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This is Not a Test

Acknowledgements Legal
Rules Written and Concept by Produced by World’s End Publishing
All rights reserved. This Is Not A Test Logo, the World’s End
Joseph McGuire
Publishing Logo, and any places, things, and character names
Lead Artist and their distinctive likenesses, or artwork and photography
created specifically for this book are ™ and © 2020 of World’s End
David Arenas Publishing, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
Graphic Design, Layout, and Photography means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of
Dave Taylor Miniatures World’s End Publishing.
Main Editor This work is a fiction and parody. No reference to real physical
locations, events, persons living or deceased is intended.
Kyle Bentley
The models used in the photographs of this book, not specifically
Playtesting the © or ™ of World’s End Publishing, LLC, are used with
permission by their manufacturers, where possible, and no
Soren Emil Rosenhoj Bay, Chris Layfield, Chad Mastbergen, challenge is made to their ownership and rights. Illustrations by
Joakim Olofson and John Newman are used with permission and
Miniature Painting
no challenge is made to ownership or rights.
Jason Fairclough, Sam Lenz, Joseph McGuire, Nick Pasch, Jeremy Contact us at:
Bernhardt, Tanya Brewer, Steve Dake, Fernando, Enterprises,
Joseph McGuire, John Newman, Dave Taylor Miniatures, Daniel
Siegenthaler, Greg Zuniga or
Miniatures Used World’s End Publishing, LLC
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Terrain Construction and Painting Find us online at:

Black Site Studio, Cigar Battle Mats, Denise Haynes, Joseph
McGuire, Sabol Studios, Dave Taylor Miniatures
Piracy kills small business. Please do not post or distribute this
book on any website, torrent, file retrieval service, or anywhere
else online. The wasteland is harsh, please be kind.


Welcome to It Came From the Wastes, a supplement that was
created because one person on Facebook mentioned it would be
cool to fight big monsters. I found this rather inspiring and now
here we are. This book is dedicated to every low budget monster
movie I watched as kid and to the zaniness and fun the miniatures
hobby is really about. When playing these rules don’t worry about
balance or fairness. Just embrace the craziness and happily have
your models be chomped in half or thrown across the table. As a
final note I wanted to drop a huge thank you to Jason Fairclough at
ThunderChild Miniatures. He let me use his awesome behemoths
in this book. Sadly they can’t be purchased right now, but they
serve as inspiration to the types of monsters you can find out
there. May the Wasteland Spirits bless your dice.

- Joey McGuire

INTRODUCTION 3 Melee Attack Options 11
BEHEMOTH SPECIAL RULES 4 Ranged Attack Options 12
Behemoth Stats 5 Skill, Mutations, and Upgrade Options 12
Behemoth Stat Tests 5 Special Options 13
Behemoth Activation 5 ADVANCED RULES 13
Controlling a Behemoth 6 SCENARIOS 14
Behemoth Movement 6 The Trouble Between Us 14
Behemoths in Combat 7 Dishonorable Duty 16
Special Immunities 7 Against the Behemoth 18
Stats 8 Crabulous the Mighty 22
Type 8 Dave the Giant 23
Wounds 8 Murmoth the What 24
Special Options 8 The Rad Dragon 25
Stat Increase Options 8 The Scrap Wyrm 26
Defensive Options 10 Ancient Landsnapper 27
Movement Options 10 Giant Emperor Scorpion 27

This is Not a Test

Behemoths distinctive in a way, they do share some similar traits. First,

they are not simply huge creatures. A small behemoth
“Hey ya big dummy! Fee-fi-fo-dumb! Hahaha, you’ll starts at around 20’ feet high, or long depending on the
never catch me.” creature, and most are even larger. Second, they tend to
be unique specimens or part of a small group of lesser
- Dirty Joe, Amateur Comedian (Last Words) giants. Each has a distinctive origin story that lead to their
monstrous status, such as being purpose-built, or being
“Okay, that’s a 40-foot giant robot with a laser on its changed by a unique mutation or environmental factor.
head. I’m outta here!” Third, behemoths are extremely rare. Many wastelanders
- Johnny Atomic, Old Line Radio may go their entire lives without seeing one or, if they do,
only at a distance. Generally, only those foolish enough to
Big, slobbery mutants are actually fairly common in the wander into their domains, or the unlucky, have to contend
wasteland. However, there are even larger and more with a behemoth.
dangerous menaces out there. Deadly beasts even more
gigantic than the mighty landsnapper, these are the Behemoth Special Rules
behemoths. Each of these gargantuan monsters is a unique
and powerful titan, capable of taking on an entire warband Type
by themselves. They are the top of any food chain they Behemoths have special rules to reflect their size and
belong to, and even other apex predators give them a wide ferocity. Such creatures will always have the Behemoth type
berth. listed on their stat charts. They may also have additional
Behemoths, however, are not a singular grouping, but a types, such as animal or mutant.
diverse collection of monstrosities. This broad category Note that behemoths with the Robot Type ignore the
can include giant crustaceans, immense robots, monstrous Malfunction Prone rule that afflicts lesser robots.
reptiles, and even literal humanoid giants. While each is

Behemoth Stats a Fumble when taking a Morale Test. Treat this result as a

From The Wastes

normal failure instead.
Behemoths have stats just like other models, though they
tend to be higher to reflect their deadliness. For example: Behemoth Activation
Title Type Defense Wounds Behemoths are massive creatures who are capable of
Crabulous Behemoth Mutant 8 (10) 20 taking on entire warbands by themselves and winning.
Under the normal rules for activating, a behemoth would
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle quickly be overrun by the tiny wastelanders trying to kill it.
4 6 4 8 4 To prevent this tragedy, behemoths may activate additional
times during a game turn.
Behemoth Stat Tests
First, when a behemoth is on the board, the player who has
Like any other model, behemoths may be obliged to been designated as its controller for that turn must roll for
take stat tests. However, they are gargantuan creatures its Initiative. The behemoth activates in the normal initiative
that only move when they want to, and their minds are order, instead of going at the end of the turn like other
unknowable to lesser creatures. As such, behemoths wasteland creatures.
receive a +1 bonus to all Will and Survival Tests for every
Second, behemoths are capable of rampaging across the
five wounds they have remaining (rounding up). For
battlefield. As such, a behemoth gains a total of 2 AP +1 AP
example, a behemoth with 20 remaining wounds receives a
for every five Wounds they have at the beginning of each
+4 bonus to their tests. However, behemoths are slow and
turn. Behemoths take Activation Tests as any other model
ponderous, and think little beyond wreaking destruction or
does, but they must take another Activation Test for every
their next meal. As such, they will only ever pass an Agility
2 AP they spend. If successful, they may spend up to 2 AP
or Intelligence Test on a Critical, treating all other results
and then must make another activation test. The behemoth
as failures. Behemoths take all other stat tests normally.
may test again and again until they fail or run out of AP. As
Finally, behemoths are not removed from play in the case of
with any other player, the Initiative will eventually return

This is Not a Test
to the behemoth so it can activate until it is out of AP. In
effect, the behemoth acts like a warband of one.

