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Film Project checklist

Stage 1: Research and Development

-Develop concept/idea
-Identify what form of activism you are engaging with – whether in content trhough
your choice of subject, or the way you are approaching the filmmaking, or both
-Conduct initial research – identify possible contributors, locations, organisations you
might work with
-Use aspects of your research to begin to develop your visual/ narrative/ argument
approach for the film

Stage 2 – Pitch
-Articulate your approach to form, style, aesthetics, and other methods
-Use you R&D from stage 1 to develop your live pitch with visual media

Stage 3 – After the pitch: deeper research

- Conduct further research with feedback from after the pitch and meetings with
supervisor to develop idea
- Develop your visual approach further
- Decide on technical needs – ie what kind of camera and sound set up are needed
- Gain more knowledge of you subject matter, so that you can speak with your
subject from a knowledgeable perspective
-Develop initial ideas for impact for the film, who should see it? Why? What can they
do with it?

Stage 4 – Pre-production
-Put together a Production schedule.
-Set up communication with subject/s.
-Inform your subjects of your plans or if using archive begin collecting archive
-Explain to your subject the logistics of filming (what it will involve, where, and for
how long).
-Agree outcomes with subjects. Will you invite them to screening or send them a
-Organise the shoot based on contingencies (availability of subjects, travel, etc)
- If required, make a call sheet with all contact details, address of shoot, and planned
times for shots
-Make a list of everything needed for shoot (plan for every eventuality - think about
equipment, power, backing-up media, food, travel, accommodation, amenities).
- Where applicable, build up rapport with subject through further meetings or
-Make clear decisions about the method, style and point of view of your film (e.g., will
you interview or not? Does the camera move or remain locked off on a tripod? Does
your film seek to find something out or ask a question?)
-Anticipate contingencies. Will you need to notify in advance of filming? Are you
filming in a public space? Do you need to get clearance/consent from other people
who will appear?

Stage 5 – Production
- Check camera and all equipment (media drive space, batteries charged, etc).
- Draft consent forms. Have your subject sign this form before or soon after recording
- Think about B-roll/Cut away material you will need.
-Think about how actuality and environment may figure in your film.
-Will you appear? Will your voice be audible?
Check at the end of each shoot day that you are happy with the footage.
Back-up all media.

Stage 6 – Post Production

- Review all footage and do a paper-edit.
- Test out ideas on the timeline.
- Compile first assemble edit.
-Rough cut.
-Review rough cut. Identify need for additional/pick-up filming.
- Fine cut.
- Review fine cut.
- Picture lock.
- Picture grade.
- Sound Mix.
- Master project.

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