SET 21 Physical Science (X)

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Roll No. (Write Roll Number from left side cnaclly a5 inthe Adit Card) Signature of Invigilator Question Booklet Series [x] PAPER-IL Question Booklet No. (dentical with OMR Subject Code : 16 ‘Answer Sheet Number) PHYSICAL SCIENCES Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 200 Instructions for the Candidates 1, Write your Roll Number in the space provided on the top of this page as well as on the OMR Sheet provided. 2, At the commencement of the examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and verify it (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. (ii) Faulty booklet, if detected, should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of $ (five) minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. (ii) Verity whether the Question Booklet No. is identical with OMR Answer Sheet No.; if not, the full set is to be replaced. (iv) After this verification is over, the Question Booklet Series and Question Booklet Number should be entered on the OMR Sheet. 3. This paper consists of One hundred (100) multiple-choice type questions. All the questions are compulsory. Each question carties two marks. 4, Each Question has four altemative responses marked: (A) (B) indicated below on the correct response against each question, © D.. vou nave to darken the cite as Example: ®) @ @ @). where © is the corect response. 5. Your responses to the questions are to be indicated correctly in the OMR Sheet. If you mark your response at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Rough work is to be done at the end of this booklet, 7. If you write your Name, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except in the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means, such as change of response by scratching or using white fluid, you will render yourself liable to disqualification 8. Do not tamper or fold the OMR Sheet in any way. If you do so, your OMR Sheet will not be evaluated. 9, You have to return the Original OMR Sheet to the invigilator at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. You are, however, allowed to carry question booklet and duplicate copy of OMR Sheet after completion of examination. 10. Use only Black Ball point pen. 11. Use of any calculator, mobile phone, electronic devices/gadgets ete is strictly prohibited. 12, There is no negative marks for incorrect answer. 21322 [Please Turn Over ] x3 Paver II 16-0 (Pysicat, ScreNces) 1. Suppose the matrix rl M lye is invertible under matrix multiplication, then its inverse is 1 [x xeeyly x 1 fxy spl ¥ 5 -y x] © zal? yl o (3) (A) (B) (©) f= 3. Identify the correct series expansion for the following periodic function of period 2x : fo HEXKO f(x) |, Osx nal sinnx ) 2. The value of jaas « 4.1f 4=]3 § 9 qo): then which of the Joe+3de \4 8 12 16) 0 following statements is true about the matrix A? fo (A) 44 = 307 (B) 1 (B) a*= 3647 oO*, (© 4t=204° (D) -3 (D) 4* = 304? [ Please Turn Over | 16-1 x4 5. Thesecond derivative of the Dirac delta function, 8(x), can be represented as 6. Ifa matrix A is both unitary and hermitian, its determinant is (Al (B) of the form exp(i0) for all 0 (©) lor-1 (D) purely imaginary 7. Consider the function f2)= Ag+ ayz+a,z?, where ag, a, a) are real constants If fz) < 16 everywhere on the circle given by [z| = 2, the upper bounds on do, a; and a, are respectively (A) 4.4.4 (B) 1,4, 16 (©) 16,8,4 (D) 16,4,1 complex 8. The vector 7 2] — yj-+xzk and the vector ose Page W = yi +x) —a92h, then the valucof S55 PW) at the point (1, —1, 2) is (A) i j+2k (B) 27-44% (©) i +87 (D) 4ivak 9. Let be the unit circle, travelled counter-clock- wise, evaluate P[(e-? —y8)dr+ x8dy'] c 3 w = @) (Ev (©) 2x wo fF 2 10. 1fM is a3 «3 matrix such that Hi 6 then the product u(3) is 8 tT 2 (A) (3) 11. Which of the following functions of x could be represented by aFourierseries overthe range indicated? (A) nx -w p+B- tv (B) n> ptf +¥ (©) pontpr ty (D) prntpr +d 43. If B isthe linearmomentum and 7 the angular momentum, the Poisson bracket { Pd. fi} equals (here is an arbitrary constant vector) (A) Bx (B) ax © 4 (D) px xu z 16-11 44, The neutral pion x° is produced in strong interactions, butit decays electromagnetically n°» 7. However the n° is not considered to be a strange particle because (A) itisnotpair-produced in strongiinteractions, (B) it carries no isospin (C) itis the lightest hadron. (D) it forms an iso-triplet with x*, which are not strange partic 45. Acertain OPAMP has an open-loop gain of 10° and a common mode gain of 0-2. The CMRR is (A) 500000 4B (B) 11468 (©) 11448 (D) 1140.48 46. A sinusoidal voltage Vi, (1) = Vsinat is applied to the input of the following circuit with RC = 0-1 sec. The output voltage V, will > vl Lo (A) lead the input voltage by an angle o-tan() (B) lead the input voltage by an angle 9 =tan-1(100) (C) lag behind the input voltage by an angle =tan-!