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Implementation and
Operational Use of
Ground-Based Augmentation
Systems (GBASs)VA
Component of the Future Air
Traffic Management System
These systems detect and correct aircraft landing position errors by comparing satellite
data with data from compact, inexpensive airport based equipment.
By Tim Murphy, Member IEEE , and Thomas Imrich

GNSS-Globat Navigation Satellite System

ABSTRACT | This paper discusses a satellite navigation ment of air traffic will rely more and more on the
augmentation system designed for use by aviation. The management of airplane trajectories in four dimensions
ground-based augmentation system (GBAS) was originally (lateral, vertical, and longitudinal path and time). GBAS
developed as a precision approach and landing aid. This paper promises to become an indispensable tool in the future for
describes the GBAS concept, discusses the system architecture, the management of airplane trajectories for ATM,
and discusses ground and airborne equipment that compose particularly near and at airports and landing sites.
the system. This paper also describes typical operational use of The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
the system and the experience gained during early implemen- committee on Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS)
tations. Advantages over the current Instrument Landing developed a vision for a Global Navigation Satellite System
System technology are also discussed. (GNSS) to support aviation navigation needs. The Global
Positioning System (GPS) was offered to the world’s
KEYWORDS | Aircraft landing guidance; Global Positioning aviation community by the United States in a letter to the
System and aircraft navigation; satellite navigation systems ICAO in October 1994 [1]. ICAO accepted the offer,
establishing GPS as an important component of the GNSS.
I. INTRODUCTION The Russian Federation made a similar offer with respect
to use of the Global’naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya
This paper describes a particular satellite navigation Sistema (GLONASS). Hence GPS and GLONASS became
technology known as a ground-based augmentation system the core constellations in the system of systems defined by
(GBAS). Satellite navigation has become a critical ICAO as the GNSS. However, because of certain limita-
component of the emerging worldwide air traffic manage- tions (real and perceived) in the performance of GPS and
ment (ATM) infrastructure. As congestion grows and GLONASS, additional system components were added to
rising costs demand ever greater efficiencies, the manage- GNSS to augment performance, including:

1) space-based augmentation systems (SBASs);
Manuscript received November 6, 2007; revised July 8, 2008. Current version
published January 16, 2009.
2) ground-based augmentation systems (GBASs); Com e
The authors are with the Boeing Company, Seattle, WA 98203 USA
3) airplane-based augmentation systems (ABASs); de
(e-mail: 4) ground-based regional augmentation systems GNSS
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2008.2006101 (GRASs).

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

The GNSS as defined by ICAO includes the core an SBAS [13]. A GBAS may provide augmentation signals
constellations (GPS and GLONASS) as well as these based on GPS alone or, optionally, may include
augmentation systems. Formal standards and recom- augmentation information for GLONASS and/or SBAS
mended practices (SARPS) for GNSS were developed and satellites as well.
published in 2000 [2]. These SARPS are intended to ensure The GBAS ground segment consists of three or four
interoperability between components of the GNSS and to GBAS reference receivers that are sited typically on or near
ensure that equipment based on GNSS operates safely and an airport property. These reference receivers track the
with consistent performance that meets the operational signals from navigation satellites and pass pseudorange
needs of aviation users. measurements and other information relevant to signal
The augmentation systems listed above were developed health and system performance monitoring to a central
to provide improved accuracy, integrity, continuity of processing facility. The central processing facility uses the
service, and availability of navigation to support a wide multiple, redundant observations of the pseudoranges to
variety of operational needs. These augmentation systems compute estimates of the pseudorange corrections for each
have been the subject of nearly two decades of research satellite signal observed by the reference receivers. The
and consequently much has been written about them. This central processing facility also monitors the signal integrity
paper focuses on only one of these four augmentation and computes parameters for each satellite that the user
types: GBAS [3], [4]. may use to determine the availability of the signal in space
GBAS is significant for air transport users for a variety for a desired level of service and a given satellite geometry
of reasons. It is the only augmentation system defined at [14]–[16]. The differential corrections and integrity
this time that is expected to be capable of meeting the most information are broadcast to the user over a very high-
stringent operational needs of aviation (e.g., takeoff and frequency (VHF) data broadcast (VDB) signal transmitted
rigurosot landing in very low-visibility conditions). Furthermore, in the 108.0–117.975 MHz band.
the system is relatively inexpensive, physically compact, The GBAS ground facility may provide corrections for
and self-contained, so that deployment in response to SBAS satellite signals. However, if SBAS signals are used,
demand anywhere globally is technically feasible. Al- the GBAS only uses relevant information for the signal
though GBAS relies on the core constellations, it does not ranging function. The SBAS augmentation (i.e., correc-
rely on any other large and expensive infrastructure. tions and integrity) data are not used.
Lastly, GBAS offers very cost-effective, very precise The GBAS also broadcasts information that is used to
navigation service that can serve all runway ends at a define a reference path typically leading to the runway
given airport as well as provide improved navigation intercept point. A GBAS ground station can uplink reference
performance in the terminal area. It can do so with lower path information for as many as 49 different reference paths
installation, maintenance, and lifecycle costs. using a single radio frequency. (Even more reference paths
could be supported by using additional radio frequencies.)
Hence, a single GBAS facility can potentially provide service
II . GBAS SYSTEM DE SCRIPTION to all the runway ends at a given airport. By uplinking the
reference path information on the data broadcast, the
A. GBAS System Architecture
GBAS is fundamentally a local differential satellite
navigation system [5]. As such, the basic principle is that

definite pseudorange observations made by ground-based receivers

are used to develop differential corrections for each
satellite. These corrections are provided to the airborne
user’s receiver via a data link. The airborne receiver then
applies these corrections in order to produce a set of
corrected pseudoranges that are then the basis of a position
solution. The underlying assumption is that, for relatively
short baseline separations between the ground-based
receivers and the airborne-based receivers, the most

significant error sources will be common to both observers
and will therefore be eliminated by the differential
processing [6].
Fig. 1 illustrates a typical GBAS, which consists of a
ground segment, airborne segment, and space segment. The
space segment for GBAS consists of GNSS satellites from
the core constellations (GPS [7]–[9] and GLONASS [12]) as
well as ranging sources that may optionally provided by Fig. 1. GBAS system.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

integrity and availability of this information are controlled by

the service provider. Should a runway be closed, then the
approach can be effectively deactivated by removing the
associated reference path data from the VDB transmission
stream. Also, if a runway’s usable length is altered due to
maintenance activities, the approach can be revised as
necessary to support continued operations on the runway.
The 108–117.975 MHz band is currently also used by
VHF omnidirectional ranging (VOR) systems and instru-
ment landing systems (ILSs), which are well established
conventional aviation navigation systems [55]. Conse-
quently, the band is somewhat congested in some regions
of the world. The VDB signal structure was designed to
provide very high spectral efficiency to help mitigate the
potential difficulty a service provider may have in finding
unused frequencies in the band. A single ILS frequency
assignment provides only a single approach to a single Fig. 2. D8PSK modulator and phase constellation.
runway end. With GBAS, the same 100 kHz currently
required for an ILS assignment can theoretically support
up to 192 approaches with the capability for multiple those signals, as they are not fully supported for civil
approaches to the same runway end if desired. Clearly, applications and are primarily intended for use by
GBAS offers significant flexibility over the existing ILS and Department of Defense authorized users. Modernization
VOR uses. In an age where the electromagnetic spectrum plans for GPS include the addition of a third frequency,
continues to become more crowded, the efficient designated BL5,[ which is intended to support civil
Breengineering[ of this valuable band allocated to aviation applications. The current definition of GBAS does not
navigation is an important feature of GBAS. The fact that a support the use of these planned signals, but it is
single ground station can support all the runway ends at an anticipated that the standards will be expanded to allow
airport is perhaps a valuable economic boon. However, the for use of these signals once they are available.

