Material Self and Spiritual Self

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 The clothes we wear, the house we live in, the

MATERIAL SELF car we drive – all these material possessions

convey messages about our personality,
status, and preferences.
The concept of the material self is a psychological
term that refers to the part of an individual’s self-
concept related to the physical world, particularly
 The material self can contribute
the physical body, personal belongings, and the
significantly to self-esteem and confidence.
environment one resides.
 Physical attractiveness, personal
belongingness, and immediate
This idea was first introduced by the American
environments can positively or negatively
psychologist William James and it is an essential
impact a person’s self-perception and
part of an individual’s overall self-identity.
confidence levels.
The material self, according to William James,
pertains to the objects, places, or even people
which have the label “mine”. Such possessions
 An overemphasis on the material self can lead
viewed as extensions of individual identities.
to materialism where individuals might
prioritize possessions over intangible aspects
For instance, your clothes reflect certain aspects of
of life, such as relationships, experiences, and
your personality and you designate them as “my
personal growth.
Specifically, James identified the body as the
innermost aspect of the material self. Also, you
perceive certain body arts as more private or  The material self can be vulnerable to external
intimately yours as compared to the others. changes.
 Aging accidents, or loss of property can result
The next aspect is your clothing; the garments in dramatic changes to one’s self-concept,
which protect as well as project your body. often leading to psychological distress.

This is followed by your family; they are connected OVERVIEW

to you by blood and you share their glory as well
as shame. The material self is a fundamental aspect of a
person’s self-concept and identity.
Your home comes next; it is where many aspects
of your life have been developed, it is where you It incorporates tangible elements such as the
feel most comfortable, and it is greatly linked to physical body, personal belongings, and
your identity. immediate family or home environment.

This is then followed by other possessions such as It can significantly impact self-expression and self-
gadgets, cars, collections, etc. esteem but should be balanced with other aspects
of self to avoid overemphasis on materialism.
Furthermore, being aware of the material self’s
Understanding the material self is not merely about vulnerability to external changes can prepare
acknowledging the tangible aspects of our individuals for potential shifts in their self-concept.
existence. It serves a larger purpose in our lives.
SELF-EXPRESSION REMEMBER: “The best things in life are in things.”

 The material self often acts as a form of self-

 Experiencing feelings of
SPIRITUAL SELF interconnectedness
 Feelings of awe and wonder
 Seeking happiness beyond material
possession or other external rewards
 The broad concept of a belief in something
 Seeking meaning and purpose
beyond the self.
 Wanting to make the world a better place
 It strives to answer questions about the
meaning of life, how people are connected to
each other, truths about the universe, and
Not everyone experiences or expressed spirituality
other mysteries of human existence.
in the same way.
 Offers a worldview that suggests there is more
Some people may seek spiritual in every aspect of
to life than what people experience on a
their lives, while others may be more likely to have
sensory and physical level. Instead, it suggests
these feelings under specific conditions or in
that there is something greater than connects
certain locations.
all beings to each other and to the universe
For example, some people may be more likely to
have spiritual experiences in churches or other
 Involves religious traditions on the belief in a
religious temples, while others might have these
higher power.
feelings when they’re out enjoying nature.

 It can also involve in a holistic belief in an TYPES OF SPIRITUALITY

individual connection to others and the world
as a whole. There are many different types of spirituality. Some
examples of how people get in touch with their own
 Spirituality has been a source of comfort and spirituality include:
relief from stress for multitudes of people.
While people use many different paths to find  Mindful breathing
God or a higher power.
 Meditation or quiet time
 Devotion
 Research has shown that those who are more
 Prayer
religious or spiritual to cope with challenges in
 Service to their community
life experience many benefits to their health
 Spending time in nature
and well-being.
 Spiritual retreats
 Spirituality is not a single path or belief system.  Yoga

Others express their spirituality through religious

 There are many way to experience spirituality
traditions such as:
and the benefits of a spiritual experience.

