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The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 2002;7:238–243

Improvement of quality of life in

women using a low-dose
desogestrel-containing contraceptive:
results of an observational clinical
Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care Downloaded from by CDL-UC Santa Cruz on 11/04/14

U. Ernst, L. Baumgartner*, U. Bauer† and G. Janssen‡
Organon Germany, Munich; *Private Clinic, Mühldorf; †Private Clinic, Nurenberg; ‡Private Clinic, Munich, Germany

ABSTRACT Objective To assess the influence of an oral contraceptive (OC) containing 20 mg

ethinylestradiol and 150 mg desogestrel on quality of life and subjective symptoms.
Methods In this multicenter observational evaluation performed in Germany, 3679
first-time OC users were included. They were treated by 623 physicians. The women
For personal use only.

completed quality of life questionnaires (Q-LES-Q) at baseline and after three treatment
Results The mean age of users (± SD) was 22.5 ± 7.1 years, with 47% of the women
aged between 15 and 20 years. Half of the women reported skin problems at inclusion and, of
these, 36% reported disappearance of the problems after three treatment cycles. Most women
suffering from subjective symptoms (headache, nausea, nervousness, breast tenderness and
depressive moods) at baseline reported improvements (57–71%) in their symptoms after
using the OC for three cycles. Adverse events were reported by 4% of users; the most
frequently reported were bleeding irregularities (1.7%). The total quality-of-life score and all
its 13 individual items improved significantly (p < 0.0001), with the largest improvements
in sex life and mood. Almost all (94%) women were either very satisfied or satisfied with
the medication.
Conclusion The OC containing ethinylestradiol and desogestrel significantly improved the
quality of life and subjective symptoms. The OC was well tolerated by first-time users.

K E Y W O R D S Quality of life, Oral contraception, Desogestrel


Quality of life and general well-being are themselves about the extent to which the overall quality of life
important, but they can also considerably affect user and well-being of OC users are affected by the
compliance and consequently the effectiveness of an balance between the potential benefits (such as reduced
oral contraceptive (OC). Little is known, however, menstrual bleeding irregularities and iron deficiency,

Correspondence: Dr U. Ernst, Organon Germany, Mittenheimer Straße 62, Oberschleissheim 85764, Germany

MS 2245
Received 15–10–02
ORIGINAL AR TICLE 238 Accepted 20–11–02
Quality of life with a low-dose desogestrel-containing oral contraceptive Ernst et al.

control over the menstrual cycle, reduction of not pregnant. Participants took MercilonÒ (N.V.
dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome, and Organon, The Netherlands), a combination prepara-
reduced fear of pregnancy) and the potential adverse tion containing 20 mg ethinylestradiol and 150 mg
effects (such as vulnerability to irritability, headache, desogestrel, for three or four cycles. Each cycle
nausea and breast tenderness). consisted of 21 tablet-taking days followed by
There is general agreement about the need to mini- 7 pill-free days.
mize the estrogen dose in OCs in order to minimize
the risks of thrombotic complications and changes in
the hemostatic system 1–4. In addition, the subjective
side-effects of OCs such as headache, nausea, mood At inclusion, each woman’s date of birth, weight,
Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care Downloaded from by CDL-UC Santa Cruz on 11/04/14

changes and breast tenderness are thought to be caused medical history, blood pressure, known risk factors for
mainly by the estrogen component5. cardiovascular disease and concomitant medication
The development of the highly selective pro- were recorded. To assess the incidence of facial skin
gestogen desogestrel, indicating a high affinity for problems, the numbers of facial papules and pustules
the progestogen receptor and a low affinity for the were categorized as: 1–5, 6–10 and > 10. The inci-
androgen receptor, facilitated the reduction of dence and intensity of subjective symptoms were
the estrogen component in OCs to 20 mg ethinyl- recorded. Users were asked to complete a self-
estradiol per tablet6. The monophasic combination administered questionnaire on 13 quality-of-life
preparation containing 20 mg ethinylestradiol and items (Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction
150 mg desogestrel has a high contraceptive reliability Questionnaire, Q-LES-Q)12. The Q-LES-Q is
with a Pearl Index of 0.186. The preparation produces designed to enable investigators to easily obtain
good cycle control with shorter and lighter withdrawal sensitive measures of the enjoyment and satisfaction
For personal use only.

