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Compiled by:
Umar Khan
Paper 1 Section 2
History and
Importance of Quran
Revelation of Quran
Q (a) Write an account of the ways in which the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet between the years 610
and 632. [10][N/2009]
CAIE Marking Scheme
This part of the answer requires a descriptive account of the revelations, from the first one to the last ones. Answers should
indicate (and describe) that revelations came in both Makkah and Madinah. An account of the first experience should be
given; when the prophet was meditating in Cave Hira, the Angel Gabriel came to him and commanded him to read. They
could also add references to other revelations coming at other times without warning, that they induced bodily changes in the
prophet, that they provided answers to situations happening in his life at that time. Examples and details should be given.
Excellent answers will be able to provide a confident narrative of the modes in which revelation came down and give a
coherent account of the history of the prophet’s experiences.

Structure of Answer
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3
 Introduction of Wahi.  Random topics of Revelation.  Methods of Revelation.
 Incident of 1 Revelation.  Content of Makki Revelations.  Bodily Changes during
 Continuous process of  Content of Madani Revelations. Revelation.
Revelation.  Revelations provided timely guidance for
 Interval of Revelation. different events as they happened.
 Last revelation.

 The literal meaning Arabic word “Wahi” is to indicate or to signal. As Allah says:
 “So, he came out to his people from the prayer chamber and signaled to them to exalt [Allah] in the
morning and afternoon” [19:11]
In Islamic terminology it refers to “the word of God revealed to His Prophets.”
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would spend long hours meditating and pondering over the situation of Arabia. In
the ending days of Ramadan a figure appeared and asked him to read. Prophet (PBUH) replied that he cannot
as he was not a learned person. The figure hugged him and asked him to read again. This was repeated twice
and third time that figure recited starting verses of Surah Alaq:
 “Read in the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot of congealed blood, Recite, and your
Lord is the most Generous, Who taught by the pen, Taught man that which he knew not” [96:1-5]
Prophet came home shivering and asked Hazrat Khadija to cover him with blankets. Khadija consoled him with
good words about him. Later she took him to her cousin Waraqah bin Naufil, a rightful Christian who approved
his Prophethood.
 Then the series of revelation was started and remained continue during 13 years of Makkah and 10 years of
Madinah. According to a narration there was an interval of revelation (Fatra-tul-Wahi) for some months when
no revelations were given to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he was so depressed. But then Surah Fatiha or Verses of
Surah Mudathir were revealed to console Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 “And [it is] a Qur'an which We have separated [by intervals] that you might recite it to the people over a
prolonged period. And We have sent it down progressively.” [17:106]
 Revelation kept coming for 23 consecutive years with varying range of content.
 The main content of revelation during life in Makkah was Oneness of Allah, Prophethood, affirmation of the
Hereafter, the panorama of the Resurrection, words of comfort for the Holy Prophet and events relating to the
past communities. Such when Prophet (PBUH) was mocked by Quraysh after death of his sons and they called
him ‘Abtar’ (Nameless) Allah consoled him and revealed Surah Kauthar:
 “Surely We have given you abundance (Al-Kauthar) Therefore, to your Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.
Surely your enemy is the one cut-off.” [108]
 Madani Revelations contain Social and Family Laws, the injunctions of jihad and expositions of limits and duties.
Such as when there was dispute about spoils of war after battle of Badr, Allah revealed the verses of Surah Al-
 “They ask you about the spoils (of war). Say, "The [decision concerning] spoils is for Allah and the
Messenger." [08:01]
 Revelation provided immediate guidance about issues/problems faced by Muslim community. When Makkans’
persecution crossed limits, revelation allowed them to migrate.
 “…For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed…” [39:10]
A revelation permitted Jihad then guided about prisoners and spoils of war. There were revelations about
different worships and articles of faith. When Ayesha (RA) lost her necklace, a revelation came about
Tayammum (Dry Ablution).
 “…and find no water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and your hands.” [04:43]
 There are numerous opinions of different scholars about which was the last verse revealed to Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) but most of them consider Verse No 3 of Surah Maedah as the last Quranic verse revealed
to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
 “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for
you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah
is Forgiving and Merciful” [05:03]
 There were 5 major methods of revelation which were usually used to deliver Allah’s message to Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). Revelation started with True dreams as Prophet would see some incident and later those
things happened as he saw earlier like shining sun. Another method was ringing of bells in which Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) would listen to loud sound of ringing bells constantly. In between that sound, He would
listen to the message of Allah. This method used to be the most difficult to Him as compared to other methods.
 Ayesha (RA) says about this: “I saw Him receiving revelation, despite cold weather his forehead would
sweat” [Bukhari]
Angel visiting in Real form: although this happened rarely but Gabriel visited Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
in his original form and delivered the message of Allah. Angel’s Visit in Human form in which Gabriel would
mostly disguise as Hazrat Dahya (R.A) a companion of Prophet (PBUH) and delivered the message of Allah.
Prophet Says about this method:
 “This used to be easiest way for me” [Al-Itqaan]
The most special but rarest was direct communication with Allah: Allah would directly communicate with
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but this would happen rarely.
 Prophet (PBUH) would observe bodily changes during revelation because of power and awe of this Holy Book.
 It is narrated by Ayesha (RA): “The Prophet's face was red and he kept on breathing heavily for a while and
then he was relieved” [Bukhari]
 Once Prophet (PBUH) was riding an animal and suddenly revelation began. That poor animal could not bear the
load of revelation and sat down. Once a companion was sitting beside Prophet (PBUH) suddenly revelation
started while his knee was under the knee of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He felt that someone placed a mountain on
his knee.