fact that precious spectral resources are being used The GLONASS signals are similar to GPS signals in that
efficiently is probably more important in the long run they are BPSK modulated direct-sequence spread-spectrum
with respect to viability of this system. signals. However, unlike GPS, GLONASS uses frequency-
sendicion division multiple access as the means for satellites to share
B. GBAS Signal in Space the frequency band. GLONASS satellites broadcast on
The GBAS signal in space is defined as the combination different frequencies. The GLONASS signal structure is
of the satellite signals from the core satellite constellations well documented in the GLONASS Interface Control
and the VDB signal [14]. The current standards allow a Document [12] and, again, the interested reader is referred
GBAS to augment signals from either the GPS or there for further details.
GLONASS constellations. The VDB signal produced by the GBAS ground station
The GPS signals are direct sequence spread spectrum employs a differential 8-phase shift key (D8PSK) wave-
signals. These signals consist of a binary phase-shift keyed form. This waveform was chosen because of the relatively
(BPSK) modulated carrier with a pseudorandom binary good spectral efficiency in terms of the number of bits per
code at a chipping rate of 1.024 Mchips per second. In second that can be supported within a 25 kHz frequency
addition, a 50 bit per second navigation message is assignment. Fig. 2 illustrates a typically D8PSK modulator
combined with the direct sequence signal. The primary and the resultant 8-phase constellation.
civil GPS signal, designated BL1 Coarse/Acquisition[ or Table 1 illustrates the coding of 3 bits to a relative phase
BL1 C/A,[ is centered nominally at 1575.425 MHz. All change. Every phase transition represents 3 bits. The signal
satellites transmit at the same nominal frequency, and code- is modulated with 10 500 phase transitions per second,
division multiple access is used to share the band. The GPS resulting in 31.5 kbps of data. Then rate 1/3 error correction
signal structure is well documented in the GPS Interface coding is employed, so the information bit rate is 10.5 kbps.
Control Document (GPS ICD-200 [8]) and the interested However, the system uses relatively low duty cycle
reader is referred there for further details. A good description transmission bursts so that the effective information bit
of the signal structure as well as a general description of rate is much smaller (on the order of one-fourth or less) for
entire GPS system can be found in [10] and [11]. a given GBAS.
A GBAS currently uses only the primary GPS civil The VDB signal is broadcast with either horizontal or
signal L1 C/A. GPS also includes signals at another elliptical polarization. The standards require a minimum
frequency, designated BL2.[ A GBAS makes no use of signal strength in the horizontal component throughout

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Table 1 D8PSK Data Encoding The GBAS VDB signal uses a time-division multiple-
access (TDMA) scheme to enable multiple ground stations
to share the same physical frequency. GBAS VDB
transmissions are constrained to occur within a time slot
structure that consists of two frames per second with eight
slots per frame. The basic update rate for differential
corrections from a GBAS is 2 Hz, so one set of corrections
is broadcast via the VDB in each frame. The GBAS TDMA
frame and slot structure is illustrated in Fig. 3.
A GBAS service provider will assign a subset of the
eight available time slots to a particular ground station.
The ground station will broadcast a single burst of data
within the assigned time slot or slots. Each transmission
burst includes a training sequence and forward error
correction coding bits. Within the payload portion of the
transmission burst, the service provider will put one or
more message types, as illustrated in Fig. 4. Four types of
the coverage region. Optionally, the ground segment may messages are currently defined for GBAS.
also provide a vertical component to support certain • Message Type 1VDifferential Corrections: Includes
military aircraft that cannot practically carry a horizontally differential correction and integrity related data
polarized antenna due to physical constraints. If a vertical for each satellite tracked by the ground system.
signal component is provided, the resultant composite • Message Type 2VContains important information
signal must be elliptically polarized and must meet nominal about the ground system (such as the GBAS
requirements regarding the ratio of power in the horizontal reference location).
and vertical components as well as maintain a phase • Message Type 4VApproach Path Definitions:
relationship between the two within a specified tolerance. Includes Final Approach Segment definitions for
The choice of horizontal polarization in this particular each runway end or approach served by the ground
frequency band of 108.0–1117.95 MHz was driven by the segment.
fact that most existing commercial airplanes are already • Message Type 5VPredicted Ranging Source Avail-
equipped with navigation systems that use antennas that ability: Is an optional message that gives an
cover this band, i.e., ILS and VOR. For most installations, the indication of when ranging source corrections are
same antenna will be used for the reception of VDB signals. expected to become available of unavailable in the

Fig. 3. GBAS VDB TDMA frame and slot structure.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Fig. 4. VDB transmission burst and message types.

Type 1 Message). (This optional message is generally runway at the centerline. However, the FAS definition is
not used by the current implementations and will general enough that final approach paths that are offset and
not be discussed further in this paper.) not aligned with the runway can be defined. In fact,
Message type 1) messages include differential correc- virtually any straight line segment path can be defined by
tions for each satellite tracked by the ground station with the parameters that make up a FAS definition. The points
an elevation angle of greater than 5! . In addition, the used to define an FAS are illustrated in Fig. 5. The deviation
message includes information regarding integrity in the reference surfaces are further illustrated in Fig. 6.
form of parameters to be used in the computation of
Bprotection levels.[ Finally, the Type 1) message includes C. GBAS Performance
a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) intended to ensure the GBAS performance is characterized in several ways.
same ephemeris information is being used by the ground One fundamental metric is the Bsignal in space[ (SIS)
segment and the airborne user to compute the position of space performance. The SIS performance is defined in
the satellites. A CRC is computed by the ground station terms accuracy, integrity, continuity, and availability of the
using the ephemeris data currently being used to compute service. This SIS performance is referenced to the output
the satellite position in order to develop the pseudorange of a Bfault free[ instance of compliant user equipment. For
corrections. This CRC is then uplinked via message type 1) example, integrity is defined at the output of user
to the user who compares this CRC to one computed with equipment that is conforming to certain mandatory
the ephemeris data being used by the airborne equipment for functional requirements that define how the data from
the same satellite. If the CRCs do not match, the associated the ground station is combined with measurements made
satellite is excluded from the position solution. by the airborne equipment. A full discussion of SIS
Message type 2) contains information related to the performance for GBAS is beyond the scope of this paper.
GBAS ground station such as the reference location of the Fortunately, copious references are available [14]–[16],
station as well as tropospheric and ionospheric modeling [21]–[28].
parameters for integrity monitoring. This message type Underlying the design of GBAS is a philosophy that
includes a number of optional extension blocks that carry allocates responsibility for potential error sources and fault
some specific information needed for specific types of modes. This philosophy can be summarized as follows.
service. • The airborne equipment is responsible for making
Message type 4) contains Final Approach Segment good pseudorange measurements, monitoring the
(FAS) definitions. A type 4) message will include one or quality of those measurements, and for following
more FAS definitions, which consist of specific points that the established protocols for the combination of
together unambiguously define a straight line that is the those measurements with data from the ground
intersection of two reference surfaces: a plane defining station. The airborne equipment is responsible for
the desired lateral path and a conical surface defining the monitoring, detecting, and mitigating any faults
desired vertical descent path. The apex of the conical that originate within the airborne equipment.
surface is typically on the runway at the Glide Path • The ground segment is responsible for monitoring
Intercept Point (GPIP). The vertical place defining the the satellite signals, computing differential correc-
lateral path typically also includes the GPIP and bisects the tions, and for detecting and mitigating faults in the

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Fig. 5. GBAS reference path definition for approach services.