bleeding7–9, is well tolerated, having no significant experienced by subjects with a wide variety of mental
effect on body weight and a low incidence of and medical disorders in various areas of daily
subjective side-effects such as nausea, headache and functioning. It has also previously been used to assess
breast tenderness7,9. The low androgenic activity of satisfaction and quality of life in first-time OC users11.
desogestrel may result in beneficial effects on problems All items were scored from 1 (very dissatisfied)
such as hirsutism and skin disorders when adminis- to 5 (very satisfied); hence, total scores could range
tered in combination with ethinylestradiol6,10. The from 13 to 65.
results of a previous study in first-time users indicated At the end of the observation period, weight was
that the preparation significantly improved most again recorded as well as the assessment of facial skin
parameters of quality of life11. problems and intensity of subjective symptoms. The
The objectives of the current observational quality-of-life questionnaire was completed for the
evaluation were to assess the impact of 20 mg ethinyl- second time. In addition, subjects were asked to give
estradiol plus 150 mg desogestrel on quality of life an overall assessment of the OC. All adverse events
and to collect information on the tolerability and experienced during OC use and not present at base-
efficacy of the OC in a large number of patients line as well as reasons for discontinuing the prescribed
during normal daily use. OC, if applicable, were recorded.

Statistical analysis
Study population and medication
Data validation and descriptive statistical analysis
Young women requesting oral contraception (all were performed using the Statistic Analysis System
first-time users) were enrolled in this multicenter study Software Package SAS, Version 6.12. Mean values
conducted in Germany, provided they did not have of quality of life scores were compared using the
any contraindications to the use of OCs and were Wilcoxon test.

The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 239

Quality of life with a low-dose desogestrel-containing oral contraceptive Ernst et al.

RESULTS Table 1 Changes in subjective complaints during three

cycles of low-dose oral contraceptive use
A total of 3679 young women, with a mean age (± SD)
Number and percentage of users
of 22.5 ± 7.1 years, were enrolled by 623 physicians.
Of these women, 47% were between 15 and 20 years Improved No change Worse
of age. The mean period of observation was 3.4 ± 0.7
cycles. Nausea (n = 551) 337 (61.2) 62 (11.3) 152 (27.6)
Headache (n = 1327) 759 (57.2) 377 (28.4) 191 (14.4)
Two women discontinued the evaluation because
Nervousness 696 (61.5) 360 (31.8) 76 (6.7)
of pregnancy; one proved to be pregnant before (n = 1132)
the start of treatment, while the other pregnancy was Depressive moods 641 (70.6) 176 (19.4) 91 (10.0)
due to user failure (irregular pill intake). No other (n = 908)
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pregnancies occurred throughout the study. Breast tenderness 856 (58.6) 234 (16.0) 371 (25.4)
During the observation period, no clinically or (n = 1461)
statistically significant weight increase was observed.
n = total number of users with specified symptom at
The mean weight (± SD) increased from 60.6 ± 9.4 kg inclusion
at inclusion to 61.0 ± 9.4 kg at the end of the evalua-
tion, a mean increase of 0.3 ± 1.6 kg.
Fifty-one per cent of the women reported skin The Q-LES-Q was completed both at inclusion
problems at inclusion and, of these, 36% reported dis- and at the end of the observation period by 96.5%
appearance of the problems after three cycles of of the women. Changes in the 13 different quality-of-
OC use. The total number of users without skin life items are shown in Figure 1. All post-evaluation
problems increased from 1809 (49%) at inclusion to scores had improved statistically significantly from
For personal use only.

2313 (63%) at the end of the evaluation, a relative baseline (p < 0.0001); the largest improvements were
increase of 28%. A total of 722 users (39%) reported seen in the satisfaction with sex life and the occurrence
an improvement in their skin condition, as indicated of mood changes, followed by overall satisfaction,
by a decrease in the number of papules and/or general well-being, physical health and satisfaction
pustules (by category). Only 18 users (1%) reported with daily life. The proportion of women with
a worsening of their skin condition. total quality-of-life scores of £ 45 (indicative of
The majority of OC users who had subjective poor quality of life) dropped from 23.9% to 12.4%.
symptoms at baseline reported improvements at cycle The proportion of women with total quality-of-
3 (Table 1). Of the women who had complaints at life scores of ³ 57 (indicative of good quality of life)
baseline (7.6% of the study population), 61% reported increased from 11.3% to 17.4% (Figure 2).
improvement of nausea, 57% of headache, 62% of The overall assessment of the 20 mg ethinylestradiol
nervousness, 71% of depressive moods and 59% plus 150 mg desogestrel OC was that 94% of women
of breast tenderness. were either ‘very satisfied’ or ‘satisfied’ with using
During the observation period, 146 (4%) users the OC, whereas 4% of the women were ‘dissatisfied’
reported adverse events. The most frequent adverse with its use.
events experienced during OC use that were not After the observational period, 93% of the partici-
present at baseline were bleeding irregularities (in pants continued using the OC. The main reasons
1.7% of women), followed by headache (0.5%), for not continuing the method were ‘bleeding
breast tenderness (0.5%), skin disorders (0.5%), weight irregularities’ (1.4%) and ‘no current need for contra-
gain (0.4%), psychological problems (0.4%) and nausea ception’ (0.9%).
and vomiting (0.3%). Forty-five per cent of the
recorded adverse events were considered by the
investigators to be related to OC use. Five events
were considered serious, but none of these was The women enrolled in the present observational
related to the use of the low-dose OC. evaluation included a high proportion of adolescents

240 The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care

Quality of life with a low-dose desogestrel-containing oral contraceptive Ernst et al.
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Figure 2 Changes in total quality-of-life score after

three cycles of low-dose oral contraceptive use. A
higher score indicates a better total quality of life

preparation. This positive effect may result from

an estrogen-induced reduction in androgen levels.
For personal use only.

