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Made by: Leonhard Sieger/ Guo Jia


The Crown– 1
1. Inviolability.
2. Legislative power
3. Executive power
4. War, peace and treaties
5. Indulgent power
6. Imperial Court
7. Succession
3. Imperial Court of Caerleia– 2
1. Function, rights and services
2. Local nobles
3. Crown Prince
4. Prime Minister
5. Chancellor
6. Steward
7. Grand Marshall
8. Architect
9. Attendants
10. General
11. Grand Excellency
12. Chief of Records
13. Lore-master
14. Master of arms
Imperial laws– 3
1. Capital offenses
2. Penal offenses
3. Imperial deliberations
4. Imperial punishments
5. Civil rights
Ministries– 4
1. Martial ministry
2. Justice ministry
3. Ministry of land and agriculture
4. Economy ministry
5. Industry ministry
6. Foreign ministry
7. Ministry of lore and history
8. Star Ministry
Nobility– 5
1. Noble Titles
2. Commandery system
3. Land division
Amendments– 6
Signature – 7


ARTICLE 1: Inviolability
The emperor and the ruling dynasty can’t be placed on trial or objected unless under a right
cause, as such a dynasty holds the Mandate of Heaven and can’t be objected to through
slander, lies and/or treason. Only if losing the Mandate of Heaven through the signs of
immorality, slander towards talent, mistreatment of the people and depravity will make the
signs that the moment when such a ruling dynasty must be overthrown to install one with the
Mandate of Heaven.
SUB ARTICLE 1: Mandate of Heaven
Heaven bestows its mandate on a just ruler. If a ruler is overthrown, this was interpreted as an
indication that the ruler was unworthy and had lost the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of
Heaven does not require the legitimate ruler to be of noble birth, as possessing the Mandate
of Heaven renders them a noble

ARTICLE 2: legislative power

Legislative power lies with the Emperor and just with the Emperor. The Emperor has the
right to write and sign off on laws. To help him with this task, the imperial court is
responsible for suggesting laws and advising on the creation and writing of laws. Imperial
law will always hold dominance over local law.

ARTICLE 3: Executive power

The Executive power of the Empire is held by the ministers on behalf of the
Emperor and they serve the duty of enforcing and implementing the laws of the

ARTICLE 4: War, peace and treaties

The emperor has the power to declare war and make peace, as well as conclude treaties with
foreign governments. The latter require for their validity the assent of the court as soon as
they are commercial treaties, or impose charges to the State, or obligations to individual
subjects. The Chancellor should always be consulted in matters of foreign affairs, however
the respective ministers should be consulted depending on the nature of the affair.

ARTICLE 5: Indulgent Power

The emperor will have the power to pardon and mitigate the sentence imposed on a
condemned person.

ARTICLE 6: Imperial Court

The emperor can assign members of the court (either by appointment or after application of
such a member), however, for one to be removed, evidence of his inefficiency, corruption,
and/or treachery must be found, so that he is given due judgment. If even barely necessary,
the emperor will summon the court and dismiss their sessions. The emperor can dissolve the
court in cases of corruption, lack of diligence, inefficiency and/or illegal activities. In such
cases, new ministers must be chosen and in the least of cases, former ministers involved in
such charges shouldn’t be allowed to be involved in the imperial court for 2 months (unless
another punishment is seen fit).

ARTICLE 7: Succession
The crown is given to a dynasty thanks to the Mandate of Heaven. The crown Prince is
selected by the emperor regardless of gender, age, blood relationship, etc. The person who
will inherit the throne, will do through the merit of the person. If a consanguineous member is
seen fit, such person can be chosen for the role of crown Prince.

TITLE II –Imperial court of Caerleia

ARTICLE 1: functions, rights and services
The imperial court is the group of notables that help the emperor in the Caerleian throne in
their many specializations. The people inside this court can be eliminated as easily as the
emperor can assign them due to their merits. The occasions where these members can be
expelled are due to treason, inefficiency, crimes, corruption and similar charges. Regardless
of titles, money, good, etc can rise to the court, as merit is the correct way for state affairs.
They have the right to be heard, to hold property and develop in state affairs

ARTICLE 2: Local nobles

The local nobles are the members of the 12 original clans in the unification of the empire.
They can hold titles, enact local laws and local policies. The titles from least to greatest are:
Viscount, count, marquis, duke, grand duke, crown Prince

ARTICLE 3: Crown Prince

Future emperor of Caerleia. As heir to the empire, the crown Prince must know how to
govern, know of military and civil affairs; judge correctly the subjects, besides other
requirements for being worthy of the throne. If the Crown Prince ends up not being worthy of
the throne, the right to the throne will be denied, the crown Prince title removed and the rest
of the notables will be proven for the succession.

ARTICLE 4: Prime Minister

The right hand of the emperor and the greatest attendant in the government. His authority
only equals that of the Crown Prince and only inferior to the Emperor’s. The Prime minister
can lead armies and help in all state affairs. Only by appointment of the emperor can this title
be obtained.