For example: Crabulous has 20 wounds and thus 6 AP.

It has Initiative. It takes an Activation Test and passes.
It then spends 2 AP to move closer to the enemy. After
completing this move, its controller takes another
Activation Test and fails. Crabulous may take one
more action, then play passes to the next player. When
Crabulous has Initiative again, it may resume
this process.

Controlling a Behemoth
Behemoths are meant to pose a challenge to warbands
that is far beyond that of normal wasteland creatures.
Because of this, they do not follow the rules in the
Creatures of the Waste section of the This Is Not a Test
rulebook. Instead, there are two ways to introduce them
into your games.

The first and best option is to allow a neutral player

to control them. The behemoth controller can either
challenge another player who uses their normal warband,
or take part in a multiplayer battle between the behemoth
and two or more other warbands. The second option
is to allow control of the behemoth to swap between
players whenever the behemoth’s activation arises. It is
recommended to start with the player that did not start
with Initiative, and switch control of the behemoth between
players as play passes. It is important that this be handled
fairly, as a behemoth can kill a lot of models in one lucky
turn. However, since each player will have a chance to
control the behemoth, it should work out over the course
of the game.

Example of the second option: Player A won Initiative,

so player B controls the behemoth first. The behemoth
actually won Initiative at the start of the turn, so Player
B takes an Activation Test before anyone else can go.
They promptly fail the test. They take one action with the
behemoth, and play passes to the next player. When play
returns to the Behemoth, Player A controls him until he
runs out of AP or initiative passes, and so on.

Note these rules for control of the behemoth are options,

and players should agree on how behemoths will be
handled before the game starts.

Behemoth Movement
Behemoths are slightly slower than most other models, as
represented in their stats. Due to their large size, however,
they are not slowed down by difficult terrain or linear
terrain that is 2” or shorter in height. They may freely climb
any terrain large enough to hold them. Finally, because of
their titanic size, behemoths cannot be forced to move or
knocked prone, either as a result of combat, a failed stat
test, or any special ability.

Behemoths in Combat

From The Wastes

Melee Combat
Obviously, behemoths are extremely deadly in melee
combat and only the most foolhardy would attempt such
a thing. In melee with behemoths, all normal rules apply
except the following:

Free Disengage – Models may freely move away or

disengage if in base contact with a behemoth during their
activation. They still must pay AP to move, but they are not
required to take a Strength or Agility Test to do so.

No Push Back – Behemoths cannot be moved as a result shooting at behemoths or being shot at by behemoths, the
of close combat, and so are immune to being pushed back following rules apply:
as a result of losing combat, as well as combat effects that
would knock them prone. Giant Bull’s-Eye – All ranged attacks against a behemoth
receive a +1 bonus to-hit. Furthermore, a model may shoot
Friends Not Needed – Enemy models in base contact any weapon it has at the behemoth, even if it is in base
with a behemoth do not receive a melee bonus when contact with the behemoth, or if the behemoth is in base
outnumbering it in combat. Behemoths are simply too big contact with a friendly model; in this case resolve the hit
to gang up on. against the behemoth without distributing, randomly or
otherwise, to any smaller models in base contact with the
Natural Weapons – Behemoths of all varieties are behemoth.
dangerous by virtue of their size alone. As such, they
always count as having the following melee weapon As a consequence of being so targetable, the behemoth
for free: may freely uses its ranged attacks even when in base
contact with enemy models and it may target any model its
Range controller chooses, not just the models in base contact. In
Type Strength
Melee Thrown this way behemoths are too deadly to be locked down by
simple combat.
Behemoth Natural Weapons 2” N/A STR+1

1H/2H Special Rules BS Cost Hardly Any Cover – Behemoths do not benefit from cover
unless it is large enough to conceal 50% or more of their
N/A Multiple Targets, Knock Over Free body. They also do not benefit from area terrain such as
stands of trees, tall grass, etc. Conversely, when they make
If no other attack options are chosen, this is the only
ranged attacks, behemoths ignore any intervening terrain.
attack a behemoth may use.
Lots of Targets – As a special exception, behemoths may
New Weapon Special Rules make as many ranged attacks in a turn as they have AP or
Due to their size, behemoths have some unique rules that are allowed by their attack options. They are not limited
apply to their attacks: to just one ranged attack a turn. However, they may never
benefit from the Burst weapon rule.
Multiple Targets – This attack is so large that it can hit
multiple victims as once. Before rolling to-hit, designate a Special Immunities
single target within the behemoth’s Melee Range. Place
Behemoths are immune to the following:
the small blast template over that model; all models under
the template other than the behemoth are affected by the Skills – Drive Back, Ground Fighter, Tosser
attack. Roll to-hit once and compare and resolve that result
against each target separately. Physical Mutations – Grasping Tentacles, Serpentine

Knock Over – Models hit by this attack are thrown about Psychic Mutations – Puppet Master, Telekinetic Push
like children’s toys. When hit, the target is pushed back up
to 3” instead of 1” and placed Prone. Special Weapon Rules – Flame, Knock Out, Poison

Ranged Combat Special Exception

As with many dangerous wasteland creatures, taking Behemoths are affected by the Stun special weapon rule, but
behemoths out at range is the preferable option. When if they fail the Survival Test they lose 1 AP instead of all AP.

