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Please check that this question paper contains 33 questions.
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Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks :70
General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(iü) The question paper has five sections and 33
questions. All questions
are compulsory.
(iüi) Section-A has 16 questions of 1 mark each; Section-B has 5
of 2 marks each; Section-Chas 7 questions of 3 marks each;
has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each; and Section-E has 3
questions of 5 marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided
in some questions. A student has toattempt only one of the alternatives
in such questions.
(0) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be

RSPL/EAD/Mock Paper 3 P.T.0.


1. In angiosperms, after double fertilisation

(a) the zygote and the primary endosperm nucleus/cell start dividing
undergo a
(b) both the zygote and the primary endosperm nucleus/cell
period of rest before they start dividing simultaneously
endosperm before
(c) the primary endosperm cell starts dividing to form the
the zygote starts dividing
endosperm cell and forms
(d) the zygote starts dividing before the primary
the embryo.

2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

micropylar end of
(a) The egg cell and synergids are always located at the
the embryo sac.
(b) The nucleus of the functional megaspore undergoes two successive
mitosesto form the fully-developed female gametophyte, also called the
(c) In about 60% of the angiosperms, the pollen grains are released at the
two-celled stage.
(d) A single megaspore mother cell is differentiated in the nucellus of an
ovule of angiosperms.
3. Which of the following amino acid residues will constitute the histone core?
(a) Lysine and Arginine (b) Asparagine and Arginine
(c) Glutamine and Lysine (d) Asparagine and Glutamine

4. Identify the incorrect statement from the following:

(a) In domesticated fowls,the sex of the offspring is dependent on the type
of sperm fertilising the ovum.
(b) 50% of the sperms produced by a male grasshopper, have no sex
(c) Female Drosophila is homogametic
(d) Female birds produce two types of
gametes with reference to SeX
5. Human population grows geometrically, but factors of sustenance gro
arithmatically, is the statement given by
(a) Darwin (b) Wallace
(c) Malthus (d) Bateson

6. The theory of evolution supported by the experiment conducted by Louis

Pasteur, is
(a) Spontaneous generation theory
(b) Life comes only from pre-existing life
(c) Abiogenesis of life
(d) Big bang theory
7. The satellite DNA is classified on the basis of
(a) length of the segment
(b) number of repetitive units
(c) base composition (A-T rich or G- C rich)
(d) All of these
8. Study the pedigree chart given

Select the correct option about the conclusion.

(a) It is a sex-linked recessive trait.
(b) It is an autosomal recessive trait.
(c) It is an autosomal dominant trait.
(d) It is a sex-linked dominant trait.

9. Antibiotics are used in the treatment of diseases

1. Diphtheria 2. Whooping cough
3. Polio 4. Common cold
5. Plague
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 5 (d) 2, 3 and 5
10. The figure below shows the structure of a plasmid.

ampR tetR


Aforeign DNA was ligated at BamHI. The transformants were then grown
in a medium containing antibiotics tetracycline and ampicillin. Choose the
correct observation for the growth of bacterial colonies fromthe given table.
Mediumn with Medium with
Tetracycline Ampicillin
(a) Growth Nogrowth
(b) No growth Growth
(c) No growth No Growth
(d) Growth Growth

11. Cry protein coded by the gene crylAb controls

(a) cotton bollworm (b) corn borer
(c) tobacco budworm (d) mosquito
12. Which of the following is nottrue about humus?
(a) It is an amorphous, dark-coloured substance.
(b) It is highly resistant to microbial action.
(c) It is degraded by the process called humification.
(d) It is colloidal in nature.
Question No. 13to 16 consist of twostatements-Assertion (A) and Reason
(R).Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
13. Assertion (A): Self-pollen cannot effect fertilisation in self-incompatible
Reason (R): Self-incompatibility prevents the germination of pollen grains
or retard the growth of pollen tube.
14. Assertion (A): In prokaryotic/bacterial cells, transcription and
can be coupled. translation
Reason (R): In eukaryotic cells, transcription occurs in the nucleus or
translation occurs in the cytoplasm.
15, Assertion (A): After undertaking any graft or transplant, the patient has
totake immunosuppressants all his/her life.
Reason (R): Our immune system has the ability to distinguish between
'self and non-self cells/tissues.
16. Assertion (A): Crystal protein, Bt toxin does not kill the Bacillus, but kills
the insects.
Reason (R): Bt toxin exists in an inactive form in the Bacillus. but when
ingested by the insect, the acidic pH of its gut changes it into an active

17. What name is given to the regions outside the seminiferous tubules in a
human testis? What do they contain?
18. (a) Write the genotypes of
(i) an individual who is a carrier of sickle-cell anaemnia gene, but
apparently unaffected, and
(ii) an individual affected with the disease.
(b) Why do normal red blood cells become elongatedsickle-shaped structures
in a person suffering from sickle-cell anaemia?
19. (a) Name the group of vìruses responsible for causing AIDS in humans.
Why are these viruses so named?
(b) List any two ways of transmission of HIV infection in humans, other
than sexual contact.

20. Bxplain the role of enzymes in the extraction of DNAfrom Rhizopus in its
purest form.

21. (a) List any two ways of measuring the standing crop of a trophic level.
(b) Why is measurement of biomass in terms of dry weight more accurate
than fresh weight?

State the 'two' observations made by the German naturalist Alexander Von
Humboldt during his extensive explorations in the South American Jungles.

State the agent(s) which helps in pollinating the following plants. Explain
the adaptations in these plants to ensure pollination:
(a) Corn (b) Water hyacinth
(c) Vallisneria

23. The initial phase of development of the female gametophyte in angiosperms

is free-nuclear. Justify
24. Mendel published his work on inheritance of characters in 1865, but it
remained unrecognised till 1900. Give three reasons for the delay in accepting
his work.