Fig. 6. Deviation reference surfaces.

satellite signals that could result in unacceptably There are several potential sources of error that could
large errors in the position solution at the output of cause unacceptably large position errors in a differential
a compliant Bfault free[ receiver. The ground satellite navigation solution, including:
segment is therefore responsible for monitoring 1) hardware/software failures in the ground station
for, detecting, and mitigating any fault conditions or satellites (e.g. clock failures);
that originate in the ground station or the satellite 2) multipath at the ground segment receiver anten-
constellation. nas or airborne receiver antennas;

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

M3) large errors in the ephemeris information broad- referenced to an earth fixed coordinate frame. The desired

cast by the satellites; reference path is defined by a set of coordinates supplied
4) residual ionospheric errors due to relatively small via the data broadcast. A mechanism is required that allows
scale structures in the ionosphere; the correct set of coordinates defining the approach to be
5) residual errors due to tropospheric effects; selected. Also, a mechanism to verify that the correct
6) deformation of satellite signals at the source. selection has been made is required.
The detection and mitigation of these error sources has As new operational capabilities are introduced, consis-
been an active area of research for many years now, and tency with existing operations is highly desirable. Consis-
some very sophisticated monitoring techniques have been tency reduces the cost of integrating the new functionality,
developed. Among the error sources listed above, the the cost of training pilots, and safety hazards that can occur
satellite ephemeris failure and the residual ionospheric if inconsistent system interfaces are used. Consistency
error effects have proven to be very challenging [29]–[40]. with existing ILS and MLS operations is also important to
The potential error for both of these sources tends to enable air traffic management service providers to handle
decorrelate as a function of increasing distance between mixed-mode operations at airports. The transition from
t the user and the ground station. Development of effective ILS to GBAS is likely to take decades, and some airports
el error monitors and mitigations for these error sources has been will need to support operations with both systems during
es distinto
challenging. Again, a detailed discussion of integrity the transition.
en avion y

GBAS/nolo monitoring for GBAS is beyond the scope of this paper. The data broadcast on a single frequency may contain
puede Corregin However, it should be noted that fault monitoring, FAS datablocks for several different runway ends, multiple
el 6BAS) detection, and mitigation is an automatic function that is approaches to a single runway end, or even multiple
essentially transparent to the operational use of the runway ends at multiple airports. Due to the TDMA
system. The user is given a positive indication if the frequency sharing, a receiver tuned to a given frequency
system should not be used. could see FAS definitions provided by multiple different
Many other performance metrics for GBAS are also ground stations for airports separated by large distances.
important from a practical perspective. For example, Therefore, unlike ILS, the simple selection of a frequency
transmit power, out-of-band spurious emissions, and signal does not uniquely identify a specific approach.
polarization are all very important when considering the Fig. 7 illustrates the data required to uniquely identify a
spectrum management aspects of the operational imple- GBAS approach. A selection scheme that required entry of
mentation of GBAS. all the unique data would require entry of 12 alphanumeric
characters. Such a requirement would be burdensome in
1) Typical GBAS Accuracy Performance: Over the last situations that entail high pilot workload. If an onboard
decade and a half, many organizations in many countries database were used, the amount of data that is required to
have conducted flight trials and experiments with GBAS be entered could be reduced. However, GBAS approaches,
[41]–[54]. The basic technology has not changed (carrier particularly for CAT II/III operations, should not be
smoothed code phase) during that time, although certain dependent on the existence of an onboard database. The
developments, such as the multipath limiting antenna option for a simple manual entry is required because the
(discussed below), have improved nominal performance. onboard database equipment may fail. (Availability of a
Not surprisingly, there is very consistent experience with the CAT III approach today does not depend on having a
nominal accuracy of GBAS across these various flight trials. functional flight management system (FMS) or database.)
The instantaneous accuracy of a GBAS depends on the Furthermore, some airplanes are not FMS equipped, some
current satellite geometry. However, given the current GPS airlines prefer not to carry FMS equipment, and some
constellation, horizontal accuracy on the order of 1 m 95%
(or better) is typical. Similarly, nominal vertical accuracy
on the order of 1.5 m 95% is typical. The 95% position
accuracy specified by ICAO to support CAT I operations
is 4 m 95% in the vertical dimension and 16 m 95% in
the lateral direction. Hence GBAS easily meets the
accuracy requirements for CAT I approaches. However,
the more difficult problem for GBAS, as noted above,
has always been in meeting the integrity requirements.

D. GBAS Landing System (GLS) Approach Selection

Unlike ILS or the microwave landing system (MLS),
GNSS-based approaches are not referenced to a ground-
based antenna. Both the desired flight path and the
measured or estimated position of the airplane are Fig. 7. Data required to uniquely identify a GBAS approach.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Table 2 Channel/Frequency Range for Precision Approach Systems verification that the correct approach has been selected.
The channel number allows a specific FAS datablock to be
identified. Once the desired datablock has been found, any
information contained in the datablock could be presented
to the pilot as an independent verification that the correct
block has been found. Here again, similarity to the current
ILS system is advantageous. Hence each unique FAS
datablock is assigned a four-character approach identifier
airlines prefer to not include the FMS on their minimum or Bident.[ For example, an approach to Boeing field could
equipment list for dispatch. Even on some FMS equipped be assigned the identifier BGBFI,[ which is analogous to
airplanes, a simple control head type interface for the the ILS audio ident assigned to the ILS approach at the same
approach selection is preferable, particularly in a retrofit runway BIBFI.[ Optionally, the Airport ID, Runway ID, and
situation. Therefore, at a minimum, the approach selection Route Indicator from the selected datablock could addi-
methodology is required to be simple enough that the pilot tionally be used as feedback that the correct approach has
can manually enter all the required data, even in a high been selected. However, the four-character approach ident
workload situation. is the preferred feedback method and should be supported
The solution for GBAS approach selection is based on as a minimum for the following reasons.
the assignment of five digit channel numbers in the range of • The four-character approach ident is similar to the
20 000 to 39 999. Each approach is assigned a channel ILS ident and will enable cockpit integrations to be
number that allows the user to unambiguously select that consistent across ILS and GLS.
approach. • The four-character ident supports audio feedback.
Use of a five-digit channel assignment for GBAS allows Some airplanes may need an audio feedback
GBAS to be consistent with ILS. Flight deck integration mechanism to be used in the event of equipment
and crew operations can be consistent between ILS and failures, etc. The ILS ident is presented to the pilot
GLS. If a certain airplane model uses a simple control head as an audio (Morse code) signal. For consistency,
for tuning ILS, then the control head interface can be the GBAS approach ident could be provided the
expanded to include GBAS approach selections. If an same way. Audio feedback is advantageous because
airplane has an Bautotune[ interface based on an FMS and it is consistent with past precedent, but modern
navigation database, then the GBAS tuning can be realized display systems make it unnecessary. The four
in a manner consistent with that interface. The five-digit characters could also be displayed on the primary
channel could be stored in a database in the same manner display or on the control head.
that the ILS frequency is stored in the database today. In • The pilot selects the approach by entering a five-
many airplanes, the pilot never deals with the ILS digit number, and verification comes back in the
frequency (unless there is an FMS failure) and the same form of a four-character code. The feedback is in a
sort of interface is supported by the GBAS five-digit dissimilar form and could only have come from the
tuning. It is important to understand the distinction desired datablock (i.e., it is not entered or stored
between the signal-in-space/equipment interface and the in the database, etc.).
pilot interface. For ILS, the signal-in-space/equipment • The approach idents can be selected to minimize
interface is the frequency. The pilot interface could be a the potential for confusion. For example, if there
selection of airport and runway. Similarly, the signal-in- were two approaches to the same runway, one with
space/equipment interface for GBAS is the five-digit a 3! path and one with a 4! path, they could be
channel number. The pilot interface can be something assigned dissimilar idents such as BGABC[ and
more sophisticated (with the aid of a database). In both BGXYZ.[ If the Airport ID, Runway ID, and Route
cases, the lowest common denominator for the pilot Indicator were used as feedback, they would be
interface is the signal-in-space/equipment interface. seven characters long and only differ by one
The GBAS channel range is restricted to 20 000 to character.
39 999 so that the channel space is segregated from other Both the channel number and the approach ident will
approach selections. Table 2 lists the channel or frequency be shown together on the approach plate just as the ILS
range for ILS, MLS, GBAS, and SBAS. The ranges are frequency and ILS ident are shown on the approach plate
segregated to help reduce the possibility of entry error. today.
Also, segregating the ranges allows the channel assignment A strong mechanism to avoid selecting the wrong
to identify the system being tuned, thereby eliminating approach is needed for GLS because multiple approaches to
another pilot entry. the same runway end are supported. Consider the example
given in Table 3, where a single runway end has three
1) Approach Selection Verification for GBAS: Positive and different approaches. Each of the three approaches uses a
unambiguous feedback to the pilot is required for different Final Approach Segment path. Two of the three