This is Not a Test
The Makings of For every 400 BS worth of player-controlled models in a
scenario, add another 5 wounds to the behemoth, up to a
a Behemoth maximum of 20. As behemoths are not point-costed, this
400 BS to 5 wound ratio is not hard and fast. For instance,
Introducing behemoths is mainly about increasing the if the warband(s) on the table totaled 1000 BS, it would
chaos factor of your campaign and one-off games, not is recommended to go ahead and build a behemoth with
balance or point values. Because of this, behemoths do 20 wounds. If there is more than 1200 BS worth of player
not cost any points per se. Instead, they are scalable models, it is recommended that two or more behemoths
based on the warbands they face. A behemoth that might be used. Anything less and the poor monster may not last
challenge a newbie 400 BS warband is much different, long.
and a lot less scary, than a rampaging behemoth meant to
challenge a 1000 BS warband. Special Options
Now that you have determined your behemoth’s Type
Creating a behemoth is a similar process to creating and starting wounds, it is time to add in other fun stuff.
a warband. It is meant to be a fun exercise in creating Behemoths are built on a point buy system. These points
something unique and fun. The first step is to find a giant are not used to balance how powerful the behemoth is,
badass model that is appropriate for your wasteland. There simply used to track how many options your behemoth can
are no shortage of toys and miniatures to pull from. The take. However, the more points a behemoth is allowed,
trick is to find something you like and start to stat it out. the more powerful they will be. The number of points a
Note that beyond the options listed here, behemoths behemoth gets is also scalable depending on the warbands
cannot use or be given any type of item or relic. they will face, and is determined by its total wounds; as
indicated in the below table:
# of Wounds Total Points
Behemoths start with the following stat chart. This serves 10 8
as the monster’s basic stats, which will be modified as you
15 10
go along.
20 12
Title Type Defense Wounds
These points are used to buy everything from stat
Basic Behemoth Behemoth 7 10 upgrades, to defense and attack options, to skills or
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle mutations. We recommend viewing this point-buy system
more as a way to theme your behemoth and make it
4 4 4 8 4
awesome, and worry less about how powerful you can
make your monster. Remember that the behemoth
rules are presented to challenge players, not punish
Next, decide what Type of behemoth you have. This is them. However, if players want to play a game with only
generally decided by the kind of model you have chosen to behemoths battling each other, then all bets are off.
represent your behemoth.
Points are spent to buy options from the following
• Mutants – Choose this if your behemoth is a categories. Most options are 1 point, but more powerful
monstrous creature or giant humanoid. ones can cost more. A single option cannot be selected
more than once unless otherwise specified in its entry.
• Robot – Is your behemoth a 40’ tall metal monstrosity?
This is the right choice. Stat Increase Options
• Fungus – This is a good choice if your behemoth is a Melee – Add +1 Melee for 1 Point or +2 for 2 Points.
titanic walking mushroom or any type of plant creature.
Move – Add +1 Move for 1 Point.
Note that behemoths cannot have the Human type.
Defense – Add +1 Defense for 1 Point or +2 Defense
Wounds for 2 Points.
The Wounds stat is very important for behemoths. The
Ranged – Add +1 Ranged for 1 Point or +2 Ranged for
more wounds one has, the more damage it can take, the
2 Points.
easier it is to pass stat tests, and the more AP it gets a
turn. Mettle – Add +1 Mettle for 1 Point.
All behemoths start with 10 wounds. This default number
Strength – Add +1 Strength for 1 Point or +2 Strength
is mostly “balanced” against a starting 400 BS warband.
for 3 Points.

From The Wastes

This is Not a Test
Defensive Options activation if it has enough AP available. Unlike smaller
burrowers, this model can begin burrowing or reemerge
Dense Armor – This behemoth is covered in heavy in any terrain, including solid rock, asphalt, concrete, low
slabs of armor. This could be a crab’s chitinous shell standing water, etc. This option costs 2 Points.
or advanced metal plating found on robots. Add Armor
Bonus (+1) for 1 Point or Armor Bonus (+2) for 2 Points. Giant Wings – This behemoth is a natural flyer, though
it may not be particularly graceful. This model may walk
Rapid Regeneration – When you are too big to fail, dying or fly. While walking, it moves as any other model. While
is not an option. During the Clean Up Phase of each turn, flying, it must move its full movement distance for each
the behemoth may attempt a Survival Test (MET/TN 10), AP it spends flying. The behemoth ignores all terrain while
this does not cost any AP. If it succeeds, it may gain 1 flying, and may land on the upper levels of any elevated
wound. This increase may not take it above its starting surface or terrain large enough to hold it, up to 12” tall.
total. This option costs 1 Point for every 10 wounds the This option costs 2 Points.
behemoth starts with.
Wall Walker – The behemoth has large sucker-like pads
Titanic Armor – Extreme protection against all forms of on its feet and legs, and can stick to vertical surfaces,
attacks, this is the rarest and most durable protection or has some other means to copy this ability. This model
a behemoth can have. Armor of this type is usually may traverse walls and other vertical areas as if it was in
only seen on giant crabs or literal walking tanks. The open terrain. Should this model ever be wounded by an
behemoth gains the Armor Plating armor rule. This option attack while on a vertical service, it must pass a Strength
costs 2 Points for most behemoths, but costs 3 Points Test (MET/TN 10) or fall down, following the normal rules
instead if the behemoth has 20 wounds. for falling. This option costs 1 Point.

Movement Options Wheeled (Robot Type Only) – This robot has one or more
giant wheels. Only a behemoth with the Robot Type may
Burrowing Beast – Despite its size, the behemoth can be given this option. If this behemoth uses two or more
travel underground using giant digging claws, acidic APs to move consecutively, its Move stat is treated as
saliva, or even rotary rock cutters. This model may spend being 1 point higher during that movement. For example,
1 AP to go underground. While underground, it moves a wheeled robot with 4 Move may spend 2 action points
normally, ignoring terrain, and cannot be targeted by to move 10” across open ground or 5” across difficult
ranged weapons, special abilities, or melee attacks. terrain. A behemoth with this option may not climb
The behemoth must spend 1 AP to reemerge, and may vertical surfaces. This option costs 1 Point.
burrow, move underground, and reemerge in the same

Behemoth Melee Weapons Table

From The Wastes

Type Range Strength 1H/2H Special Rules Point
Melee Thrown Cost

Behemoth Natural Weapons 2” N/A STR+1 N/A Multiple Targets, Knock Over Free
Rompastomp 0" N/A STR+1 N/A Ignore Armor (1), Multiple Targets 1
Sweeping Attach 3" N/A STR+0 N/A Multiple Targets, Knock Over 1

