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Use of Vernier’s Calliper to measure the diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical
body and hence find its volume..

• A spherical body ( pendulum bob) / cylindrical body

• Vernier’s Callipers

• Magnifying Glass

The smallest distance that can be measured along the distance is the least count. It
is the difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division.


Formula Used

Least count of Vernier’s Calliper=magnitude of the smallest division on the main

scale /total number of small divisions on the vernier scale

Also, Corrected Diameter = Mean Observed Diameter– Zero Error


1. Keep the jaws of the vernier calliper closed. Make sure that the zero of the
main scale perfectly coincides with the zero of the vernier scale. If it doesn’t
coincide account for the zero error for all observations.

2. Slide the jaws of vernier callipers enough to hold the sphere or the cylindrical
body between the jaws without any undue pressure.

3. Note down the position of the zero of the vernier’s scale against the main
scale. Record the main scale reading( MSR).

4. Now, Look for the exact coincidence of the vernier scale division with that of
the main scale division in the vernier window from the left end to the right.
Note down the number N.

5. Multiply the obtained N by the least count of the instrument and this gives
the VSR.

6. Total reading= MSR + VSR.

7. Repeat 5-6 times and Record the observations in a tabular column with
necessary zero correction.

8. Find the arithmetic mean of the corrected readings of the diameter of the
body. Hence, find its volume.

Least count of Vernier Callipers main

scale division = 1 mm = 0.1 cm

Number of Venier scale division N = 10

10 Vernier scale division = 9 main scale division

1 Vernier scale division = 0.9 main scale division

Vernier Constant = 1 main scale division – 1 vernier scale division

= (1 – 0.9) main scale divisions

= 0.1 main scale divisions

Vernier constant = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm

True Reading =Observed Reading−(±Zero error)


To measuring the diameter of a small spherical body

Zero Error=±……….cm

Zero correction=±…………cm

S. Main Number Vernier Measured Corrected

No. Scale of scale diameter, M + Diameter =
reading, coinciding reading, V V (cm) Obser ved

M (cm) vernier =N× Diameter ± Zero

division, L.C (cm) Error

Mean diameter =

Volume, V= 4/3 πR3

The diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body=………………………………………………m
Volume of the given body = ……………………………………………………………………m3
To find the diameter of given wire or thickness of given
lamina using screw gauge.

Materials Required

• Screw gauge
• Wire or, an irregular lamina


The smallest distance that can be measured in the apparatus gives its least count.

L. C. = Pitch/ No. Of divisions in the head scale.

The linear distance moved by the screw in one complete rotation of its head is
called pitch.


1. Determine the pitch and least count of the screw gauge

2. Bring the anvil and screw in contact with each other and find the zero
error. Move the screw away from the anvil and place the lead shot/ wire
and move the screw towards the anvil using the ratchet head. Stop when
the ratchet slips without moving the screw.
3. Note the number of divisions on the pitch scale that is visible and uncovered
by the edge of the cap. The reading N is called the pitch scale reading(PSR)
4. Note the number (n) of the division of the circular scale lying over the
reference line.
5. Repeat 4 to 5 times
6. Record the observations in the tabular column. Apply corrections, if
7. Take the mean of different values.


1. Determination of Least Count of the Screw Gauge

1 Linear Scale Division, LSD = 1 mm

Number of full rotations given to screw =4

Distance moved by the screw = 4mm

Hence , pitch p= 4 mm / 4 = 1mm

Number of divisions on circular scale=100

Hence, least count, L.C =1 mm/ 100 = 0.01 mm= 0.001 cm

2. Zero Error

zero error, e= ------------mm

zero correction , c= -e = -------mm

Object Pitch Head Scale Reading Total Reading
Placed Scale
Reading No of Value Observed Corrected Diameter of
(N) mm circular [n x D0=N+n D=D0 + c wire mm
divisions on L.C] mm mm mm


Mean Diameter of the wire=---------cm

Mean length of the wire=----------cm

Volume of the wire, =------------cm3

The volume of the given wire is ---- cm3
To find the volume of given lamina using screw gauge.

Materials Required

• Screw gauge
• irregular lamina

The smallest distance that can be measured in the apparatus gives its least count.

L. C. = Pitch/ No. Of divisions in the head scale.

The linear distance moved by the screw in one complete rotation of its head is

called pitch.


1. Determine the pitch and least count of the screw gauge

2. Bring the anvil and screw in contact with each other and find the zero error.

Move the screw away from the anvil and place the lead shot/ wire and move

the screw towards the anvil using the ratchet head. Stop when the ratchet slips

without moving the screw.

