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NUMBER 46/Permentan/PK.210/8/2015





Weigh : a. that with Agriculture Number Decision Minister

419/Kpts/OT.210/7/2001 as amended by Decree
of the Minister of Agriculture Number 05/Kpts/OT.210/1/2002, Guidelines
for the Cultivation of Good Beef Cattle have been established;

b. that with the development of science and technology, as well as to implement

the provisions of Article 29 paragraph (4) of Law Number 18 of 2009
concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health as amended by Law
Number 41 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 18 In 2009
concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, it is necessary to re-
establish the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture concerning
Guidelines for Good Beef Cattle Cultivation;

Remember : 1. Law Number 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health
(State Gazette of 2009 Number 84, Supplement to State Gazette Number
5015) as amended by Law Number 41 of 2014 concerning Amendments
to Law Number 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal
Health (2014 State Gazette Number 338, Supplement to State Gazette
Number 5619);

2. Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and

Management (State Gazette of 2009 Number 140, Supplement to State
Gazette Number 5059);
3. Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food (State Gazette of 2012 Number
227, Supplement to State Gazette Number 5360);

4. Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government (State Gazette

of 2014 Number 244, Supplement to State Gazette Number 5587);

5. Government Regulation Number 16 of 1977 concerning Livestock

Businesses (State Gazette of 1977 Number 21, Supplement to State
Gazette Number 3102);
6. Government Regulation Number 78 of 1992 concerning Veterinary Medicines
(State Gazette of 1992 Number 129, Supplement to State Gazette
Number 3509);
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7. Government Regulation Number 28 of 2004 concerning Food Safety,

Quality and Nutrition (State Gazette of 2004 Number 107, Supplement
to State Gazette Number 4424);
8. Government Regulation Number 38 of 2007 concerning the Division of
Government Affairs between the Government, Provincial Regional
Governments and Regency/City Regional Governments (State Gazette
of 2007 Number 82, Supplement to State Gazette Number 4737);
9. Government Regulation Number 95 of 2012 concerning Veterinary Public
Health and Animal Welfare (State Gazette of 2012 Number 214,
Supplement to State Gazette Number 5356);
10. Government Regulation Number 6 of 2013 concerning Empowerment
of Breeders (State Gazette of 2013 Number 6, Supplement to State
Gazette Number 5391);
11. Presidential Regulation Number 48 of 2013 concerning Pet Cultivation
(State Gazette of 2013 Number 115);
12. Presidential Decree Number 121/P of 2014 concerning the Establishment
of Ministries and the Appointment of Working Cabinet Ministers for the
2014-2019 Period;
13. Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 2015 concerning Organizations of
Ministry of State (State Gazette 2015 Number 8);
14. Presidential Regulation Number 45 of 2015 concerning the Ministry of
Agriculture (State Gazette of 2015 Number 85);
15. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 61/Permentan/ OT.140/10/2010
concerning Organization and Work Procedures of the Ministry of Agriculture;




article 1

(1) Guidelines for Good Beef Cattle Cultivation as stated in the Attachment
is an inseparable part of this Ministerial Regulation.

(2) Farmers or beef cattle farming companies that already have a cultivation business permit are
required to follow the cultivation guidelines as intended in paragraph (1).

Section 2

Guidelines for Good Beef Cattle Cultivation as intended in Article 1 as a guideline for breeders
and livestock companies in carrying out beef cattle cultivation businesses, and for the Government,
provincial regional governments and district/city regional governments in carrying out guidance
and supervision in accordance with their authority.

Article 3

When this Ministerial Regulation came into force, the Minister of Agriculture Decree Number 419/
Kpts/OT.210/7/2001 concerning Guidelines for Cultivating Beef Cattle Good (Good Farming
Practice) as amended by the Minister of Agriculture Decree Number 05/Kpts/OT. 210/1/2002
concerning Amendments to the Attachment to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Number
419/Kpts/OT.210/ 7/2001 concerning Guidelines for Cultivating Beef Cattle Good (Good Farming
Practice), is revoked and declared no longer valid.
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Article 4

This Ministerial Regulation comes into force on the date of promulgation.

