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Department Name: Safety

Location Zamil industries
Name(s) of individuals performing JSA: Supervisor, fabricators, pipe fitters, welders, helper
Critical steps HAZARD (s) Controls/Recommended steps

1.1.1 Permits shall identify the specific work to be performed by the crew at the
specific location.
1.1.2 work description section of the work permit form shall be completed.
Request for work 1.1 scope of work
1.1.3 Hazard identification and control section of the work permit shall be completed.
permit not identified
1.1.4 review precautions taken and restrictions imposed to control the hazard
associated with the job site/ or work activity.
1.1.5 Attach the JSA with the work permit which will provide supplement information
for the particular activity.
1.1.1 Site supervisor shall conduct pre-job (toolbox) safety meetings with site address
job-specific safety issues prior to beginning work activity.
1.1.2 Supervisor shall inspect the site to detect and correct unsafe acts and condition
1.1.3 supervisory personnel or other qualified staff shall be present at the site while
Site preparation and
1.1 personal injury work in progress.
pre-task meeting
1.1.4 work permits shall be used to control the hazardous activities at all site location
1.1.5 adequate number and type of fire extinguishers shall be available at job site.
1.1.6 All personnel to wear complete PPE i.e. Safety helmet, safety shoes, gloves,
FRC ( fire retardant clothes )/ coverall, safety glasses.
Depressurizing of
1.1 unsafe approach 1.1.1 Perform gas testing prior to approach LPG tanks.
existing LPG vessels by
to vessels 1.1.2 No visual inspections shall be carried out until readings on gas detector are normal.
1.1.3 Operator / technician shall check the pressure of the tank from the gauge.
2.1.1 No work is allowed to be proceeded on pressurize tanks.
2.1.2 The client shall be informed to consume complete gas for depressurizing tank
2.1 Depressurization
2.1.3 supervisor shall confirm the tank has been depressurized by checking the gauge.
of vessels
2.1.4 Ensure gauge reading is ZERO.
2.1.5 Depressurization of LPG gas in open atmosphere is not allowed.

1.1.1 The flagman should give directions to the operator for positioning of heavy vehicle.
1.1 positioning of 1.1.2 Area barrication and signs shall be posted.
boom truck/crane 1.1.3 The ground condition of the area where the crane has to be established should be checked
thoroughly, must be leveled, compacted if its soft.

vaporizer delivery (off

loading of vaporizer 2.1.1 check the crane 3rd party inspection of crane shall be valid.
and other accessories 2.1 Tipping over or 2.1.2 operator and rigger shall have valid 3rd party certificates.
with the help of boom overturning of the 2.1.3 co ordinate with Zamil to identify the existing UG
facilities if any, the crane position to be
truck/crane boom truck/crane changed.
2.1.4 The outriggers to be fully extended while positioning the crane on outrigger pads.
2.1.5 Slings shall have valid 3rd party certification.

3.1.1 Taglines to be used to balance the load and arrest swinging of load.
3.1 falling of load
3.1.2 Follow SWL
3.1.3 install barricades and signages

1.1.1 Power & handtools shall be inspected and color coded.

Fixing of vaporizers on 1.1.2 initial and continuous gas testing during the work.
1.1 Substandard 1.1.3 LEL must be shown ZERO on gas sensor to perform hotwork.
the base by using
power or hand tools 1.1.4 No hotwork shall be carried in case LEL exceeding 0%.
1.1.5 Use faceshield while using drill machine.
1.1.6 ensure that all handles and parts are firmly secured.
2.1.1 Job performer shall be competent and experienced to work.
2.1 Pinch points 2.1.2 Tube bender and hand tools must be in good condition, pre check tools before use.
2.1.3 don't use faulty tools or home made tools.

1.1.1 No hotwork shall be carried at live plant area unless permission from the
authorized person.
1.1 Fire/ explosion
1.1.2 smoking is strictly prohibited
1.1.3 No Hotwork on existing pipes for connections, cold cutting shall be performed
1.1.4 No hotwork on pressurized lines or tanks.

