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Social Science Theories

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Disciplines and Ideas

in the Social Sciences
Application and Importance of
the Major Social Science

Quarter 1- Week 6
Module 6
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Apply the major Social Science theories and its
importance in examining socio-cultural, economic, and
political conditions.

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Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, which is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
 Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learning and
skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This aims
to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
 Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
 Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

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You will be able to apply the major Social Science theories and its
importance in examining socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
 explain how the major Social Science theories applied in the study of society;
 determine the importance of the major Social Science theories in examining
socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions; and
 examine how the major Social Science theories can be applied in the present
situations or problems existing in our society.
Let us start your journey in learning more on the application
of the major Social Science theories. I am sure you are ready
and excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Read each question/sentence carefully and choose the letter of the best
answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Emile Durkheim’s undertakings on sociology scholastic order focused on:
a. evolution of major social institutions
b. influence of social forces on people’s behavior
c. all-encompassing synthesis of the major sociological theories
d. understanding of sociological principles could be used to solve social
2. The sociological theory which focuses on the use of symbols and face-to-face
a. Feminism c. Structural-functionalism
b. Marxism d. Symbolic Interactionism
3. Which major Social Science theory focuses on the competition of scarce
resources and how the elite control the poor and weak?
a. Feminism c. Structural-functionalism
b. Marxism d. Symbolic Interactionism
4. The ______________ owns and controls the means of production, which leads
to exploitation due to the profit motive.

a. Bourgeoisie c. Noblemen
b. Government d. Proletariat
5. Social processes that have undesirable consequences for the operation of
society are called _____________.
a. dysfunctions c. malfunction
b. functional d. non-functional

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Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

Name that sociologist!

In the previous lesson, you studied the basic concepts and principles of the
three major Social Science theories namely: Structural-functionalism, Marxism, and
Symbolic Interactionism. To test the knowledge you gained from the lesson, I want
you to do the activity below.

Directions: Identify the sociologist shown in the picture and determine what
sociological theory they proposed. Write a short explanation about those theories.
You may do this activity on a separate sheet of paper.

Image courtesy of https://upload.wikimedia. Image courtesy of /

Image courtesy ofhttps://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/George_Herbe wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Karl_Marx_001.jpg
ncer.jpg rt_Mead.jpg

Sociologists study everything from a smaller level of investigation to a larger
level of examination of bigger social samples. They investigate social phenomena at
various levels and from different points of view in making assumptions about social
behavior and society.

This lesson will explain how the major Social Science theories applied in the
study of society. Also, you will determine the importance of the major Social Science
theories in examining socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions. Likewise,
you will examine how the major Social Science theories can be applied in the present
situations or problems existing in our society.

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Major Social Science Theories
1 Application and Importance
During this time of the COVID-19 crisis, people are facing different challenges
in their lives. The public was restricted to go outside and do the usual activities that
they are doing. Because they need to follow social distancing and home quarantine
protocols to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease. People are learning to live
into a new normal way of life to continue, despite the existing risk that people are
dealing with. People nowadays depend much on internet connectivity with the aid of
computers, cellphones, and other modern technology use for information
communication. With the new normal way of life, the values, and norms of the people
in the society also change. Technology creates changes, specifically in the values and
norms of the people in our society. People tend to spend much of their time online
using different social media platforms. Through this, they are doing the usual task
and transactions online, not only for communication and information purposes but
also for business, education, and work-related activities.

These are the present situations and problems existing in our society. Do you
know that with the application of the major Social Science theories, a person or a
sociologist, in particular, can explain the existing problems in our society? The
pioneers of sociology conceptualized the essentials of society and its functions. Their
perspectives form the reason for the present theoretical frameworks, or ideal models,
which furnish sociologists with a situating system or a philosophical situation for
posing specific sorts of inquiries about society and its people.



Sociologists utilize three major theoretical perspectives namely: (1) Structural-

functionalism; (2) Marxism, and (3) Symbolic Interactionism. These perspectives
offer sociologists theoretical models for clarifying how society impacts individuals or
vice versa. Every perspective remarkably conceptualizes society, social actors, and
human conduct.