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

at piloto de la Appelegida
Table 3 Hypothetical Example of Three Approaches to the Same Runway End

defined paths are intended to support special operations. where

One has a steeper glide path, which may be useful for noise
abatement or for wake vortex mitigation. The other is an
x div y ¼ the integer part of the quotient x=y
offset approach that could be useful for converging
operations to closely spaced parallel runways. In this x mod y ¼ x % ððx div yÞ ( yÞ:
example, it is conceivable that if a pilot accidentally
selected the wrong approach, it would not be immediately The number 411 used in the mapping is larger than the
obvious since he would be getting what appears to be number of physical frequencies available in the band. This
normal guidance and his location relative to the airport is might seem wasteful in that some of the availability
correct, etc. The approach identifier is the feedback channel space (20 000–39 999) will actually be mapped
mechanism that tells the pilot which approach is actually to frequencies outside the allocated range. The reason for
selected. using the value 411 in the mapping is that this ensures that,
Table 3 illustrates that a pilot interface based on for a given physical frequency, all channel numbers that
Airport ID, Runway ID, and Route Indicator is somewhat map to that physical frequency will differ from all other
prone to accidental selection of an unintended approach channel numbers by at least three of the five digits. This
since the identifiers only differ by one letter. The GBAS means an erroneous pilot entry of one digit will not result
channel assignments are such that no two channels that in selection of a different approach supported by the same
map to the same frequency have more two digits in ground station. Hence, the probability that an erroneous
common. Similarly, the approach identifiers were chosen pilot entry would go undetected is reduced.
such that there are virtually no letters in common. This The following steps describe a typical GBAS tuning
should aid in preventing input errors if the approach ident scenario.
is displayed and checked against the approach plate. 1) The pilot selects the approach. This can be done
Selection of an ILS approach does not require a route either by selecting the GBAS channel number
indicator because each ILS provides only a single approach. directly or through some other interface that
The potential for multiple approaches to a single runway allows the pilot to select the approach using the
with GBAS is one of the main advantages of GBAS. This airport identifier, runway identifier, and route
advantage comes at a price of needing an extra piece of identifier.
information to distinguish between the approaches. The 2) The channel number N corresponding to the
five-digit channel method encodes the differences and does desired approach is provided to the GBAS
it in a manner that reduces the potential for confusion. equipment.
3) The frequency F of the data broadcast channel is
E. Specifics of the GBAS Channel Mapping computed using (1).
The channel number has encoded within it both the 4) The RPDS is computed using (2).
frequency selection and the selection of the specific 5) The data broadcast receiver tunes the frequency F
approach. In other words, all 12 characters worth of and demodulates all the data found on that
information are contained in the channel number. Two frequency.
pieces of information are derived from the channel 6) All the type 4) messages received are searched
number using the following two simple formulas. until a FAS datablock that contains a value in the
The data broadcast physical frequency is given by RPDS field that matches the RPDS computed in
step 3) above is found. When the matching RPDS
is found, the desired FAS datablock has been
F ¼ 108:0 þ ððN % 20 000Þ mod 411Þ ' 0:025 MHz: (1)
7) The selected ground station is determined from the
The reference path data selector (RPDS) is given by header of the type 4) message, which contained the
FAS datablock with the matching RPDS.
8) The approach ident from the FAS datablock with
RPDS ¼ ðN % 20 000Þ div 411 (2) the matching RPDS is returned from the GBAS

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Fig. 8. GBAS approach selection and verification.

equipment as verification of the correct selection. an airborne user can receive the signals from airports B
(Optionally, the airport identifier, runway identi- and C simultaneously. Therefore, the RPDS assignments
fier, and route indicator for the selected FAS and associated channel assignments used at airport B can
datablock could be used for selection verification.) be reused at airport C. (The TDMA slots assigned to
The approach selection and verification scheme is airports B can also be reused by airport C.)
illustrated in Fig. 8.
G. GBAS Services
F. Management of GBAS Channel Assignments A GBAS may support two basic types of service:
In order for this tuning scheme to identify one and only approach services and the GBAS positioning service
one approach, the assignments of frequencies and RPDS (GBAS/PS).
values must be managed so that an airplane will receive a • The GBAS/PS enables the user to compute an
given RPDS from only one ground station on a given accurate differential position solution with integ-
frequency. Each RPDS must be associated with one and rity. Only one type of positioning service is defined.
only one FAS datablock within radio range for a given • A GBAS approach service enables the user to
frequency. This means that the RPDS assignments for compute an accurate differentially corrected posi-
GBAS installations that share the same frequency must be tion solution but also includes the definition of a
carefully coordinated. The coverage for each station for an reference path so that the airborne equipment can
airplane at altitude must be considered, as well as the compute guidance information (deviations) rela-
regions where coverage for two stations overlap. tive to the reference path. Multiple types of GBAS
GBAS channels can be reassigned for stations that are out approach service are defined that provide different
of radio range. Consider the simple example given in Fig. 9, levels of performance. Additional approach ser-
where four airports share a single GBAS VDB frequency vices are currently being developed to allow GBAS
assignment. Because of the TDMA nature of the datalink, to support additional types of operations.
those airports may be relatively close to each other, or they A given ground station may or may not support either
may be very far from each other such that their coverage areas or both of the services described above. In this case, the
overlap near the edge of coverage. Coverage here should be airborne equipment is required to output deviation
understood to mean the actual volume within which the VDB guidance relative to the selected reference path based on
signal can be received and decoded by an airborne user. In differentially corrected position. At the same time, the
many cases for a user at altitude, VDB coverage is likely to receiver outputs position, velocity, and time (PVT)
extend to the line of sight radio range. information for use by other airplane system based on
From Fig. 9, it can be seen that there are areas where unaugmented GPS. If the ground station does support the
an airborne user can receive two or three of the GBAS GBAS positioning service, the airborne equipment will
stations simultaneously. However, there is no area where output PVT based on the GBAS corrections. The ground

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Estos dos

S queden


Fig. 9. Simple example: four airports share a single data broadcast frequency 115.525 MHz.

station indicates in the type 2) message whether or not the describe some typical hardware implementations of those
GBAS/PS is supported via information conveyed in functions and discuss issues associated with siting.
message type 2). It is also possible for a GBAS ground Fig. 10 shows a picture of a GBAS reference receiver
station to support the GBAS/PS and not provide any installation. This particular reference receiver configuration
approach service. was implemented by the University of Oklahoma [56], [57]
The type of service used by the airborne equipment in and has been used in GBAS-related research in support of the
all cases is determined by the approach selection as
described above. The fundamental interface is the five-
digit channel number. If the RPDS derived from the five-
digit channel number [per (2)] matches the Reference
Station Data Selector (RSDS) value uplinked in message
type 2), this indicates that the receiver has been instructed
to select the GBAS/PS only. The receiver then outputs
differentially corrected PVT and does not compute or
output valid deviations. If the RPDS derived from the
channel number matches the RPDS in an FAS datablock
within message type 4), then the deviations are computed
and output. If message type 2) indicates the GBAS/PS is
supported, the receiver will output differentially corrected
PVT. The airborne equipment will automatically support
both types of service simultaneously if they are available.
Assignments of RSDS must be managed along with
RPDS assignments as described in Section II-E. RPDS and
RSDS assignments must be unique within radio range on a
given frequency.

