Quiz On Gene Expression, Mutation, Allele Frequency

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Quiz on Gene expression, Mutation, Allele Frequency

NAME:_____________________________ COURSE&YR_________ DATE___________SCORE__________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer in each question below. ERASURES ARE NOT ALLOWED.

DNA mutations are passed on to a cell’s progeny

A. true B. False C. It depends on the type of cell division involved.
Fill in the missing portion of this flow diagram: DNA's nucleotide sequence --> amino acid sequence --> proteins'
polypeptides --> _____ --> an organism's structures.
A. Steroids B. enzymes C. Polysaccharide D. RNA
The genotype of an organism is linked to the organism's phenotype by _____.
A. Lipids B. water C. Carbohydrates D. Proteins
Sickle cell hemoglobin differs from normal hemoglobin by just one amino acid.
A. True B. False
DNA specifies for the production of _____.
A. Carbohydrates B. Proteins C. nucleotides D. lipids
Individuals who have somatic regions that are genotypically different from each other are called_____.
A.heterozygotes B. genetic mosaic C. homozygotes D. All of the above
The only difference between DNA and RNA is the type of sugar.
A. True B. False
RNA nucleotides contain _____.
A. A phosphate group B. the base uracil C. the sugar ribose D. all of the above

RNA is single stranded and does not form a double helix like DNA's.
A. True B. False
There is/are _____ major class(es) of RNA.
A. One B. two C Three D. four
Which of the following is not found in RNA?
A. Cytosine B. Adenine C. Thymine D. guanine
During transcription DNA serves as a template for ______ synthesis.
Proteins and _____ make up the ribosomes where polypeptides are synthesized.
Amino acids are carried to the ribosomes by _____.
Information is taken from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm by the _____.
Which of the following takes place in the nucleus?
A. Transcription B. Translation
Two healthy people have a child expressing a genetic condition caused by a dominant allele. What can you conclude about
this situation?
A. The parents are not free from the disorder- one must be affected.
B. The mutation arose spontaneously in the child.
C. Infidelity- one parent had to contribute the disease allele.
D. The child is not the biological child of the couple described.
The structure that disposes of misfolded proteins is called the
a. Proteasome b. Splicosome c. Peroxisome d. Lysosome
Loops, coils and sheets are introduced at the __ level of protein structure.
a. primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Quaternary
When more than one polypeptide is present in the functioning protein, all of the polypeptides together form the
a. primary structure. B. secondary structure. C. tertiary structure. D. quaternary structure
During translation, the _____ site within the ribosome holds the growing amino acid chain while the ____ site holds the
next amino acid to be added to the chain.
a. E, A b. A,P c. P, A d. E,P
____ codons specify amino acids and ____ signal stop, both constitute ____ codons
a. 20, 17, 3 b. 180, 20, 60 c. 61, 3. 64 d. 60, 1,61
What area of a gene does the RNA polymerase bind to?
a. codon b. Exon c. Intron d. Promoter
A DNA strand with the sequence AACGTAACG is transcribed. What is the sequence of the mRNA molecule synthesized?
Translation is the synthesis of
a. proteins from DNA b. mRNA from DNA. C. mRNA from proteins. D. proteins from mRNA
Which of the following occurs as the ribosome shifts down the mRNA by a distance of one nucleotides?
a.the tRNA that was in the P site moves into the E site
b. the tRNA that was in the P site moves into the A site
c. the tRNA that was in the A site moves into the E site
d. the tRNA that was in the E site moves into the P site
The first amino acid enters through the A site.
a. True b. False c. Depends on the kind of protein synthesized
The three base sequence on the transfer RNA is the____
a. DNA template b. Codon c. Anticodon d. Triplet code
At the E site
a. anticodons match with codons b. transfer RNA is released
c. peptide bonds are formed between amino acids d.transcription occurs
How many chromosomes does a person with Edward syndrome have?
a. 45 b. 46 c. 47 d. 48
All of the following aneuploids can result from female nondisjunction except
a. Jacobs syndrome. B. triplo-X. C. Klinefelter syndrome. D. Turner syndrome.
The field of genetics that studies the relationship between chromosome variations and specific traits is called ______.
a. cytogenetics b. Mendelian genetics c. quantitative genetics d. behavioral genetics
Heterochromatic regions at the ends of chromosomes are called
a. euchromatin. b. centromeres. C. Telomeres d. Satellites
The schematic map of a chromosome is called a (an)
a. chromogram. B. anagram. C. idiogram. D. karyotype.
Which of the following cell types is not used to examine chromosomes?
a. bone marrow cells b. red blood cells c. white blood cells d. All of the above
The most common autosomal aneuploid is trisomy involving chromosome
a. 13 b. 15 c. 18 d. 21
An individual with two normal sets of autosomes and a single X chromosome has
a.Down syndrome b.Klinefelter syndrome. c. Patau syndrome. d. Turner syndrome.