The Structural-functionalism perspective of society is a structure with

interrelated parts intended to meet the gradual and social needs of the people in the
society. Hebert Spencer (1820–1903) claimed that various parts must work together
to keep society functioning. These are the institutions in our society namely: family,

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healthcare, religion, economy, and government. Émile Durkheim (1858-1917)

assumed that society was composed of interdependent and interconnected parts that
were put together to keep instability held collectively by shared social construct
which served to regulate social life such as laws, morals, values, religious beliefs,
customs, fashions, and rituals.

 Socio-Cultural - According to Émile Durkheim (1895) society is an intricate

arrangement of interrelated and related parts that cooperate to look after
steadiness and that society is held together by shared qualities, dialects, and
images. He stated that people may make up society, yet sociologists need to
look at earlier people’s social realities. Social realities are the laws, ethics,
values, strict convictions, customs, designs, ceremonies, and the entirety of
the social principles that oversee public activity. Every one of these social
realities serves at least one capacity inside the general public. For instance,
one capacity of general public laws might be to shield society from brutality,
while another is to rebuff criminal conduct or to safeguard open well-being.
On the other hand, Parsons believed that society is a universal social system
comprised of structured and organized subsystems that are categorized by
conforming to existing norms. However, these norms are hypothetical to be
compatible with society's assimilated value system. These define the
projections and instructions attached to definite positions and roles. A person
partakes in the social system by relating with others based on the numerous
roles he or she grasps in that system. For instance, Parsons assumed that
functions at all levels exist in society and each subsystem. These functions
can be recollected by the acronym AGIL which means Adaptation, Goal
Attainment, Integration, and Latency. In traditional societies, functions would
have been placed in a family, kinship structures, and in local communities.
In these societies, there may have been little difference in functions, though
culture and the assimilation frequently linked to religion. On the other hand,
in modern society, there are numerous roles, statuses, and prospects for a
person to prompt their diverse qualities.

An example of the socio-cultural aspect of examining society through

Structural-functionalism is the situation when the Philippine government
responded to COVID-19 Pandemic, by providing financial aid to poor families
through the Social Amelioration Program or SAP. The agency in charge of the
distribution is the DSWD with the help of the LGU’s. The implementation of
this program gained a lot of controversies because of some issues about the
proper distribution and corruption-related cases. The government program's
manifest function to help the poor is not fully realized, because of the
negligence and personal interest of some local government officials. The latent
functions arise upon the situations, the government investigated the cases
and call up the attention of barangay officials who committed unlawful
actions. All the issues related to SAP distributions resulted in societal

 Economic - The functionalist perspective of economics assumes that the

continued progress of the economy is important to the nation, as it guarantees

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the circulation of goods and services. However, a dysfunction might happen

when some institutions fail to adapt quickly enough to fluctuating social
conditions. Normally, the marketplace goes segments of a shortage of products
and services that will increase prices that may lead to inflation, wherein you
can buy less with your money.

An example of the economic aspect of examining society through

Structural-functionalism is during the outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic and
the panic buying of goods and healthcare products happened. The people were
overwhelmed and bought volumes of medical supplies, specifically facemask
and alcohol disinfectant. The spread of coronavirus determined a high demand
for these products. The panic buying may be driven by an extremely low
supply which can rise up the price and led to price inflation. This happened
because some institutions failed to adapt quickly enough to the changing
social conditions which can have economic implications.

 Political - According to functionalism, the government has four main

purposes: (1) planning and directing society; (2) meeting social needs; (3)
maintaining law and order; and (4) managing international relations.
Functionalism viewed the government as a system to impose norms and
control conflict. Functionalists understand active collective change and seek
consensus and order in society.

An example of the political aspect of examining society through

Structural functionalism is when President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed the
Philippine Anti-Terror Bill into law, despite many criticisms about its
implementing guidelines. The government assumed that they acted upon their
function and purpose such as planning and directing society for maintaining
law and order. The government stands for their beliefs that this law is created
to prevent terrorism as early as possible before the bombing or an incident
might happen. This shows the functionalism view of government and politics
to enforce laws for the safety of the people.


