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From: Human Resource Manager, K. Padayachee

To: All staff

Date: 20 October 2021

Notice for the Year-end Function

A glamorous year-end function will be scheduled for the 20 November 2021 and as
such all employees are welcome and should “save the date”. The Parys Country
Club has been reserved solely for the staff event which is an amazing venue. Please
bring your phones and cameras as this venue has the most breath-taking
landscapes. There is ample parking and the venue is monitored by security guards
so employees can be assured of their safety. A special UBER facility will be provided
for employees to ensure that no employees will be driving under the influence of
alcohol. Should any employee wish to use this service, kindly contact K.Padayachee
via the company intranet so that the necessary arrangements can be made.

The year-end function promises to be an evening of absolute pleasure so employees

are encouraged to bring a “plus-one”. The CEO would like to take this opportunity to
socialise with friends/family members of the employees at Umfolozi Accountants.
Prepare yourself for exceptional dining as a three course meal will be served. It will
definitely be a gastronomical experience that is sure to delight our taste-buds. In
addition, to the fine dining, staff will be entertained with good music and side-
splitting comedy.

A special award ceremony will also be held to recognise the employees who have
surpassed their job expectations in the form of a cash prize. The year-end function
will definitely have something for everyone and it is imperative that all employees
attend. In order to make this experience more meaningful for all employees it is
humbly requested that staff provide input as to how the evening may be improved.
Remember that 2021, has been a tough year as a result of COVID 19 and this year
end function serves as a reminder that together we can get through anything. The
event serves to acknowledge the dedication and commitment from every employee
in making Umfolozi Accountants the company of choice.

How to avoid security threats and maintain safety in the office building


The purpose of this SOP is to provide instructions on the procedures to follow in an

emergency and how to avoid security threats and maintain safety in the office
building of Abigal Ferreira and Partners


This SOP applies to all members of staff in the accounting department


Evacuation – immediate exit of people who face a potential threat such as a fire,
bomb, terrorist act or acts of nature

Affected Department

Accounting Department

1. In the event of any emergency in the building, please pull the emergency alarm
which is located in the passage of the office. Please notify the health and safety
representative in your department who must then inform other personnel in the
building. There is an emergency kit that is placed in the passage for your use.

2. In the event of an emergency kindly evacuate the building in a calm and orderly
manner, but do not use the elevator. If you are unable to evacuate the building, then
dial 10111 and communicate the details of the emergency and the current situation
to the emergency dispatcher. Please ensure that you wait in a stable and safe space
until first responders are able to assist you with evacuation.

3. In the event of a medical emergency, the health and safety representative will
provide first aid, however, if they are unable to do so, then you will need to assist to
the extent to which you have been trained.

4. It is necessary for every department to have a fire drill and to practise this drill at
least one in two months. It is important that employees are aware of where the fire
alarms and fire extinguishers are kept so they know what procedure to follow when a
fire breaks out. Emergency points and evacuation routes must be clearly outlined so
employees know where to go when the fire is beyond their control.

5.When evacuating the building during a fire, employees must check if doors are hot
which could indicate that the fire has spread before entering into a new space. Keep
low to the ground to avoid possible smoke inhalation and use a damp cloth over your
mouth and nose to help with your breathing.

6. All bomb threats should be taken seriously. Notify the health and safety
representative for the accounts department and try to obtain as much information as
you can from the caller regarding where and when the bomb may detonate. Refer
the matter to the local authorities using 10111. Never try to locate or disarm the

7. If you are involved in a potential robbery in the accounts department, always do

what the perpetrator is asking you to do. Make notes of distinguishing facial or
physical characteristics that can be used to identify the assailant. When they leave
take note of which direction and any information they may have communicated in
your presence. These facts can be useful to the police in apprehending the suspect.

8.In the event of flooding or earthquakes, it is important that you try to evacuate the
building as soon as possible. These acts of nature can be unpredictable and every
effort must be made to get as far away from the building as possible.

