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Dakshina Kannada
District Association

Scouts,Guides,Rovers,Rangers Section.

Questions and Answer Key

❖ “Wolf thatneversleeps”.
❖ Who is the founder of Scouting/ Guiding?
❖ LordBaden Powell of Gilwell.
❖ When did B.P. become aColonel?
❖ WherewasBaden-Powellborn?When? ❖ In 1899, before he left for Mafeking.
❖ InGilwell, on Feb 22, 1857.
❖ Whereis Mafekingsituated?
❖ What the fullnameB.P? ❖ In South Africa.
❖ RobertStephensonSmythBaden-Powell.
❖ Who was the Sergeant Major ofthe Mafeking duringthe timeof Seize?
❖ WhowasB.P‟smother? ❖ Goodyear.
❖ DaughteroftheBritishAdmiralWilliam Henry Smyth.

❖ WhowasJosephBrewerSmith? ❖ Bywhat means were the lettersdistributedat MafekingduringSeize?

❖ B.P‟sgreatgrandfather. ❖ Bicycle.

❖ What was the area ofMafekingduringthe timeof seize?

❖ WhendidB.P‟sfatherdie? ❖ About 5 miles.
❖ WhenRobertwasaboutthreeyearsold.

❖ Wheredid B. P study? ❖ When andwhere did B.P. die?

❖ CharterhouseSchool inLondon. ❖ B.P. died onJan 8, 1941, in Kenya,Africa.

❖ Who is the author ofthe book, “Aids to Scouting”?

❖ WhatwasB.P‟shobbyinhischildhood? ❖ Baden Powell.
❖ Hiking,camping,sailingandtracingthe sourceof the riverThames.
❖ WhatiscalledasB.P‟ssecondlife?
❖ When did B.P.become acaptain? ❖ Scouting.
❖ B.P.becamea captain inBritish armyat26.

❖ What was the nickname given toB. P. bytheAfricans? ❖ Whowasthechiefoftheworld‟sGirlGuides?

❖ IMPESSA. ❖ LadyBadenPowell.

❖ Who wrote thestoryof Baden Powell? ❖ Nov 7, 1950.
❖ WilliamHillcourt.
❖ Wherewas thefirstJamboree held?
❖ Who was Mr. WilliamHillcourt? ❖ London.

❖ Director ofBoysScout of America.

❖ What is first Aid?
❖ First aid is immediatehelpgivenafterinjury.
❖ What inspiredB.P. to start Scouting/ Guiding?
❖ Thewar ofMafeking. ❖ What are the four ports of observation?
❖ Seeing,Hearing, Smelling andtasting.
❖ When was the war ofMafeking?
❖ In1899. ❖ What is the goal of scout/Guide movement?
❖ Toformgoodandhonestcitizens.

❖ Howlongwas the war ofMafeking? ❖ What type of ScoutingdidBPwant to promote?

❖ For 217 days. ❖ Peace Scouting.

❖ When andwhere wasthe first Scout campheld? ❖ What does ascout/Guide tryto begoodat?
❖ In 1907, atBrownseaIsland,Dorset,England. ❖ Scout / Guide craft.

❖ What is the useof theReefKnot?