Melee Attack Options Strength in inches, or 1x its Strength if the grabbed model
is Big or Huge. This ranged attack does not cost AP. If
Envenomed Strike – This behemoth attacks are infused
this attack hits, both the thrown model and the intended
with potent venom. The natural weapons for this
target take an automatic Strength 7 hit. If the ranged
behemoth gain the Poison weapon rule. This poison is
attack misses, the thrown model lands D6" away from
so deadly that, should the target fail their Survival Test,
the target in a random direction determined by a scatter
the Poison hit is Strength is 6 instead of D6. This option
die. After determining where the thrown model lands,
costs 2 Points.
it and any unfortunate model it hits take an automatic
Giant Scorpion Tail – The behemoth possesses a tail Strength 7 hit. Regardless of the result of the throw, any
with a large stinger or other proboscis. On any turn the thrown model or model hit by a thrown model is knocked
behemoth makes a melee attack, it gains 1 free AP that Prone. This option costs
may only be used to make a tail sting melee attack. This 1 Point.
tail sting attack uses the behemoth’s current Strength
Mighty Cleave – The behemoth possesses a large beak
and has the Poison ability. Models take a -2 penalty on
or sharp teeth able to slice a man-sized creature in twain
Survival Tests to resist this attack’s Poison special ability,
with a lucky hit. While attacking with its natural weapons,
and on a failure the Strength of the hit is 6 instead of D6.
should the behemoth roll a Critical, or its target score
This option costs 1 Point.
a Fumble when rolling to defend, the target goes out-of-
Grab and Hold – The behemoth can spend 1 AP to make action immediately, as it has been nearly chopped in half
a special melee attack to pick up and hold a smaller by the creature’s ferocious bite. This option costs 1 Point.
creature with its mouth or one of its limbs. If this attack
Powerful Claws – The behemoth possesses large and
hits, the target must make an opposed Strength Test
extremely sharp claws or other natural weapons. The
against the behemoth. If the target wins, they break free
behemoth’s natural weapons gain the Ignore Armor (2)
and are dropped unceremoniously to the ground by the
weapon rule. This option costs 1 Point.
behemoth. They are unhurt, but are placed Prone. If the
target fails, they have been grabbed by the creature. Rompastomp – The behemoth is mad and stomps on the
While grabbed, the model cannot take any actions other ground repeatedly. Treat as a special melee attack with
than attempting to break free or using psychic powers. To the profile below. Additionally, this attack use the large
break free, they must spend 1 AP to retake the Strength blast template when resolving the Multiple Targets rule
Test against the behemoth. If they succeed, they break instead of the small one. This attack can only be used
free and are dropped as described previously. If they fail, once per turn. This option costs 1 Point.
they continue to be held. Held models cannot be targeted Swallow Whole - The behemoth wants a snack and
directly by ranged attacks, but will suffer the effects will not be denied. Treat this ability as a special melee
of any attack used against the behemoth that uses a attack that costs 1 AP and can only be made once per
template. While a model is grabbed, the behemoth may turn. If the attack hits, the target must make an opposed
make melee attacks against it normally. A behemoth may Strength Test against the behemoth. If the target wins,
only grab one model at a time, but may drop any grabbed they break free and are dropped unceremoniously to the
model as a free action at any time during its activation. ground by the behemoth. They are unhurt, but are placed
This option costs 1 Point. Prone anywhere in base contact with the behemoth.
Grab and Throw – Tired of mucking about, the behemoth If they fail, they have been grabbed by the behemoth,
grabs a smaller creature and tosses it far away. The shoved into the creature’s mouth, and swallowed.
behemoth may spend 1 AP to make a special throw The model suffers D3 automatic wounds. If the target
melee attack, though it can make one such attack per survives the attack, the behemoth has spat them out.
turn. If the throw attack hits, the target must make an Place them Prone as described previously. This option
opposed Strength Test against the behemoth. If they win, costs 1 Point.
they break free and are dropped unceremoniously to the Sweeping Attack – Swinging its long limbs, tail, or even
ground by the behemoth. They are unhurt, but are placed a makeshift club, the behemoth sweeps all foes before
Prone anywhere in base contact with the behemoth. If it. Treat as a special melee attack with the profile below.
they fail, the behemoth may make an immediate ranged
This option costs 1 Point.
attack against another target by throwing the model,
which has a maximum range equal to 2x the behemoth’s

This is Not a Test
Modern Ranged Weapons
Type Max Range Strength Reliability 1H/2H Special Rules Point Cost
Atomic Blast 18 7 N/A N/A Irradiate (2), Small Blast 1
Beam Attack 24 7 N/A N/A Laser, Small Blast 1
Breath of Death Flame Temp. 9 N/A N/A Flammable, Plasma 2
Flame Blast Flame Temp. 7 N/A N/A Flammable 1
Poisonous Blast Flame Temp. 7 N/A N/A Poison 1
Powerful Shout Flame Temp. N/A N/A N/A Stun 1
Projectile Blast 24 6 N/A N/A None 1
Throw Car 18 7 N/A N/A Large Blast 1
Web Spinner 18 N/A N/A N/A Large Blast, Webbed 1

Ranged Attack Options Throw Car – Picking up a car or other large object, the
behemoth tosses it at its foes. Treat as a ranged attack
Atomic Blast – Using the power of the split atom, this with the profile above that can be used once per turn.
behemoth can shoot a ray of irradiated fury. Treat as a This option costs 1 Point.
ranged attack with the profile above. This option costs 1
Point. Web Spinner – The behemoth can shoot sticky webs
like a spider, or is in fact a very large spider. Treat as a
Beam Attack – This behemoth can shoot lasers from one ranged attack with the profile above. When a model is
of its orifices! Treat as a ranged attack with the profile hit with theweb spinner, do not roll to wound. Instead,
above that can be used up to twice each turn. This option any target that is hit counts as webbed. A webbed model
costs 1 Point. cannot take any action that requires movement (including
Breath of Death – Containing strange energies within shooting or melee attacks, and most non-passive
its body, this behemoth can expel a powerful blast of special abilities) until it breaks free by passing a Strength
plasma-laden death! Treat as a ranged attack with the Test (STR/TN 10) at the beginning of its activation. This
profile above that can be used once per turn. If a target Strength Test costs 1 AP and may be repeated until it
of this attack fails its Agility Test to resist catching fire, is passed. A webbed model may still freely use psychic
the subsequent hit is Strength 6 instead of D6. Since this powers. This option costs 1 Point.
attack does not roll to hit, roll a D10 each time it is used
to see if a Critical is scored for purposes of the Plasma Skill, Mutations, and Upgrade Options
rule. This option costs 2 Points. Behemoths may buy any skill, mutation, or upgrade from
Flame Blast – The behemoth can breathe super-heated the following list, assuming they have the appropriate Type,
flames. Treat as a ranged attack with the profile above. for 1 Point each. Rules for skills and mutations can be
This option costs 1 Point. found in the This Is Not a Test rulebook and the Wasteland
Companion supplement. Rules for robot upgrades can be
Poisonous Blast – The behemoth can breathe out toxic found in the Absolutely Dangerous supplement.
fumes or is dangerously flatulent. Treat as a ranged
attack with the profile above. This option costs 1 Point. Skills – Bold, Brave, Confident, Quick, Hard As Nails,
Reactive, Unfazed.
Powerful Shout – Possessing a powerful howl or shout
that can shatter eardrums, this behemoth is especially Mutations – Bulbous Head, Caustic Blood, Defensive
noisy. Treat as a ranged attack with the profile above. This Musk, Electric Shock, Energy Absorption, Large Horns.
option costs 1 Point. Psychic*, Psychic Battery, Radioactive, Vampiric Drain.

Projectile Blast – This behemoth is capable of shooting Upgrades – Assassin Protocols, Ancient Metal, Belching
a large number of projectiles, either from a powerful gun Smoke, Defend-R Shock System, Fire Suppression,
or using bizarre biological weaponry. Treat as a ranged Micro-Thrusters, Night Vision, Pest Controller, Razor Wire,
attack that can shoot at two different targets for the Telescopic Arms.
cost of 1 AP, as long as they are no further than 3” apart. *This mutation may be taken multiple times. Instead of
Separate to-hit rolls are made for each target. This option rolling randomly, a specific psychic power may be chosen.
costs 1 Point.