H. GBAS Ground Segment Sergio ->

As mentioned earlier, the GBAS ground segment

consists of a set of GBAS reference receivers, a processing Fig. 10. GBAS reference receiver with multipath
facility, and a VHF data broadcast facility. This section will limiting antenna system.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s program to develop results from where the satellites happen to occupy the sky
the technology [58]–[60]. The FAA’s GBAS project has gone over the duration of the test. A limited observation period
by the name of the Local Area Augmentation System is never guaranteed to produce the worst possible
(LAAS), so throughout the literature one will see references multipath error that could be generated by an environ-
to LAAS where the specific FAA GBAS program is being ment. Therefore, siting evaluations typically involve
discussed. One can think of BLAAS[ as the FAA’s brand analysis coupled with observations. Finally, performance
name for their GBAS product. GBAS is the internationally monitoring over time during operation can be used to
accepted term for this type of augmentation system. identify, isolate, and mitigate multipath effects.
A GBAS reference station such as the one shown in Another factor influencing the siting of reference
Fig. 10 would typically be sited on or near an airport stations is that fact that the GBAS facility uses multiple
property. Proper siting of the reference receivers is very reference observations as a means to monitor for and limit
important in that a major source of potential error in a the impact of noncommon mode error sources such as
differential GPS system is multipath at either the reference multipath. Therefore, reference stations must be spatially
or the user receiver [61], [62], [64]. Errors induced by distributed in a manner that ensures the effects of
signal energy that arrives at the receiver via reflection, environmental multipath will be uncorrelated.
diffraction, or any means other than the direct path will be Fig. 11 shows a typical central processing facility for a
unique to one side of the differential system and therefore GBAS. The facility shown in the figure is the prototype
will not be compensated for by the differential corrections. GBAS ground station installed at SeaTac airport. This
One source of potential multipath is the ground. To ground station was manufactured by Honeywell [77], [78].
combat this source of error, multipath limiting antennas The racks shown contain the computers that process the
(MLAs) such as the one shown in Fig. 10 can be employed. pseudorange correction and that support integrity moni-
The MLA antenna technology was originally developed by toring. These racks also include the VHF transmitter
Braasch at Ohio University [62]. That development work equipment and power management equipment. In total,
led directly to the development of the commercial antenna about one and a half racks of equipment are required for
product depicted in Fig. 9 [63]. The MLA shown consists this installation. This compares very favorably to ILS since
of a stacked array of elements approximately 2 m tall. The this GBAS equipment can support all the runway ends at
elements of the array are phase-combined in a manner the airport, whereas ILS would require multiple shacks of
such that the resultant pattern has a very sharp cutoff at equipment such as the one shown to provide similar
the horizon, and several tens of decibels of rejection is approach services. As a case in point, the GBAS shown in
provided against signals that would enter the antenna from Fig. 11 broadcasts FAS definitions for ten different
arrival angles below the horizon (i.e., 0! elevation). approaches: four runway ends at SeaTac; two runway
Multipath resulting from signals reflecting off the ground
would arrive from elevation angles below zero degrees,
and in no cases would valid direct path satellite signals
arrive from such angles. Hence the antenna greatly
reduces the energy in the multipath signals.
Much research has been done on the effects of GPS
multipath. The interested reader is referred to [62], [64],
and [66]–[71] for more information.
The reference station shown in Fig. 10 employs two
antenna systems: the MLA array and a zenith coverage
antenna. The MLA provides coverage from near the
horizon to between 30! and 40! . The zenith coverage
antenna has complementary coverage such that satellites
between 30! and 90! elevation can be tracked. Recent
antenna designs for MLAs provide full coverage of the
upper hemisphere with a single MLA array [72].
Multipath limiting antennas can be very effective at
mitigation of ground bounce multipath. However it is still
important to carefully site the reference station antennas
to minimize the effects of multipath from other sources.
Hence a site survey that evaluates potential multipath
sources is typically conducted [73]–[75]. Post installation
evaluation of multipath errors can be accomplished by
code-minus-carrier analysis. However, the results of such
observations are limited to evaluation of multipath that Fig. 11. GBAS ground facilityVSeaTac airport.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

ends at Boeing Field; two runway ends at Renton Field; shows a typical VHF antenna installation to support the
and two runway ends at Paine Field. In addition, the GBAS VDB function of a GBAS ground subsystem. This antenna
provides the positioning service that can support Aera is installed at Memphis Airport and is part of the
Navigation (RNAV) operations in the terminal area and Honeywell prototype GBAS installed there to support the
perhaps will support surface applications in the future. FAA development program done in cooperation with
RNAV is a method of air navigation that allows an aircraft FedEx. The antenna is an array of three elliptically
to fly desired paths point to point, rather than being polarized sources, which are themselves constructed of
constrained by paths that lead directly to and from four folded dipole elements. A stacked array of three
navigation aids. This can conserve flight distance, reduce sources is used to provide increased gain towards the
congestion, and allow instrument flight procedures into horizon and improved system range, and to reduce the
and around airports without conventional navigation aids illumination of the ground, thereby reducing the impact of
like distance measuring equipment (DME) or VOR. nulls in the pattern that are induced by the ground
Surface applications may include things like: reflections. As a result, this configuration also mitigates
• enhanced situation awareness on the airport some of the deep nulls that might otherwise result from a
surface through use of digital airport maps; horizontally polarized signal source above the ground. As
• guidance on the airport surface during very low mentioned above, elliptical polarization is optional
visibility conditions; (although recommended by ICAO), and a horizontally
• surveillance of airplane positions by the air traffic polarized antenna would be somewhat simpler than the
service providers (through Automatic Dependent one shown in Fig. 12.
• runway incursion detection systems; I. Airborne ImplementationVGBAS
• reduction of runway occupancy time through Landing System (GLS)
optimum runway exiting applications. This section will discuss typical airborne implementa-
The differential corrections and integrity information tion of GBAS equipment and a GBAS landing function
are broadcast to the user over a VHF data broadcast signal (GLS).
transmitted in the 108.0–117.975 MHz band. Fig. 12 First, let us review some terminology. The reader may
have seen the term GBAS and the term GLS seemingly used
interchangeably (even in this very paper). Strictly speaking,
this is not correct, as the terms refer to different things.
GBAS refers to the total navigation system composed of the
ground segment, space segment, and airborne segment.
GLS refers to the function as it is integrated into the
airplane. Although GLS is based on GBAS and includes the
GBAS airborne equipment, it also includes other equip-
ment not specific to the GBAS such as the autopilot,
displays, approach selection mechanisms, and other parts
of the GLS system on the airplane. However, not everyone
(including the author) is always careful about this
terminology, and sometimes GLS is used where GBAS
might have been more appropriate and vice versa.
Fig. 13 shows a block diagram of the GLS system
architecture for the Next Generation 737 (NG 737). The
NG 737 implements the GBAS airborne functions in a
multimode receiver (MMR) [79]–[81]. The MMR has
quickly become the preferred package for integration of
GBAS functionality (and basic GPS functionality for that
matter) on commercial air transport class aircraft. This is
due to the fact that the MMR readily allows integration of
the GBAS function into an existing landing system
architecture based on ILS. The MMR leverages existing
interfaces, and this results in relatively modest wiring
changes being required for a given airframe. Furthermore,
given the choice of VDB frequency and polarization,
existing ILS and/or VOR antennas can be utilized for the
VDB function, thereby eliminating the need to install an
Fig. 12. VHF data broadcast antenna. additional antenna.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Fig. 13. NG 737 GLS airborne system architecture.