So that everyone is aware, this Ministerial Regulation is ordered to be promulgated by placing it in the State Gazette
of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta on
August 14 2015




Promulgated in Jakarta on
August 25 2015






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NUMBER: 46/Permentan/PK.210/8/2015
DATE: August 14, 2015



A. Background

One source of animal protein whose demand tends to increase every year is beef. This high
demand is caused by increasing population welfare, high awareness of nutritional needs, and
high demand for processed meat for the meat processing industry. One effort to meet the need
for meat is by increasing population, production,

and beef cattle productivity.

In connection with this, it is necessary to prepare Guidelines for Good Beef Cattle Cultivation,
as a reference in carrying out beef cattle cultivation.

B. Aims and Objectives

1. The purpose of enacting this Ministerial Regulation is as a guideline for breeders and
livestock companies in carrying out beef cattle cultivation businesses, and for the
Government, provincial regional governments and district/city regional governments in
carrying out guidance and supervision in accordance with their authority.

2. The purpose of enacting this Ministerial Regulation is to:

a. increase population, production, and productivity;
b. improving the quality and safety of cultivation products;
c. increasing the availability of food of animal origin; d.
realizing healthy and environmentally friendly beef cattle cultivation;
e. increasing competitiveness; and
f. increase the income of farmers, livestock companies and the community.

C. Scope

The scope of this Ministerial Regulation includes infrastructure and facilities, maintenance patterns,
animal health and animal welfare, preservation of environmental functions, human resources,
as well as guidance, supervision and reporting.

D. Understanding

In this Ministerial Regulation what is meant by:

1. Beef Cattle Cultivation is a business carried out in a certain place or in a sustainable
cultivation area to produce beef cattle, meat and related products.

2. Female cattle are non-breed female cattle that have normal and healthy reproductive organs
used for breeding.
3. Bulls are male cattle that have normal and healthy reproductive organs, and have the ability
to mate with their mothers.
4. Breeders are individual Indonesian citizens or corporations
running a livestock business.
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5. Animal husbandry is all matters relating to physical resources, seeds, seedlings, feeders,
broodstock ruminants, feed, livestock equipment and machinery, livestock cultivation, harvest,
post-harvest, processing, marketing, business, financing, as well as facilities and infrastructure .

6. Livestock Companies are individuals or corporations, whether in the form of legal entities or non-
legal entities, which are established and domiciled within the territory of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia which manage livestock businesses with certain criteria and scale.

7. Feed is a single or mixed food ingredient, both processed and unprocessed, which is given to
animals for survival, production and reproduction.

8. Forage is grass or leaves used as food


9. Concentrate feed is feed that is rich in protein sources and/or energy sources,
and can contain feed supplements and/or feed additives.
10. Isolation pen is a separate pen specifically used to accommodate livestock that are sick or
suspected of being sick, and livestock that have just entered the cultivation location.
11. Paddock is part of a fenced pasture.
12. Animal welfare is all matters relating to the physical and mental condition of animals according
to the animal's natural behavioral standards which need to be implemented and enforced to
protect animals from inappropriate treatment by anyone towards animals used by humans.

13. Department is a provincial and district/city regional work unit

carry out livestock and animal health functions.



A. Infrastructure

1. Location

The location of the beef cattle cultivation business must meet the following provisions:
a. in accordance with the Provincial Regional Spatial Plan (RTRWP) or Regency/City Regional
Spatial Plan (RTRWK) and Detailed Regency/City Regional Spatial Plan (RDTRD) and in
accordance with the carrying capacity of the land;
b. has Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL); c.
separate from other
livestock cultivation business locations;
d. the distance between the location of the beef cattle cultivation business and the location of
other livestock cultivation businesses is determined based on the results of a risk analysis
carried out by the district/city office that carries out livestock and animal health functions;
e. have access to transportation; And
f. available food sources.

