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Republic of the Philippines

Mountain Province State Polytechnic College

Tadian, Mountain Province


A Portfolio Presented
to the Faculty of the Teacher Education Department

In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Technical and Vocational Teacher Education

Submitted by:
Emmanuel E. Gallido

Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education

Electrical Technology

Learning task 1, Attending face-to-face or Virtual orientation Sessions

After teaching the face-to-face/virtual sessions, list the expectations of the following in the
given matrix.


What do you need to What SKILLS do you What VALUES do you
KNOW in order to need to acquire to need to posses to
perform your task perform your task perform your task
efficiently? effectively? well?

College supervisor Our college The ability to adapt to Embracing a

supervisor expected different teaching commitment to
us to environments, continuous learning
know, understand the student needs, and and professional
curriculum and technological development to stay
lesson planning. advancements. updated on the latest
teaching methods and

Cooperating It is expected to us The ability to tailor Being flexible and

principal/school that we student instruction to meet able to adapt to the
head/master teacher teacher know, the diverse needs of changing educational
understand and students, including landscape and the
respect the diverse those with special diverse needs of
backgrounds, needs or learning students.
cultures difficulties.

Cooperating It is expected to us to The ability to guide Fostering creativity

Teacher(s) know the various and mentor students, and thinking of
assessment and lead by example, and unique ways to keep
evaluation methods to encourage success. students engaged in
measure student the learning process.
progress and identify
areas for
After reviewing the laws, policies and documents pertinent to Teaching Internship, Choose three
and write 1 important provision for that law or policy and state its application in your life as
practice teacher

Title of law or CHED policy/ Cite one important provision How will you apply this in
Department order your profession?
1. RA 4670 The Magna Act to promote and improve As a future teacher I’m
Carta for Public the social and economic grateful to know this kind of
Teachers status of public-school law for safeguarding teachers.
teachers, their living sand In return, I will use it wisely
working conditions, their and make sure that teaching
terms of employment and children for their own welfare
career /prospects in order is my utmost priority.
they may compare favorably
with existing opportunities in
other walks of life.

2. RA 10627 Anti Act requiring all elementary I need to set my example and
Bullying Act of 2013 and secondary school to it is my mandate to teach and
2.RA 10627 Anti adopt policies to prevent and remind all the students about
Bullying Act of 2013 address the acts of bullying in the effects of bullying
their institutions.

3. DepEd 40 s 2012 Promotes zero-tolerance As a teacher, I will give an

Child protection policy for any act of child equal right to all of my
policy abuse, exploitation, violence, students regardless of their
discrimination, bullying and age, race, sex, sexual
other related offenses. orientation, religion, social
religion, etc. to avoid any act
of offense that can harm the
life and welfare of them.

From among the five phases of Teaching Internship, which means to be difficult? Why?
Among the phases of Teaching Internship, the phase that seems to be difficult for me is
the phase 3(on site task). Preparing and demonstration of lesson where I will prepare the lessons
covered by the school curriculum even though I have gained experience from our school I still
need to enhance the way I teach where skills are being tested if I really know how to do moreover
it is more on hands on. Another one is the assessing the performance of every student where I
should understand the rubrics for each rating, it is challenging and I’m happy of my cooperating
teacher that he is very kind to help me in every task being assigned.
Writing my reflection

I can enjoy my teaching internship to the fullest by giving all the best I can in practice
teaching at the same time learning with the students befriend with them and having respect with
my cooperating teacher as he guides me in this journey of leaning. If times comes having
difficulties mentally and physically pray to God the strength and courage to overcome obstacles
that hinder our way.
2. RA 4670 The Magna
Carta for Public
Act to promote and improve
the social and economic
status of public-school
teachers, their living sand
working conditions, their
terms of employment and
career /prospects in order that
they may compare favorably
with existing opportunities in
other walks of life.
As a future teacher I’m
grateful to know this kind of
law for safeguarding teachers.
In return, I will use it wisely
and make sure that teaching
children for their own welfare
is my utmost priority.
3. DepEd 40 s 2012
Child protection
Promotes zero-tolerance
policy for any act of child
abuse, exploitation, violence,
discrimination, bullying and
other related offenses.
As a teacher, I will give an
equal right to all of my
students regardless of their
age, race, sex, sexual
orientation, religion, social
religion, etc. to avoid any act
of offense that can harm the
life and welfare of the
Performance Task 3(five phases)
Answer Only:
Among the phases of Teaching Internship, the phase that seems to be difficult for me is
the phase 3. In the phase 3, it is more on assisting my cooperating teacher in accomplishing
teaching-related task, checking of seat works and performance task and accomplishing school
forms, thus, it seems difficult for me, because some of the tasks, especially there are school
forms that are not familiar. Though it is challenging but, my Cooperating Teacher is very kind
and patient in coaching me to complete my tasks.
Writing my reflection:
Answer Only:
I can enjoy my Teaching Internship to the fullest by enjoying at the same time learning
with my students. In order to enjoy this journey, I need to befriend with my students but sure to
that there is respect between the teacher and the students. I need to give my best in all tasks
that I
will intend to do.

Paste pictures/screenshots of the orientation sessions that you have attended label them.
Orientation sessions in senior high school play a crucial role in helping students familiarize
themselves with the school environment, understand the academic and extracurricular
opportunities available, and connect with their peers and teachers. These sessions often include
activities to prepare students for success, such as making connections with other students,
learning about school policies, and getting to know the faculty and staff. The orientation day sets
the tone for the students' high school experience and can contribute to their sense of belonging
and readiness for the academic journey ahead. It is an opportunity for students to receive
important information about the school's expectations, support services, and resources, which
can help them navigate their way through the challenges of high school and make informed
decisions about their education and future.

2. RA 4670 The Magna

Carta for Public
Act to promote and improve
the social and economic
status of public-school
teachers, their living sand
working conditions, their
terms of employment and
career /prospects in order that
they may compare favorably
with existing opportunities in
other walks of life.
As a future teacher I’m
grateful to know this kind of
law for safeguarding teachers.
In return, I will use it wisely
and make sure that teaching
children for their own welfare
is my utmost priority.
3. DepEd 40 s 2012
Child protection
Promotes zero-tolerance
policy for any act of child
abuse, exploitation, violence,
discrimination, bullying and
other related offenses.
As a teacher, I will give an
equal right to all of my
students regardless of their
age, race, sex, sexual
orientation, religion, social
religion, etc. to avoid any act
of offense that can harm the
life and welfare of the
Performance Task 3(five phases)
Answer Only:
Among the phases of Teaching Internship, the phase that seems to be difficult for me is
the phase 3. In the phase 3, it is more on assisting my cooperating teacher in accomplishing
teaching-related task, checking of seat works and performance task and accomplishing school
forms, thus, it seems difficult for me, because some of the tasks, especially there are school
forms that are not familiar. Though it is challenging but, my Cooperating Teacher is very kind
and patient in coaching me to complete my tasks.
Writing my reflection:
Answer Only:
I can enjoy my Teaching Internship to the fullest by enjoying at the same time learning
with my students. In order to enjoy this journey, I need to befriend with my students but sure to
that there is respect between the teacher and the students. I need to give my best in all tasks
that I
will intend to d

Doing observation classes, Pre-observation and Post observation conferences

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