From Fig. 13, it can be seen that the MMR (or has been made to make the interfaces as consistent as
navigation landing sensor) interfaces to many systems on possible with ILS in order to minimize the necessary
the airplane. This is a consequence of the general nature of changes.
modern integrated glass cockpit aircraft. Although this The MMR supports the landing function as well as the
diagram is specific to the NG 737 aircraft, diagrams of basic GPS positioning in its GPS receiver function. This
similar complexity exist for all other Boeing models in GPS positioning information is used to support navigation
production. In the figure, sources that provide data to the in all phases of flight. The MMR provides PVT outputs to
MMR are colored yellow and equipment that uses the the FMS, which is responsible for management of the
output of the MMR are coded green. No fewer than nine multisensor navigation system. FMS systems and the
systems utilize the output of the MMR. This implies that management of multisensor navigation systems is a
changes in the interface could require each of the nine complex subject that could be the focus of another paper
downstream systems to be modified. Therefore, an effort entirely.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

When GLS is active, the MMR will simultaneously

support both the landing function by providing deviations
relative to a selected reference path and basic aircraft
navigation through PVT outputs. As discussed above, the
GBAS ground segment may support both functions simul-
taneously, or the airborne receiver may use the GBAS to
support the landing function and support the PVT using
unaugmented GPS. This means that the receiver has to be
able to produce two different solutions at once. The landing
system function requires deviations produced relative to a
specific point on the aircraft. Therefore, the differentially
corrected position solution is translated to a common
guidance control point (GCP) on the airplane using the Fig. 15. Typical FMS approach selection interface through MCDU.
pitch, roll, and heading information from the inertial system
and lever arms defining the offset between the GPS antennas
and the GCP. (The lever arms are airframe specific and are approach, including the location of the threshold, heading
stored in the MMR.) The basic PVT to support FMS of runway, and other physical attributes. This information
operations is referenced to the GPS antenna. So again, the is used to generate display symbology. However, should
MMR maintains two different position solutions that are the FMS fail, the pilot can use a reversionary mode where
ultimately referenced to two different places on the aircraft. the five-digit channel number is entered directly, the
Fig. 14 shows a picture of the navigation control panel approach is selected, and raw deviation data is provided
implemented on the NG 737 airplane. The control panel through the either the primary display or through the
allows the pilot to enter ILS frequencies, VOR frequencies, standby instruments.
or GLS channel numbers by using a keypad. The desired The GBAS airborne equipment is integrated into the
selection is keyed into the standby window using the airplane in much the same manner that the ILS sensor is.
keypad. Then when the pilot wishes to make the control The airplane is designed to support automatic landings and
selection active, the double arrow button on the left-hand exploits redundancy to ensure that any failures of airborne
side of the panel is used to swap the active and standby equipment that might cause a hazardous situation are
windows, which changes the tuning commands sent from detected. For this reason, multiple independent threads of
the control head. equipment are used for fault detection. The autopilot
Fig. 15 shows a typical FMS approach selection system will perform signal selection and fault detection
interface through a page on the multifunction control using the multiple inputs. In some configurations, the
display unit (MCDU). This interface allows the pilot to receivers themselves are dual redundant internally so that
select an approach procedure by name (e.g., GLS32LA). the output of the receiver is always monitored. With such
Although the menu selection may be an alphanumeric dual receivers, a fail operational capability can be
sequence that is meaningful to the pilot, the five-digit implemented with only two independent sensor threads.
GBAS channel number is stored in the FMS database, and
it is this channel number that is supplied to the MMR to
accomplish the approach selection. In a typical modern I II . GBAS OPERATIONAL USES
integrated glass cockpit aircraft, the FMS navigation
database will contain much information about a given A. Operational Use of GBAS
GBAS was originally conceived primarily as an
approach and landing aid. Consequently, the principle
operational use of GBAS is to support takeoff and landing
operations similar to those supported by ILS today. In fact,
GBAS is likely to eventually displace ILS particularly for
support of very low-visibility landing operations. A typical
operation supported by GBAS will look very similar to a
typical ILS operation. There will be a transition from some
terminal area arrival procedure to the final approach path,
typically a straight segment aligned with the runway.
Today, typically, at a large airport, Air Traffic Control
directs aircraft to the localizer via assigned headings or
vectors. Often, several aircraft will be on the approach at
the same time, separated by several miles. Once an aircraft
Fig. 14. Control panel for GLS approach selection on NG 737 airplane. has intercepted both the localizer and the glideslope

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

guidance, the aircraft is said to be established on the c) An instrument approach and landing with no
approach. Typically, an aircraft will be established on the decision height and no runway visual range
approach by 6 nmi from the runway threshold. The point limitations.
where the aircraft is established on the final approach Specific types of aircraft equipment and crew qualifica-
segment is at or near a final approach fix. tions are required for low-visibility operations. For
The deviation of the aircraft from the selected path is example, to conduct an approach and landing using
indicated to the flight crew by means of a display that Category III weather minimums below runway visual range
includes vertical and horizontal bars referred to as of 600 ft, a fail-operational autopilot system is required and
Bneedles.[ The two Bneedles[ are the course deviation crew training on this type of procedure must be current.
indicator (CDI). In a modern glass cockpit, the CDI is Approach and landing using Category I minimums does not
typically integrated as one element of a multifunction require a fail-operational system. Approaches to Category I
display with an associated flight director to aid guidance minimums rely on baroaltimeter indications to determine
and an autopilot to automatically track the intended path. when the airplane has reached the decision altitude.
The output from the navigation receiver (ILS or GBAS) Approaches to Category II and Category III minimums
goes both to the display system and to the flight control typically use radar altimeter to determine when the
computer. An aircraft landing procedure can be either decision height or alert height has been reached.
Bcoupled,[ where the autopilot directly controls the aircraft During an ILS approach, the position of the airplane
and the flight crew monitors the system; or Bmanual,[ where along the desired reference path is determined via a marker
the flight crew manually controls the aircraft via use of flight beacon, DME, or RNAV fix [55]. The marker beacon is a set
director commands to minimize the deviation from flight of transmitters operating at a carrier frequency of 75 MHz.
path to the runway centerline. When the transmission from a marker beacon is received,
an indication appears on the pilot’s instrument panel and
1) Decision Altitude (Height): Once established on an the modulating tone of the beacon is audible to the pilot.
approach, the autoland system or pilot will follow the The approach procedure will include information regard-
vertical and lateral deviations and descend along the ing the correct height at which the aircraft should be when
glideslope until the decision altitude is reached [82]–[84]. it crosses each of the marker beacons, DME, or RNAV fixes.
(For a typical Category I operation, this altitude is 200 ft In the early history of ILS, this was an important feature, as
above the runway.) At this point, the pilot must be able to it supported situational awareness of the pilot with respect
see the runway or runway environment (e.g., the runway to their longitudinal distance to the runway. Also, by having
lights) in order to continue the approach. If neither can be the flight crew cross-check the baroaltitude at the marker
seen, the approach will be aborted and a missed approach beacon transitions, it provided some additional assurance
procedure is performed. of a correct altimeter setting and of capture of the
appropriate glidepath. For ILS, this was very important
B. Approach Categories since a glideslope antenna array will naturally form Bfalse[
There are three categories of approach operations. glidepaths that will have a much steeper descent. Use of
• Category I: An instrument approach and landing marker beacon signals for pilot situational awareness (in
with a decision height not lower than 60 m (200 ft) commercial air transport class aircraft) has all but
above touchdown zone elevation and with either a disappeared and has been replaced by the use of DME
visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual [55] measurements and navigation moving maps.
range not less than 550 m. In some early autopilot implementations, the marker
• Category II: An instrument approach and landing beacon transitions were used to activate time-based
with a decision height lower than 60 m (200 ft) scheduled gain changes to the control of the aircraft [85].
above touchdown zone elevation but not lower Such practices were later abandoned, and gain desensiti-
than 30 m (100 ft) and a runway visual range not zation scheduling in ILS-based autoland systems is typically
less than 350 m. driven by an estimate of distance to go based on radio
• Category III is subdivided. altitude changes. GBAS offers a much cleaner and easier
a) An instrument approach and landing with a interface for autopilots since differential GPS provides
decision height lower than 30 m (100 ft) precise position in three dimensions. Furthermore, GBAS
above touchdown zone elevation or no airborne equipment outputs deviation indications in both
decision height and a runway visual range angular scaling (for compatibility with existing autopilots
not less than 200 m. designed for use with ILS) and rectilinear scaling. The use
b) An instrument approach and landing with a of the rectilinear scale deviations makes sensitivity scaling
decision height lower than 15 m (50 ft) above unnecessary and eliminates a source of inaccuracy inherent
touchdown zone elevation or no decision in ILS-based autoland control systems.
height and a runway visual range less than GBAS does not use marker beacons. Instead, the distance
200 m but not less than 50 m. to the runway threshold is computed and displayed directly to