❖ WhichwasB.P‟sfirstbookonScouting? ❖ For bandage,parcels,andpacking.
❖ “Scoutingfor Boys”
❖ With what hitch does the diagonallashingbegin?
❖ When did Scoutingcome toIndia? ❖ TimberHitch.
In 1909.
❖ With what hitch does the squarelashingbegin?
❖ Clove hitch.
❖ When andwhere wasthe first scoutingforIndianboysstarted?
❖ In 1915inBengal. ❖ What are the differenttypes of lashing?
❖ Parallellashing, sheer lashing,Diagonallashing, Square
❖ When wasB.P.declaredChiefScout of the World? lashing,Tripod lashingetc.
❖ In 1920 at theendofthe first World Jamboree.
❖ What is the Scout / Guidehandshake?
❖ Left hand shake.
❖ When was the BharatScouts and Guidesstarted?
❖ WhatisthejoyouspartofaScout‟sGuide‟slife?
❖ Camping. ❖ What qualities does a scout / guideneed to carryout all his / her
duties?He/ shemust be strong,healthyandactive.
❖ What does the campingbringto a Scout?
❖ HealthandHappiness. ❖ How does a Scout /Guide keephimself / herselffit?
❖ Bydoing exercisein theMorningandevening.
❖ What is the knowledge ofanimals and nature called?
❖ Woodcraft.
❖ WhatisthepurposeofaScout‟s/Guide‟s exercise?
❖ How canyou learnabout different kinds of animals?
❖ Tokeepupthe circulation of blood.
❖ Byfollowingtheirtracks.
❖ How does a scout / Guide avoidthirst?
❖ Wheredoes the wholesport ofhunting animalslie?
❖ Bybreathingthrough the nose.
❖ In the woodcraft.
❖ What is the test to become ascout/Guide?
❖ How does a Scout /guide get to likethe animals?
❖ TenderTest.
❖ Bywatchingtheanimals in the open.
❖ Whatdoes„BePrepared‟mean?
❖ What is the chiefdutyofa Scout/Guide?
❖ Readinesstodoone‟sduty.
❖ Helpthose in distress in anypossible wayonecan.
❖ Whatis„BePrepared‟inmindmean?
❖ In theold days whoweretherealScouts?
❖ Discipliningoneself.
❖ TheKnights.
❖ Whatis„BePrepared‟inbodymean?
❖ What should a Scout/Guide do if he/shehadforgotten to do
❖ Makingoneselfstrong,activeandable.
thedailygood turn?
❖ He/ she must do two the next day.
❖ What directiondoes the Scout/Guide Badge show?
❖ TheNorth
❖ Can a scout/guide besatisfiedbyreadingbooks and think that
❖ How does a troop / Companystandforflagbreak?
❖ No, he/ she mustpractice it often.
❖ In horseshoeformation.

❖ When a scout / guidehaslearnedall savingtricks what shall he/

❖ Confidence in oneself.
❖ What badge onegetsforhis / herhobbies? ❖ Which American President had greatadmirationforScouting?
❖ ProficiencyBadges or meritBadges. ❖ Roosevelt.

❖ What is a treasuredcompanion ofa scout /guide? ❖ How was the manwho wasgoodat findingwaysin a strange
❖ TheStaff. countrycalled?
❖ PathFinder.
❖ Howmanymemberscan betherein a patrol?
❖ Sixto eight. ❖ Which is the direction orpoint, a Scout / Guidemost often talks
❖ about?North Point.
❖ WhatnamedoesaPatrolbear?
❖ Ananimal‟sname. ❖ Howis the real Northknown as?
❖ True North.
❖ How does aFoxbark?
❖ Ha-ha. ❖ Which starrepresents a manwearingasword and belt?
❖ Orion.
❖ What is the cryofthenightjar?
❖ Chur-r-r-r-r. ❖ Whatisthemeaningof“Redatnight,shepherd‟sdelight”?
❖ Finedaycoming.
❖ What is the cryofawild boar?
❖ Broof– broof. ❖ Who is the author ofthe Book, “Thebook ofwoodcraft”?
❖ E. ThompsonSeton.
❖ What colouris advised for bulldog?
❖ LightBlueandBrown. ❖ What should one learn in Sea – scouting?
❖ Swimming.
❖ What is the colour ofthe owl?
❖ Blue.
❖ When was the first Air Scout camp held?
❖ 1907.
❖ What is the dress of Stork?
❖ Blueand White.
❖ Wherewas thefirst Air Scoutcamp held?
❖ AtBrown SeaIsland.
❖ Who werethe firsttribes of South Africa?
❖ Zulus.
❖ Whereis the BrownSeaIsland?
❖ Inthe EnglishChannel.
❖ Who is the author ofthe book “Mysixtyyearsin the Plains”?
❖ BillHamilton.