3. Note the number of divisions on the pitch scale that is visible and uncovered by

the edge of the cap. The reading N is called the pitch scale reading(PSR)

4. Note the number (n) of the division of the circular scale lying over the reference


5. Repeat 4 to 5 times

6. Record the observations in the tabular column. Apply corrections, if required.

7. Take the mean of different values.



1. Determination of Least Count of the Screw Gauge

1 Linear Scale Division, LSD = 1 mm

Number of full rotations given to screw =4

Distance moved by the screw = 4mm

Hence , pitch p= 4 mm / 4 = 1mm

Number of divisions on circular scale=100

Hence, least count, L.C =1 mm/ 100 = 0.01 mm= 0.001 cm

2. Zero Error

zero error, e= ------------mm

zero correction , c= -e = -------mm

Object Pitch Head Scale Total Reading
Placed Scale Reading

Reading No of Value Observed Corrected D=D0 + c Diameter of wire

(N) mm circular [n x D0=N+n mm mm

divisions L.C] mm

on mm


Thickness of irregular lamina=--------cm

Area, A= -----------------------cm2

Volume of irregular lamina, V= A x t =------------cm3

The thickness of given sheet is ------- ---cm

The volume of given lamina is = ....... cm3


To find the weight of a given body using parallelogram
law of vectors.

Materials Required

• Parallelogram Law of Forces apparatus (Gravesand's apparatus)

• Two hangers with slotted weights
• A body (a wooden block) whose weight is to be determined
• Mirror strip etc.


If two vectors acting

simultaneously on a
particle are represented in
magnitude and direction
by the two adjacent sides
of a parallelogram drawn
from a point, then their
resultant is completely
represented in magnitude
and direction by the
diagonal of that
parallelogram drawn from
that point.
On a Gravesand's apparatus, if the body of unknown
weight (say S) is suspended from the middle hanger and
balancing weights P and Q are suspended from the other
two hangers then,

Now construct a parallelogram OACB by assuming a scale

(say 1cm=50 gwt) corresponding to the weights P and Q.
The diagonal of the parallelogram OC will give the
resultant vector. The weight of the unknown body,


To find the actual weight of the unknown mass, W

Least count of spring balance = _________g

Zero error of spring balance = ________g

Weight of unknown body by spring balance = ________g

To find the weight of the unknown mass using parallelogram law of

Scale. Let 50 g=1 cm

P Unknown Resultant
o (gm (gm (cm) (cm) (cm) weight force
wt) wt) S (gmwt) R ( gmwt)
Mean value of unknown weight S = ---------- gwt.

Mean value of unknown weight, R =---------gwt

Unknown weight = (S+R)/2 = ------------gwt= ---------------kgwt

The unknown weight of given body = ------------------ kgwt .

To find the force constant of a helical spring by
plotting a graph between load and extension.

Materials Required

● A rigid support,

● Spring ,

● 20g or 50 g slotted weight

● A fine pointer, wooden scale etc


Helical spring works on the

principle of Hooke’s Law.
Hooke’s Law states that
within the limit of
elasticity, stress applied is
directly proportional to the
strain produced.

directly proportional to
When a load ‘F’ is the load.
attached to the free end of This can be represented
a spring, then the spring as:
elongates through a
distance ‘l’ .Here ‘l’ is where ‘k’ is constant of
known as the extension proportionality called the
produced. According to force constant or the
Hooke’s Law, extension is spring constant of the
A graph is drawn with
load M in kg wt along X
axis and extension, l in
metre along the Y axis.
The graph is a straight
line whose slope will give
the value of spring
constant, k .


Table for load and extension:

Load on
Serial Reading of position of pointer tip Extension
= Tension=
No of l=
applied Mg (N) Mean,
Obs. Loading Unloading
force Zx10-2 N/m
X(cm) Y(cm)
(F)(kg wt) (cm) (m)


(W0+ .05)






Mean k=………………………..N/m.

Spring constant, k from load extension graph = N/m


Spring constant of the given spring , k= ……………………N/m


To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given viscous
liquid by measuring terminal velocity of a given spherical

Materials Required

• A long cylindrical glass jar

• Transparent viscous fluid
• Metre scale
• Spherical ball
• Screw gauge
• Stop clock
• Thread


When a spherical body moves

down through an infinite
column of highly viscous
liquid, it drags the layer of the
liquid in contact with it. As a
result, the body experiences a
retarding force.

Then according to Stokes law,

the viscous drag force,

where, r - Radius of the

spherical body
v - Velocity of the spherical Now,

It gives the relationship

between retarding force and
velocity. When viscous force
plus buoyant force becomes where, ρ - Density of the
equal to force due to gravity, liquid
the net force becomes zero. σ - Density of the spherical
The sphere then descends with body
a constant terminal velocity
(v t).