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

the pilot and is available for use by other onboard equipment demonstrated many advantageous aspects of GBAS capabil-
such as the autopilot. This is an important feature of GBAS ities for the first time. These demonstrations occurred
and a great improvement over ILS. Most ILS systems include during a technology demonstrator program in 2002 and then
a DME installation so that the pilot has an indication of again during flight testing in support of the certification
distance to the airport. This DME is less accurate and cannot program. For example, during this testing, Boeing success-
be physically sited at the threshold, so typically the distance is fully demonstrated the use of multiple approach definitions
referenced to another location. GBAS FAS path definitions to the same runway, the use of offset thresholds, and support
typically include a point at the threshold (the landing of approach capabilities to nearby airports.
threshold point) and hence GBAS airborne equipment can During the development program, the NG 737 was
continuously compute a distance to that point. flown with GLS using six different ground stations
Fig. 16 shows a prototype xLS approach plate. The term manufactured by three different organizations serving 11
xLS refers to a generic landing system operation. The xLS different airports including locations in both the northern
procedure can be flown using either ILS or GLS. In the and southern hemisphere. Approaches flown included
example chart for SeaTac Runway 16R, the approach typical ILS-like straight in approaches with autoland as
selection information for both ILS (i.e., 111.7 MHz) and well as multisegment curved approaches using RNAV,
GLS (i.e., channel number 20 250) is shown. Note that the RNP, and the GBAS positioning service. Other demonstra-
two approaches have different ident strings (i.e., BISZI[ tions included guidance for low-visibility takeoff, guidance
and BGSZI[). Both approaches are referenced to the same on missed approach, and landing performance during
desired approach path. The chart is nearly identical to an simulated and induced ground station failure conditions.
ILS approach chart today except for the addition of some Boeing’s early operational experience with GBAS has
GLS-specific information such as the approach selection generally been excellent. In fact, GBAS has already provided
channel number. (Note, this chart is presented as an operational advantages to Boeing. For example, during the
example onlyVnot to be used for navigation purposes.) spring and summer of 2005, GBAS supported a temporary
displaced threshold to runway 13R at King County Interna-
C. GBAS Support of Terminal Area Operations tional Airport, Boeing Field (KBFI), in Washington State.
As mentioned earlier, GBAS may also provide a service King County began construction of an extension for runway
that is not specific to a particular approach path or runway, KBFI 13R in May 2005. This required the ILS to be placed out
i.e., the GBAS/PS. This service will allow airborne equipment of service and a temporary displaced threshold to be created.
to output very high-accuracy positioning with integrity with To maintain precision guidance capability to KBFI 13R, the
very high availability. Such a service can support RNAV and Boeing Flight Test organization utilized the SeaTac Airport
required navigation performance (RNP)-based procedures. A (KSEA) GBAS to create an additional GLS approach to
full treatment of RNP is beyond the scope of this paper. RNP support the displaced threshold for its test aircraft. Using the
is a parallel and complementary development that has been published information for the distance of the displaced
focused on using the capabilities of modern, multisensor threshold from the existing threshold, Boeing Flight Test
navigation systems to implement new operations based on engineers were able to derive the latitude and longitude of the
precise control and containment of aircraft trajectories. temporary displaced threshold and mathematically define the
GBAS has been integrated into the aircraft in a manner such new approach parameters within about 15 min. This
that when a ground station does support the GBAS/PS, the information was then e-mailed to Honeywell for final coding
navigation system can take full advantage of the improved of the FAS definition. The additional approach was loaded
navigation capabilities. Through RNP and the use of RNAV, into the KSEA GBAS station and was flown to an autoland (in
an airplane can reliably and repeatably fly predetermined, visual conditions) by the next available GLS-equipped Boeing
complex two- and three-dimensional paths such as curves test airplane. The flight crew reported the guidance brought
and sequences of straight and curved flight legs. RNP can the airplane across the displaced threshold at the intended
provide optimum transitions to GLS procedures and height and set the airplane down on the runway center line.
optimum missed approach paths from GLS procedures. This was the first practical demonstration of a displaced
threshold using GBAS.
Fig. 17 shows a comparison of the guidance quality
IV. OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE provided by the ILS at Boeing Field with the guidance quality
WITH GBAS obtained using the approaches to Boeing Field provided by the
SeaTac GBAS station. The scales in both plots are the same to
A. Operational Experience During Development facilitate the comparison. The ILS guidance includes errors
The first commercial air transport airplane with GLS with large and quick excursions with magnitudes of up to 70 ft
capability was certified in May 2005. The NG 737 achieved (at a distance of less than a mile from the threshold). In
this milestone after more than a decade of technology contrast, the lateral guidance errors in the GBAS signals are
development, standardization, and flight demonstrations. In apparently bias-like and limited to 6.5 ft maximum. Similarly,
the course of implementing GLS on the NG 737, Boeing the ILS glideslope error characteristics are noisier than the

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Fig. 16. GLS approach plate.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

Fig. 17. Comparison of ILS and GLS signal quality at Boeing Field.

GLS vertical deviation errors. Boeing Field is a particularly Several airlines have acquired airplanes with GBAS
challenging environment for ILS since there are many large equipment, and the system is currently being used
buildings (and often large airplanes) near the runway. regularly by airlines on three continents.
Furthermore, the airport is in a valley. This results in
multipath and consequently significant beam noise. In fact, 1) Qantas Airways: Qantas Airways has taken delivery of
the guidance quality of the ILS at Boeing Field is so poor that its new 737-800 airplanes with GLS functionality and is
autopilot systems will not stay coupled making CAT II or committed to retrofitting their entire NG 737 fleet with
CAT III operations impractical, if not impossible. However, the capability. The total Qantas NG 737 fleet with GLS
with GLS, the performance is immune to the challenging capability is expected to be nearly 50 airplanes. Qantas has
multipath environment and the signal quality is sufficient to also ordered the Airbus A380 with the optional GLS
support autoland and potentially both Category II and capability. They are the launch customer for the GLS
Category III minimums. This is another boon to Boeing capability on the A380 and expect to take delivery in
since it makes automatic landing at Boeing Field a reality August 2008. Qantas believes GLS will play an important
where it was previously impossible. The approach mini- role in solving proposed critical area protection require-
mums at Boeing Field are limited by other factors so it ments. Qantas has also ordered the new Boeing 787
never made sense to get the ILS quality improved. It would Dreamliner, which will have GLS on entry into service as a
not have resulted in any lower minimums. However, the basic feature. (Qantas ordered 65 787s with options for an
ability to autoland, even though the minimums remain additional 50, making a total of 115 airplanes.) Between
unchanged, is valuable. these three models alone, Qantas should have a very
It is important to note that the autoland capability at substantial fleet of aircraft with GLS capability.
Boeing Field is being supported by the GBAS station at During the aircraft acceptance phase of the NG 737
SeaTac Airport, which is 6 nm away, and the VDB program, approximately 100 GLS approaches were flown
transmitter is over a 400 ft ridge. The VDB reception is demonstrating the various system capabilities. These flights
certainly not line of sight, but solid datalink reception occurred at 5 airports: KBFI (Boeing Field), KMWH
while taxiing on the ground around Boeing Field has been (Moses Lake), KSEA (Seatac), KPAE (Paine Field) and
consistently demonstrated. YSSY (Euphrata), using 3 different ground stations. These
demonstrations included operations to narrow runways
B. Operational Experience in Revenue Service (30 m) and displaced threshold operations.
Operational use of GBAS in revenue service by A GBAS ground station has been installed at Sydney
scheduled air transport operators is now beginning. International Airport, and Qantas began operational trials of

