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A. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang paling tepat !

1. Arrange these sentences based on the pictures above to make cooking instructions.

(1) Put noodles into 2 glasses of briskly boiling water.

(2) Your delicious noodles are ready to be served.

(3) Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and chilli powder in a bowl.

(4) Mix the noodles well with all of the seasoning.

(5) cook the noodles and simmer for 3 minute

a. (4) – (3) – (5) – (1) – (2)

b. (2) – (1) – (5) – (3) – (4)

c. (1) – (5) – (3) – (4) – (2)

d. (3) – (5) – (1) – (4) – (2)

Jawaban: D

2. Hereka : What do you think of my new tie dye shirt?

Retno : …Did you make it on your own?

Hereka : Yes, I did.

a. I doubt it.

b. Can you show me how to make tie dye shirt?

c. Certainly!

d. Wow, it’s great!

Jawaban: C
3. Due to the long holiday during the great nine students having the try out, all seventh grade
students have to complete their English homework from page 50 to 56. How many students
having the try out?

a. All seventh grade students

b. 9 students

c. 5 students

d. 7 students

Jawaban: B

4. To: All member of class 7-Four classroom will join “The Cleanest Class Competition 2018”
on Saturday, March 12th 2018. To prepare it, please all the member of the classroom gather
at school on Sunday March 5th 2018 at 9 a.m to start cleaning and decorating the classroom
together.Please come on time. Chief, Afif Saifuddien The true statement based on the text
above is…

a. The event will be held on 12 March.

b. The writer is a student.

c. The place of the competition is in the auditorium.

d. The information is for the students.

Jawaban: A

5. The notice means that people are not allowed to….

a. Bring their animal to children’s play area

b. Step in children’s play area

c. Eat in the children’s play area

d. Bring their children to animal’s area

Jawaban: A
6. The antonym of the word “allow” in the notice above is….

a. Permit

b. Agree

c. Admit

d. Forbid

Jawaban: D

7. My Brother is cooking fried chicken in the kitchen now

a. Fried chicken was cooked by my mother in the kitchen now

b. Fried chicken cookedby my mother in the kitchen now

c. Fried chicken is cooked by my mother in the kitchen now

d. Fried chicken is being cooked by my mother in the kitchen now

Jawaban: C

8. My father always fixes the car in the garage every month

a. The car is always fixed in the garage by my father every month

b. The car was always fixed in the garage by my father every month

c. The car is always being fixed by my father in the garage every month

d. The car was always being fixed by my father in the garage every month

Jawaban: A

9. My brother was playing the game at 9 yesterday

a. The game was played by my brother at 9 yesterday

b. The game is played by my brother at 9 yesterday

c. The game is being played by my brother at 9 yesterday

d. The game was being played by my brother at 9 yesterday

Jawaban: D

10. My sister has studied English at campus

a. English was studied by my sister at campus

b. English have been studied by my sister at campus

c. English is studied by my sister at campus

d. English has been studied by my sister at campus

Jawaban: D

The text below for the questions number 11 to 18!

Hansel and Gretel

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat
them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. Meanwhile, at
home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children.
“I must find them,” she said and set off into the forest.
Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst,
she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window.
Her heart cried out when she saw the two children. She picked up the broom leaning against
the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother
gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door.
„Children, I have come to save you,‟ she said hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful
thing. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again.
They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish
to have, and of course they lived happily ever after!

11. The story is telling us about...

A. a witch who is really kind

B. a father who begged a witch for money

C. a stepmother who saved her children from a witch

D. two children saved their stepmother from a witch

Jawaban: C

12. Which statement is FALSE about the witch?

A. She locked Hansel in a cage

B. She planned to eat Hansel & Gretel

C. She fell into the ocean

D. She hated the children

Jawaban: C

13. "The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door." The underlined word can
be replaced by the word…

A. Painted

B. Opened

C. Marked

D. Closed

Jawaban: D

14. How did the stepmother find her children?

A. She walked into the forest

B. She got tired and met her children

C. She peeped through the window of the witch’s cottage

D. She was pushed against the wall

Jawaban: C

15. What kind of the text is it?

A. Report

B. Narrative

C. Recount

D. Descriptive

Jawaban: B

16. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. to amuse the reader with the story

B. to describe the experience of Hansel dan Gretel

C. to give information that a witch locked children in a cage

D. to describe how the stepmother saved the children

Jawaban: A

17. What do we learn from the text ?

A. Hansel and Gretel are careless

B. The witch is killed by Hansel and Gretel

C. The stepmother didn’t care of her children

D. Love makes someone dare to fight wickedness

Jawaban: D

For number 18 to 23, change the words into passive voice!