2. Land

The location and height of the land in the surrounding area takes into account the topography
and environmental function, so that the manure and waste produced does not pollute the
environment, there are no infectious animal diseases related to the reproduction and production
of beef cattle and which can harm humans and farmed animals.
The land used as a location for cultivating beef cattle has never seen anthrax cases.
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3. Water and Energy Sources

There are sufficient sources of clean water and energy sources according to needs and

B. Means

Facilities for a good beef cattle cultivation business include females and bulls, beef cattle, feed,
livestock and animal health tools and machinery, veterinary medicine, and buildings.
1. Females and Males
Females and males to be bred must meet the following requirements:

a. healthy and free from infectious animal diseases as proven by a letter

certificate from an authorized veterinarian;
b. have normal and healthy reproductive organs;
c. have no physical or genetic defects; d.
can come from local or imported cattle which are pure breeds/lines or
e. males comply with Indonesian National Standards (SNI)/Minimum Technical Requirements
(PTM) according to breed/breed of beef
cattle; f. males have high libido and good sperm quality; And
g. if using liquid cement or frozen cement, according to SNI requirements.
2. Beef Cattle
Beef cattle for fattening must meet the following requirements:
a. healthy and free from infectious animal diseases as proven by a letter
certificate from an authorized veterinarian;
b. can come from local or imported cattle which are pure breeds/lines or crossbreeds; And

c. male aged 2-3 years.

3. Feed

Feed is provided to meet basic living and production needs as follows:

a. sufficient feed is available in quantity and quality (according to SNI for cattle feed quality
b. The feed given can come from self-processed feed or feed
c. self-processed feed is tested in accredited feed quality testing laboratories, both
government and private, to ensure nutritional content and feed safety;

d. it is prohibited to use feed mixed with certain hormones and/or

feed, blood, meat and/or bone additive antibiotics;
e. for extensive maintenance patterns, the availability of feed on the pasture is adjusted to
the carrying capacity;
f. giving fresh forage at least 10% of body weight and feed
concentrate around 1-2% of body weight; And
g. The amount and type of feed given must be adjusted to the production objectives, age
and physiological status of the livestock and meet the specified quality standard
SNI Quality of Beef Cattle Feed as follows:

Beef cattle
No Nutritional Content
Fattening Parent Stud
1. Water content (max) (%) 14 14 14
2. Crude Protein (min) (%) 13 14 12
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Beef cattle
No Nutritional Content
Fattening Parent Stud
3. Crude fat (max) (%) 7 6 6

4. TDN (min) % 70 65 65

5. Ash (max) (%) 12 12 12

6. Calcium (Ca,%) 0.8 – 1.0 0.8 – 1.0 0.5 – 0.7

7. Phosphorus (P,%) 0.6 – 0.8 0.6 – 0.8 0.3 – 0.5

200 200
8. Maximum aflatoxin (ppb) 200

9. NDF (max) % 10. 35 35 30

UDP (min) % 5.2 5,6 4.2

4. Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Equipment and Machinery

The equipment needed in the beef cattle cultivation business is easy to use, clean and does
not rust easily, including:
a. feed and drink places;
b. grass cutting and hauling equipment;
c. soil processing equipment;
d. feed scales and cattle scales;
e. grain grinding machine and mixer (if making your own concentrate feed);
f. grass chopper (chopper);
g. horn cutting tools (dehorned);
h. livestock identification tools;
i. lighting equipment;
j. cage cleaning equipment;
k. disinfection tools; And
l. animal health equipment.

5. Veterinary Medicine

a. The veterinary medicine used must comply with the designation and have a number
b. veterinary medicines used as feed additives and supplements include premixes and
natural medicinal preparations according to their intended purpose; And
c. The use of veterinary medicines must comply with the provisions of laws and regulations
in the field of veterinary medicines.

