Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

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Chapter 7: Mindfulness of the Present Moment

Building Blocks of a Good Experience

© Sensorimotor Psychotherapy® Institute 2013

Purpose: To recall a “good moment” and identify the five-sense perceptions, thoughts, emotions,
movements, muscular changes, and inner body sensations that make up that moment.

Directions: Think of a good moment, or, if that feels too difficult, think of a neutral experience. The
moment can be as simple as eating dinner with a loved one, reading a good book, petting your dog
or cat, or taking a walk. Take your time to reexperience that moment. As you focus on the moment,
complete the three prompts below.

1. Describe your good moment here.

2. Take your time to immerse

yourself in remembering that
good moment, then describe
what you notice in each of your
five building blocks as you
remember it. Be as detailed as

3. Notice which building

blocks best helped you
reexperience the positive
feelings of this good
moment. Which one could you
focus on to help you return to
this moment to reevoke the
good feelings?

(e.g., the sensation of warmth in my belly, the movement of a deep

breath, the image of my father smiling, the smell of cookies baking, the
emotion of compassion or calm, the thought ‘I am loved’ or, ‘I’m OK the
way I am’.)

Ogden & Fisher (2015). Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment. NY: W.W. Norton

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