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DATE: 29 January, 2024

TO: Delivery Express Employees

FROM: Nikoleta Kayya Mega, Operation Manager NKM

SUBJECT: Improved Office Cleanliness – Your Cooperation Needed

I am reaching out to address an important matter concerning the cleanliness of our shared
workspace. As you may be aware, out work areas were scheduled for cleanup last Friday, but
unfortunately, the expected improvements were not achieved. While a few individuals took
the initiative to tidy up their desks, the common areas we left in a less desirable state.

Recognizing the constraints on our cleaning budget, it is imperative that we collectively take
responsibility for maintaining a clean and organized workspace. I am confident that with a
united effort, we can create a more pleasant and efficient work environment for everyone.

This Friday, I kindly request your assistance in addressing specific areas that require attention:

1. Copy Machine:
- Empty waste bins
- Organize paper and toner supplies

2. Lunch Room:
- Clean counters
- Address refrigerator cleanliness
- Ensure sinks are tidy
- Attend to the coffee machine

3. Refrigerator:
- Dispose of any leftover food on Friday afternoon to prevent unpleasant odors by

4. Office Supply Shelves:

- Straighten and organize office supplies

Your cooperation is vital in ensuring the success of this cleanup initiative. I understand that
our time and resources are valuable, but a cleaner workspace contributes significantly to our
collective well-being and productivity.

If there are significant improvements this Friday then we can avoid implementing a more
structured cleaning schedule and assigning specific tasks to individuals. I am hopeful that we
can avoid such measures through our combined efforts.

Thank you for your understanding. Let’s work together to create a workspace we can all take
pride in.

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