6. Building

In the beef cattle cultivation business the following buildings are required:
a. Pen
The cage consists of:
1) stud cage;
2) main cage;
3) calving pen;
4) rearing cage;
5) calf pen;
6) fattening pen; 7) isolation
cage; 8) clamp cage;

9) paddock for grazing; And

10) cattle yard for handling cattle.
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b. Cage Construction
1) the construction must be strong, easy to obtain, durable, safe for livestock and
easy to clean;
2) good drainage and waste disposal channels;
3) have sufficient ventilation for air circulation;
4) the area meets the capacity requirements;
5) The cage is equipped with food and water containers according to capacity
6) cages for isolating sick or suspected sick livestock are placed in the section
7) The cage for isolating newly arrived livestock is placed in the section
8) the enclosure stretches from west to east;
9) good air circulation and sufficient morning sunlight;
10) can provide work comfort for officers in production processes such as feeding,
cleaning, lust checks and handling animal health.

c. Cage Size
The size of the pen must be adjusted to the cow's body size and type of pen
used, both for individual cages and group cages.
Cage area requirements per head:
1) males 3.6 m2 (1.8 m x 2 m);
2) main 3.0 m2 (1.5 m x 2 m);
3) calving/nursing 3.0 m2 and 1.5 m2 per calf;
4) calf 1.5 m2 ; 5)
enlargement 2.5 m2 ; 6)
fattening 3.0 m2 ; or
7) Paddock area takes into account the capacity of the pasture.
d. Other Buildings
1) the office and employee/manager mess are separated from the cage and are restricted
with fence; 2)
animal health services/clinics;
3) buildings for loading and unloading livestock;
4) feed and equipment warehouse;
5) shelter ; 6) deeping/spray
place ;
7) waste storage and processing; And
8) place of burning and burial of dead livestock.



Beef cattle cultivation patterns can be carried out intensively, semi-intensively and extensively.
A. Intensive

The cultivation pattern involves keeping the cows in a pen, providing full feed and drinking water
requirements, including:

1. Calf care is carried out as follows:

a. carry out special handling of calves from newborn to 7 days old; b. weighing
birth weight;
c. installation of calf identification
number; d. reared in individual cages until 1 month of age and free to move around
get morning sunlight;
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e. have started to be given green food at the age of 3 months; and

f. Weaning is done at 6-8 months of age.
2. Care of weaned calves is carried out as follows:
a. weighing weaning weight; b.
calves are kept in the same age and sex group;
c. free to move and get enough sunlight;
d. providing feed in quantity and quality according to standards; And
e. providing unlimited drinking water (adlibitum).
3. Maintenance of heifers is carried out as follows:
a. start breeding at the age of 18 months or have reached body maturity;
b. marriage is recommended by artificial insemination;
c. providing feed in quantity and quality according to standards;
d. providing unlimited drinking water (adlibitum);
e. record the date of mating, the identity of the bull used, and the results
pregnancy check; And
f. carry out regular animal health checks.
4. Care of pregnant sows is carried out as follows:
a. improving the quality of feed, especially after 6 months of pregnancy;
b. providing unlimited drinking water (adlibitum);
c. free to move; d.
one month before giving birth the cow is placed in the calving pen; and e. record
animal health services.
5. Maintenance for fattening is carried out as follows:
a. weighing initial body weight and final body weight;
b. providing feed in quantity and quality according to standards;
c. providing unlimited drinking water (adlibitum); And
d. fattening time 4-6 months.

B. Semi Intensive

Cattle cultivation involves cows being penned and/or grazed and the main source of food being
partly provided and/or coming from pastures.
This semi-intensive cultivation pattern is almost the same as intensive cultivation, but the provision
of food and drink is not fully provided.

C. Extensive

Cattle are raised in a way where the cows are not confined and the main source of food comes
from pastures.
1. Calf care is carried out as follows:
a. Calves are protected from possible disease and safe from possible diseases
accident; And
b. The calf is left with its mother until the age of weaning, namely 6 to 8 months.