❖ At least how many yards should a person be able to swim to travel ❖ Whatisthemeaningof„R‟?
in aboat? ❖ Messagereceivedcorrectly.
❖ 50yardswith clothes on.
❖ How does the Scoutmaster / Guidecaptain call the troop
❖ Who weretryingto experiment and make somekind of air- /companytogether?Whatsignalhe/sheuses?
machine? ❖ “Whistlesignals”–theScout‟s/Guide‟scall.
❖ Wilbur andOrvilleWright.
❖ How canyou prevent the end ofarope frombecoming fragile?
❖ To which countryWilbur andOrvilleWrightbelong? ❖ Bywhippingthe rope.
❖ America.
❖ Which shelter is the simplest form of ahut?
❖ What do the Scouts /Guides use for signalling? ❖ Bivouacshelter.
❖ Signalfires or smokefires.
❖ Howis bark or slabsof woodcalled?
❖ What does this smoke signal mean “Three big puffs in ❖ Shingles.
❖ Danger. ❖ Who build their houses without poles?
❖ SouthAfrican inhabitants.
❖ What does “A succession of smallpuffs” mean?
❖ Come hereto rally. ❖ Whosehouseisknownas„teepee‟?
❖ RedIndian‟s.
❖ How does a Scout /Guide cover the fire?
❖ With a dampblanket. ❖ Who uses the axeequallywell left-handed orright?
❖ Good axeman /axewoman.
❖ Who used to signalnewsbymeans of beatson adrum?
❖ Tribes of Africa. ❖ Howis trunk cut into lengthscalled?
❖ Log.
❖ What everyScout /Guide ought to learn for signalling?
❖ TheMorseCode. ❖ Howmanybridgesdid Scouts make in Ashanti?
❖ Nearly200 bridges.
❖ What signallingis donebywavingarms atdifferentangles to each
other? ❖ With how manyropes do the natives makebridges in the Himalayas?
❖ Semaphore. ❖ 3ropes.

❖ Whatisthemeaningof„Q‟insignalling? ❖ Howis Scouts/Guidesgoingfromcountrytocountrytravellingcamp

❖ Qmeans„wait‟. called?
❖ Trampingcamp.
❖ Whosetent is generallyin thecentrewith flagandcamp fire?
❖ Scoutmaster‟s/Guidecaptain‟stent.
❖ Canyou sayoneoftheScoutsayings?
❖ Inwhich countrythe Scoutssquat on theirheels? ❖ “Neversaydietill you‟redead.
❖ India.
❖ Which arethe exercisesrecommendedformakingthe heartstrong?
❖ Howmanykinds offires do theIndians use? ❖ Thestruggleandwristpushing.
❖ 4 kinds.
❖ What exercises makethe stomachwork?
❖ Canyou name thefour typesoffires theIndians used? ❖ Cone, bodybendingandtwisting
❖ CouncilFire,FriendlyFire,Signal Fire, CookingFire.
❖ What exercises makethe Bowelsactive?
❖ Which books giveinstructions forlaying a fire? ❖ Bodybending, kneadingofabdomen.
❖ Two Little Savages.
❖ What gameshelp todevelopstrength?
❖ What type of fire isusedin NorthAmerica for heatingthe ❖ Wristpushing,stafftossing,follow the leader,and thestruggle.
❖ Which Englishpoetwrotethese words: “It isbetter to trust freshair
❖ Whosemethod does the BoyScouts of NorthAmericafollow for fire- andexercisethantopaydoctor‟sbillstokeep yourselfhealthy?
lighting? ❖ Dryden.
❖ Themethod usedbythe RedIndians.
❖ Howdo germsspreaddiseases?
❖ Who makes firebysawing alogwith a whippingcane? ❖ Throughairandwater.
❖ Borneos.
❖ Which disease hasaffected agreat manypeople because of
❖ What are the onlytwo things that Scouts / Guidesleave behind spitting?Tuberculosis.
onbreakingup camp?
❖ Nothingand b)Thanks to the owners of the ground. ❖ What is the knot used for savingadrowning person?
❖ Bowline.
❖ When one wants to observewild animals, what should one do?
❖ Stalkanimals. ❖ What is the knot used forrescuing aperson in abuildingon fire?
❖ Fireman‟sChairKnot.
❖ What are someof the games in stalking?
❖ Scouting,hunting, messagerunning, deer stalking, flag raiding.
❖ What does it indicatewhen thereis bleeding from theears
andinsensibilityaftera fall?
❖ What game is played in the open countryandoftenkilling,
❖ Injuryto theskull.
capturingareneeded?Wide Games.
❖ What is the best antidote for allstings?
❖ Ammonia. ❖ DameSchool in Kinsington.

❖ Canyou tell someof thegames in First Aid?