2.1.1 Supervisor to ensure canopy is properly made so that sparks or splinters shall not
2.1 Improper canopy
be come out of canopy.
2.1.2 proper ventillation need to be established.
Take the Pipe
3.1 Defective 3.1.1 welding cables and tools shall be inspected for cuts, breaks, leaks or insulation
measurement and
welding damage & must be check before the use.
fabricate the pipes at
safe place away from
the exisiting LPG tanks. 4.1 personnel struck
4.1.1 Do not operate welding near tanks
by sparks, steel 4.1.2 remove all combustibles and fire hazards items from welding area, all welding within
buffer wire or approved barriers.
shattering grinding 4.1.3 barrier entrances to be closed securely at all times during welding.
disc 4.1.4 Use fire blanket to avoid any sparks to convert in shape of fire/explosion.
5.1.1 Ensure that grinder is disconnected from power source prior to changing /
adjusting discs.
5.1 Accidental 5.1.2 Use only inspected and tagged power cables and socket and ensure that cables
activation of grinder are properly secured and insulated to avoid electric shock
5.1.3 Grinder & disc shall be placed down on the ground when not in use.
5.1.4 Ensure safe guard shall be in placed
1.1.1 Appropriate PPE such as hand gloves, filter mask, chemical goggles etc, shall
be provided.
1.1 chemical contact
1.1.2 Refer and follow the instruction of material safety data sheet (MSDS)
with skin/eyes
1.1.3 In case chemical contacts with the eyes performer shall wash his eyes for atleast
Painting of pipes for
2.1.1 Keep a spill clean-up kit nearby during painting.
2.1 Paint spillage
2.1.2 Deal with spills immediately
2.1.3 keep paint can on drip trays
1.1.1 only extension cords equipped with double insulated shall be used.
1.1.2 extension leads not lying on wet surface or metal grating, All cables must be
elevated from ground.
1.1.3 Use earth leakage protection unit for grinders, welding machines.
1.1.4 Competent electrician to inspect all electrical connections

2.1.1 only competent person shall be assigned for the task.

2.1.2 Involved person for the task shall be remove or not to wear
any conductive item i.e metal jewelery watch chain etc.
Electrical connections 2.1 Cable pulling and 2.1.3 workers shall taught in cable laying an pulling techniques including the
termination requirement for ensuring good manual handling techniques.
2.1.4 Use double insulated tools whenever possible
2.1.5 Cable shall be properly routed and managed to avoid slip, trip & fall

3.1.1 conduct TBT to inform all workers for energization.

3.1.2 barricade the area, unauthorized person not allowed
3.1 cable energizing 3.1.3 Work shall only be carried on isolated and de energized lines by the electrician
after testing.
1.1.1 connect nitrogen hose with the tank
1.1.2 only skilled technician allowed to perform this task
1.1 poor connection whip lash shall be available with all the hoses ( must be rated ). No jubilee clamps
of nitrogen hose allowed.
with tank 1.1.3 use standard fittings and visual inspection of cylinder hoses ensured
Performing leak test 1.1.4 The supervisor shall ensure all gauges are calibrated.
1.1.5 frequent checks required.
(Tank and pipe testing
2.1.1 Ensure the supervisor and technician are familiar with pressurized tank and
with nitrogen upto 7 2.1 Poor visual
nitrogen hazards
bar) inspection for leak
2.1.2 visual inspection shall be carried out to check for any leak
3.1.1 caution signs and barrication shall be in place for pressurized area.
3.1.2 No work shall be carried on the pressurized vessels and pipelines
3.1 Holding nitrogen
3.1.3 No tightening or adjusting of nuts to be carried on pressurized vessels
for 24 hrs
3.1.4 client and all other work parties must be informed for the
leak test work in progress.
Release of nitrogen
pressure vessel and 1.1 Poor inspection 1.1.1 visual inspection shall be carried out for existing lines
pipe lines into Air and
2.1.1 Continuous gas testing during the work.
keeping vessel upto 0.2-
2.1.2 Depressurized the line partially no one infront of depressurized line.
0.5 bar 2.1 Asphyxiation
2.1.3 inform client and contractor working nearby for the release of nitrogen
(Depressuriation) 2.1.4 Evacuate the area and keep at safe distance until depressurized
1.1 LPG tanker 1.1.1 Escort tanker from main gate to the LPG vessels location.
manuevering 1.1.2 Follow speed limit
1.1.3 Wear PPEs
2.1.1 only authorized person allowed to connect hose with the vessels
commisioning by filing 2.1.2 verify the hose for proper connections
the tank with LPG 2.1.3 continuous gas testing with portable gas testor
2.1 Hose connection
with vessels

1.1.1 The entire site shall be cleaned

1.1.2 An adequate amount of trash receptacles shall be available in work areas
Housekeeping 1.1 Health hazard
1.1.3 site supervision shall ensure that trash and debris is properly collected and disposed of

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