2. Care of weaned calves is carried out as follows:

a. Cows are placed in paddocks in one age and sex group
The same; And

b. adjusted to the pasture capacity.

3. Maintenance of heifers is carried out as follows:
a. cows are placed in paddocks based on age groups and sex;
b. start breeding at the age of 18 months or have reached body maturity;
c. heifers ready to mate are placed in a special paddock for mating;
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d. marriage is usually carried out by natural marriage; And

e. record the date of mating, the identity of the bull used, and the results of pregnancy
4. Care of pregnant sows is carried out as follows:
a. Pregnant cows are placed in a separate paddock , given feed and vitamins/minerals
b. supervision is carried out to handle cows that show signs
will give birth; And
c. removing mother cows that have shown signs of giving birth, and placing them in a
separate paddock .
5. Male maintenance is carried out as follows:
a. placed in a separate paddock ; b.
providing feed in quantity and quality according to standards;
c. carry out routine animal health checks; And
d. The use of males in mating needs to be regulated to avoid this happening

D. Marriage

Mating in intensive, semi-intensive and extensive patterns can be carried out by natural mating
and/or Artificial Insemination (AI) with the following conditions:
1. natural mating with a male to female ratio of 1: 15-20
2. mating with AI using frozen semen according to SNI or liquid semen from superior bulls; And

3. When carrying out marriages, avoid inbreeding .

E. Record keeping

In the business of cultivating beef cattle, recording is carried out

including: 1. breed name (if a cross, state the name of the breed of the male and female);
2. origin and date of entry;
3. livestock identity;
4. gender;
5. date of birth/age;
6. marriage (mating date, number and family of males, natural mating/IB);
7. birth (date, gender, identity of male and female parents);
8. body weight (birth, 7 months, 12 months, 18 months);
9. type and amount of feeding;
10. animal health services (symptoms of illness, treatment, type of disease, type of medicine and
vaccine, treatment results); And
11. mutation (addition and subtraction).
For fattening, body weights are weighed at the beginning and end of fattening.
Cows resulting from breeding are considered as potential seeds.



A. Animal Health

In the beef cattle cultivation business, animal health requirements must be taken into account,
including the situation of animal diseases and prevention of animal diseases.
1. Animal Disease Situation
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a. Beef cattle cultivation businesses must be located in locations where there are no clinical symptoms
or other evidence of inflammatory disease of the spleen (Anthrax); And
b. In the event that beef cattle cultivation is carried out in locations where there are strategic
infectious animal diseases, action needs to be taken in accordance with statutory regulations.
2. Prevention of Animal Diseases
a. Immunization Measures
Immunization is carried out through vaccination, administration of antisera, and improving the
animal's nutritional status.
Vaccination, administering antisera, and improving the nutritional status of animals are
carried out by livestock companies, breeders, and individuals who keep animals.
Vaccination and administration of animal antisera are carried out by a veterinarian and/or
under the supervision of a veterinarian. In the event that vaccination and animal antisera
are administered parenterally, the implementation is carried out by a veterinarian or
veterinary paramedic who is under the supervision of a veterinarian.
b. Animal Fitness Optimization
Optimizing animal fitness is carried out by applying animal welfare principles.

c. Biosecurity
In order to implement animal health, beef cattle cultivation businesses must pay attention
to the following:
1) provide disinfection facilities for staff/employees and vehicles at the door
entered the farm;
2) ensure that not everyone can freely enter and leave the cage
allows disease transmission;
3) the location of the livestock business is not easily accessible to wild animals and other
domestic animals which can transmit disease;
4) disinfect cages and equipment, spray against insects, flies and eradicate other pests
using environmentally friendly or registered disinfectants; 5) cows suffering from
infectious diseases are separated and put into isolation
pens for immediate treatment or slaughter and the cows and materials originating from
the pen in question are not allowed to be taken outside the livestock complex;

