MicroStation - LiDAR - Classifying Points

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7/14/2017 MicroStation : LiDAR - Classifying Points - Katrina McLean

Katrina McLean
Earth Scientist and GIS Specialist

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February 3, 2015

LiDAR : Classifying Points

Typical Classes If the point class you want is not already defined…DEFINE IT!

1 – Unclassified Don’t forget to save when done!

2 – Ground Solid

3 – Low Vegetation

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7/14/2017 MicroStation : LiDAR - Classifying Points - Katrina McLean

4 – Medium Vegetation

5 – High Vegetation

6 – Building

7 – Low Point (noise)

8 – Model Keypoints (mass point)

9 – Water

View Classification Statistics

To see how many points are in

each classification (for interest)

Open the Classify Points Macro Tool in

Terrascan Menu

Point Classification Settings

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The settings you use will depend on what you are looking for from the data i.e DEM, canopy top, tree trunks, b
are a bunch of examples of settings but these may not be ideal for your specific use. I will try to explain what s
can set will do. You should classify your points (build your macros) in thefollowing order : default – isolated poi
below ground- hgt above ground – building.

Isolate Points

The isolate points macro looks at every

have x # of points within a y buffer zon
if a point doesn’t have at least 3 other p
directions it will be classified as isolate
class which essentially acts as a noise

Low Points

The removal of low points is to help the

ground level. It takes the lowest points
Sometimes anomalous points appear b
double reflections or errors (i.e if it refle
another surface and then goes back to
increased which results in it appearing
takes the average height of all of the po
the point in question. If the point in que
average of all of the points in the buffer

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7/14/2017 MicroStation : LiDAR - Classifying Points - Katrina McLean

Ground Points

The purpose of this macro is to classify

as a dem. All future macros will be rela
Options include

Building Size – if you set it smaller you

Terrain Angle – larger is more detail bu

is essentially related to smoothing of th

Iteration angle – can take this up to 10

survey. Higher angles can add to the n
is the default and it is often good to sta

Below Ground Points

This removes remaining points below t

Height Above Ground Points

These classify from xm-ym above grou

used for low, medium and high vegetat
is common to use 0-1, 1-2, 2-200m (re
macro 3 different times)

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Building Points

Buildings are typically >2m so you will

any class that has a height of >2m abo
dataset specific so play around with the
building size and the Z-tolerance. Try th

For more information follow this case study.

The Final Step

The last thing to do is run your macro. You can do this on either
individual blocks or your entire projects. Both of these options are
selectable from the Macro–> Run Menu.

If you want to run on loaded points only (recommend for testing

macro settings) you should make sure to have a block open under
the terrascan –> File –> Open Block menu. Click Open block and
select a block in your viewer.

Now select run from loaded points.

If you want to run the macro on the entire dataset. Select to run it
on a selected file.

This pops up the menu on the far right. Use settings as shown.
Please note that you do not have to select LAS 1.2 but if you leave
this option as default it will not save your points.

 RADAR – Geometric Distortions Radar

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MARCH 17, 2016 @ 11:04 AM


JULY 26, 2016 @ 5:16 AM

I want this software. It will use las analysis.

thank you

Tsana'a Alifia
AUGUST 4, 2016 @ 4:12 AM

Halo. Thanks you information about classifying Points. and may i ask you something about this? i still confuse
parameter value of max.building size, terrain angle, iteration angle and iteration distance? thanks before

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