9. In the event of a terrorist attack, co-operate and try to escape when the
opportunity arises. Take note of how many people are in the terrorist group and what
type of weapons they have. Communicate these findings to the emergency
personnel when you are safe.

10. It is important that every employee familiarise themselves with the emergency
plan that has been provided for every department .



How you understand the topic - background

This essay will argue that

This essay will advance the idea that

In order to explore these issues, this paper will first... This will be followed by... The
paper will conclude with...

What is this essay focussing on, what are the main ideas.

What conclusion will you reach


Statement for concluding the position of the essay

Whether there are other factors that need to be looked at, but were outside the
scope of the essay

How your topic links to the wider context in your discipline




An event at New York was arranged for Sasha Lee to discuss her travel experiences
with the elderly and to present a radio diary. An event organiser was specifically
tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the venue and all necessary arrangements
had been completed for the event in order to ensure that all relevant stakeholders
were catered to. Whilst there were serious challenges that were noted at the event,
there were also some successes that need to be reported. The following report
outlines the challenges and successes of the event.


1. The arranged venue was unable to receive the guests at the allotted time due to
the fact that the hall was locked. Angry guests were forced to wait in a poorly lit
passage way and eventually left the venue. The event organiser was late, however,
he did apologise to the guests and politely welcome them into the venue.

2. The venue was well prepared in terms of the lighting, space and decor. Further,
guests received refreshments and finger snacks which was well executed.

3. A third of the guests were not present and this had implications for Sasha Lee who
was unable to complete her mandate.


1. Based on the findings it is clear that the event organiser did not manage his/her
time properly to plan for the opening of the hall prior to the guests arrival.

2. The event organiser had followed through with the necessary requirements for the
event in terms of the physical and audiovisual requirements.
3. Due to the delay in the opening of the hall, one third of the guests left before the
event could take place.


1. It is recommended that event organisers open the hall 15 minutes prior to the
stipulated date on the invitation.

2. The event organiser should be commended for effort in preparing the venue as
required and in the provision of refreshments for the guests.

3. To prevent the unfortunate occurrence of guest leaving before the event, the event
organiser should ensure that the waiting area is comfortable and allows for pleasant
socialising whilst waiting to enter the hall.


As an individual, I understand that no one is perfect and that we all have the
potential to learn something from someone. That being said, I have certain strengths
but I also have certain weaknesses. Whilst some candidates may be averse to
disclosing their weaknesses, I embrace the challenge to be honest about my

In my application for the post for the public relations officer at Precious Pearls, I have
conducted an introspection with regard to how my personality and skills are suitable
for this post. With respect to my interpersonal skill, I can assure you that I am a team
player. I am an advocate for building interpersonal relationships and I am committed
to engaging in such activities in the workplace as a means to add value to the post of
PRO. Self disclosure can be defined as the willingness to share ideas, opinions,
feelings and beliefs with others. I have a positive self image and I am comfortable
disclosing information about myself. However, I am careful to not reveal unnecessary
information that is irrelevant to the task at hand. I believe that this will enable to me
to build healthy relationships in the workplace with both internal and external

I would consider myself to be an open communicator because I am typically trusting

and friendly. I am also not afraid to discuss the different stages of a project and ask
for assistance when required. I value the opinion of project managers and other staff
who can add value to a project even if the feedback may contain negative criticism I
am of the opinion that conflict can be good when properly managed in a team as it
can lead to positive solutions. I would consider myself to be assertive because I am
able to express myself. In fact I would venture to say that I possess an assertive
style in my behaviour and communication style.
I am cognisant of both verbal and non-verbal communication skills and I have made
an effort to improve both communication avenues in an effort to present as a useful
and relevant communicator. However, I am not perfect and I am working on ways
that I can improve my work wardrobe so that my non verbal cues can be
appropriately received. I understand that this position is a high status post and as
such I will need to deliver in terms of my key competencies and skills. In light of the
above, I have enlisted the services of a personal communication coach and style
assistance to help fill in any gaps that I currently present with. I look forward to a
future with Precious Pearls.

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