if you were trying to gently touch your
3) The »WHAT IF» objection destroyer fingers inside her with the palm of your other hand from the outside.
The Objection: I’ve had some women hold back, resist, test me constantly, sometimes just being all around bitchy. In addition to calling them 9) Continue to do this rhythmically... slowly... deliberately and gently... letting her pleasure build.
on it after going through one test after another (And hot young women are especially good at giving “shit tests” - some are just one big constant 10) Add your tongue on her clit so that each time you massage »Up» on her mound with you palm hand you are lifting and exposing
shit test until they’re moaning in pleasure in your bed!) her clit to your tongue.
The Response: »You know, you’re kind of mean... are you like this to everyone? ... Just what if by some miracle you could look into the future 11) Do this all slowly and deliberately and as she gets more and more aroused and closer to orgasm, you go faster and faster...
and see that I was the perfect person for you where you’re totally happy... where you have everything that you’ve always wanted in some one... building your strokes until she has the most intense orgasm of her life!
the future of your dreams... just what if... and looking back to now - knowing this, How does this change the way that you’re acting toward me?» 12) If she is too aroused or has multiple orgasms, you can break it up by just going to straight oral with your tongue every now and then... in
4) The Polarity »Self Image» Objection Destroyer LONG strokes with your tongue right up her slit... over and over... alternating that with sucking and short tongue strokes on her clit... then go
The Objection: She doesn’t want to do something and she’s a »polarity responder/mis-matcher». (Her sorting strategy is that she has to make back into the orgasm technique... One more note on technique just to be clear... when you bring your fingers inside forward, you are keeping
up her OWN mind about things, if someone tells her something, she looks at all the reasons NOT to do it first, and what is NOT true about what upward pressure of your finger tips on the upper part of her vaginal wall. and then you go back to that spot, then bring your fingers forward
is said first.) keeping upward pressure on the top part of her vaginal wall...
The Response: »Yes... actually you seem too NORMAL to do that... and maybe too old fashioned. You don’t seem like the type of person who And to this you add the other hands palm on her mound from the outside massaging inward and add your tongue to her clit as well.
can just do this and have a great time... No, you SHOULDN’T do this, and you shouldn’t be enjoying this, and you definitely SHOULDN’T Now when you have sex with her after this, she will be so exquisitely sensitive, wet and aroused that it will also be the best SEX she
just let yourself go with it!» Then do a take away and ACT uninterested. has ever had!
How to CLOSE the deal
One thing does get you the girl in the End Game - The way she FEELS. There are many ways to get to this - from demonstrating higher value,
challenging her, fulfilling her needs, cocky and funny, social proof, eliciting states (my personal favorite) - yet all of these lead to just one
thing... The way she FEELS. A woman doesn’t fall in love with you, neither does she decide consciously to need you, and its not too often
that a woman will just »decide» on an intellectual level to have sex with you... She falls in love with the way you make her feel. She has sex
with a man based on the way he makes her feel and what she gets from the interaction - and even if she says she’d rather give than receive
pleasure, most of the time that’s just something that sounds nice because even if it were true, she’s usually getting something (like emotional
pleasure) out of giving physical pleasure as well. So you have to keep doing the things that amplify her feeling. So what are these things that
amplify feeling and how do you do them? - Here are some of my favorite ways to amplify a feeling in the End Game. I will do many things at
times, like:
1) FRACTIONATE Fractionation is actually a hypnotic deepening technique. In the book, “Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy”, Gerald F. Kein and
Calvin Banyan describe this technique where the subject is partially emerged from hypnosis and then guided back in to hypnosis. When the
subject re-enters hypnosis, there is a natural tendency to go even deeper. So you can imagine what this method does to a sexual state.
Now the way you use this is when you have elicited a sexual state, at just the moment where the tension builds, you suddenly change the topic
and talk about »The weather» or some other superficial topic. After awhile, you bring up the sexual topic again and start to build the state and
elicit it within them – and they go in even deeper this time - and at just the moment where the sexual tension feels so hot, you break the state and
talk about something superficial like what you did that day. And you repeat and repeat… You can also physically fractionate the seduction. This
is where you may touch her leg briefly or sit close to her or touch her in some way - then you just suddenly stop... and after awhile you touch her
again, this time on areas that are more sensitive like her neck/face/inner thigh/inner arm - then you just stop... and on and on. Fractionation
creates a vacuum for a woman to get sucked into. As the fractionation goes on it gets more and more intimate until she is the one that is initiating
the seduction and it is less about you seducing her and more about her seducing you. Imagine that with a powerful fractionation technique,
you’ve sucked her into a vacuum and the momentum of that “pull” makes her take action.