Q (b) Explain the significance of Quran being revealed over a period of time. [04]
 To strengthen the heart of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by addressing him time to time.
 “And those who disbelieve say, "Why was the Qur'an not revealed to him all at once?" Thus that we may
strengthen thereby your heart. And we have spaced it distinctly.” [Quran 25:32]
 To make it easy to be memorized/preserved.
 “Move not your tongue with it, to hasten with recitation of the Qur'an. Indeed, upon Us is its collection
and its recitation.” [Quran 75:16-17]
 To ease the burden of revelation upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
 To make the guidance of Quran appropriate and relevant with problems and scenarios of Prophet’s era.
 To make teachings of Quran easy for gradual understanding implementation in practical life.

Q (b) What are the features of Makki and Madani Surahs? [04]
Makki Surahs:
 Revealed between 610 and 622 AD before migration regardless of place. All those Surahs revealed in Arafat,
Mina, during the journeys of Mairaj and Migration all will be considered Makki Surahs.
 The Makki Surahs mostly consist of subjects such as, the Oneness of Allah, Prophethood, affirmation of the
Hereafter, the panorama of the Resurrection, words of comfort for the Holy Prophet and events relating to the
past communities.
 In Makki Surahs, generally, the form of address used is “O people”
 The Makki Ayat (Verses) and Surahs are generally short and brief.
Madani Surahs:
 Revealed between 622 and 632 AD after migration regardless of place. All those Surahs revealed in different
battles journeys at different places will be considered Madani Surahs.
 In Madani Surahs, generally, the form of address used is “O believers”
 Madani verses and chapters are long and detailed.
 Madani Surahs contain Social and Family Laws, the injunctions of jihad and expositions of limits and duties
appear frequently.
Q (b) Explain why Allah sends His revelations through His Messengers. [04] [J/2011]

CAIE Marking Scheme

Candidates should be able to talk about the revelations given to all messengers not just the Prophet Muhammad. They should
talk about mankind’s need for guidance and inspiration, and why messengers/humans were the best way to send that
guidance, e.g. it was sent to different nations in different languages so it would be universal and the messengers convinced
through strength of character and moral example.

 Allah sent approximately 1 lac 24 thousand Prophets from Adam (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) they all
were given the message of Allah which they communicated very well to humanity. Allah did it for various
 Although, Allah has blessed humans with knowledge and wisdom but it is limited and humans need divine guidance and
 Allah sent human message bearers and made sure that they speak same language as their recipients, so their message is
conceived perfectly.
 Sent them to different languages and different regions so it becomes universal and reaches every corner of the world.
 As Allah says: “And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for
them” [14:04]
 As it is said ‘action speaks louder than words’ Messengers were sent so they could teach through actions and inspire
people through power of their character and moral. Like numerous people accepted Islam just because of merciful
behavior and honest dealing of Prophet (PBUH).

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