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) A oa ae) Iago ane s a ae H ( < s ¥ fs. » Aare lSM uaa ko Rola Ae part of the goverment’ Filpina Values Formation Program, tho National Commission for Culture ard tho Arts (NCCA) conducted this recoarch thot necks to determine the different values upheld cross the country, s0 that Flipinos can Continue to enbody these valies to slengthen the Fiigino ‘society through widespread implementation in partnership with ‘educational institutions, Ths execules Chapter 7 of te Philippine Developmen Pan which states that "the inculcation of values to promote the eommon good: The research aims to answer the queston: "What important for te Filipinos?” o “What do Filpinos value at present?” Surveys and Focus Group Discussions (Fs) ere Conducted nationwide, particoated by Flipines from diferent places and sectors Part of the research for Flipinos to aticulate why these values are important for them. The values determined by the reseerch will el in the mplementation of ‘AmBisyon Natn 2040. values were identified by the research? Aer a year of esearch, 19 common and shared values were idanified. The values mentioned are as ‘lows 1.Family 14 Life and Purpose 2. Education 32, Human Right 3.Feith 48, Envrionment 4:Healh and Welles 14. Love for Country 55. Basic Needs 18. Happiness Sel 16. Kepuwa 7.Wrkard Livelihood 7.Culture, Arta, and Sciences 'B.Peaco end Development 18. Governance S.Honesty andiintagity 19. Creatve Excelence 10.Fosiionce The following isan elaboration on these values and connected themes: ily is of utmostimportance to Filipincs. For them family becomes a source of stenath and inspiration to brave thrcugh challenges in life. This is also where onefirs leerns the value oi respect, knidness, ove, and faith in God. Many Flipinos still bolovein tho importance of a traditional family structure, with the father and the mother being the *halig’ and “lew respectively, while the children reciprocate the love and support given to them by their parents. However, many thik of family beyond the nuclear structure Including in the definiton ato the cousine, aunte and uncles, even in-laws, nieces and nephews. Some respondents thought farther, corsidering neighbors friends, groups, church mates, clanmates and tbemates, even pets as family in other words, Filpinc family structures ere tadtiona ‘and yet they change with the times, where single parenthood ‘and same-sex parenting are also embraced. in any case, Friginos stil believe that above al ele, family comes frst Pamilya among daganan: Ecucation & an importantachievement for meny Fiignes, for even though the child frstleers at home, itis through education thet one leas further about the worl, bout good manners, and just and humane treetment of others, ‘An ideal education provides opportunites not only toleern bout lessons in scheol, but abo on how to interact in sclety. For many Filipncs, education serves as the way to @ better future, Sustainable education ensures beter job secu. For impoverished ‘amiles especially their chidren geting proper education gives tiem a chance to it themselves out of poverty. Such isits vale that parens are wiling togive ther lives to ensue ther cilcren get the Dest education they deserve, fom paying the tution tb Qving ther childs daly allowance However, mary think thatthe current state of education is facing mukiple problems — from lack of proper faites and ‘cquipment to lack of focus among studen's trough the frequent exposure to gadgets. Despite this, elucatonis still valuabie esset fr Filipinos who wl ry to atainit es much as they can Fora lot of Flipnos, faith is an imaortant force in their lives. Some think that believing in « higher being affects their daily ives and their overall charactor and that this is where they {get their sense of ight and wrong. Same think too that faith ives them resilience to go through ifs challenges — the oelief that somecne is always there ta help them. "Nasa Diyos arg ‘awa, nasa tao ang gana’ Gos for the Filipinos is the Supreme Being, ‘ang labew ‘a tenan’ For the indigenous poopies (IPs) in ilo, Gad is the soutce ofall and knows everything For the lvatans, God isthe ‘center of everything, Their lands aro sacrod for they are given to them by God: ‘Doon tayo nagmulat doon tayo babaik This shows that everything is comected, and though God is cated by diferent names—Magbabadya, Dwata, Allah, Abba, and ‘athers—Filpinos belive that there is ane God who created everything oNcaRe eR taro One famous commercial slogan that goes le “Bawal ‘magkasakit; hods tue for Filipinos, Health and welness are a bratty because this serves as some sort ofinvestmentto accomplish whet they wantto doin life Health and welness range from the physical to mental, es wall as spiritual. tis important that all three are equally healthy. How does one achieve this? Some believe that can be achieved through having a proper det, exercising, ensuring a sound mental health, avoiding tad hablss and cultivating good ‘ones, and maintaining a spiitual connection with God. For most people, the governmert plays a big role in ‘maintaining the overall heath ofthe population — fom proper hospital services to accessible medicine and assistance. In other words, health is nat only sbout the se but is also connected to the society. etre To For Filipinos, food, shelter, elthing, and medicine are the besic needs essential to function in their daly ves and help hem live as humans with dignity. Aryone whe does notattan hese needs will havea hard time tobe humane toothers. tis important, therefore, that cre maintains a sustainable livelihood Whore he/she can achieve thess basic ncode, However, itis not enough to just aitain the basic needs ‘A.comiortable life means being able to have a stable job where salary comes regularly to pay forthe bill For others, beng able toafford luxuries beyond basic needs is important. ye To be able to show ones true sal, ta display the values ‘ne has learned from family aigion and coramurity and to ‘express onesalfareimpcrtant for many Filipinos. To do this, one ‘must be able to cutivatea strona sense ofinteaity Possessing high selt-esteem is thetefare vita. i does one geta healthy sense of sof? For some, having @ purpose in ifs helps. Others fellow thei passiors which give them something worth pursuing. Fora fev. itcomes from doing noble ceeds and havng a strong seo! habits and values, such as respect and sense of responsibilty here The source from where one self vares trom one Flipno to another. Many believe tat {growths a ite-long erocess. tis important, therefore. to davelop healthy habits to ensure ane grows property, 1 aways do self-evaluation, take responsioiy for one’s wrongs and correct ther, ard 19 avoid unheatny habits nd restionships. A person who cultivates a sound sense of self coniitutes is/her society in @ positive manner MTeoR ENC Uaterrs) Having work and a livelihood helps one provide basic needs for oneself and one's family For those who arein tual places, having a stable source of income ensures that one's daily needs are achieved like food, housing, eduction, ana health needs, A secured job means a secured mind end secured family "Pag may kabuhayan, tahimik ang buhay. Walang meg-isip na magnakaw, kasi meron naman siya” Itisimportant to strike a balance between having a Stable job and acquiring more. Some Filipinos budget carey, ‘making sure they do not spend beyond their means. Beyond fulfilin their needs, Flipinos also value careers that make them happy despite the stress that they might experiance, Though Filipinos fare many challenges in terms of work, such as Contvactuaization and lack of opportunities, the value of hardwork sill shines through, 52 eee enen: Peace and development are connected When one has Inver peace, it manifests in their treaiment of cther people, This ‘peace, 1 tum, contributes to 9 peaceful society. The ‘government, however has significant roe in mainvaining th’ peace by providing its citizens with equal protection under the law and the right to work, to study, to practice eligion, and express themselves, For some, an indication of a peaceful ty lack of nuisence n the communsty like terorism, crime, gossiping, extrudical klings (EIK), planting of levdence, or unjust implementation of martial law Respect, mercy, unity, acceptance, truth, and peace are cof utmest importance in a progressive society It is erucil to teach these values stating from childhood. In other words, ‘peace begins at home when parents aise thelr chilren wel. A family that is welt-provided with their basic needs and has @ sable livelihood almost alvays ensures that a child will grow up ‘well-mannered, Beyond home end the school the government plays & hhuge rc in peace and development Without peace, there is no progress. A peaceful and productive community paves the way fora progressive couriry. Thus, AmBisyon 2040 aims to ‘promote development through peace. Puasa UM reli Ny Honesty and integnty are two connected concepts, and both values that shoud be embodied by an ideal public evar For goverment empinyaes, these are espacialy important, and they are evident fom the smallest thirgs such as going to work early to major actons such ag ressting the culture of corruption However, one does not have to be involved in the government io be honest For the vatans, for example this values reflected in their Honesty Store” t shows that a community's economic progress i tied to honesty For those in ine creatve felds. honesty Comes rom one's faithfulness to Wworland values, Forthe business sector, heir enterprize i bul con an hnesty relationship between the employers and ‘employees. Itshows that n any aspect of Flipno society, honesty and integrity are of uemost importance Ina country often struckby natural disasters, resilience is ‘a much-needed value, How does one remain resilient? For the respondents, itcomes mainly from four things: fami faith hard work. and postive acreprance of one’s current stuatior “There ate two typ2e of reilanco: one that comae fom the salfandone that comes from the cornmunity.Resiience developed frst within the sef when one is stona enough to fave challenges. tis lso seen when one saves up or airy '. Kesping ones business alloat despte disestersis also an exarrple of reslience ofthe set For the community it manifests through "bayarihen’ when ore can give selflessly to others. An example of his ic ‘seen when Mt. Pinatubo erunted and on how local businesses ‘worked together t lithe community from the ashes ofthe disaster, The concepts of incividual ard community reslience ate therefore connected SP A Filipino saying goos “Habang may buhay, may ‘pag-asa." Mary mentioned that ther ives and ther purpose are of importance. Having a purpose in life for some isthe key to happiness. However, what is this ‘purpose’? For some, it comes from having a dream and werking hard to achieve i for others, tis through helping their fares and others. Some mentioned having a precious education or cresting a lasting impact io one's commurity Being content with oneself for several is ough 2 purpose tolive Determining whatover one's purposs is important. Those who lack purpose often fall astray, getting into destructive habits and dong things that do not contribute to their or the ‘community's well-being, Ofte, it comes from external influences; ultimately the value of lie is los. especially when it happen due to inhumane waye of taking the life of other like extrajudicial kilings. Rane \Whils Filipinos believe intresting each other equally, ‘many underprivileged sectors in our society are deprived of their undarenta’ rights. Thus, these sectors view rights valiable These sectors fave different challenges in exercising their human sights. For IPs it concems the continued practice of traditions ond upholding their rights to their ancestral lands for the Moros, the biases against ther religious identity, for PWD, the lackof inclusion; for women and LGBTQIA+, the discrimination based on their gender and for the poor people, the lackof opportunities. Despite ther diferent concerns, each

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