{ & 9= tan (3) (D) lag behind the input voltage by an angle x = radian, [ Please Turn Over | 16-1 47, Asignalof frequency 20kHzis being digitalized by an A/D converter. A possible sampling time which can be used is (A) 25 ps (B) 100 ps (©) 40 ps (D) 60 ps 48. The decimal equivalent ofhexadecimal B2F8 is (A) 40968 (B) 45808 (©) 46816 (D) 45816 49, The following Boolean expression Fra ath hea simplifies to (A) °F ay Hy ®) 47% (©) 4 ay" 05° (D) 4 Hea 50. ‘To obtain a first order diffraction peak for a crystalline solid with interplane distance equal to wavelength of incident X-ray radiation, the angle of incidence with the normal should be (A) 90° (B) 0° (© 30° (D) 60° xXH0 51. A bridge rectifier is preferred over an ordinary full wave rectifier, because (A) it uses four diodes. (B) its transformer does not require a centre trap. (C) itneeds much smaller transformer for the same output. (D) ithas higher efficiency. 52. Inpenning gauge, the pressure P is related to the discharge current I via the relation (A) I= kP®; kis a constant (B) 1=kYP ; kis a constant (C) [= #P"; kis constant and» has a-value ranging between I+] — 1-2 (D) 1= kp"; kis aconstant and n has a value ranging between 2-2 — 2-3 53. Which of the following is an absolute gauge? (A) Knudsen gauge (B) Pirani gauge {C) Tonisation gauge (D) Mcleod gauge 54. Which of the following functions may be fitted with experimental data using the technique of linear least square fit? (A) fi) = aye +d, 2 B) fy2)=¢ sin) ©) AO)=4x" () fs) = tang) 55. The wavefunction of a state of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with angular frequency @ is given by y = Wy +2y;, where Wo and y, are the ground state and the first excited state respectively. The expectation value of the energy in the state y is Sh a) he (B) Ene 7 (C) he © pho ©) She 5 XH 56. In estimating a physical quantity 7 =!" ,4g32 one measures the variables m, P, x and d. Ina given observation relative errorsin these quantities are 0-010, 0-030, 0-025 and 0-020 respectively. What will be the maximum proportional error in measurement of 7? (A) 17% (B) 5% © 1% (D) 85% 57. A mineral consists of a cubic close packed structure formed by O* ions where halfofthe octahedral voids are occupied by AI* and one-eighth of the tetrahedral voids are occupied by Mn®*. The chemical formula of the mineral is (A) Mn,A1,0, (B) MnAl,0, (©) Mnal,o, () Mn,A1,0, 58. Asolidcontains Nspin-half magnetic atoms. At sufficiently high temperatures, the atoms are randomly oriented, while at sufficiently low temperatures, they are perfectly aligned. The heat capacity is given by Tr c= o(E-)} Ty ST S3T 0. otherwise where C, and T, are constants, Determine the maximum value of C, Niky [n2 2-In3 Niky In2 In3 Niky In3 2 2Nky Ind 2+In3 ) (B) © (D) 16-11 59. A system uses a 12bit word to represent the input signal. If the maximum peak to peak voltage at the output is set for 4V, then the typical value for the step size will be (A) 48nV (B) 976nV (C) 4096nV (D) 720nV 60. The short wavelength cut-off of the continuous X-ray spectrum from a nickel target is 0-0825nm, The voltage required to be applied on an X-ray tube is (A) O15 kV (B) 1-5 kV (©) 1SkV (D) 150 kV 61. A thermal neutron having speed v impinges on a35qynucleus, The reaction cross-section is proportional to (A) vt (B) v © Ww 62. The approximate force exerted on a perfectly reflecting mirror by an incident laser beam of power 10mW at normal in: (A) 10" N (B) 10"'N (©) 10°N (D) 107°N 63. A circular loop of radius R, carries a uniform line charge density A. The electric field calculated at a distance z directly above the centre of the loop, is maximum if z is equal to “ [ Please Turn Over | 16-1 64. A charge-+q is kept at a distance of 2R from the centre of a grounded conducting sphere of radius R The image charge and its distance from the centre respectively, are (a) +f and ® & (®) -qand F © ~$ ana @ () -f and z 65. The capacitance of two concentric spherical metal shells, with radii a and b is, ate ana as B) 4re < (©) 4ne, [Inb-Ina] 1 ©) Gq [ino-Ina] X12 66. Two spherical cavities, of radii a and b, are hollowed out from the interior ofa (neutral) conducting sphere of radius R. At the centre of each cavity a point charge is placed—called these charges +g, and +45, Find the surface charge density 6,, 6, and op. ~ Sv ® (GS Ma} oo (A) (B) © Yo % ©) 6, 5 Aneya? Aneyb? fate aneyR? 