 Buddhism
 How you define spirituality will vary. For others,
(1) it’s the belief in a higher power or specific  Christianity
religious practice. (2) It may involve  Hinduism
experiencing a sense of connection to a higher  Humanism
state or a sense of inter-connectedness with  Islam
the rest of humanity and nature.  Judaism
 Sikhism

Some signs of spirituality can include: It is important to remember that there are many
 Asking deep questions about topics such other spiritual traditions that exists throughout the
as suffering or what happens after death world, including traditional African and Indigenous
 Deepening connections with other people. spiritual practices.
 Experiencing compassion and empathy for
Such spiritual practices can be particularly HOW TO PRACTICE SPIRITUALITY:
important to groups of people who have been
subjected to the effects of colonialism. Whether you are rediscovering a forgotten spiritual
path, reinforcing your commitment to an already
SPIRITUALITY VS. RELIGION well-established one, or wanting to learn more
about spirituality for beginners, these are countless
Though there can be a lot of overlap between ways to start exploring your spiritual side and help
people who are spiritual and people who are improve your well-being.
religious, below are some key points to help
differentiate spirituality from religion. Some things you can do to start exploring
spirituality include:
 Paying attention to how you are feeling:
 Can be practice individually Part of embracing spirituality means also
 Doesn’t have to adhere to a specific set of embracing what it means to be human,
rules both the good and the bad.
 Often focuses on a personal journey of
discovering what is meaningful in life  Focus on others: Opening your heart,
feeling empathy, and helping others are
RELIGION important aspects of spirituality.

 Often practiced in a community  Meditate: Try spending 10 to 15 minutes

 Usually based on a specific set of rules and each morning engaged in some form of
customs meditation.
 Often focuses on the belief in deities or
gods, religious texts, and tradition  Practice gratitude: Start a gratitude
journal and record what you are grateful for
USES FOR SPIRITUALITY each day. This can be a great reminder of
what is most important to you and what
There are a number of different reasons why brings you the greatest happiness.
people may turn to spirituality, including but not
limited to:  Try mindfulness: By becoming more
mindful, you can become more aware and
 To find purpose and meaning: Exploring appreciative of the present. Mindfulness
spirituality can help people find answers to encourages you to be less judgmental
philosophical questions they have such as (both of yourself and others) and focus
“What is the meaning of life?” and “What more on the present moment rather than
purpose does my life serve?” dwelling on the past or future.

 To cope with feelings of stress,

depression, and anxiety: Spiritual
experiences can be helpful when coping
with the stresses of life.

 To restore hope and optimism:

Spirituality can help people develop a
more hopeful outlook on life.

 To find a sense of community and

support: Because spiritual traditions often
involve organized religions or groups,
becoming a part of such a group can
serve as an important source of social
1. Faking it till you make it.
 One of the most common and detrimental 1. Learn to manage
habits.  Use any resources you have judiciously,
 It's tempting to keep up with the latest instead of wasting resources.
trends or maintain a certain lifestyle, but  This implies that once you learn how to
overspending without considering your manage, you won’t forget unless you want
income can quickly drain your financial to.
 Strive for financial discipline by creating a 2. Learn to save
budget that aligns with your income and  Saving is a talent. But the good thing about
prioritizes saving and investing. it is that it can be learned. You can cultivate
the habit of saving.
2. Impulsive Spending  A student who has the ability to save
always has an alternative means in times
3. Neglecting Emergency Funds of emergency need. Since he or she has
 Failing to set aside money for unexpected been saving, the saved money can be used
expenses can force you into debt or in times of emergency.
jeopardize your financial stability.  Saved money can save from unnecessary
 Aim to save at least three to six months' debt or hunger.
worth of living expenses in an easily
accessible emergency fund to protect 3. Avoid food or resources wastage
yourself from unforeseen circumstances.  Food and money are the two resources that
help to sustain life. This is the more reason
4. Mismanaging Debt you should avoid food wastage and
 Debt is a double-edged sword. wastage of other resources too.
 While it can provide opportunities for
growth and investment, mismanaging debt 4. Buy in bulk
can quickly spiral out of control.  Buying in bulk is very economical.
 Racking up excessive debt, taking on high-  It saves time in the sense that you don’t
interest loans without proper evaluation, or have to go to the market frequently.
neglecting repayment obligations can lead  It saves money because it is cheaper to buy
to financial ruin. in bulk than to buy in units.
 It saves energy because it stops you from
6. Ignoring Financial Education going to the market frequently and this
 An interesting quote by Donald Miller reads saves energy.
“In a world of Information, ignorance is a  So all together, buying in bulk saves time,
choice”. money, and energy.
 Ignorance on financial education is a major  The disadvantage of buying in bulk is that
stumbling block. the goods are prone to wastage. Hence the
 Without understanding essential financial importance of management.
concepts such as budgeting, saving,
investing, and avoiding scams, you may fall 5. Construct a good budget
victim to poor financial decisions.
 Invest time in educating yourself about 6. Use your time wisely
personal finance through books, online  Never waste a minute by spending time
courses, or seeking advice from doing irrelevant things.
professionals.  Make sure that you reduce your level of
entertainment. It is not advisable to stop
entertainment completely. You just have to
reduce it.
 As much as you are trying to study, make
sure you try to improve your social skills.

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