Mendevil (Activity # 5)

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Republic of the Philippines


Guang-guang, Dahican, 8200 City of Mati, Davao Oriental




Identify the elements of fiction in the myth below.

The Story of Ukinurot

Francisco R. Demeterio, SJ

The people lived in the heavens and there were yet no human beings on earth. However, on earth
was glistening water and fresh green plants and trees. Ukinurot, a hunter in heaven, was fed up
with the never-changing diet of meat, the brown and bare landscape and the warm clothing
made of birds’ feathers. While hunting one day, a large bird swam into his ken. He aimed his bow
and arrow at it and shot. The arrow passed clean through the bird’s body and landed on the
ground, a distance away, and was deeply embedded in the ground. As he pulled it, a good amount
of soil came up with the arrow, leaving a large hole in the ground. Ukinurot peered through the
hole and saw below him shining water and green earth. He summoned his companions, men and
women, and all were pleased with what they saw. Then they decided to go down. They plucked
the bird’s feathers and twined a rope with them. Then one by one they climbed down. A rather
fat woman could not go through the opening. Ukinurot was the last to descend. As soon as he
touched earth, the rope snapped. So they could no longer return. The fat woman who remained
in heaven, lights up the stars every night to remind the people below whence they originally
came. The hole through below which they descended now shines as the moon.

Misamis Oriental myth

Republic of the Philippines
Guang-guang, Dahican, 8200 City of Mati, Davao Oriental

1) Describe Ukinurot’s character in not more than 3 sentences.

Ans. Ukinurot is a hunter in heaven and he was the last to come down, and his colleague could
not return, the fat woman who stayed in the sky, lit the stars every night to remind the people
below where they originally came from. The hole below where they had descended now glowed
as the moon.

2) Describe the setting.

Ans. The main setting of the story is it in heaven.

3) What is the conflict of the story? How did it affect the character’s action?

Ans. The conflict of the story when the Ukinurot and his colleague decided to go down in the
hole. They gathered the feathers of the bird and tied a rope. Then they went down one by one.
A rather fat woman could not pass through the opening. Ukinurot was the last to go down. When
he touched the ground, the rope snapped. So they never came back. The fat woman who stayed
in the sky, lit the stars every night to remind the people below where they originally came from.
The hole below where they had descended now glowed as the moon. The action of the character
affects above the conflict is Man vs. Nature. When we talk about the man vs. nature, the main
character is hindered or fights against natural forces such as weather, animals, or climate change.
This type of conflict is particularly interesting because it sheds light on the resilience of the human
spirit. Based on the story of Ukinurot the nature change in a new environmental aspect.
Therefore, Ukinurot discovered the hole he had seen where there was glistening water and green

4) What type of plot does the myth have? Identify the parts.

Ans. Traditional pyramid are the type of plot that the myths feature. There are the types of plot
those are, Exposition, Rising action, Climax, Falling action, and Denouement. When we talk about
the types of plots, The exposition of the story where can tell us the background information and
explained the characters and the setting at the beginning of the story. After the exposition of the
story, the rising action usually starts. This is the series of events that build on the conflict and
increase the tension. The Climax Is the scenes where the characters overcome the highest tension
of the story. Falling action decreases that tension of the story. Denouement this is the ending of
the story where the conflict is being resolved. In the story of Ukinurot we will identify the types
of plot and those are;
Republic of the Philippines
Guang-guang, Dahican, 8200 City of Mati, Davao Oriental

The exposition of the story “ Ukinurot “

The people lived in the heavens and there were yet no human beings on earth. However on earth
was glistening water and fresh green plants and trees. Ukinurot, a hunter in heaven, was fed up
with the never-changing diet of meat, the brown and bare landscape and the warm clothing
made of birds’ feathers.

The rising action

While hunting one day, a large bird swam into his ken. He aimed his bow and arrow at it and shot.
The arrow passed clean through the bird’s body and landed on the ground, a distance away, and
was deeply embedded in the ground. As he pulled it, a good amount of soil came up with the
arrow, leaving a large hole in the ground.

The climax

Ukinurot peered through the hole and saw below him shining water and green earth. He
summoned his companions, men and women, and all were pleased with what they saw. Then
they decided to go down. They plucked the bird’s feathers and twined a rope with them. Then
one by one they climbed down.

The falling action

A rather fat woman could not go through the opening. Ukinurot was the last to descend. As soon
as he touched earth, the rope snapped. So they could no longer return.

The denouement

The fat woman who remained in heaven, lights up the stars every night to remind the people
below whence they originally came. The hole through below which they descended now shines
as the moon.

5) What is the POV? Do you think the POV chosen is appropriate? Why?

Ans. The main idea starts when there were yet no human beings on earth till Unintentionally,
Ukinurot from heaven found out there was a paradise below them. Then, out of curiosity, they
descended from heaven and unintentionally landed on earth. The chosen POV is acceptable given
that the story’s protagonist has a restricted ability to comment on the events in Ukinurot’s story.
Republic of the Philippines
Guang-guang, Dahican, 8200 City of Mati, Davao Oriental

6) What is the tone and mood?

Ans. What a beautiful story that adopts the attention of a reader by giving the tone and mood
legendarily. Additionally, There is no certainty since it was just a tale story.

7) Generate the theme of the story.

Ans. The theme of the story is all about mythological story. A myth is a traditional story that
attempts to explain a natural or social phenomenon. It usually combines historical events with

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