❖ Missionaries, WoundedPrisoners,Displays. ❖ Who is the advisor ofCourt of honour?
❖ Scout Master/ Guide CaptainorAsst. Scout Master / Asst. Guide
❖ To restoreanyone who is apparentlydrownedor someone who is Captain.
notbreathing,what should onedo?
❖ Give ArtificialRespiration. ❖ Whereand when was the firstGilwell Wood badge
courseinIndiaheld?Calcutta in TollyGunj from 3rd to 12th
❖ When do weask a person to breathe entirelythrough February,1922
mouth?Whenbleedingfrom the nose.
❖ Who was the firstCamp Chiefof the Bharat Scouts and Guides
❖ Which is anexcellentpractice insteadof trampingor inIndia?SardarHarDayalSingh.

❖ Who is the Chairman ofPatrol– in Council? ❖ Whereandwhenwasthe1stTrainingConferenceoftheD.C.C.‟s

❖ PatrolLeader. ❖ held?
❖ Punjab StateTrainingCentre at TaraDevi in theyear1954
❖ When andwhere was the first Girl GuideMovement startedinIndia?
❖ Jabalpur (MadhyaPradesh) ❖ When was “SANGAM”World Guide Centre opened?
❖ October16th,1966.
❖ InwhichyearLadyB. P. becomeWorld ChiefGuide?
❖ In 1930 ❖ Fromwhom did B.P. borrow theideaof left-handshake?
❖ AshantiTribeof Africa
❖ Howmanystars are there in Great Bear?
❖ SevenStars ❖ What is the meaningof theleft-hand shake?
❖ It means a person trusts theotheras he/ sheoffers his/herlefthand
❖ What is Magnetic Variation? puttingawaya shield forprotection.In short it is a sign of
❖ TheAnglebetween True North and theMagnetic North friendship and trust. Besides, the lefthand is nearer tothe heart.

❖ WhatisthefullnameofB.P.‟sfather?Whatwashisprofession? ❖ What are the fouressentialbranches of Scout/ Guide Training?

❖ HerbertGeorge Baden Powell. Hewasaprofessor ofGeometryat ❖ Character,HealthandStrength, Handicraft andService to others.
❖ What is theInternational Scout/Guide Emblem?
❖ The“Fleur-de-lis.”
❖ What‟sthenameoftheschoolwhereB.P.wasfirstadmitted?
❖ .Whereand when was the FirstHimalayan(Rover)Wood Badge ❖ Whereand when was theIst World Jamboreeheld?
Courseheld? ❖ Olympia,London,in1920
❖ N.T.C.Pachmarhifrom 28th Mayto 6th June 1958.
❖ HowmanyCountries andhow manyScoutsparticipated in
❖ Who laid the structureofB.P.Memorial Guide Bhawan and theFirstWorldJamboree?
whichyear?Thethen President ofIndia,Dr.Rajendra Prasad,in 1956. ❖ 34 Countries and8000 Scouts

❖ Withwhichsectionis“Totempole‟related? ❖ Forgettingdown from the tree Scouts and Guides takethe help
❖ CubSection ofahitch,what is the name of this hitch?
❖ DrawHitch
❖ What represents thewhite block havingshapeof revised “L” at
thelowerflyandcorner oftheWorld Guide Flag? ❖ Who was the first ChiefPatron oftheBharatScouts and Guides?
❖ Itshows our commitment toPeace. ❖ Dr.Rajendra Prasad

❖ Which part ofatrestle is known as“Transom”? ❖ Inwhichyearwas the branchforHandicappedScoutsstarted in