2) Using OPEN LOOPS There’s a lot to say about open loops. Part of this has to do with creating interest in what you’re saying because she
feels like she is always »Hanging» when you do things like tell her a story without telling the endings, or when you have multiple open loops
(threads) going at the same time, and have several unfinished stories it tends to have a hypnotic effect. But be careful not to over do it. You may
come off as having a slight case of Attention Deficit Disorder.
3) Using AMBIGUITY This is about talking in a way that lets their imagination fill in the blanks. For example, since women are always trying
to interpret things rather than just taking them at face value, why not use that to your advantage. For example when coming back from dinner
on a first meeting with a woman, I may say something like, »You know, I love talking with you - I can’t stay up late, but lets take this upstairs
for a little while and see what happens, of course we would just be talking! - (said with a mischievous grin) -Notice that I also put in a false time
constraint to build her comfort level. In general the approach that I use for ambiguity is that I will say things that on the surface seem innocent
(and if called on, that’s of course the way that I meant them! ) but that can be suggestive as well if seen from a sexual perspective.
4) Eliciting sexual states and Building sexual rapport See the section on Eliciting Sexual Values. This is one of the best ways to get a
woman in a sexual state. Also check out the section on Building Sexual Rapport. And check out the section on the »Pendulum affect» as well.
5) Using Contrast This consists of Physically »moving toward» while verbally »moving away from» and switching back and forth between
that and verbal »moving toward» with physical »moving away from» - For example I may say, »You know, I don’t know if it would ever work
out between us... we’re too different» while at the same time touching her or physically seducing her as if we were already sleeping together.
And continue doing the same thing for awhile. Then I would withdraw physically/stop touching her but say, »I love talking to you - you’re not
like any other woman that I’ve talked to.» And continue doing the same thing for awhile. This is more than just HOT/COLD and more than just
PUSH/PULL. It is both all at the same time. In other words I am purposefully incongruent with my words and my actions toward her. This not
only throws them for a loop, but offers a challenge and they not only find this interesting, but also builds the attraction and sexual TENSION.
6) PHYSICAL seduction: (Massage, Using body language, gestures, and actions that assume that we are already sleeping together - This
includes the way I look at them and eye contact, the way I touch them, and even doing little things that assume sexual rapport as I mentioned
before: like »Feeding them», sharing their drink glass at dinner, sharing dessert, touching their face/neck/lips -if even to »brush off some lint».
See the section on Sexual Rapport.
7) Give them a way to ACT around you Often I do this through »Cold reading them - and build up a self image for them as a »Physical Type»
of woman who is very much at home in her own body, who knows that she is cared for through touch and by expressing it through physical
affection, who is active, spontaneous, and would rather do it than just »think about doing it». See my section on Cold Reading. So again, these
are just some of my favorite ways to amplify a feeling in the End Game. And it’s also important to have »Solid Game», where you’ve built the
attraction, you’ve build the comfort level, to the degree to which a woman will seduce you as well in the end and be happy about it afterward.
The End Game is built on and gains it’s momentum from everything that comes before it.
Remember in your progress that the first stage of mastery is unconscious incompetence – this is where you don’t even know how you’re
screwing up. Many of us have been there and through trial and error we’ve overcome. But there’s a better way – model what works. All of this
material has been extensively field tested and in the right contexts, does work.
The next step of mastery is conscious incompetence. As you go out and try this material, start to become away of what works for you and what
you’re doing that needs more work. It’s all just feedback for success.
The next step is conscious competence. This is where you start to see what is working for you. You’re starting to incorporate techniques and
skillsets into your game and you inner game is coming together.
The final step is unconscious competence as you go with the flow. You’ve incorporated what works for you into your game and most of your
focus is on inner game. This is where your skillset and mindset become one and align with each other congruently. You can’t help but be
successful – And this is where you deserve to be!

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