67. A long cylindrical conductor of radius R and 6 = carries a current I= [y sinot. The conduction current density J(r)[for r > R]is © ©) 68. A diffraction grating used at normal incidence gives a green line (540nm) at a certain order super- imposed on a violet line (40Snm) of the next higher order. If the angle of diffraction be 30°, the number of lines per em on the grating is (A) 4065 (B) 4051 (C) 4025 (D) 3086 69. The input V; to the following circuit is a square ‘wave as shown in the following figure. V, WN wa ny vi > 4 PE . (0, 0) >t T° Which of the waveforms is the best suitable output? %, (a) | 0.0) - Ta aT sia (B) \ \ Oem st © 00 yh () Ti J ane XH3 16-0 70. A tong straight wire carrying a uniform line charge density 2, is surrounded by rubber insulation out to a radius R. The electric displacement at a distance r (r> 0) from the axis of the wire is 71. An observer in an inertial frame finds that at a point P, the electric field vanishes but the magnetic field does not. This implies that in any other inertial frame, the electric field E and the magnetic field B satisfy 72. A large spherical soap film of thickness d has a 4 refractive index 5. A narrow beam of yellow light (2.=6400A) is incident on the film at an angle of 30°. What is the value of d for which a constructive second order interference would occur for the reflected wave? (A) 3900 (B) 5200A (©) 4800A (D) ss00A [ Please Turn Over | 16-1 73, x-z plane is the interface between two dielectric media, An electromagnetic wave with electric field vector E=£ysin(ky-ot)k is incident on this interface. Then which of the following statements is true? (A) The electric fields in the incident and transmitted wavesare in the opposite phase. (B) Themagnetic field in the transmitted wave is along é direction. (©) The magnetic field in the incident and the reflected waves are in the same phase. (D) The electric field in the reflected wave is along j direction. 74. Suppose a 4 dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator is in third excited state. The degeneracy of the state is (A) 20 (B) 36 (©) 24 (D) 10 75. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave is given by E =3sin(kz—t)i+4cos (ke—or) 7. The wave is (A) linearly polarised at an angle tan with the X-axis. (B) linearly polarised at an angle tan with the X-axis. (C) elliptically polarisedin clockwise direction and itis travelling towards the observer. (D) elliptically polarised in counter clockwise direction and it is travelling towards the observer x4 76. ‘Two homonuclear diatomic molecules produce identical rotational spectra, even though the atoms are known to have different chemical properties. From this one can conclude that (A) the atoms are isotopes with same atomic number. (B) the atoms are isobars with same atomic weight. (C) the rotational spectra depend only on the electronic configuration, (D) the inter-atomic separation is smaller for the heavier molecule. 77. A particle of mass m has a wavefunetion satisfying the Schrédinger equation with a potential V(r)=K (7) +1 %(r), where r, (r) andr (r) are real functions, From this one can conclude that (A) the particle is in a bound state. (B) the particle camnot be in an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian (C) the particle is ina state which decays with time (D) the particle cannot have stationary states. 78. In computing the splitting of spectral lines ina weak magnetic field the Landé g-factor arises because of le (A) Pauli exclusion prin (B) Spin-orbit coupling (C) Larmor precession (D) Relativistic corrections 79. A quantum particle is moving in one dimension under the influence of a symmetric potential V(x)=V(-x) IPV (x) ofthe following functions may bea valid wavefunction of the ground state of this particle? (A) Nexp(-yx) (B) Nexp(-1x") © Nexo(-hi) (@) Ne exp(-v?) xXHS 80. Consider a one dimensional free particle, for which the Hamiltonian commutes with the momentum operator, Which of the following statements is false? (A) All energy eigenfunctions are eigenfunctions of momentum too. (B) All momentum eigenfunctions are eigenfunctions of Hamiltonian too. (C) The position operator does not commute with the Hamiltonian, (D) The position uncertainty of a momentum eigenfunction