Marxism or conflict theory of Karl Marx (1818–1883), who considered society

consist of two classes: (1) the bourgeoisie or the capitalist who owns the production,
and (2) the proletariat or the working class. Max Weber (1864-1920) added that aside
from economic inequalities, there were also inequalities of social structure and
political power that caused struggle. The people’s state of inequality was influenced
by class stratification, social immobility, and representation of the powerful elite.
Karl Marx believed that conflict and struggle between groups happen to attain wealth
and power which was inevitable in a capitalist society. Also, conflict was the only way
for the underprivileged to eventually gain some measure of equality. Groups compete
for status control, money, territory, and other resources for economic, political, and
other social gains. Max Weber added that there were disparities of social structure
and political power that caused struggle. He noticed that various gatherings were

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influenced diversely dependent on training, race, and sex and that individuals'
responses to imbalance were directed by class disparity and social immobility.

 Socio-Cultural – For Griffiths (2015), inequalities happen in every cultural

classification. Therefore, cultural standards are an advantage to people with
status and power. For example, even though cultural diversity is valued in
most countries, some people and states prohibit interracial marriages, same-
sex marriages, and polygamy. For Marxism, education, gender, income, race,
sexuality, and other social factors culture reinforces issues of "privilege”
individuals and their position in society. Conflict Theory explores the struggle
between those in power and those who are not in power within society. Thus,
cultural wars are common in society, whether in a way or controversy over a
deity or ownership and rights over Holy Land.

An example of the socio-cultural aspect of examining society through

Marxism is when the Philippine government released to the public the
implementing guidelines of the SAP subsidy for the COVID-19 pandemic. The
issue of disparity between the middle class and the poor has elevated. Because
the government prioritizes the poorest of the poor which includes a member
of the 4P’s or Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program for financial aid. While the
families belong to the middle class were exempted, since they were still earning
even in the pandemic. With these, some members of the middle class aired
their grievances about the situation and claimed that they are the ones who
are taxpayers in the country. That’s why they are the ones who deserve help
from the government. This situation shows the social structure as inherently
unequal resulting from the differences in social class, education, income, and
other social factors.

 Economic - In the monetary circle, Karl Marx concentrated on the mode and
relations of production. The bourgeoisie possesses and controls the means of
production, which prompts misuse because of the benefit intention. In this
course of action, the proletariat has just their work to sell, and don't claim or
control capital. Marx argued that the narrowing down of the working class,
tied with an increasing number of people, low wages, and the price of goods
and services are not reasonable for the true cost of labor. Marx’s favored
government interference on economic decisions should not be made by
producers and consumers but should be carefully accomplished by the state
to ensure that it is beneficial to all. He also foresaw that capitalism would
sooner or later put to an end as many people get associated with the working
class, which will lead to a rebellion and production will be turned over to the

An example of the economic aspect of examining society through

Marxism is the Rice Tariffication Law which negatively affects Filipino farmers.
Since this allows cheaper foreign rice imports without restrictions and
competes with the production of local rice. The government should make a
necessary intervention on the economic decision that should be carefully
made and accomplish by the state to ensure that it is beneficial to all.

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 Political - Wright Mills (1956) expounded on some of Marx’s conceptions

about the power elite. He explained that the power elite makes use of the
government to create public policies that permit them to maintain their
wealth. In the present time, the power elite may see as some oligarchs who
hold on to big corporations and dynasties that handle an exclusive position in
the state and control the society.

An example of the political aspect of examining society through

Marxism is the two distinct political ideologies of Filipinos which is very
evident in social media posts and tweets. They are called “Yellowtards” or
dilawan and “Dutertads” known as DDS. Philippine politics is greatly affected
by these two opposing parties in our government and their supporters keep
on expressing their thoughts and contradictions with one another. Marx’s
concepts of politics coined as the power elite to describe his thoughts on what
he saw in the society wherein the small group of powerful people controls
much of society.