Ethinylestradiol induces a decrease in ovarian andro-

gen production, which is dose-dependent. Further-
more, it increases the level of sex hormone binding
globulin (SHBG), which in turn decreases the free
Figure 1 Statistically significant changes in all quality- testosterone level. The very low androgenicity of
of-life subscores during three cycles of low-dose oral desogestrel may also contribute to the overall benefi-
contraceptive use. A higher score indicates a better cial effect on the skin15. Improvements in nausea,
quality of life (p < 0.0001 for all categories) headache, nervousness, depressive moods or breast
tenderness were also seen in more than half of women
and young adults (approximately 50% of the study reporting these symptoms at baseline. The improve-
population), which was not surprising since only ment in subjective symptoms with the 20 mg ethinyl-
first-time users of OCs were included. The medical estradiol plus 150 mg desogestrel combination
history data show that the study population was other- observed during normal daily usage is consistent with
wise representative of normal OC users. The results those seen previously in clinical trials7,9,16–19.
are consistent with those previously reported on the The improvements in subjective symptoms are
high efficacy of this preparation6: one in-treatment reflected by the improvements in quality of life, as
pregnancy was reported, which resulted from irregular assessed by the self-administered Q-LES-Q12. The
pill intake (user failure). proportion of women with total quality-of-life scores
A large proportion (51%) of the women reported of £ 45, indicating a relatively poor quality of life,
skin problems at baseline. The low-dose OC facili- decreased by almost 50%, and the proportion with
tated a rapid onset of improvement of skin disorders total scores of ³ 57, indicating a particularly good
in a substantial number of these users (39%). Improve- quality of life, increased by more than 50%. In addi-
ment of facial skin problems with the use of a tion, statistically significant improvements were seen
preparation with a higher dose of ethinylestradiol in all 13 of the individual quality-of-life assessments.
(30 mg) with desogestrel has been reported The improvement in quality of life seen during
previously13,14, but not with the 20-mg ethinylestradiol this evaluation is similar to that seen during an earlier

The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 241

Quality of life with a low-dose desogestrel-containing oral contraceptive Ernst et al.

study with this OC11. In that smaller study, total well as other established advantages of OC use, such as
scores also improved and significant improvements reduced fear of pregnancy, improved cycle control,
were seen for nine of the 13 individual items evaluated. shortened duration of menses and alleviation of
In the present evaluation, the largest improvements premenstrual complaints. Satisfaction with the method
were seen for sex life and mood changes, followed by is also likely to influence quality of life; the vast
physical health, leisure time activities, general well- majority of women were satisfied or very satisfied
being and overall satisfaction. In the earlier study11, with the OC and most chose to continue using the
satisfaction with work/school activities, household OC at the end of the evaluation.
activities, leisure time activities and sex life improved The tolerability of this low-dose OC was very
most, so the pattern of changes for the individual good, as indicated by the low number of women
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items used to assess quality of life was not entirely reporting adverse events, which was consistent with
consistent between the two studies. However, there previously reported levels of adverse events with low-
were some consistencies: sex life and satisfaction with dose OCs11,23. No clinically significant weight increase
leisure time activities showed large increases in both was seen during this evaluation, which is in line with
studies, and the four items showing the smallest previous findings with this OC where changes in body
changes (social relationships, family relationships, composition and weight were specifically measured11.
living situation and vision) were the same in both In conclusion, the 20 mg ethinylestradiol plus
studies. The improvement in mood seen in this 150 mg desogestrel combination preparation was well
evaluation is consistent with the earlier study of tolerated by first-time users and led to a measurable
quality of life in users of this OC11, but is in contrast to improvement in quality of life, possibly as a result of
the results of earlier studies with other OCs, which the rapid onset of improvements in subjective
have generally shown a deterioration or no change symptoms and skin problems, as well as other estab-
For personal use only.

in mood when first-time users began using a lished benefits associated with OC use.
The changes in individual aspects of sex life made a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
major contribution to the improvement in quality of
life. It seems likely that other contributors were the The authors thank all 623 participating physicians
reduction in skin lesions and subjective complaints enrolling women into this evaluation. The study
such as breast tenderness, headache and nervousness, as medication was kindly supplied by Organon Germany.


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