Special Options Nuisance level creature the player wants that shares the

From The Wastes

same Type as the behemoth, but cannot be changed
Double Trouble – This behemoth has two heads, two
once chosen. Before taking this option, players should
brains, or two of whatever operates it, both vying for
agree on what possible creatures are allowed. Once per
control of the body. The behemoth may reroll any failed
turn, the behemoth can spend 2 AP to spawn one of the
Activation Test. However, should it fail the reroll, it
chosen creatures. This option costs 2 Points.
automatically loses 1 AP and play immediately passes to
the next player. This option costs 1 Point. Finishing Your Behemoth
Motivated Killer – The behemoth is nothing if not Once you have spent all your points, it’s time to name your
efficient, able to engage multiple enemies at once at mighty behemoth. Famous Tri-State Wasteland behemoths
range or in melee. It gains +1 AP each turn. This option include Crabulous the Destroyer, the Rad Dragon, and Dave.
costs 1 Point. Surely you can come up with your own mighty, world-ending,
Spawn – The behemoth is capable of spawning lesser powerfully bad-ass name!
creatures that are similar to itself. This can be any

Advanced Rules No Free Disengage – A behemoth may not freely

disengage from another behemoth. Instead, they must
The previous rules are perfect for normal sized creatures spend 1 AP and win an opposed Strength Test against the
fighting behemoths, but perhaps it’s game night and folks other behemoth to do so. This is slightly different that the
do not have their warbands ready. Maybe you have been normal disengagement rules, which is intentional.
thinking about seeing some behemoth-on-behemoth
Special Attacks – Behemoths are immune to the Grab
action. This section provides rules for pitting two of these
and Hold, Grab and Throw, and Swallow Whole special
mighty creatures against each other.
attacks, and the Knock Over weapon rule.
Involuntary Movement Ranged Combat
Behemoths remain immune to any normal ability or rule
Cover – Since behemoths are in the same size category,
that would cause them to move, except that a behemoth
they may claim cover from other behemoth ranged
can push back another behemoth in combat.
attacks as long as they are obscured by linear terrain.
Rather than provide a fixed percentage of what should be
Melee Combat
covered, players should agree whether or not a behemoth
Push Back – A behemoth can push another behemoth is in cover. Behemoths still may not claim cover from area
out of combat as normal. Should they win a round of terrain.
combat, the behemoth may push another behemoth up
to 1" in any backward direction.

This is Not a Test

The Trouble Between Us Mission

Both warbands really do not want to engage the behemoth,
Background but their line to safety requires it. Each warband needs to
Behemoths are supremely dangerous, and many get to the opposite side of the table to make it home. The
wasteland factions pay good scrip to be kept aware of warband that gets more of its members off the table will
their movements. Tracking behemoths can be profitable, win the day, though the reputation boost from taking the
assuming you can avoid engaging the creatures. behemoth down a peg or two will certainly be beneficial.
Sometimes two different parties end up taking the same
Victory Points
job. This can go down two ways. The first is for both
parties to avoid each other and the behemoth while staying Action VPs
out of each other’s way. The second is for the situation to
Wounding an Enemy Model or Taking One 1
come to blows. Things can go south quickly if the quarrel Out-of-Action
alerts the behemoth to its would pursuers. Enraged at
Wounding the Behemoth 2
being bothered, and excited at the prospect of tasty prey,
the behemoth slams into both warbands. At this point, Moving a Model Off the Opposing Board Edge 3
both sides are encouraged to cut and run.
The Board Players deploy along opposing table edges. Players should
This scenario requires no particular set-up, though the roll off to see who deploys their models first. Their models
central area should be mostly open. Players should place may deploy anywhere within 6” of their selected board
the terrain they like to provide cover and block line of sight. edge. Players will roll for Initiative as normal.

Special Rules To determine the Experience Points earned for this
scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
The Behemoth – Place a single behemoth in the center
following table:
of the table. The behemoth’s stats should be determined
appropriately for facing the total points of both warbands. The trouble between us Experience Table
Control of the behemoth will switch between players as
Activity XPs
previously described in the behemoth rules. However,
the behemoth may not move more than 12” from the Wounding an enemy model or taking one 1
center of the table.
Wounding the behemoth 1
Conclusion Participating in current scenario 2
The game lasts for 8 turns, or until only one warband Winning warband leader 2
remains on the table.

The winning warband may redraw up to two cards from
the Wasteland Deck when determining income after a
campaign game. This is described further under Income
in the Campaigns section of the rulebook. Additionally,
each warband gains 10 BS for each time they successfully
wounded the behemoth, as a thank you from their

This is Not a Test

Dishonorable Duty Board

This scenario requires no particular set-up, though the
“If you look at the contract, I didn’t promise you money
central area should be mostly open. Players should place
and glory. It says right there in the fine print, money
whatever terrain they like to provide cover and block line of
and/or glory. Look, sometimes it’s one or the other, not
both. Now quit belly-aching and put these gloves on,
you’re gonna need them! Mission
- Captain Titus, Mercenary Captain Both warbands have been paid to collect poop. The more
poop you get, the more money you make. By collecting
Background poop tokens and preventing your opponent from doing the
Gasoline is a pretty rare commodity and, even on the same, one warband can win it all.
best of days, it evaporates quickly and is hard to store
long-term. In its absence, wastelanders have needed to Victory Points
get creative. One such creative solution was an alternative
fuel discovered by the Diamondback tribe not too long Action VPs
ago. Using a recipe they keep a closely-guarded secret, Wounding an Enemy Model or Taking One 1
they can process raw materials to create a unique bio- Out-of-Action
fuel that is readily available, though not cheap. The secret Wounding the Ancient Landsnapper 2
ingredient in this concoction is not pretty or hard to get, Being in Possession of a Poop Token at End of Game 3
but they are willing to pay handsomely for anyone willing
to go into the wastes and collect it. The secret behind this Deployment
new source of fuel is landsnapper poop. To make things
even more unpleasant, the older the landsnapper, the more Players deploy along opposing table edges. Players should
efficient the bio-fuel. For those willing to bear the anger of a roll off to see who deploys their models first. Their models
snapping turtle larger than a house, the profits can be great. may deploy anywhere within 6” of their selected board
edge. Players will roll for Initiative as normal.

Special Rules Rewards

Ancient Landsnapper – Place a single behemoth in The winning warband may redraw up to two cards from
the center of the table. Thematically, this scenario is the Wasteland Deck when determining income after a
written for an ancient landsnapper, but any appropriate campaign game. This is described further under Income
behemoth will do in a pinch. Control of the ancient in the Campaigns section of the rulebook. Additionally, for
landsnapper will switch between players as previously each poop token in their possession, they earn 15 BS.
described in the behemoth rules.
To determine the Experience Points earned for this
Poop Tokens – Place four poop tokens around the board, scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
with each player setting down two. These tokens may following table:
be no closer than 6" to another poop token or 8" to a
board edge. Additionally, at the beginning of the second Dishonorable Duty Experience Table
turn, and every even turn thereafter, place a poop token Activity XPs
in base contact with the rear of the behemoth. Players
Wounding an enemy model or taking one 1
alternate placing this, with the player who lost Initiative out-of-action
on the second turn placing one first.
Wounding the behemoth 1
Any model may pick up a poop token, which does not Possesion of a poop token 1
hinder their movement or actions in any way, by moving Participating in current scenario* 2
into base contact with it and spending 1 AP. A model may
only carry one poop token at a time. Winning warband leader 2

The game lasts for 8 turns, or until only one warband
remains on the table.