❖ Theupper mosthorizontal spar ofthe trestle. theWorld?
❖ 1925
❖ Inwhichyearwas the First World Guide Companystarted?
❖ In 1910 ❖ Who was the firstCamp Chief ofGilwell?
❖ CaptainFrancisGidney1919-23
❖ Fromwhichyearwas the World CommitteeofGirl
Guides&GirlScoutsintroduced to thenew World Trefoil? ❖ FromwhichyearwasRashtrapatiRover/RangerAwardstarted?
❖ 1991 ❖ 1971
❖ TheScout/Guide Movementarebased on few principles: What are ❖ Who is the presentNational Commissionerof Bharat Scouts
thoseprinciples? &Guides?ShriLalitMohan Jain
❖ Dutyto God,dutyto othersanddutyto self
❖ Inwhichyear did the Girl Guides Association merge with Bharat
❖ What is the meaningofAgraj andAgraja? Scoutsand Guides?
❖ Agrajmeans Elder BrotherandAgraja means Eldersister
❖ 1951
❖ When andwhere was the firstCamp of Girl Guides held in the
World?In 1924,atFoxLease,England ❖ As per therules of the association, how manyVice-Presidents in
theBharat Scouts &Guidesarethere?
❖ HowmanyWorld Centres arehavingWAGGGS and Where? ❖ Six
❖ Four,OurChalet in Switzerland;PaxLodgeinU.K.; OurCabanain
Mexico; SangaminIndia
❖ Who was the Second Camp Chiefof Gilwell? 1912.
❖ ColonelJ. S.Wilson
❖ 187. What doyoumeanby“Investiture”?
❖ What is the aim of Rovering? ❖ A ceremonybywhicha boy/girlbecomes aScout/Guide.
❖ Brotherhood and service for others
❖ 188. What was the initialidea ofB.P. on Scouting/ Guiding?
❖ Whereis the National TrainingCentre? ❖ “A School ofcitizenshipthroughwoodcraft”.
❖ Parchmarhi in MadhyaPradesh
❖ Who wascalled the“Hero of Mafeking”?
❖ What is the fullform of A.P.R.O? ❖ BadenPowell
❖ Aims, Policies, Rules, Objectives
❖ Ontheheadstoneof B. P‟s gravewefindtheScout/Guidesign,adotinsidea
❖ Name the thread onwhichScouts/Guideswear thewhistle? circle.What does it mean?
❖ Lanyard ❖ “Ihavegone home”.

❖ When is theWorldLiteracyDay? ❖ WhereisB.P‟sgrave?

❖ Sept. 8 ❖ In Nyeri,Kenya

❖ When is theWorldHabitatDay? ❖ On whose advicedid B.P.give up his armycareer in order to look

❖ Oct. 5 afterthe Scout/Guide Movement?
❖ KingEdward VII
❖ At the age of 72bywhom wasB.P. conferred the highesthonour of
❖ “Peerage”? ❖ When and with whose help did B.P.start GirlGuide Movement?
❖ ByKingGeorgeV ofEngland ❖ In1910, with the help of his sister,AgnesBaden Powell

❖ When andwhere was the first Guide Companyformed? ❖ What is the NationalBird,NationalAnimal and National Flower
❖ In1910, inEngland ofIndia?
❖ TheyarePeacock,TigerandLotusrespectively.
❖ Givethe fullformofWAGGGS.
❖ World Association ofGirl Guides andGirl Scouts ❖ Who established theIndianBoyScouts Association in SouthIndia
❖ Howwillyou extend First Aid in case ofstings and bites? ❖ Dr. Annie Besant, assisted byDr. G. S.Arundale, in 1916.
❖ Treat thestingwith vinegar, ifabee stings useammonia
orwashingsoda. ❖ Who established the SevaSamithiScoutAssociation in
❖ Who wrote “HandBookforGirls” andwhen? andPanditHridayanathKunjru, assistedbyShriRamBajpai, in
❖ B. P. with theassistanceofhis sister, Miss. AgnesBaden Powell in 1917.
❖ What are the HonoraryDegreesgivento BadenPowell? Park,GreatBritai,
HerearetheHonoraryDegreesgivento B.P. • 1933 -Godollo, Hungary
• LLDEdinburgh (1910); • 1937 -Vegelenzang,Holland
• LLD– Toronto, • 1947 -
• LLD – McGill, Moisson,France
• Montreal, • 1951 -BadIshil,
• D.C.L.– Oxford (1923); Austria
• LLD–Liverpool (1929) • 1955 -Niagara on theLake,Canada
• 1961 -Manila,Phillipines
• LLD – Cambridge (1931)
• 1963 -Marathon, Greece
• 1967 -Idaho, U.S.A.,
❖ Mention, with theyear, someof themanyHonours andAwards • 1971 -Nippon, Japan
thatB.P.received? • 1975 -Oslo, Norway
• 1901 -Companion ofthe Order of theBath • 1983 -Alberta, Canada
• 1987 -Sydney,Australia
• 1909 -Knight Commander ofthe Order ofthe BathKnightCommander
• 1991 -Mt.Sorak, South Korea
oftheVictorianOrder1910-Order ofMerit of Chile
• 1919 -Knight of theGrand Cross of Alfonso XII(Spain)
❖ When andwhere werethe National Jamborees held
• 1921 – Storkos ofthe Order ofDanneborg(Denmark)Order of inIndia?
theCommander ofthe Crown of Belgium ➢ 1953 – 1st Hyderabad,AndhraPradesh
• 1922 – Commander oftheLegion of Honour(France) ➢ 1956 – 2nd Jaipur,
• 1923 -Grand Cross of theVictorianOrder Rajasthan1960 –
• 1929 -Firstclass of the Order ofMerit (Hungary) 3rdBangalore,Karnataka
• 1931 -TheGrand Cross of theOrder ofMerit ➢ 1964 – 4th Allahabad,
(Austria) UttarPradesh
• 1933 -Grand Cross of theOrder of ➢ 1967 – 5th West Bengal
theSword(Sweden) ➢ 1970 – 6th Maharashtra
• 1937 -WatelerPeace Prize ➢ 1974 – 7th Faridabad,Haryana
➢ 1979 – 8th
❖ When andwhere werethe World Scout /Guide ➢ 1982 – 9th BothGaya,Bihar
Jamborees held? ➢ 1986 – 10th
• 1920 -Olympia,London. ➢ 1990 – 11th Bhopal,Madhya
• 1924- Pradesh
Copenhagen,Denmark, ➢ 1994 – 12th Palghat, Kerala
• 1929 -Arrowe ➢ 1998 – 13th Chennai
➢ 2002 – 14th
➢ 2005 – 15th Haridwar ❖ Expand APRO
❖ Aims,Policy,RulesandOrganization