ARTICLE 5: Chancellor
The chief diplomat of the Empire. Its title gives the responsibilities of receiving the
diplomats of other states, sending and acting as a diplomat for the empire, and being aware of
the foreign situations in the world.

ARTICLE 6: Steward
Minister in charge of the economic and development affairs. The minister presides over inner
income sources and infrastructures inside the empire, hiring builders, administrating the state
logistics and similar affairs.

ARTICLE 7: Grand Marshall

The commander-in-chief of the empire military. The Grand Marshall can assign strategists,
generals, lieutenants and similar ranks inside the military. The Grand Marshall can as well be
the main strategic mind in military operations and serve as field general.

ARTICLE 8: Architect
The imperial architect in charge of making blueprints for the most important infrastructures
inside the empire. He can hire builders for the task and as well consult other architects for
collaboration and inspiration

ARTICLE 9: Guests of honor

Guests of honor are citizens of the empire that the Emperor has personally chosen to attend
an imperial meeting to aid the court and the Emperor in decision making. They Will be
treated as members of the court for the duration of the meeting.

ARTICLE 10: Grand Excellency

Chief authority in imperial law. The Grand Excellency is the main judge inside imperial land
and precedes the correct obedience of the law and the constitution. Judges and sheriffs can be
assigned by this office.

ARTICLE 11: Great Historian

The great historian of the empire. This office is in charge of recording all the history, lore,
cultural texts and biographies of the notable people of the kingdom. The resources that he
must manage are paper, books, enchanted books, books with a feather, black and luminous

ARTICLE 12: Lore-master

The right hand of the Great Historin. This office has similar responsibilities to the Great
Historian but focuses more on the cultural and biographical of recording history. Folklore,
myths and similar works will most likely be work of the Lore-master

TITLE III – Imperial Law

ARTICLE 1: Capital offenses

1. Plotting rebellion
2. Plotting great sedition
3. Plotting treason
4. Fratricide
5. Depravity
6. Lèse-majesté
7. Discord
8. Unrighteousness
9. Incest
ARTICLE 2: Penal offenses
1. Light griefing
2. Mob killing
3. Light theft
ARTICLE 3: Imperial deliberations
1. Emperor’s old retainer
2. Morale worthy
3. Talented
4. Meritorious
5. High court position
6. Hard worker
7. Guest of State
ARTICLE 4: Imperial Punishments
1. Light caning: 10-50 light canning and a monetary fine (varied)
2. Heavy caning: 50-100 heavy canning and a monetary fine (varied)
3. Penal servitude: Varied time of civil service, canning and a monetary fine
4. Exile: Varied exile distance, canning and a monetary fine (varied)
5. Execution: Various forms of execution and a monetary fine (varied)
ARTICLE 5: Civil Rights
1. Right to meritocracy: Every citizen has the right to rise in the ranks due to their merit
and to serve the State with the talents had.
2. Right to property:Every citizen has rights to own private property, and such
property is inviolable, unless the considerations below are met:
● Player Inactivity/Left the server.
● Tax evasion.
● Treason.
3. Freedom of speech: Every Caerleian shall be entitled to express their opinion
freely as long as it doesn’t pose a risk to national security.

4. Freedom of religion: All citizens shall have their religion respected by the
government and other citizens. Religious persecution is not allowed, however
mainstream religion is encouraged.

5. Right to a fair trial:No one shall be deprived from lawful trial. All Caerleians have
the right to apply for a court case for the Justice Department.

6. Equality: All Caerleians shall be equal before the law and the legal code will be
enforced without any manipulations.
* If a person is suspected of being a terrorist or an active threat to national security these
rights may be put on hold if both emperor and grand excellency agree

TITLE IV – Ministries

ARTICLE 1: Martial Ministry

The Martial Ministry is led by the Grand Marshall and oversees the martial affairs along with
the strategists and generals. The duties of the ministry includes but are not limited to:
● Organizing the imperial army
● Making sure the soldiers of the army are well-trained and equipped.
● Making sure the Empire has strategies on how to conduct warfare.
● Organizing logistic policies
● Organizing a proper military hierarchy.

SUBARTICLE 1:Master of arms

The Master of arms is the Right-hand man and advisor for the Grand Marshall. They're
appointed by the Grand Marshall and should be appointed to fill out any skills in which the
Grand Marshall might be lacking.

ARTICLE 2: Justice Ministry

The Grand Excellency represents the Word and law of the Emperor. He is in charge of the
Justice Ministry which oversees all courts inside the Empire. The duty of the Grand
Excellency is to appoint local judges as well as interpret imperial law and the constitution.
All citizens have the right in cases including imperial law and the constitution to bring the
ruling or the case presented to them by a local court to the high court for a final verdict to be
chosen by the Grand Excellency. As it is the duty of the Grand Excellency to appoint local
judges, should the local commandery not have a local judges, the case Will be immediately
brought to the high court to be ruled by the Grand Excellency.