18. My mother is cooking fried chicken in the kitchen now

A. Fried chicken was cooked by my mother in the kitchen now

B. Fried chicken cooked by my mother in the kitchen now

C. Fried chicken is cooked by my mother in the kitchen now

D. Fried chicken is being cooked by my mother in the kitchen now

Jawaban: D

19. My father always fixes the car in the garage every month

A. The car is always fixed in the garage by my father every month

B. The car was always fixed in the garage by my father every month
C. The car is always being fixed by my father in the garage every month
D. The car was always being fixed by my father in the garage every month

Jawaban: A

20. My brother was playing the game at 9 yesterday

A. The game was played by my brother at 9 yesterday

B. The game is played by my brother at 9 yesterday

C. The game is being played by my brother at 9 yesterday

D. The game was being played by my brother at 9 yesterday

Jawaban: D

21. My sister has studied English at campus

A. English was studied by my sister at campus

B. English have been studied by my sister at campus

C. English is studied by my sister at campus

D. English has been studied by my sister at campus

Jawaban: D

22. I have been teaching my students for 15 minutes

A. My students has been being taught by me for 15 minutes

B. My students is being taught by me for 15 minutes

C. My students have been being taught by me for 15 minutes

D. My students was being taught by me for 15 minutes

Jawaban: C

23. She has made cookies since two hours ago

A. The cookies was made by her since two hours ago

B. The cookies have been made by her since two hours ago

C. The cookies is made by her since two hours ago

D. The cookies has been made by her since two hours ago

Jawaban: B

The picture below is for the questions number 24 to 27!

GAMBAR Buffalo

24. What is the characteristic of buffalo?

A. It is big but weak with small horns

B. It is small and weak without horns

C. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals without horns

D. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals with huge horns

Jawaban: D

25. Where is the habitat of African buffalo?

A. It lives in herds near water

B. It lives in the water

C. It liver in the river

D. It lives in the sea

Jawaban: A

26. What is the use of water buffalo as farm animals?

A. It is used to keep rice fields

B. It is used to be a pet

C. It is used to eat the grass

D. It is used to pull carts and ploughs

Jawaban: D

27. Where are the buffalo released to run free in the swamps?

A. Africa

B. Australia

C. America
D. Asia

Jawaban: B

The picture below is for the questions number 28 to 30!


28. "They are nocturnal mammals," (paragraph 1). What does it means?

A. They fly out at day-time

B. They sleep in caves during the night

C. They sleep at night and fly out during the day

D. They sleep during the day and fly out at night

Jawaban: D

29. The echoes that bounce back tell the bats exactly the …. of their prey?

A. position

B. size

C. colour

D. age

Jawaban: A

30. What is the closest meaning of the word "bounce"?

A. Fly

B. Run
C. Rebound

D. Feed

Jawaban: C

Text for number 31 to number 34


SEA games are the sport competition between countries in south East Asia. The event is
held every other year.

SEA games are carried cut in line with founding of ASEAN. ASEAN has aims to promote
solidarity among the nation in south East Asia. There for, all ASEAN members automatically
participate in the event. They are represented by their best athletes. They complete to get
the most medals. The medals for the firs winner is gold, silver for the second and the third
winner gets the bronze medal.

At first the game were participated by Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. Those country
three countries were called Malayan Peninsula. Then, since 1997, the event was
participated by all AESAN members.

31. How often the SEA games take place?

a.Every years

b. every 2 years

c. twice in a years

d. every 4 years

Jawaban: B

32. The aim of SEA games is….

a. To compete in sport event

b. to become the winner

c. To get gold medals

d. the promote solidarity among the participant

Jawaban: D

33. The main idea of the third paragraph is …

a. Malayan peninsula countries

b. history of SEA games

c. Athletes

d. the 1977 SEA games

Jawaban: B

34. They are represented by ……(par 2) The word “they” in the sentence refers to ….

a. ASEAN countries

b. SEA games

c. Athletes

d. the events

Jawaban: C

35. They … my teachers

a. Is

b. Am

c. Are
d. Was

Jawaban: C

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