Symbolic Interactionism

Symbolic Interactionism is a smaller scale level theory that focuses on the

studied human interactions within a society or human communication through the
exchange of language, symbols, and meaning. Humans interact based on the
meanings attributed to those interactions. The recognized meaning comes from our
interactions with others and society. George Herbert Mead (1863–1931) was
considered as the founding father of symbolic interactionism. His commitment was
true to the advancement of the self, particularly in youth, which we'll examine in
more detail when we address speculations of socialization. The continue socialization
throughout a child’s life is how the norms and values of society are learned by
individuals. His student, Herbert Blumer (1900-1987), coined the term and
characterized it with basic premises: (1) human beings communicate based on the
meanings they attributed to things; (2) the attribute meanings are based on our
interactions with others and society; and (3) the meanings are interpreted through a
process used by a person based on his/her experiences.

 Socio-Cultural - Symbolic interactionism is a sociological theory that

examines communication patter, interpretation, and adjustment among
individuals relative to the meanings of symbols. This theory emphasizes an
individual’s verbal and nonverbal responses, symbols, negotiated meaning,
and its construct in society. Role-taking is an important mechanism
determined in which a person can appreciate other perspectives to understand
well the meaning of a certain action. In social contexts, the ambiguity of roles
dwells the difficulty of role-making on a person in a certain situation.
Ethnomethodology, a branch of symbolic interactionism, studies how human
interactions can make the impression of collective social order despite the
absence of common understanding and the existence of opposing
perspectives. Studies that utilize the symbolic interactionism perspective are
bound to utilize subjective examination techniques. Social scientists who
apply symbolic interactionism search for examples of communication between

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people. Their examinations regularly include the perception of one-on-one


An example of the socio-cultural aspect of examining society through

Symbolic Interactionism is in this time of pandemic crisis, some Filipinos are
using social media applications like TikTok as a platform to show their
gestures and symbols of love and support to frontliners. Just like the
Frontliners Dance Challenge, the dance moves have a specific message and
meaning which been a popular way of showing a message of love and care for
the frontliners.

 Economic - One of the significant symbolic interactionist ideas interrelated to

work and economy is called “career inheritance”. The meaning of this concept
is that a child me has the same job as their parents. They may have shown a
career path for his/her child to follow. They may find their parent’s career
interesting and suitable for them. Career exposure is learning the standards
and ideals of a specific career.

An example of the economic aspect of examining society through

Symbolic Interactionism is a situation when a child of the businessman/
businesswoman may learn the standards and ideals that will help him/her
succeed in business and since the parents’ model a career path to follow. The
child may find business interesting and a money-making opportunity for

 Political – Symbolic interactionism relates to government emphases on

images, symbols, or individuals that signify authority and power. The figures
that embody the power and authority.

An example of the political aspect of examining society through

Symbolic Interactionism is the Seal of the Philippine President, which a
symbol that signifies the history and dignity of the president.

Activity 1.1. Picture Analysis
Objective: Explain how the major Social Science theories applied in the study of


1. Analyze the picture collage below and explain how the three major Social
Science theories can be applied in each situation.
2. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.

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Image courtesy of Image courtesy of

fury-philippines-reports-coronavirus-death-200203014025908.html sense/how-novel-coronavirus-could-affect-the-global-economy

Image courtesy of Image courtesy of

lockdown-philippines punished-philippines-tough-virus-pandemic-200413063921536.html

Activity 1.2. Concept table

Objective: Determine the importance of the major Social Science theories in
examining socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions of the society.
1. Determine the conditions in society by examining its socio-cultural,
economic, and political aspects.
2. Use a separate sheet of paper for this activity.

Conditions in Society Socio Cultural Economic Politics

Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte
signed the Philippine Anti-
Terror Bill into a Law
The Imposition of a Modified
Enhanced Community
Quarantine (MECQ) in high-
risk area
The non-renewal of the ABS-
CBN network franchise
The rise of COVID-19 Cases
in the Philippines
Filipinos showed their
gestures and symbols of love
and support to the frontliners
using social media
applications like Facebook,
Tweeter, Instagram, and

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Your written output will be graded based on the following rubrics:

Criteria Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceed Expectations
Score 10 15 20
Depth of Analysis Demonstrate minimal Demonstrate a sufficient Demonstrate deep level
level of reflection and level of reflection and of reflection and
internalization of the internalization of the internalization of the
issue. issue. issue.
Organization of The thoughts were The thoughts were The thoughts were
Thought expressed expressed coherently. expressed coherently,
incoherently very clear, and
Grammar and No more than ten No more than five No spelling and
Spelling spelling and grammar spelling and grammar grammar errors.
errors. errors.

