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I. Fill in the blanks with suitable MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS:2x15 =30

1. He sees very badly, he …………………. wear glasses all the time.

2. Mr. Travis hasn’t come to work yet. He has never been late for work. He …….. the bus
3. She knew everything about our plans. She……………. to our conversation (LISTEN)
6. A: Will you come to my birthday party tomorrow afternoon ?
B : I’m sorry but I ……….because I have to look after my sister. (COME)
7. Timmy is a very good boy. He isn’t naughty, so he ………………….. that window.
Somebody else ……………………….it (BREAK 2X)
8. The street is wet this morning . I’m not sure but it ………………… last night (RAIN).
9 He came home alone yesterday. You …………. him do that ; he …………… lost. (LET,
10. My car didn’t work this morning. So I ……………………………. walk to the office.
11. She is very sleepy. She ……………………………………. (stay) up very late last night.
12. Tom …………………… (write) this, because it is in French and he doesn’t know
13. Diana had no money, so she sold her car. A few days later she won a lot of money in a
competition. She ………………. (sell) her car.
14. A : It’s possible Josef went to school by bus .
B : Josef ………………………….. the bus to school. (TAKE)
15. A: I’m sure their holiday wasn’t very nice because the weather was so bad .
B: With such terrible weather, they……………………. a very nice holiday. (HAVE).

II.Rephrase the following sentences using modal verbs: 35 points

1. I’m convinced he didn’t do it on purpose.

2.Why didn`t you write to him earlier ?
3. . It wasn't necessary for you to buy that book. You could have borrowed it from the library.
4. I'm certain they ran away through a tunnel.
5.Perhaps they didn`t notice the tyre was flat.
6.It`s possible that the last person to leave didn`t lock the door.
7.Uniforms weren`t compulsory at my school.
8.Probably it took you a long time to make that lace.
9.Their intentions were good. It`s a pity you didn`t listen to them.
10.He says he was taken for an Englishman but he can hardly speak English.

III. Translate the following sentences using modal verbs : 15 points

1.Deși îmi displace acest lucru, trebuie să merg la nunta lor.

2. Chiar dacă apa era rece, a reușit să inoate până la capăt.
3.S-ar fi cuvenit să-și ceară scuze după ce s-a comportat atât de nepoliticos.
4.E puțin probabil ca ea să-și fi cumpărat schiuri pentru că nu-i place să schieze.
5.S-ar putea ca ea să-și pregătească discursul pt. mâine acum așa că nu trebuie s-o

20 points are granted

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