25. Mention and explain the type of evolution, the thorns of Bougainvillea and
tendrils of Cucurbita are a result of. Write a similar example from animal
26. (a) A patient had suffered myocardial infarction and clots were found in
his blood vessels. Name a clot buster that can be used to dissolve the
clots and the microorganism from which it is obtained.
(b) A woman had just undergone a kidney transplant. A bioactive molecular
drug is administered to oppose kidney rejection by the body. What is
the bioactive molecule? Name the microbe from which this is extracted
(c) What dodoctors prescribe to lower the blood cholesterol level in patients
with high blood chlolesterol? Name the source organism from which this
drug can be obtained.
27. B-galactosidase enzymes site is a preferred selectable marker in comparison
to antibiotic-resistant selectable marker in biotechnology experiments. Justify.

Explain the three different approaches used in the treatment of a person

suffering from Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) deficiency.
Ferns and
28. (a) Mosses allies


Algae Lichens


() Name the group of plants that is not shown in this pie diagram.
(ii) What per cent of this group of plants face the threat of extinction?
(b) Write the scientific name of the plant that produces the chemical.
(c) How does this plant exhibit genetic diversity?


Question No. 29 and 30 are case based questions. Each question has
subparts with internal choice in one subpart.
29. Genetic engineering has played a very important role in the field of agriculture,
perhaps the most significant being the development of transgenic crops,
resistant to herbicides, insect pests, pathogens and environmental stresses.
The attacks of insects, pestsand many other pathogens have greatly reduced
the yield and quality of our crops. To overcome these losses, transgenic
technology has provided an alternate method to improve pest-control
management and increase the yield and quality of crops.
Answer the following questions based on transgenic technology:
(a) List (i) two important benefits of using transgenic technology over the
use of chemical pesticides and (ii)use of conventional breeding methods.
(b) Write the scientific name of the organism from where Bt genes are
isolated. Name two Bt genes and their target pests.

(b) Explain how the specific Bt gene gets isolated and incorporated into
the cotton plant and provides resistance against bollworm.
30. Given below is a pictureof a natural large habitat that is
being continuously
broken into smaller patches. This process is continuing,
expanding over time due to human activities, thereby posing increasing and
a great risk
to the existence of species in the habitat.

Original Gaps Gaps created

Habitat over time due to
human activities

Habitat loss due to creation of patches in ahabitat

(a) Name the type of ecosystem that shows dramatic habitat loss. What
per cent of earth's surface was covered by them at the beginning of
twentieth century and now?
(b) Write the technical term used for the formation of such patches in a
original habitat. Name the kind of animals badly affected by this leading
to the decline of their populations.
(b) Mention two activities that are responsible for the loss of huge areas
in the Amazonian rain forests.


31. Study the graphs given belowfor two women, I and IIthat show the different
levels of certain hormones and answer the questions that follow:
|Subject -1 Peak Subject -2 Peak B

Ovulation Ovulation


Folicular phase Luteal phase. Follicular phase Lutealphase

Cycle star Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Cycle end Cyce sart Day 7 Day 141 Day 21 Cvee endl

(a) What is meant by ovulation?

(6) Name the hormone A that has reached its peak level in both woman I
and II and mention its source.

(c) Name the hormone B and mention its source. Give reason, why its curve
in woman Idiffers from that in woman II.
(d) Write the full form of hCG shown in graph 2and write the name of
source tissue/organ.
for the male
Surgical methods, also called sterilization are generally advised
or female partner as a terminal method to prevent any more pregnancies.
The surgical intervention blocks the transport of gametes and thereby
prevents conception/pregnancy.
Refer tothe following diagrams 'A' and B' showing sterilization in humans
and answer the questions.

(a) Identify the labellings in the diagrams A and B where the procedure
is carried out.
(6) Write the technical terms, and the procedures followed in the above
mentioned techniques.
(c) Write one advantage and one drawback of this mnethod.

32. (a) Name the scientists, who combined the

knowledge of segregation of
chromosomes with Mendelian principles of inheritance.
(b) How did they explain the behaviour of
factors of Mendel?
chromosomnes and genes, i.e., the
(c) Who conducted experiments to verify the ideas of the above scientists?
Write the scientific name of the organism he chose for his
Study the schematic representation of the genes involved in the lac
given below and answer the questions that follow: operon

(a) The active site of enzyme permease present in the cell
membrane of a
bacterium has been blocked by an inhibitor, how will it affect the lac

D) The protein produced by the igene has become abnormal due to unknown
reasons. Bxplain its impact on lactose metabolism stating the reason.
(c) If the nutrient medium for the bacteria contains only galactose, wll
operon be expressed? Justify your answer.
33. Apart from viruses, bacteria and protozoans, certain helminths (worms)
and certain fungi cause diseases in humans. One such fungal disease is
ringwormn, a most common infectious disease in humans.
(a) Write the names of any two fungi that cause ringworm.
(b) Write two diagnostic symptoms of the disease.
(c) Name the specific parts of the human body, where these organisms
thrive and explain why?
(d) Name two helminthic diseases in humans.
When our body encounters a pathogen, the immune system of our body
produces antibodies in response to the pathogen.
Study the cartoon of an antibody molecule given below and answer the
questions that follow.

(a) Write (i) the chemical nature of the antibody and (ii) the cells of our
immune system, which produce them.
(b) Why are antibodies said toprovide humoral immune response? Identify
'A' in the diagram and mention its significance.
(c) Name the four types of antibodies produced in our body.

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