In nondisjunction, which parent leads to the sex chromosome aneuploid XXX?

a.Mother b. Father c. Either parent d. Both parents
A tetraploid human karyotype has how many chromosomes?
a.23 b.46 c. 69 d. 92
A(n)____ chromosome has its centromere near a tip so that it has one long arm and one very short arm.
a.Acrocentric b. Metacentric c. Submetacentric d. None of the above
An individual with the chromosomal description 45, X would be a
a. female with Turner syndrome. B. male with Klinefelter syndrome.
c. normal female. D. cannot be determined
In nondisjunction, which parent leads to the sex chromosome aneuploid XYY?
a.Mother b. Father c. Either parent d. Both parents
Nondisjunction of chromosome 21 during meiosis II in human females can result in all of the following chromosome
complements in a zygote except (assume the oocyte is fertilized by a sperm with a normal chromosome set)
a.no chromosome 21. B. euploid for chromosome 21.
c. monosomic for chromosome 21. D.trisomic for chromosome 21.
In a(an)____, the short arm of two acrocentric chromosomes break, and the long arms join, forming an unusual, long
a. duplication b. Inversion c. reciprocal translocation d. Robertsonian translocation
Cri-du-chat syndrome is associated with
a. a missing chromosome number 5. c. a deletion of the short arm of chromosome number 5.
b. a deletion of the long arm of chromosome number 5. D. an additionalchromosomenumber 5.
Consider the following normal sequence of genes: a b c d e f g h. The sequence a b f e d c g h represents a (an)
a.deletion. B. inversion. C. Duplication d. translocation.
Approximately ____ percentage of spontaneous abortions result from extra or missing chromosomes.
a. 10 b. 25 c. 50 d. 75
Which of the following causes an extra copy of a chromosomal region to occur?
a.inversion b.duplication c. Deletion d.simple translocation
Which of the following occurs when a piece of one chromosome breaks off and is attached to another chromosome?
a.inversion b.duplication c. Deletion d.simple translocation
When a chromosome is broken in two places and reconnected so that a region is flipped from the normal order, this is
a.inversion b.duplication c. Deletion d.simple translocation

A mutation always causes a mutant phenotype.

True b. False c. Cannot be determined
A ____ mutation affects the phenotype only under certain conditions.
a. spontaneous b. Somatic c. conditional d. site-directed
Which characteristic of the genetic code lowers the likelihood of mutation?
a. universality b. Triplet c. synonymous codons d.non-overlapping nature
A mutation that changes a adenine to a guanine is an example of a _____.
a. transition b. transversion c. Frameshift d. nonsense
A frameshift mutation
a.replaces one amino acid with another. C. removes part of the protein.
b. introduces a section of amino acids not normally found. D. joins two different proteins.
The codon for leucine is CUC. How many different amino acids could possibly result from single-base substitutions?
a.1 b.3 c. 5 d. 7
Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents a ____ mutation.
a. nonsense b. Missense c. Frameshift D. Deletion
Which of the following is an effect of a mutation?
a. prevents a protein from forming c. lowers the amount of a protein
b. adds a function to a protein d. All of the above can occur.
A point mutation that changes a codon specifying an amino acid into a stop codon is called a
a. nonsense b. Missense c. Frameshift D. Deletion
A mutagen is ________.
a. an agent that causes a mutation c. change in the nucleotide base sequence
b. an unusual phenotype d. None of the above.
A ____ mutation is intentionally caused.
a. spontaneous b. Somatic c. conditional d. site-directed
A spontaneous mutation usually originates as an error in
a. DNA replication. b. DNA transcription. C. translation. D. reverse transcription.
A ____ mutation originates during meiosis while a ____ mutation originates during mitosis.
a. somatic, germinal b. spontaneous, point c. germinal, somatic d. germinal, spontaneous
The nucleic acid sequence in mRNA is determined by
a. nucleotide sequence in DNA c. the order of amino acids in the protein
b. nucleotide sequence in t-RNA d. all of the above
If a frameshift mutation causes a stop codon to be inserted into the DNA sequence
a. the resulting protein will not be affected c. the phenotype will change but not the genotype
b. resulting protein will be too short and non-functional
d. he resulting protein will be too long and non-functional
A nucleotide deletion in DNA replication
a. causes one amino acid of the protein to be incorrect
b. causes the amino acids inserted after the deletion to be incorrect
c. causes all of the amino acids of the protein to be incorrect
d. causes the amino acids inserted before the deletion to be incorrect
A mutation that causes a change in a single nucleotide in DNA
a. will have no effect on the resulting protein
b. changes the corresponding nucleotide in mRNA, resulting in a different codon
c. causes protein synthesis to stop
d. causes the codon to be correct, but the anticodon to be incorrect
The genes in a population comprise its
a. gene allocation. b. gene pool. c.gene flow d. genotype.
____ is the source of new alleles in a population.
a. Mutation b. Selection C. Nonrandom mating d.Genetic drift
Assume that you encounter a very large population of mice that have an unusual mating system: individuals with a streak of
white fur between the eyes mate only with individuals lacking this marking. Is this population likely to be in equilibrium?
Why or why not?
a. No, mating is non-random.
b. No, mutation has occurred in this population resulting in the white streak trait.
c. Yes, the population is large.
d. Yes, individuals with the trait preferentially mate with those lacking the trait.
Consider a gene in a population where the dominant allele G occurs in 46% of the gametes. What is the frequency of the
recessive allele?
a.54% b.44% c.0% d.cannot be determined
Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium involving autosomal alleles, what is the frequency of q if p = 0.7?
a. 0.003 b. 0.03 c. 0.023 d. 1.03
Based on the information above, what percentage of individuals are heterozygous?
a. 0.42b. 0.24 c. 0.49 d. 0.09
Small scale shifts in allele frequencies is the defining characteristic of _____.
a. nonrandom mating b. natural selection c. microevolution d. Macroevolution
Approximately 1/200 individuals have an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. What is the frequency of the recessive
a. 0.0005 b. 0.005 c. 0.071 d. 0.022
Which of the following represents the proportion of individuals within a population displaying a dominant phenotype?
a. P2 b. 2pq c. p2 + 2pq d. p2 + 2pq +q2
In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the frequency of a recessive allele will ____ over time.
a. Decrease b. Increase c. remain the same d. vary
Assume that the incidence of an X-linked recessive disorder is 1 in 200 male births. What is the frequency of the mutant
a. 0.000025 b. 0.071 c. 0.005 d . 0.995
Again assuming that an X-linked recessive disorder occurs in 1 in 200 male births, what is the frequency of affected
a. 0.000025 b. 0.071 c. 0.005 d . 0.995
What is the frequency of affected males?
a. 0.000025 b. 0.071 c. 0.005 d . 0.995
Given that cystic fibrosis affects 1 in 2000 Caucasian newborns, what is the frequency of the recessive allele for cystic
fibrosis in the population?
a. 0.0005 b. 0.025 c. 0.022 d. 0.978
Using the information from Question above, what is the carrier frequency in the population?
a. 0.0005 b. 0.025 c. 0.022 d. 0.978