ARTICLE 3: Ministry of land and agriculture

The Ministry of land and agriculture is headed by the steward and is in charge
of the food logistics and the terrain scouting in the empire. This ministry will
provide food in all silos of the empire, feeding the army and as well as make the
maps. The ministry is also responsible for the infrastructure between towns.

ARTICLE 4: Economy Ministry

The Economy ministry is headed by the steward and focuses on the sources of
domestic income of the empire.

SUBARTICLE 1: industry Ministry

The industry ministry is a subdivision of the economy ministry, led by the
Architect. It focuses on the acquisition of materials, industry income (mining)
and the development of industry structures and infrastructure.

ARTICLE 6: Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Ministry is led by the Chancellor and focuses on attending the
foreign affairs of the empire, going from trade agreements to peace
negotiations. The Chancellor can appoint diplomats in case the Chancellor
cannot attend a specific meeting

ARTICLE 7: Ministry of lore and history

The Ministry of lore and history is co-led by both the Great Historian and the
Lore-master. The purpose of this ministry is to keep track of all the history of
the empire, maintain cultural traditions, protect the relics of the empire and
promote mainstream religion.

ARTICLE 8: Star Ministry

The Star Ministry is in charge of recruiting new talents for the empire. This ministry is held
by all the court of the empire, as everyone can recruit new talents for making the empire more
illustrious. The emperor will seek ways for rewarding those who recruit the greatest quality.

TITLE V – Nobility
Here are the noble titles, membership in the nobility has historically been granted by a
monarch or government. Regardless of noble status, the meritocratic system of the empire
can grant nobility to the worthy help the empire, being part of the court. The nobles can be
part of the main court besides their own. Upon adoption of this document, the following
systems and titles will be in action:
ARTICLE 1: Noble titles
1. Emperor: The Emperor is the sovereign of all Caerleia. He holds all the lands
inside the empire and commands over the court and the nobility. The Emperor has
final word in state affairs but it’s recommended that he listens to his worthy
people for advice and correct statecraft.
2. Grand Duke: The Grand Duke is a noble landlord that governs over at least 20
commanderies and is the closest member to the imperial dynasty. The Grand Duke
can raise armies when needed, have a court, lands, titles and other benefits, as
long as loyalty to the empire is kept.
3. Duke: Dukes are landlords that govern at least 5 commanderies. The Duke can
raise armies when needed, have a court, lands, titles and other benefits, as long as
loyalty to the empire is kept.
4. Marquis: The marquis is a noble tile that holds 4 commanderies. The marquis can
raise armies when needed, have a court, lands, titles and other benefits, as long as
loyalty to the empire is kept.
5. Count: The count is a noble title that holds 3 commanderies.can raise armies
when needed, have a court, lands, titles and other benefits, as long as loyalty to the
empire is kept.
6. Viscount: The Viscount holds one commandery. The viscount can raise armies
when needed, have a court, lands, titles and other benefits, as long as loyalty to the
empire is kept.
7. Paladin: The Paladin is a noble title granted to people with great martial prowess
and able to fight against many foes. They may hold lands but their main role is to
fight for the empire and protect the emperor

ARTICLE 2: Commandery system

The Empire of Caerleia is adopting a commandery system with which to divide land
● One clan can have 3 commanderies. Each commandery can have 2 cities each.
Unless this clan wins a dispute mediated by the imperial and/or have been given
by the emperor, this clan cannot inherit commanderies of other clans.
● The way in which a person or clan can acquire a nobility status is through merit
and the support towards the government. A person doesn’t need to be a noble to
be relevant for the empire.
● A noble family can have some extra nobility titles and holdings, in which they can
place a minor branch of such a family or a vassal family for overseeing such
holdings. These titles can be inherited by the choosing of an heir by the owner of
the holding.
● Each clan is encouraged in getting a banner for representing themselves
● In case of the extinction of a bloodline (inactivity, leaving, along other
circumstances) the title would be handed to the emperor, who would assign a new
clan to govern those lands.
● Any inactivity must be reported to the emperor. If a whole clan is inactive in the
Timelapse of 5 weeks, a new one will be assigned as replacement.

ARTICLE 3: Land division

The nation will follow the following land divisions for administration:

1. Empire (30 commanderies)

2. Grand duchy (20 commanderies)
3. Duchy (10 commanderies)
4. County (5 commanderies)
5. Commandery
6. City
7. Plot of land (generally small as a building)

TITLE VI – Amendments to the Constitution

This document may only be changed, replaced, removed, or altered in any way, if the
emperor and the court see fit and required in the situations. If these conditions aren’t met, the
person who has altered the constitution can be considered a traitor and must be either exiled
from the nation or executed.

TITLE VII – Signatures

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