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Teen Pregnancy Healthcare Promotion Plan



Teen Pregnancy Healthcare Promotion Plan


Pregnancy among teen is also known as adolescent pregnancy, is the pregnancy among

females below the age of twenty. The involvement of different plans alongside promoting health

care among such female individuals is vital in empowering them to make healthy choices as well

as harmonize their wellbeing conditions (Boyce, Travers, Rothbart, Santiago, & Bedell, 2018).

Other techniques used in curbing cases of pregnancy among school-going children are significant

in preventing unnecessary pregnancies. The idea of addressing teen pregnancy cases helps in

most cases in dealing with issues of complications on girls' wellbeing that tend to be early

mothers. Such views help reduce the burden in various communities and populations in

addressing health disorders among teens. The aim of health promotion among teen pregnancy

always targeted vulnerable girls or girls with great dangers of getting pregnant after ovulation.

The health promotion plans help address risks linked with socioeconomic factors leading to low

birth weight, premature labor, cases of anemia, and pre-eclampsia. The health promotion plan

aims to improve access to prenatal care among pregnant teens (Tevendale, Condron, Garraza,

House, Romero, Brooks, & Walrath, 2017). Therefore, this research paper illustrates the outline

of the healthcare promotion plan for cases of pregnancies among teenagers and determines the

agreed-upon objectives for prenatal care.

Teen Pregnancy as Health Concern

Cases of teen pregnancies are the causes of concern globally. From the historical view,

teen pregnancies are nothing new in medical studies. Global organization for health recorded

approximately 16 million girls between 15 alongside 19-years together with about 1 million girls

below 15-years sire children annually. Presently, the vast popularity of pregnancies among teens

takes place within low, along with middle-income nations. Cases of ineffective health-care

services characterize such countries. Therefore, such regions have high possibilities of

complications during pregnancy and birth. Besides, postpartum stages forty-two days after

childbirth are other demise causes amid girls below twenty years internationally. Barfield,

Warner, & Kappeler (2017) stated that teen pregnancies are a health concern as it has been

anticipated that over 3 million teen girls constantly experience dangerous abortion that always

results in consecutive reproductive issues or even loss of lives. 15 years ago, organizations

dealing with global kid’s crisis funds noted that globally, every 5th child is given birth to by the

teen mum, and eighty percent of these alleged pregnancies among teens always occur within

third-world nations.

The risk associated with teen pregnancies has been pointed out to be linked with anemia,

preterm labor, infections of the urinary tract, preterm birth, elevated rate of cesarean operations,

and low weight at birth among infants, together with even motherly and newborn humanity. Teen

pregnancies are a significant health concern as it still occurs in high-returns countries and

regardless of much enhanced medicinal healthcare, such pregnancies are still hazardous

(Mueller, Tevendale, Fuller, House, Romero, Brittain, & Varanasi, 2017). The policymakers are

still trying to make appropriate guidelines on how teen girls can avoid early motherhood. More

teen girls are choosing to go for abortion, which is risky for their wellbeing. For instance, it has

been estimated that 5.6 million abortions occur annually amongst teenage girls aged fifteen years

to 19 of age, with 3.9 million are risky, leading to maternal death, cases of morbidity alongside

permanent healthcare harms.


Significance of the Health Promotion to Teen about Teen Pregnancies

While the centres for illness management and avoidance continue to account for

decreased rates of teen pregnancies, with about one million adolescent girls conceiving annually,

the incidence of teen pregnancies is still of significant concern. Promoting healthcare concerning

teen pregnancy can help address the issue of pregnancies that have been public health issues. It

directly affects mothers, children, and even fathers (Finley, Suellentrop, Griesse, House, &

Brittain, 2017). Promotion can help reduce school dropouts among school-going children,

increase psychological well-being rates, increase healthcare alongside fostering care charges and

the vast choices of developmental harms for children born to teen mums.

Health promotion can be vital in involving every individual that is affected by the issue

within the community to collaborate and have effective partnerships in addressing teen

pregnancies. For instance, it can help address teen pregnancy prevention by involving families,

healthcare providers, school management, faith, community-based groups, policymakers, youths,

and recreational centres to find effective ways of improving teens' wellbeing. Health promotion

can provide an effective plan needed to prevent rising cases of teen pregnancies. Such

information received through collaborations can be vital in forming decisions like choosing the

kind of risk and caring features to concentrate to improve the efficient execution of practical-

based preparations to avert cases of more pregnancies among teens.

Establishing Agreed-Upon Goals

Implementing and adopting clear goals are crucial to the health promotional plan

alongside the involvement of the various individuals like policymakers, healthcare providers,

school management, youths, and faith and community-based groups are even significant in

dealing with teen pregnancies. Agree-upon objectives by such groups are vital in gauging the

progress of dealing with teen pregnancies together with determining the practical techniques for

achievement within the promotion design (Garney, Wilson, Nelon, Muraleetharan, McLeroy, &

Baletka, 2018). For instance, agreed-upon objectives in dealing with teen pregnancies consist of

collecting diverse individuals' views in ensuring that they are incorporated in the policies to

address teen pregnancies and engagement with the set plan both within the community, schools,

religious institutions, and healthcare institutions. Besides, collaborations of policymakers,

healthcare providers, school management, youths, and faith and community-based groups on the

issue of teen pregnancies can be vital in guaranteeing effective engagement with the plan of

curbing cases of teen pregnancies (Barfield, Warner, & Kappeler, 2017). These agreed-upon

goals are also sensible for every stakeholder involved in dealing with the issue of teen



Teen pregnancies and having effective health care promotional plan is the national

priority. Besides, it can be noted from the above discussion that teen pregnancies are the

international global issues that take place within high, middle, as well as low-income nations.

Worldwide, pregnancies amongst teens are more likely to occur in marginalized society, always

determined by inadequate understanding and education, poverty, and employment chances. It is

evident that teen pregnancies still have significant health consequences for mothers and their

babies. Such consequences make teen pregnancies the central basis of death among teen girls

aged between 15 and 19.



Barfield, W., Warner, L., & Kappeler, E. (2017). Why We Need Evidence-Based, Community-

Wide Approaches for Prevention of Teen Pregnancy. Journal Of Adolescent Health,

60(3), S3-S6. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.12.007

Boyce, K., Travers, M., Rothbart, B., Santiago, V., & Bedell, J. (2018). Adapting Evidence-

Based Teen Pregnancy Programs to Be LGBT-Inclusive: Lessons Learned. Health

Promotion Practice, 19(3), 445-454. doi: 10.1177/1524839918756888

Finley, C., Suellentrop, K., Griesse, R., House, L., & Brittain, A. (2017). Stakeholder Education

for Community-Wide Health Initiatives: A Focus on Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Health

Promotion Practice, 19(1), 38-50. doi: 10.1177/1524839917734521

Garney, W., Wilson, K., Nelon, J., Muraleetharan, D., McLeroy, K., & Baletka, D. (2018).

Ecological Approaches to Teen Pregnancy Prevention: An Examination of Evidence-

Based Interventions. Health Promotion Practice, 20(4), 494-501. doi:


Mueller, T., Tevendale, H., Fuller, T., House, L., Romero, L., Brittain, A., & Varanasi, B.

(2017). Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Implementation of a Multicomponent, Community-

Wide Approach. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 60(3), S9-S17. doi:


Tevendale, H., Condron, D., Garraza, L., House, L., Romero, L., Brooks, M., & Walrath, C.

(2017). Practical Approaches to Evaluating Progress and Outcomes in Community-Wide

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 60(3), S63-S68.

doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.09.018

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