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Problem 32-6.

The number oftrips produced in an attractod ,

are tabulated below
the three zones 1, 2, and 3

1 2 3 Total
Trips produced 14 33 28 75
Trips attracted 33 28 14 75
The order of closeness of the zones is including by the followin
1 2 3

1 1 2 3
1 3
3 2 3

The zonal L factors are given below:

Zone L Factors
1 0-04
2 0-02
3 0-04
Distribute the trips between the zones.
Solution. Using Eq. (32.10)
T-1= 14[e-004 x 0-e-0-04 x 33

10-26, say 10
T2 = 14[e-0-04 x 33e-0-04 x (33 +28)

2-52, say 3
Ts 14[e-004 (32 28)e-0-04
= x + x (33 + 28+ 14)1
0-52, say 1

T-1 33[e-0-02 x 28-e-0-04 x (28 +33)

9.11, say 9
T2-2= 33[e-0-02 x0e-0-02 x 281
14.15, say 14

T'2-3 33[e-0-02 x (33 + 28)e-0-02 x (33 28+ 14)1

T3-1 =
28[e-0-04 14-e-0-04 (14 33)
= 12
T3-2 28[e-0.04 x (14 33)e-0-04 (14
+ x 33+ 28)1
T3-3 28le-004 x0e-004 x14] = 12
The matrix can be constructed as below

1 2 3 Total

1 10 2 1 13
2 9 14 2 25
3 12 3 12 27
Destination 31 19 15 65

It is thus seen that only 65 out of 75 trips have been distributed

by this stage. Further iterations are needed. The destination total
can be adjusted by the formula

Dim) Dx xDm-1)
Djm) Adjusted destination

total for iteration m

D= Desired destination total

Dm-1) Adjusted destination total for preceding
iteration (m-1)
Cm-1) = Actual dest'nation totals, iteratiun (m-1).
The iteration is carried on till a reasonable closeness is ob-
tained between the total trips and .he calculated trips.

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