II. MATCHING TYPE. Match Column A with Column B.

A. Match the conditions in Column A w/ their corresponding symptoms in Column B. Write the letter of your choice on the
spce provided.
Column A Coulmn B
____1. Neurofibromatosis A. lung infections & pancreatic insufficiency
____2. Marfan syndrome B. loss of muscle function
____3. Ehler-Danlos C.high blood cholesterol, early heart disease
____4. Cystic fibrosis D. skin blisters to touch
____5. Familial hypercholesterolemia E. easily broken bones, blue white eyes
____6. Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy F. stretchy, easily scarred skin
____7. Hemophilia G. slow or absent blood clotting
____8. Sickle cell anemia H. deficiency of beta haemoglobin, excess of alpha haemoglobin leads
to RBC breakdown
____9. Thalassemia I. sickling of RBC, clogs capillaries & damage organs
____10. Huntington disease J. absebce of iris
____11. Osteogenesis imperfecta K. erratic movement, dementia
____12. Epidermolysis bollusa L. long limbs, weakened aorta, arachnodactyly
____13. Xeroderma pigmentosum M. Malfunction of excision repair, very dry skin & freckles
____14. Ataxia telangiectasis N. Defect in cell cycle checkpoint kinase, patient wobbles
____15. Trichothiodystrophy O. benign tumors of the nervous tissue beneath skin
P. Faulty nucleotide excision repair or base excision repair or both, brittle hair

II. B. Match the gene sequence in column A w/ the corresponding chromosomal mutations in Column B.
Normal gene sequence: ABCDEFGHIJ
____1. CDEFGHIJ A. Translocation
____2. ABFEDCGHIJ B. Duplication
____3. ABCDEFGXYZ C. Deletion
____4. ABABCDEFGHIJ D. Inversion

III. Problem Solving. Show your solutions.

1. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. In a certain population, it occurs 1 in 5,000 male
births. Calculate the frequency of: a) carriers. b) affected females, c) normal females, d) normal males, & e) affected males.

2. Glutaric aciduria type 1causes progressive paralysis & brain damage w/c is due to an autosomal recessive allele. It is very
common in the Amish of Lancaster County Pennsylvania – 0.25 % of newborns have the disorder. Calculate the frequencies
of : (a) dominant allele (b) recessive allele (c) newborns that are carriers & (d) those who do not have the disease-causing

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