is infinite 81. A particle is confined in a one dimensional box between x =~ a tox = +a and is in its ground state Suddenly the walls of the box are shifted to x = + 2a. ‘The probability that the particle is now at the first excited state of the new potential is at As (B) 05 (©) 02 (D) zero 82. A quantum mechanical Harmonic oscillator is in the state |y)with angular frequency (w). For v2 2 =~ lo)+ 22 |r \v)= 20) +72 py energy of the system is (A) 2:03 to (B) 053 ho (©) 256 to (D) None of the above GP) Fe fp) the average 83. ‘The Hamiltonian for an N-state system is given x by H=Ey > |k)(i). |k) and | 7) are orthonormal k basis vectors. The energy eigenvalues £, are givenby Oj=beN=1 N-1 16-0 84, A particle of mass m is in the ground state of a 1d-harmonic oscillator potential of angular frequency @. The entire system is placed in the centre ofa 1d-box - i of length «/-" . The ground state energy (A) decreases. (B) increases. (C) remains unchanged. (D) splits into two energy levels. 85. If V, is the stopping potential of the photocurrent /, generated by shining a light beam of, frequency v to a metal surface then which of the following statements is true? (A) Veincreases by increasing /. (B) V, decreases by increasing I (C) Ve increases by increasing v. (D) Vcis independent of v 86, Five non-interacting identical spin = particles arein the one-dimensional harmonic oscillatorpotential mo x . The groundstate energy ofthe system (B) Sho ©) She (©) Sho 87. Two angular momenta £; and [2 are added to form J =) +2. Ifthe eigenstates of Z),2 aredenoted by|ham2) and those of J as |j,mj), then |j.m;)cannot be written as a direct product |41, m,)®|-p, my) because (A) J, does not commute with L;, and Ly, (B) 7? does not commute with J, (C)_ J? does not commute with Ly, and Ly, (D) J, does not commute with Z,? and L,? | Please Turn Over | 16-11 88. A particle of mass m is trapped in an infinite, quantum well of width Z. The expectation value of its momentum in the third excited state is (A) Infinity x (B) L (©) Zero @) & 89. Consider the free energy as a function of order parameter M rr P(Mr)=n 202), bay! The discontinuity of specific heat at 7, is 2 M+ w 2 B) -o 2 OF 2 o 90. Suppose an ideal gas is having a transition following VP* = const. equation. Initial temperature and volume of the gas are T'and V’ respectively. If the gas expands to 27Y, then the temperature will become (A) 97 (B) 277 o 2 Os @)T 91. A rubber band is stretched up to I+ times of its original length isothermally, its entropy will be (A) increased by 1-1 times. (B) increased by 0-1 times. (©) same. (D) decreased by 0-1 times. xXH6 92. An ensemble of N three level systems with energies F =—t9,0 and +e isin thermal equilibrium at temperature 7. At high temperature, the free energy is approximately (x =e) (A) -NKgT x? 2 (B) -NK,T [m2 + =| 2 (© -NK,T |r| (D) -NKgT In3 93. N identical fermions occupy N+ 2 states in 28 different ways, The value of Nis (A) 12 (B) 10 Os (D) 6 94. The thermodynamic relation expressing T ds equation is eP ‘A) Tds=CydT -T| —) dV “ " (), dV a | Je | (B) Tds= car er{% ( ( (©) Tds=C,ar-7| gle le (D) Tds=CyaT +7 ww T 95, 540 gm of ice at 0°C is mixed with 540 gm of water at 80°C. The resultant temperature of the mixture would be (A) 0c (B) 30°C (©) 80°C (D) 40°C XH7 96. What is the minimum attainable pressure of an ideal gas in the process given by T= a+bV?? (A) vab (B) Rab (©) 2R ab la ©) nf 97. According to Debye theory, the phonon mode of density for two-dimensional solid will vary with frequency(@) as Ao (B) o Ow (D) o! 98. In case of Bose-Einstein condensation (A) number of particles increase in lower energy levels at low temperature and high pressures (B) number of particles decreases in lower energy levels at low temperatures and high pressures. (©) number of particles increase in lower energy levels at high temperatures and low pressures. (D) number of particles decreases in lower energy levels at high temperatures and low pressures. 16-1 99. The density of a quantum system with two 20 microstates is given by ( ) Choose the correct option, 11 (a) (e.)=-4 (B) (o,)= © (e.) () (e,) 100. Consider a system of N weakly interacting particles at sufficiently high enough temperature 7, Suppose, the restoring force acting is proportional to x, then the heat capacity at temperature T will be 3 (A) Ke 3 (B) qhKe li (© 5 hKe 2 (D) yNKe 16-11 X18 Space for Rough Work x19 16-11 Space for Rough Work 16-11 x20 Space for Rough Work

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