This is Not a Test

Against the Behemoth Background

News of the destroyed caravan spread fast. A Reclaimer
This scenario has been specifically designed for solo play.
caravan carrying a warlord’s ransom of relics and valuable
Instead of facing off against a living, breathing opponent,
scrap left Trader’s Gouge under heavy guard, but never
you will play against a behemoth controlled by a simple
made it home. A lone tribal scout found the caravan, but
AI. Not for the weak of heart, this scenario will test the
left before claiming a single piece of salvage. When he
mettle of your warband, but is also a great way to level up
returned to his tribe, he reported a scene of pure carnage.
for campaign play when an opponent is not available. This
Bodies ripped in two, blackened corpses more ash than
scenario should only be played once per player during the
flesh, and blood. Lots of blood. He took to his cups and
campaign, as behemoths are quite rare, and you should let
talked no more about what he saw, but word has gotten
the other campaign players know you are doing so. This is
around and now the vultures are circling. Surely, whatever
to make them aware in case they want to have a go, and
has done the damage has moved on now that it has had its
also explain how your warband got mysteriously better
fill. Surely, you think…
between games!

Needless to say, as a solo game, there is nothing to stop The Board

a player from fudging rolls and being a cheating git, but we This scenario requires no particular set-up, though the
have found This Is Not a Test players to be ethically-minded central area should be mostly open. Players should place
citizens of the wastelands, and not ones who would do whatever terrain they like to provide cover and block line of
such base things. So, play fair, and may the wasteland sight.
spirits be merciful.

Finally, this is a challenging scenario, but the behemoth can Mission

be scaled depending on the BS total cost of your warband. A caravan has been destroyed and the beast that caused
For 400 BS, we recommend designing a 10 wound the devastation is temporarily away. Now is the time to
behemoth with an equal number of ranged and melee rush in and grab salvage, which is represented by salvage
attack, with the remaining points spent on stat upgrades.

tokens. The more salvage you grab, the more likely you are a salvage token may leave the table via any board edge.

to find something useful, like a powerful relic. However, Once they leave they cannot return, but they permanently
salvage hunting will be challenging when the behemoth secure the token for you and do not count as going out-
returns. Oh, did we mention the salvage has been booby of-action.
Behemoth Placement – Before the first turn of the game,
Deployment place the behemoth in the center of the board edge
where you did not set up any models. It will activate
Divide your warband into three groups of equal size, or as normally during the first turn. Remember that you start
close to equal as you can get. Deploy each group along a with Initiative.
separate board edge. You may choose which board edge
each group sets up on. The models may deploy anywhere Behemoth Control – The behemoth’s actions are
within 6” of their board edge. You are assumed to have won represented by a series of chits, which are included
Initiative in the first round. with this scenario. Cut out the individual chits and place
them in a bag or other container that allows you draw
Special Rules them out blindly. There should be one chit for each AP
the behemoth has. We will refer to this container as the
Salvage Tokens – Place six salvage tokens in a rough Behemoth Bag. On the first turn, the player starts with
circle in the center of the table. The circle should have Initiative, but on subsequent turns the player should roll
an overall diameter of about 6”. Number each token 1 for themselves and the Behemoth, to see who starts
through 6. Starting with the second turn, roll a D6 during with Initiative. Take Activation Tests for the behemoth
the Clean Up Phase of each turn. The token numbered as normal, but when the behemoth needs to spend an
with the result of the D6 roll is destroyed as bombs AP, pull a chit from the Behemoth Bag and follow the
placed to protect the caravan’s treasure go off. Remove instructions. Otherwise, the behemoth all the normal
that token from the game. Continue to roll each turn rules described in the previous sections.
until all the tokens are claimed by a model or destroyed.
Should the die roll indicate a token that has been Number of Chits in Behemoth Bag
destroyed or claimed, no token is destroyed that turn. Behemoth Move Ranged Melee Special
Wounds Attack Attack
Any model may pick up a salvage token, which does not
hinder their movement or actions in any way, by moving 10 1 1 1 1
into base contact with it and spending 1 AP. A model may 15 1 1 2 1
only carry one salvage token at a time. A model carrying 20 2 2 2 1

This is Not a Test

Behemoth Priorities • If a behemoth cannot make ranged attacks, replace

them with move actions. If it is already in base contact
• When moving, the behemoth will always move towards with an enemy, make a close combat attack instead.
the largest clump of enemy models.
• If the behemoth is in base contact with an enemy
• When making any type of attack, and the behemoth model and using any of its special abilities does not make
has multiple types of that attack, the player may choose tactical sense, use a close combat attack instead.
which attack type is used. However, each type of attack
should be attempted at least once per turn. • When making ranged attacks, the behemoth may either
attack the closest enemy model or will target the model
• The Special chit can indicate any type of ability that is worth the most BS that is in range and line of sight.
not specifically an attack. Such as the Spawning ability or Roll a D6, to determine priority (1-3 closest model/4-6
any custom abilities players may invent. If the behemoth highest BS model). Remember the behemoth may make
does not have any such abilities, treat as a Ranged attack ranged attacks even if in base contact. However, when
chit instead. making attacks that have a template, the behemoth will
always attempt to cover the maximum number of targets
• If the behemoth cannot perform the action delineated
possible. This will take precedence over targeting the
in its chit or the order makes little tactical sense, a
model worth the most BS or closet model.
different action may be taken.
• When making melee attacks, if the behemoth has a
• If the behemoth is in base contact with an enemy
selection of targets, they will attack the model worth the
model, replace all move actions with close combat
most BS.
• When moving the behemoth will always move towards
• If the behemoth is not in base contact with an enemy
the largest clump of enemy models.
model, replace all melee attack actions with a move
action, charging if able.

Conclusion Claimed One or Two Salvage Tokens - May redraw one

card from the Wasteland Deck. You may gain a free relic
The game will last for 8 turns, until the behemoth is killed, of any rarity from the Armory that is valued at 10 BS* or
or until no salvage tokens are left on the board. less. Your leader gains +1 EXP.