❖ Who isyourDivisional Commissioner? ❖ Who countersigns theproficiencybadgecertificates?

❖ Who isyourDistrictCommissioner?(S/G) ❖ DistrictCommissioner
❖ Who isyourDeputyDivisional Commissioner?
❖ Howmanychapters aretherein Scoutingfor
❖ When was the FirstIndianJamboree held? Boys?09
o 1937 (before independence); 1953( afterindependence)
❖ Howmanycampfireyarns aretherein Scoutingfor Boys?
❖ Whereis the NationalTrainingCentreofBS&G ❖ 26
o located?
❖ Pachmarhi, MP ❖ Afteryou become 18years old, ifyou want to continue in this
movement,what is the namegiventoyou?
❖ Whereis the NationalHeadquarters of ❖ Scouts– Rovers;Guides– Rangers
o M G Road,IP Estate,New Delhi ❖ Name thefour worldcentres
❖ Our Chalet(Switzerland),Paxlodge(London),
❖ Who is the NationalCommissionerof OurCatana(Mexico)andSangam(Pune,India)
o LalitMohan Jain ❖ Who was the first national commissionerin
Scouting?HridayaNath Kunjuru
❖ Whereis National Adventure Institute
ofBS&Glocated? ❖ Who is the chiefpatron of
o Pachmarhi, MP BS&G?.ThePresident ofIndia
❖ On whose honour, ourBS&Gheadquarters buildingis named?
❖ What are the basic principles of BS&G?
❖ Lakshmi Mazumdar ❖ Dutytoward God, Dutyto othersandDutytoSelf.
❖ ExpandJOTA ❖ Who is the chiefcommissionerof KVS State
❖ Jamboree OnThe Air BS&G?Shri.Avinash Dixit

❖ ExpandJOTI
❖ Jamboree OnTheInternet
❖ Howmanyproficiencybadges aregiven in toto in APRO for Scouts?.94

❖ Whereis the internationalheadquarters ofscouting?Geneva

❖ 24.WhatareKim‟sGames?
❖ The games for trainingofyoursenses.(Sensetraining games)

❖ What should be the minimumage ofaS/G to attend theRajyapuraskartestingcamp?

❖ 13years

❖ Who awards theRajyapurskarcertificate?Governor/ Statesecretary

❖ On whichsleeve,rajyapuraskarbadgeis tobeworn?
❖ Leftarm sleeve

❖ Howmanyproficiencybadges areto be earnedbyaRajyapuraskar S/G

❖ 5 byscouts ; 4 byguides

❖ Name anytwo proficiencybadges ofGroup A in the Rajyapuraskar.?

❖ Camper,Signaller,Electrician, Tailor

❖ To whichgroup, doesPublic Healthproficiencybadgeof Rajyapurakarbelongto?