• If the distance moved by the ball is d and the time taken to

travel is t, then velocity,

• Now, the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid can be calculated by using

the formula,


To find the diameter of the sphere using screw

Pitch of the screw gauge = .......... mm

Number of divisions on the circular scale = ...........

Least count of the screw gauge (L.C.) =............ mm

Zero correction of the screw gauge (z) = …….... mm

Object Pitch Head Scale Total Reading
Placed Scale Reading

Reading No of Value Observed Corrected D=D0 + c Diameter of wire

(N) mm circular [n x D0=N+n mm mm

divisions L.C] mm

on mm



To find the terminal velocity of the sphere :

Density of the liquid, ρ = ………

Density of the sphere, σ = ……….kg/m3

Distance travelled by the sphere, s = ………. 10-2 m

Glass Radius of glass sphere, Time taken to travel Velocity,

sphere No. r (×10-3 m) the distance s, t (s) v = s/t (m/s)

Mean V’ = ………………………………m/s
Radius of the sphere, r = d/2

=.......... mm

= .........×10-3 m

Coefficient of viscosity,

= ............. Nsm-2

the coefficient of viscosity of a given viscous liquid ( Stoke’s

method) = ……………………………………………………….Nsm-2

To study the relation between frequency and length of a given
wire under constant tension using sonometer.
Materials Required

• A sonometer
• A set of tuning forks of known frequency
• 0.5kg weight hanger
• Some 0.5kg slotted weights
• Rubber pad
• Paper rider

If a string which is stretched
between two fixed points is
plucked at its centre, vibrations
produced and it move out in
opposite directions along the
string. Because of this, a
transverse wave travels along
the string.

If a string of length l having

mass per unit length m is
stretched with a tension T, the
fundamental frequency of
vibration f is given by;

Laws of transverse vibrations

on a stretched string
• Law of Length: The • Law of Tension: The
frequency of vibration of frequency of vibration of
a stretched string varies a stretched string varies
inversely as its resonating directly as the square root
length (provided its mass of its tension, (provided
per unit length and its resonating length and
tension remain constant.) mass per unit length of
the wire remains

Relation between frequency and length

From the law of length, f ×l = constant

A graph between f and 1/l will be a straight line.


To find the relation between frequency and length

Constant tension on the wire, T=

Resonating 1/ l
Sl Frequency of tuning
length l
No. fork used, f (Hz)

To find the relation between frequency and length

Graph between frequency and reciprocal of length, taking frequency

along X axis and reciprocal length along Y axis.

The frequency V/s reciprocal of length graph is a straight line,

which indicates that, frequency is inversely proportional to resonant

Thus, law of length is verified.


To find the speed of sound in air at room temperature using a
resonance tube by two resonance positions.
Materials Required

• A sonometer
• A set of tuning forks of known frequency
• 0.5kg weight hanger
• Some 0.5kg slotted weights
• Rubber pad
• Paper rider
Stationary waves
velocity in opposite directions.
Due to the constructive
interference, these waves
produce certain fixed points
along the medium which
undergo zero displacement.
These points of no displacement
are known as nodes. Midway
between every nodes are regions
Stationary waves are produced
of maximum displacement.
by the superposition of two
These points are
waves of same frequency and
amplitude travelling with same called antinodes.

Production of longitudinal stationary waves in air column

Standing waves can be formed

in a tube of air due to the
interference of longitudinal
sound waves travelling in
opposite directions. In a pipe
closed at one end, the closed
end is a displacement node &
the open end is a displacement Here, the surface of water will
antinode. Vibration of air act as the closed end. When a
column can be set up in a vibrated tuning fork is held
resonance column apparatus. It above the open end,
longitudinal waves are sent
consists of a long metal tube
down the air column. These
held vertically in a tall jar
waves are reflected at the water
containing the water. The tube
surface and thus produce
can be fixed in vertical
standing waves. Nodes are
position. The length of the air
produced at the water surface
column can be varied by and antinodes are produced at
raising or lowering the tube. the open end.

When the frequency of waves in the air column becomes equal to the
natural frequency of tuning fork, a loud sound is produced in the
air column. It is the condition for resonance. It occurs only when the
length of air column is proportional to one-fourth of the wavelength
of sound waves having frequency equal to frequency of tuning fork.

ie; For first resonance,

For second resonance,

From the above equations we get the relation,

Thus the velocity of sound waves on air at room temperature can be

found as,

ie; which can be calculated.


First Second
l2-l1 (
Frequency resonating resonating Velocity,
length, length, (×10-2 cm)
of tuning (m/s)
fork, ν l1 (cm) l2 (cm)
(Hz) Me
1 2 1 2 Mean


Speed of sound at room temperature =………………………………m/s

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