Rewards Claimed Three Salvage Tokens - May redraw two cards

from the Wasteland Deck. You may gain a free relic of any
Playing Against the Behemoth counts as a normal scenario. rarity from the Armory that is valued at 15 BS* or less.
The player draws from the Wasteland Deck, checks Your leader gains +2 EXP.
for injuries, gives experience to models, makes Rarity
Rolls, etc. This is described further under Income in the Claimed Four Salvage Tokens - May redraw two cards
Campaigns section of the rulebook. from the Wasteland Deck. You may gain a free relic of any
rarity from the Armory that is valued at 20 BS* or less.
To determine the Experience Points earned for this Your leader gains +3 EXP.
scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
following table: Claimed Five Salvage Tokens - May redraw two cards
from the Wasteland Deck. You may gain a free relic of any
Against the Behemoth Experience Table rarity from the Armory that is valued at 25 BS* or less.
Activity XPs Your leader gains +5 EXP.
Wounding the behemoth 1 *You may add 5 BS to the maximum value of the free
Possession of a salvage token 1 relic for each model that was taken out-of-action by the
Participating in current scenario 2 behemoth.

• If the warband reduced the behemoth’s Wound Total by

Performance Rewards half, they gain 35 BS.
Depending on how well you performed, you may claim the
• If the warband killed the behemoth, they gain 70 BS.
following rewards:

This is Not a Test
Behemoth Bestiary Title Type Defense Wounds
Crabulous Behemoth Mutant 8 (10) 20
The Tri-State Wasteland has a few legendary behemoths,
which are described in this section. A few lesser titans are Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
also provided, which can be used to frustrate any warbands 4 6 4 8 4
they come across. Each is accompanied by a breakdown of Skills & Mutations Unfazed
how they were made to give players examples of behemoth
Defensive Options Titanic Armor
Melee Attack Options Grab and Hold, Grab and Throw
Mighty Behemoths Ranged Attack Options Throw Car

Crabulous the Mighty Type

Melee Thrown
The crab that would become the mighty Crabulous was
born as just another mudcrab, though perhaps a bit small Powerful Crab Claws 2” N/A STR+1
for his species. An inauspicious beginning for sure, but 1H/2H Special Rules
Crabulous was no ordinary mudcrab. Some say he was
N/A Ignore Armor (2), Knock Over
born with a unique mutation, while other tribal sources say
he was just ornery and did not know when to stop growing. Options Taken – Stat Increases: +1 Defense (1 Pt), +1
Either way, grow he did. First, he become big. Then he Melee (1 Pt); Dense Armor (2 Pts), Titanic Armor (3 Pts),
became huge, and then he just kept growing and still has Powerful Claws (1 Pt), Grab and Hold (1 Pt), Grab and Throw
not stopped. Now taller than many buildings, the mighty (1 Pt), Throw Car (1 Pt), Unfazed Skill (1 Pt) = 12 Pts
crab is called Crabulous by those tribals who worship him
as a wasteland god. He strides across the wet areas of the
wasteland, using his mighty claws to grab anything he can
catch. His favorite snacks are juvenile landsnappers and
the occasional power-armored human.

Dave the Giant Title Type Defense Wounds

Dave the Giant, or Giant Dave depending on who you ask, Dave The Giant Behemoth Mutant 8 (10) 20
can be described as nasty, brutish, and very tall. Using his Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
single cyclopean eye, he looks for smaller folks, which is
5 5 4 9 4
almost everything in the wasteland, to bully. For the most
part Dave wanders about randomly, attacking things as Skills & Mutations Unfazed
the desire strikes him, though sometimes he might stop Defensive Options None
to admire a particularly pretty tree. Unsurprisingly, Dave Melee Attack Options Grab and Hold, Grab and Throw,
the Giant is not a smart creature, and what few words he Swallow Whole, Sweeping Attack
knows are mostly foul taunts and expletives. When Dave Ranged Attack Options Throw Car, Poisonous Blast
manages to keep a short leash on his temper, which is
rare, he will sometimes curtail his usual savagery. In these Range
situations he will “trade” with those unlucky settlements Type Strength
Melee Thrown
he comes across, as long as they pay his exorbitant rates
Giant Fists 2” N/A STR+1
for “not killing all y’all”. If these “fees” are not paid, Dave
will rampage through the town, grabbing and eating any 1H/2H Special Rules
living thing he can and using his trusty streetlight to swat at
N/A Knock Over
anything close.
Options Taken – Stat Increases: +1 Move (1 Pt), +1
Strength (1 Pt), +1 Melee (1 Pt), +1 Defense (1 Pt);
Sweeping Attack (1 Pt), Swallow Whole (1 Pt), Grab and
Hold (1 Pt), Grab and Throw (1 Pt), Throw Car (1 Pt),
Poisonous Blast (1 Pt), Motivated Killer (1 Pt), Unfazed Skill
(1 Pt) = 12 Pts

This is Not a Test

Murmoth the What Title Type Defense Wounds

Half-known truths surround the creature that lives to the Murmoth the What Behemoth Mutant 7 (9) 20
west of the tribal lands around the Great Deep. Some say Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
an ancient, elephantine creature stalks the rocky shores
5 6 4 9 4
and steep woodlands. Others claim a mighty squid-like
monster emerges from the great lake to terrorize tribal Skills & Mutations Caustic Blood
settlements and make off with whatever prey it can carry. Defensive Options Armor Bonus (+2),
Bar bets have been wagered on which type of creature it is, Rapid Regeneration
and both sides would be wrong. The Murmoth is not one Melee Attack Options Grab and Hold, Rompastomp,
of these things, but both. Seemingly designed by a mad Swallow Whole
creator, the origins of the creature are unknown. Those who Ranged Attack Options Powerful Shout
have seen it and lived can barely wrap their minds around
its four massive tree-trunk legs, its cavernous maw full of Range
Type Strength
tentacle-like tongues, and the weird keening noise that is Melee Thrown
said to be as deadly as its bite. The true nature of Murmoth
Tentacle-Tongues 2” N/A STR+1
is a mystery, and it should probably remain that way.
1H/2H Special Rules
Options Taken – Stat Increase: +1 Move (1 Pt) +2 Melee
(2 Pts), Dense Armor (2 Pt), Grab and Hold (1 Pt), Swallow N/A Knock Over
Whole (1 Pt), Rompastomp (1 Pt), Powerful Shout (1 Pt),
Rapid Regeneration (2 Pts), Caustic Blood Mutation (1 Pt) =
12 Pts