❖ Group B

❖ Name theproficiencybadge which is special asit is signedbythestatechiefcommissioner?

❖ WorldConservation

❖ HowmanynightsshouldaTritiyasopanscout/guidespendfor„Camper‟
❖ proficiencybadge?
❖ 06 Nights

❖ What is the colour ofthe crosssign of Child Nurseproficiencybadge?Green

❖ 10.Whichproficiencybadgeisrelatedto„VanMahotsav‟?
❖ Ecologist

❖ 11. When do wecelebrateLeprosyDayinIndia?30thJan.

❖ 12.HowmanyilliteratepeopleorchildrenshouldbetaughtthreeR‟s(Reading,writingandarithmetic)in„Literacy‟proficiencybadge?
❖ 10 people

❖ To whichgroup ofproficiencybadges, Nutrition educatorbelongsto ?. Group B

❖ Howmanypeople should be helped toget checked forleprosyin RuralWorker proficiencybadge?

❖ 50 people

❖ What is the duration of completion ofthe activity– planting and takingcareof 10 plants– in thesoil conversation proficiencybadge?
❖ 30 Days

❖ 16.Whichmethodofsignalingisusedin„Signaller‟proficiencybadge?
❖ Semaphore

❖ Who organizes the Rajyapuraskar TestingCamp?

❖ State Association underthe supervision ofthe stateorganizingcommissioner.

❖ What word is written in RajyapuraskarBadge?

❖ Seva

❖ What symbol is found above the word sevainthe Rajyapuraskar badge?

❖ AshokChakra

❖ .Howmanypointprogrammeistobefollowedin„leprosy‟proficiency
❖ badge?
❖ Five pointprogrammeof BS&G

❖ What symbol isfound below the wordsevainthe Rajyapuraskar badge?BS&GEmblem

❖ What is the totalnumber ofproficiencybadgesto be earnedbyatritiyasopanS/G to appearfortheRajyapuraskar testing camp?

❖ 09 byScouts; 08 byGuides

❖ Childrenorpeopleofwhatagegroupcanbetaughtunder„Literacy‟
❖ proficiencybadge?
❖ 15-40
❖ Name anytwo methods of Whipping.
❖ AmericanWhipping,Sailmakerwhipping and West CountryWhipping

❖ What is the othernamefor draw hitch?Highwayman‟sHitch

❖ What knot is used to rescue people from the top of abuildingunder fireorcollapedbuilding?
❖ Fireman‟sChairknot

❖ Which hitch is used totiethe end ofaropeto thepegwhile makinganimprovisedshelter?

❖ Round a turn and two halfhitches

❖ What are the four partsof atrestle?

❖ Transom,Ledger,LegsandDiagonalbraces

❖ InInch to foot method, how manysteps aretaken from the foot of the tree?11 Units

❖ H/L=h/l is the formula usedto find the heightofanobject in whichmethod?

❖ Shadowmethod

❖ What is the suddenloss of consciousness, usuallyprecededbyafeelingofweaknessand dizziness called?

❖ Fainting

❖ When ababyswallows a coin and it blocks thebreathingpassages,whatisit calledas ?

❖ . Choking

❖ What does RFin mapreadingstand

o for?
❖ RepresentativeFraction

❖ What are the horizontallines,numbered from south to north, in amapcalled?

❖ Northings

❖ Name theimaginarylines on themap which join all the adjacentplacesofsameheight abovethe mean sealevel?
❖ Contour lines

❖ What is the useof contourlines?

❖ To show relieffeatures on themap

❖ Expand CPR
❖ Cardio PulmonaryResuscitation

❖ What is ABC in first aid andresuscitation?

o Airway,Breathing andCirculation

❖ What is the type of fracturewherein theinjured boneis cuttingopen theskin and gets in contactwith theoutside air?
❖ Compound / Openfracture

❖ Howmanysquare lashings aretherein a trestle?

o Four

❖ Which knot is usedtopull aheavyload?

❖ Manharness knot

❖ Which knot is usedinrescuingaperson trapped in fire?

❖ Fireman‟sChairknot

❖ Name anythree typesof splices.

❖ Short splice,Back splice andeyesplice.

❖ What is the useofa trestle?To make bridgesand towers.

❖ What is the fullform ofLPG.

