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DATE: 07/20/2021

Learning Activities: Let’s Play!

Instructions: Follow and answer the following activities. Take a VIDEO of
yourself while playing the game.
Activity 1
• The game presented may be played alone or with another player. Try to play
the game by yourself.
• Describe yourself while playing alone.
• What did you get in playing alone? Why?
-After playing the “tatsing” game with my cousins I realized that this simple game is
a good form of exercise and an outlet to do new things instead of scrolling your
facebook or playing mobile games. It improve physical health as we do running and
throwing in this game. Playing with my cousins, it strengthen our social bond to
reconnect again. This previous week our fingers are always in our android phones.
So this is a great privilege to connect and to exercise.
Activity 2
1. Seek a partner or a playmate to play with. Who won?
Player 3.
2. Did you play the games well? Why? Why not?
Yes, the game is easy to follow its mechanics so the flow of the game was highly
observed. All the players are also honest in playing the game, the players are
capable to the skills that are required to that game and players showcase a positive
attitude during the game. In addition, self-confidence and self-discipline are also
important in that game so that we can create a better outcome of the game.
3. How did you and your playmate show your sportsmanship after the
Sportsmanship is crucial in battle field. It creates connection and respect between
the players. After the game, I congratulate the winner through shake hand. Then, I
ask also my co-players “was there something you wish you could done better.” And
“Did you enjoy the game and what have you learned?” I think these questions
should asked after the game to measure how our players react and understand the
game. I also keep a positive comment or advice to be able to uplift their mood and
encourage them to do their best before their next game.

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