Activity 1.3. Make A Research

Objective: Examine how the major Social Science theories can be applied in the
present situations or problems existing in our society.


1. Research on any of the issues or problems existing in our society.

2. Apply any of the three major social science theories in your theoretical
3. You are given one week to finish your research.
4. Write your research paper on a short bond paper (handwritten or encoded).
5. Follow the suggested research outline below.
Research Outline

I. Research Title - choose one issue or problem existing in our society

and make a research title to study.
II. Introduction - present the research issue or problem existing in our
society and explain the relevance of the study.
III. Statement of the Problem (SOP) - Provide at least 3 questions
related to the topic.
IV. Theoretical Framework – Write an explanation about the theory you
used in the study.
V. Data Presentation – Support the presentation of data by using
reliable and credible online sources.
VI. Conclusion – Write the results of findings based on your SOP
VII. References – use credible online sources. Follow the APA format

Your research will be graded based on the following rubrics:

Criteria Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceed Expectations

Score 10 15 20
Research Content Present insufficient Present sufficient Present highly
research content and research content and sufficient research
facts were expressed facts were expressed content. Facts were
incoherently. coherently. expressed in a highly
coherent manner, very
clear, and organized.


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Completeness and Follow the research Follow the research Follow the research
Structure outline with more outline with no more outline with complete
than three incomplete than two incomplete research parts.
research parts. research parts.
Originality Some ideas were Few ideas were copied Present original ideas
copied and not but properly cited and all sources were
properly cited properly cited
Conventions With more than five No more than five No spelling and
spelling and grammar spelling and grammar grammar errors.
errors. errors.
Timeliness Submitted the Submitted the research Submitted the
research two to three one day late. research on or before
days late. the due the date.


Conceptual Framework
Based from what you have learned from the lesson, complete the conceptual
framework below about the application and importance of the major Social Science
theories namely: Structural-functionalism, Marxism, and Symbolic Interactionism
in examining socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions in the society.

1. Complete the conceptual framework about the application and importance of
the major Social Science theories.
2. Write a short explanation about the conceptual framework.
3. Use a short bond paper for this activity.







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 Sociologies look at the earlier people “social realities” these are the laws,
ethics, values, strict convictions, customs, designs, ceremonies, and the
entirety of the social principles that oversee public activity.
 Society is a universal social system comprises of structured and
organized subsystems that are categorized by conforming existing norms.
 Functionalists seek consensus and order in society while dysfunction
creates social problems that lead to social change.
 Functionalist perspective of economics assumes that the continued
progress of the economy is important to the nation, as it guarantees the
circulation of goods and services.
 According to functionalism, the government has four main purposes: (1)
planning and directing society; (2) meeting social needs; (3) maintaining
law and order; and (4) managing international relations.
 Functionalists would see regulations and political contributions as a way
of keeping people connected to the democratic process.
 Conflict theory focuses on the social inequalities and power difference
within a group, analyzing society through this lens viewed social structure,
rather than individual personality characteristics, as the cause of
problems in the society.
 Marxism concentrated on the mode of production and relations of
production. The bourgeoisie possesses and controls the means for
production, which prompts misuse because of the benefit intention. In this
course of action, proletarians have just their work to sell and don't claim
or control capital.
 Marx’s concepts, coining the phrase power elite to describe what he saw
as the small group of powerful people who control much of society.
 Social scientists apply symbolic interactionism thinking search for
examples of communication between people and examine the perception
of one-on-one connections.
 Symbolic interactions would be increasingly intrigued by how people in the
fighting gathering connect, just as the signs and images nonconformists
use to convey their message and to arrange and, in this way, create shared
 Role-taking is an important mechanism determined in which a person
can appreciate other perspectives to understand well the meaning of a


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certain action. In social contexts, the ambiguity of roles dwells the

difficulty of role-making on a person in a certain situation.
 Symbolic interactionism is interrelated to work, and economy called as
career inheritance. The meaning of this concept is that a child me has
the same job as their parents.
 Symbolic interactionism relates to government emphases on images,
symbols, or individuals that signify authority and power.