The Rad Dragon Title Type Defense Wounds

To the east of Devil’s Crotch lives a monster that has The Rad Dragon Behemoth Mutant 8 (10) 20
haunted the Capital Deadzone since the dark days of the Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Long Night. Legend has it that the beast was created the
5 5 4 8 4
day the bombs fell, and has been slowly growing stronger
ever since. This large reptilian creature appears to be Skills & Mutations Energy Absorption, Radioactive
a cross between a dragon and a meat-eating dinosaur, Defensive Options None
and seems to possess the viciousness and hunger of Melee Attack Options Mighty Cleave, Swallow Whole,
both. It is the apex hunter of its territory and, when the Sweeping Attack, Rompastomp
radioactive winds blow ill, it terrorizes the settlements Ranged Attack Options Atomic Discharge, Breath of Death
along the border of the Deadzone until it has eaten its fill
of doomed wastelanders. The only safe way to avoid the Range
dragon is to look for its strange radioactive glow. On dark Type Strength
Melee Thrown
and moonless nights, the creature’s presence is betrayed
Powerful Bite 2” N/A STR+1
by its bioluminescence, and smart wastelanders flee from
the sight. 1H/2H Special Rules

Options Taken – Stat Increase: Melee +1 (1 Pt), Move +1 (1 N/A Knock Over
Pt), Defense +1 (1 Pt), Swallow Whole (1 Pt), Sweeping Attack
(1 Pt), Atomic Discharge (1 Pt), Mighty Cleave (1 Pt), Breath
of Death (2 Pts), Rompastomp (1 Pt), Energy Absorption
Mutation (1 Pt), Radioactive Mutation (1 Pt) = 12 Pts

This is Not a Test

The Scrap Wyrm Title Type Defense Wounds

It is said that in the early days after the passing of the The Scrap Wyrm Behemoth Robot 8 20
Great Fall, during the onset of the Long Night, there was a Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
roboticist who saw the destruction of all he loved and went
5 5 4 8 4
mad with grief. He grew to hate all life, and wished to wipe
it from the Earth. Beginning a quest that took 20 years Movement Otions Burrowing
to complete in his well-stocked laboratory, this mad man Defensive Options Titanic Armor
created the Scrap Dragon by combining all his advanced Melee Attack Options Grab and Throw, Swallow Whole
technology with the twisted wreckage and scrap that lay
Ranged Attack Options Flame Breath
for miles around his bunker. The Scrap Wyrm appears as
a mix of a massive wyrm and an ancient dragon, but is Range
really an abomination of sharp spikes and rusted metal. Type Strength
Melee Thrown
Down its gullet is a gauntlet of cutters and saw blades that
allows it to mangle anything it eats and burrow through the Scrap Attack 2” N/A STR+1
hard earth with frightening speed. The wyrm lives only for 1H/2H Special Rules
destruction, and crosses the wastes crushing and mangling
N/A Knock Over
anything it finds.
Options Taken – Stat Upgrades: +1 Move (1 Pt), +1 Melee
(1 Pt), +1 Defense (1 Pt), Titanic Armor (3 Pts), Burrowing
Beast (2 Pts), Grab and Throw (1 Pt), Swallow Whole (1 Pt),
Flame Breath (1 Pt), Ancient Metal Upgrade (1 Pt) = 12 Pts

Lesser Behemoths Giant Emperor Scorpion

Ancient Landsnapper Mutant scorpions continue to grow if left unchecked, with
the rarest specimens growing to gargantuan size. Despite
The older they get, the ornerier landsnappers become. The their rarity, giant emperor scorpions are one of the most
oldest landsnappers, the first to emerge from the swamps common behemoths in the Tri-State Wasteland. They are
after the Long Night, are the size of small planes. Fiercely not native to the region, however, and are believed to come
territorial, these massive predators have few natural from the Wild Highlands in the south and the Burning Lands
enemies and will fight anything they see, including other from the west. They have much in common with their lesser
landsnappers, and will not stop an attack until they or the cousins, including a tough chitin shell, powerful claws, and
target of their wrath is dead. Some groups of Diamondback a poisonous tail. They are simply an order of magnitude
tribals worship these mighty creatures, and have been bigger and meaner.
known to throw prisoners and even some worshipers into
the dens of these monsters. Title Type Defense Wounds
Giant Emperor Behemoth Mutant 7 (9) 10
Title Type Defense Wounds Scorpion Animal
Ancient Behemoth Mutant 8 (10) 15
Landsnapper Animal Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 5 4 8 4
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Skills & Mutations None
4 6 4 8 4
Defensive Options Dense Armor
Skills & Mutations Unfazed
Melee Attack Options Giant Scorpion Tail, Grab and Throw,
Defensive Options Dense Armor, Titanic Armor Powerful Claws
Melee Attack Options Grab and Throw, Mighty Cleave Ranged Attack Options Throw Car
Ranged Attack Options None
Type Strength
Range Melee Thrown
Type Strength
Melee Thrown Powerful Pincers 2” N/A STR+1
Snapper Beak 2” N/A STR+1
1H/2H Special Rules
1H/2H Special Rules N/A Ignore Armor, Knock Over
N/A Knock Over
Options Taken – Stat Upgrades: +1 Melee (1 Pt), +1 Move
Options Taken – Stat Upgrades: +2 Melee (2 Pts), +1 (1 Pt), Dense Armor (2 Pts), Giant Scorpion Tail (1 Pt),
Defense (1 Pt), Dense Armor (2 Pts), Titanic Armor (2 Pts), Powerful Claws (1 Pt), Throw Car (1 Pt), Grab and Throw (1
Mighty Cleave (1 Pt), Unfazed (1 Pt), Grab and Throw (1 Pt) = Pt) = 8 Pts
10 Points

This is Not a Test

It Came from the Wastes is an expansion for This Is Not
a Test, a 28mm wargame set in a post-apocalyptic United
States where warbands fight for survival, power, and greed.
Chock full of the most dangerous of creatures the wasteland
has to offer, this expansion rulebook features:

Big Behemoths – Equal to any single warband, behemoths

are giant monsters that can throw cars, shoot powerful eye
beams, or crush puny humans and mutants with claws twice
the size of a man. This book is totally about them!

Build Your Own Behemoth – Full rules are included for

designing behemoths using a point-buy system. You can build
whatever you want: a giant robot that can shoot missiles, a
massive radioactive dragon, building sized insects, a 50 foot
tall woman! If you can dream it, you can make it.

Scalable Destruction –The rules take into account different

sizes of behemoths. While a small warband might challenge a
behemoth with 10 wounds, only the truly best warbands can
take on the 20 wound mega-monsters!

Behemoth Fighting Time – Not content with behemoths

smashing your puny warbands? Want to pit your giant
monstrosity against other behemoths? We totally have rules
for that.

New Scenarios – Three brand new scenarios are included. In

The Trouble Between Us two warbands try to fight each other
while a behemoth rampages across the battlefield While
in the aptly named Dishonorable Duty, your warbands must
collect valuable behemoth “droppings”. Finally, a brand new
solo scenario where your warband must recover valuable
relics while avoiding a behemoth running amok.
This is Behemoth Bestiary – Seven pre-built sample behemoths
not a test are included. Designed using the point-buy system, these
behemoths will give you an idea of what you can make. Fight
Crabulous the Mighty, contend with the always angry Dave
the Giant, and survive the buzz saw-filled gullet of the robotic
Scrap Wyrm!


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