Cultural Diversity

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Think about it. What if every one of us on earth embraces cultural diversity?

There would be
more harmony, peace and unity.

Malaysia has experienced various conflicts and tensions related to religious

and ethnic differences, but outright wars solely due to religious reasons
have not been prevalent in the country's history. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic
and multi-religious country with a predominantly Muslim population.

However, there have been instances of inter-communal tensions and

sporadic incidents, particularly between the ethnic Malay-Muslim majority
and the ethnic Chinese and Indian communities, which have diverse
religious beliefs including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and others.

Historically, Malaysia has faced some religious and ethnic tensions, but
these have generally been managed through political and social means
rather than escalating into full-scale wars. The country's government has
often emphasized harmony and moderation among its diverse population,
enacting policies to promote religious tolerance and understanding.

It's important to note that while Malaysia has experienced conflicts related
to religion and ethnicity, these have typically been localized incidents or
tensions rather than full-blown wars based solely on religious differences.
The nation has generally managed to maintain a level of peace and stability
despite its diverse religious landscape.

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