❖ Liquified Petroleum Gas

❖ Howmanyproficiencybadges areto be earnedin Tritiya Sopan?Three proficiencybadges

❖ What is a scale?
❖ Theratio of distance between two points on themap and the distancebetween samepoints on the ground.

❖ Whereare conventionalsigns used?In maps

❖ Giveanytwo methods of preparingthemap?

❖ PlaneTable method, Road Traversemethod,TriangulationMethod

❖ InTtritiyasopan, hike ofhow manykilometres hikeis to be taken up?

❖ Hike on Foot : 10 Kms and Hikebycycle:30Kms

❖ Who prepares maps inIndia?Surveyof India, Dehradun

❖ 29.WhatarethefiveD‟sinMapping?
❖ Direction,Distance,Demarcation,Details and Destination

❖ What are the differenttypes of maps?

❖ Topographicalmaps,cadastralmaps,wall maps, atlas maps, physicalmaps andcultural/economic maps.

❖ What does thecolourblackdenote in amap?Roads andboundaries

❖ What is the colour of contourlines?Brown

❖ In thelinearscale, how manydivisions are there?

❖ Two– PrimaryandSecondary.

❖ Instead of whatactivity,proficiencybadges canbe taken in TritiyaSopan?Instead of Swimming

❖ In thecentemetre-metremethod, how manyunits are taken from the footof anobject?

❖ 09 units

❖ Themorsecodeletters and numerals aremadeup of what?DotsandDashes

❖ What are back spliceused for?

❖ To keep theend ofthe rope intactfrom unlayingstrands.

❖ What forshort splicesare used?

❖ .Tojoin two ropes ofthe samethickness without tying aknot so that itcan bepassed throwapully.

❖ What for eye spliceisused?

❖ It is used to makean eyeat theend ofthe rope.
❖ Howmanystars aretherein Orionconstellation?
❖ 14

❖ What are the various degreesofburns?

❖ Idegree burns,II degree burns andIII degree burns.

❖ What is a sprain?
❖ Tearingof the ligaments of thejoint and thetissues round the joint.

❖ What is the skillof approximation?

❖ Estimation.

❖ What is the maximumerror allowed inestimation?25%

❖ Stingsarecaused bywhichinsect?Wasps,bees, scorpions etc.

❖ What aregridlines?
❖ Verticaland horizontal lines which divide themap into manysquares

❖ 43.Whydoyou useaprofile in map reading?

❖ To find out the natureof relieffeature

❖ Howmanydivisions aretherein linearscale?2 (Primarydivisions and secondarydivisions)

❖ What is the difference between map, atlas andglobe?

❖ Map is the pictorialrepresentation of wholeorpart oftheearth drawnon a scale in aflat surface; atlas is a book ofmaps; globe is the
sphericalrepresentation of theearth.

❖ Bucketchain is amethod used forwhat? Puttingout fire.

❖ Similartrianglemethod, Nepolean method, Compass method, Foldpapermethod,Lobstick method, Parallaxmethod- arealldifferentmethods used forwhat?
❖ For measuringwidth/distance.

❖ What is the difference between sheer lashingandparallellashing? No frappingin parallellashing.

❖ Name any4camptools?
❖ Handsaw, Chopper, hammer,Hand axe, Knife,Wedges.

❖ Name anytwoconstellations which help to identifyNorth

❖ Saptarishi(Greatbear/Plough),Cassiopia/Ladyin theChair / Orion,the Hunter.

Soda bicarbonateis used in the first aid forwhat?

Ans Stings of wasp, bee and scorpion.

Which direction shows the pole star?

The complete or partial breakage of boneis calledas ?
Ans. Fracture
What is the weightof an axe and the lengthofits woodenhand?
Ans. 750 grams ;50-55cms
Ifyourmethod offirebuildinghas threethick woods as the enclosure,
what is that method fire buildingcalled?
Ans. FoundationFire
In caseof fire dueto short circuits, whichgas is usedto put offthe fire?
Ans. CO2
What is theuse ofdraw hitch?
Ans. To climb up a treeand climb down a tree usingarope.
Which kind of triangularbandageis used for thescalp?
Ans. BroadBandage
Which kind of triangularbandageis used for cuffandcollarsling?
Ans. NarrowBandage
Whatare the four cardinal/primarypoints in a compass?
Ans. North, South, East and West

Which is used for signalingin Semaphore signaling?

Ans. Flag/Flags


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