Directions: Read each question/sentence carefully and choose the letter of the best
answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The following tells about the application of Structural-functionalism and its

importance in examining the socio-cultural condition of a society EXCEPT
a. Government and politics is a way to enforce norms and regulate
b. In traditional societies, functions would have been placed in a family
kinship structures, and in local communities.
c. Society is a universal social system comprises of structured and
organized subsystems that are categorized by conforming existing
d. Sociologies look at the past people to “social realities” these are the
laws, ethics, values, strict convictions, customs, designs, ceremonies,
and the entirety of the social principles that oversee public activity
2. Which of the following is a Marxist view of political condition in the society?
a. Culture reinforces issues of "privilege” groups and their status in social
b. The power elites use the government to develop social policies that
allow them to keep their wealth.
c. The bourgeoisie possesses and controls the means for production,
which prompts misuse because of the benefit intention.
d. Social structure as inherently unequal resulting from the differences in
power based on age, class, education, gender, income, race, sexuality,
and other social factors.

3. Which of the following is NOT part of Symbolic Interactionism application on

the socio-cultural conditions of the society?
a. Applies AGIL which means Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration,
and Latency.
b. Social scientists search for examples of communication between
people and examine the perception of one-on-one connections.


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c. Look how people connect, the signs and images nonconformists use to
convey their message, and to arrange and in this way create shared
d. Examines communication patter, interpretation, and adjustment
among an individual’s relative to the meanings of symbols emphasizes
individual’s verbal and nonverbal responses.
4. Which of the following tells about the application of Marxism on the economic
condition of the society?
a. See regulations and political contributions as a way of keeping people
connected to the democratic process.
b. Search for examples of communication between people and examine
the perception of one-on-one connections.
c. Examines communication patter, interpretation, and adjustment
among individuals relative to the meanings of symbols.
d. Concentrated on the mode of production in relation to the bourgeoisie
who controls the means of production and proletarians who only work
and don't claim control over the capital.
5. Which among the major Social Science theories is applied across the socio-
cultural, economic, and political conditions?
a. Feminism c. Structural Functionalism
b. Marxism d. Symbolic Interactionism


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Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross et. al. (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Quezon, City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Tatel Jr., Carlos Peña (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

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International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2001). Socialization
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Liberto, Daniel (2020). Marxian Economics. Retrieved from https://www.
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Malinowski, B. 1962. Anthropology. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. New York: York
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Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V
Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Amalia C. Solis
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID-LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C Gillo
CID-LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg

Editors: Ma. Teresa B. Berondo, Master Teacher II (Content)

Irish Mellie U. Nomorosa, Teacher III (Language)
Writer: Renee G. Yap, Teacher III
Ma. Teresa B. Berondo, Master Teacher II


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Name __________________________________________ Grade and Section ______________

School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subject Teacher: _______________

Quarter: 1st Module No.: 6 Week No.: 6

MELC: Apply the major Social Science theories and its importance in examining
socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions.
1. Explain the importance of applying the three major Social Science
theories in examining socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions.
2. Create a journal entry applying the significance of the three major Social
Science theories in examining the socio-cultural, economic, and political
conditions of our society about distance learning education.
Topic: The Major Social Science Theories

Journal Entry

Directions: Create a journal entry applying the significance of the three major Social
Science theories in examining the socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions
of our society about distance learning education. Write your journal entry on a
separate sheet of paper. You may read articles or surf the internet about the distance
learning education using alternative delivery mode such as Online Education, Modular,
Television, Radio, and Blended Learning.

Criteria for the written activity:

Content (in-depth and comprehensive) - 15 points
Organization (Presentation of thought) - 10 points
Conventions (grammar, spelling) - 5 points
Total: 30 points


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5. b 5. a
4. d 4. a
3. a 3. b
2. b 2. c
1. a 1. b

Posttest Pretest


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