1954 Proceedings
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licensed use limited IEEE | Vol.DE96,GRANADA.
UNIVERSIDAD No. 12, December 2008on October 19,2023 at 07:34:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

GLS at Sydney in December 2006. At the time of this writing, other aviation applications of GBAS that could be yet more
all of the Qantas B737 flight crew (580 pilots) have been beneficial. Some potential expanded uses of this tool
trained in the used of the new system. All of the GLS capable include:
B787-800s that Qantas has are participating in the trials. All • use of GBAS to guide helicopter landings;
six runways have been used in the trials. The initial • use of mobile, temporary GBAS to support disaster
operations have included parallel runway operations (during relief or rescue operations;
visual approaches). The trials have included autoland • use of GBAS to support unmanned aerial vehicles;
operations (again in visual conditions). As of May 2008, • networks of GBAS stations to implement extended
more than 1000 GLS approaches had been successfully coverage;
completed in-service. Approximately 20%–25% of those • use of GBAS to support high-precision airport
operations were autoland operations. Qantas pilots have surface applications;
reported excellent performance under a variety of conditions. • use of GBAS to support high-precision air-to-air
surveillance applications;
2), in conjunction with Boeing • use of GBAS on ships or sea-based platforms (e.g.,
and DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH), began GBAS for helicopter operations).
trials at Bremen Airport, Germany, in September 2007.
This trial phase includes using the GBAS during visual
conditions to support landings during normal revenue VI . CONCLUSION
operations at Bremen. The trial phase will support the As we begin use of GBAS in daily airline operations, it is
eventual certification of GBAS in Germany. important for airspace managers, airline operational
The GBAS ground station at Bremen was manufactured planners, and navigation service providers to understand
by Honeywell and is operated by DFS. Boeing has fitted the the potential new or improved capabilities enabled by aircraft with onboard equipment developed by GBAS, as well as its potential for cost reduction for existing
Rockwell-Collins. The project is funded by the 3rd airspace system infrastructure. GBAS can offer a signifi-
Aviation Research Programme launched by the German cant improvement in performance and cost relative to ILS.
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Furthermore, the additional services offered by GBAS
DFS has announced that they expect to realize should contribute to greater reliability of advanced
considerable cost savings by eventually replacing their operations. h
current ILS systems with GBAS. While each runway and
each landing direction requires a separate ILS, one GBAS
ground station will normally suffice. Moreover, the Acknowledgment
mandatory maintenance and flight inspection activities The authors would like to acknowledge their
for instrument landing systems involve substantial costs. colleagues at Boeing who have toiled many years to
Those costs are expected to be significantly reduced with make GBAS and GLS a reality. In particular, many
GBAS, as the system should not require periodic flight thanks are offered to J. Ackland, R. Friedman, M. Harris,
inspection of signal quality. J. VandenBrooke, T. Lapp, S. Duenkel, and a host of
others without whose efforts GBAS would not exist. The
3) Continental Airlines: Continental Airlines is working industry owes a debt of gratitude to Capt. A. Passerini of
to begin a GLS in-service evaluation using a GBAS Qantas for his leadership in moving forward to gain
installation in Guam, which is scheduled to be completed operational experience with GLS. The author would also
in 2008. The trials would be conducted by Continental like to thank several key members of the FAA for their
Micronesia, which is a subsidiary of Continental. The support of the GBAS development over the years,
airline also has plans for eventual deployment of GBAS and including B. Clark, J. Warburton, and V. Wulschleger.
GLS operations in other parts of the world. There are a host of other people in industry who
should be thanked for their extensive contributions to
GBAS, such as M. Brenner, A. Stratton, Dr. G. McGraw,
V. FUTURE POTENTIAL C. Shively, Dr. F. VanGraas, Dr. T. Skidmore,
This paper addresses only GBAS applications to date. Dr. M. Braasch, K. Class, K. McPherson, and D. Jensen, to
There is a significant potential role yet to be defined for name a few.

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Murphy and Imrich: Implementation and Operational Use of Ground-Based Augmentation Systems

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Tim Murphy (Member, IEEE) was born in Thomas Imrich received undergraduate and
Greenville, OH, on May 14, 1960. He received the graduate degrees in aeronautics and astronautics
B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from Ohio University, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Athens, in 1984 and 1985, respectively. Cambridge.
He was a Stocker Fellow and a Research Intern He was an active duty officer in the U.S. Air
with the Avionics Engineering Center, Ohio Uni- Force. He is a Senior Engineering Test Pilot for the
versity. He has 25 years of experience in analysis, Boeing Company, assigned to the new B747-8 and
design, and deployment of communication, navi- B787 programs. He previously was Boeing’s Chief
gation, and surveillance (CNS) systems for aircraft. Research Test Pilot, starting in 2001. At Boeing, he
He was a satellite communications System Engi- has supported numerous flight test development
neer with Hughes Space and Communications company, El Segundo, CA, and certification efforts for GLS, RNP, and data link, as well as major flight
from 1985 to 1988. He then joined Boeing Company’s commercial test efforts for the B737NG, B777, and B747, including the B747-400 LCF,
airplane division in Seattle, WA. The current focus of his work is avionics which is now used to carry component parts for B787 assembly. Prior to
for new airplane product development and next-generation CNS Boeing, he held a variety of management and technical positions with the
technologies to support air traffic management. His primary expertise FAA, including serving as its NRS for Air Carrier Operations. In those
is in navigation systems including satellite navigation systems (GPS, GPS positions, he worked with the operational introduction of various large
augmentations, GPS modernization, GPS landing systems) as well as transport aircraft, including the MD-80, B757, B767, B737-300/400/500,
conventional navigation systems (VOR, DME, ILS, etc.). He is very active in B747-400, MD-11, B737-600/700/800, A330, A340, and B777. Also while
the development of international standards for use of satellite navigation with the FAA, he formulated various FAA or international rules or policies
by commercial aviation. He is the panel member nominated by the for BAll Weather Operations,[ Cat III, GLS, RNP, HUD, FANS, data link,
International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations collision avoidance, windshear, and crew qualification, and served on
to the International Civial Aviation Organization Navigation Systems numerous RTCA, ICAO, or ARAC related panels, task forces, or
Panel. He has published more than 30 papers and has received nine committees. He has received several patents.
patents. Capt. Imrich is a member of Sigma Xi. He is a member of AIAA, SAE,
Mr. Murphy is a member of the Institute of Navigation. and the Society of Experimental Test Pilots. He has received numerous
awards, including several Aviation Week Laurels and the Flight Safety
Foundation’s Admiral deFlorez Award.

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