6) clean the pen after the pen is emptied and leave it for 2 weeks before putting new
cows into the pen;
7) every new cow that enters the livestock area must be placed in a quarantine/isolation
pen for 1 (one) week, while the cow is in the quarantine/isolation pen, it must be
observed for the possibility of disease; And

8) immediately remove the dead cow from the pen for burial or

B. Animal Welfare
To optimize the production potential and productivity of cattle, it is necessary to apply the
principle of animal freedom when capturing, handling, placing, penning, rearing and caring for
at least:
1. a method that does not hurt, does not injure, and/or causes stress; 2. use
facilities, infrastructure, equipment that are clean and do not cause harm, no
injures and/or does not cause stress;
3. using a pen that allows the cows to move freely, can protect the cows from predators and
nuisance animals and protect them from heat and rain;
4. provide food and drink that suits the cow's physiological needs; And
5. Separate cows that are superior from those that are inferior.
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When carrying out a beef cattle cultivation business, you must pay attention to preserving environmental
functions, including:

1. prevent environmental pollution and erosion; And

2. Prevent the emergence of pollution and other disturbances that can disturb the environment in the form of
noise, bad smells, pollution of river water and well water.



Human resources involved in the beef cattle cultivation business must meet the following requirements:

1. physically and mentally healthy;

2. have skills according to their field and understand the risks of work; 3. have the ability and
knowledge in the field of beef cattle cultivation; And
4. implement work safety and security in accordance with statutory regulations in the field of employment.



A. Coaching

Development of beef cattle cultivation businesses is carried out through education, training and counseling.
Guidance is carried out to implement good beef cattle cultivation.
Guidance is carried out by the Minister, Governor and Regent/Mayor in accordance with their authority on
an ongoing basis.

Farmers or livestock companies that have implemented the Guidelines for Good Beef Cattle Cultivation
are given a certificate of good beef cattle cultivation methods by the district/city office in charge of livestock
functions and animal health.

In the event that the location of the beef cattle cultivation business is located in more than 1 (one) district/
city within a province, a certificate of good methods for cultivating beef cattle is issued by the provincial
office in charge of animal husbandry and animal health functions.

B. Supervision

To ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of a good beef cattle cultivation business,
The Regent/Mayor carries out supervision both directly and indirectly, as follows:

1. direct supervision is carried out on the implementation of good beef cattle cultivation periodically or at
any time if necessary; 2. indirect supervision is carried out
through evaluation of reports made by breeders and livestock companies that cultivate beef cattle; And

3. The regent/mayor submits a report on the results of supervision to the governor, and the governor
submits a report on the results of supervision to the Minister.

In the event that the results of the supervision reveal discrepancies in the implementation of good beef
cattle cultivation, breeders and livestock companies that have received a certificate of good beef cattle
cultivation methods will be given a first written warning to make improvements.
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If repairs are not carried out within 6 (six) months from the receipt of the first written warning, a second written
warning will be given.

If within a period of 6 (six) months from receipt of the second written warning
If repairs are not carried out, the certificate of good practice for cultivating beef cattle which has been given by the
district/city office in charge of animal husbandry and animal health functions, is revoked and declared invalid.

C. Reporting

Breeders and livestock companies that carry out beef cattle cultivation business make written reports, both
technical and administrative, periodically every 6 (six) months, with the following mechanism:

1. Farmers and livestock companies report to the Head of Regency/City Services containing data:

a. population, production, distribution and mutation of livestock, according to Format-1;

b. use of feed ingredients and feed consumption, according to Format-2; and c. type and
schedule of vaccinations, animal diseases, and use of veterinary drugs, as appropriate

2. Head of Regency/City Service, after receiving reports from breeders and livestock companies, shall recapitulate
and report to the Head of Provincial Service with a copy to the Regent/Mayor, according to Format -4.

3. Head of Provincial Service, after receiving the report from the Head of Regency/City Service, recapitulates and
reports to the Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health with a copy to the Governor,
according to Format -5.


These guidelines for good beef cattle cultivation are general, dynamic, in accordance with developments in science and
technology, as well as community needs.




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