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1 Warm up

Lots of people around the world bring a Christmas tree home in December to celebrate the holidays.

picture A picture B picture C

1. Say how the trees in the pictures are different.

2. Have you ever bought / Would you like to buy one of these?

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What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each type? Make some notes in the table.

advantages disadvantages

picture A

picture B

picture C

2 Reading comprehension

Compare your ideas from the Warm up with the information in the article.

Which Christmas Tree Do I Choose?

Picking what is the best for the planet

1. In countries around the world, many households put up some kind of Christmas tree every year. And these days,
when everyone is trying to make more sustainable choices, people are thinking very carefully about what type of
tree to get. In fact, it’s a bit of a dilemma.

2. There are several options. Of course, when we think of Christmas, we think of a real tree. Usually, these are grown
in special areas, and then cut down and sold in markets or shops in December. It’s also possible to buy real trees
growing in pots. Finally, there are artificial trees.

3. Real trees benefit the environment while they’re growing because they take up carbon dioxide (CO2) from
the atmosphere. However, when we throw the trees away, they put CO2 back into the environment, which
contributes to climate change. For example, a 6-foot real tree which is buried in the ground with other trash
releases 35.2 lbs of CO2. However, if the same tree is recycled by cutting it up into small chips, the amount of
CO2 it releases goes down to 7.7 lbs. It’s worth considering the impact of transport on CO2 as well. Cut trees take
up less space in a delivery van than potted trees and buying trees from local suppliers can make a big difference.

4. Lots of people are attracted to potted trees because they want to keep them to use the following year.
Although many believe that these trees will be replantable in their own gardens, the rate of success is quite low,

5. Finally, an artificial plastic tree is responsible for 88.1 lbs of CO2, and of course, won’t be recyclable. If you have
one of these, you should use it as long as possible to reduce the environmental damage caused by its production
and disposal. In the short term, an artificial tree may be more affordable, but, of course, in the long term, it’s not
a good choice.

6. In fact, it’s debatable whether any of these options are really satisfactory. If only there was another way ...


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Part A: Work in 1/2 pairs. Match the words in bold from the article with the meanings on your list.

Student 1

a. (v): causes something to enter the air or water

b. (n): groups of people who live together in one home

c. (adj.): not real, made by humans as a copy of something natural

d. (n): people who sell something or provide a service to businesses or

e. (n): the process of throwing something away or getting rid of it

Student 2

a. (n): a situation that involves making a difficult choice or decision

b. (n): a strong effect on something

c. (adj.): good enough for specific need

d. (phr. v): helps to produce a particular result

e. (adj.): next, the one after

Share your answers with your partner.

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Part B: Read the article again and underline or highlight the answers to these questions. Get ready to
respond in your own words.

1. What’s the best way to dispose of a real tree?

2. How are cut trees more environmentally friendly than trees growing in a pot?

3. What unexpected problem do people often have with trees growing in a pot?

4. How can you reduce the damage caused by artificial trees?

5. Can you think of any more satisfactory ways to supply Christmas trees?

3 Language in context
We often add the suffix -able to verbs to form adjectives meaning that it is possible to perform an
action. Find five examples in the article and use the context to explain what each one means.

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4 Listening comprehension
You are going to listen to a podcast about a new option for sustainable Christmas trees. Listen to the
whole recording and then say what this option is. Did you predict it?

Work in 1/2 pairs again. Can you remember why the words and phrases in your list were important
in the recording? Listen again to check.

Student 1

1. 30 million

2. zero

3. artificial snow

4. someone local

5. $45

6. 1 foot

Student 2

1. 3 weeks

2. heaters

3. birds, insects and animals

4. last year

5. $20

6. Holly

Share your answers with your partner.

• The recording contained another -able word. What was it and what does it mean?

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5 Activity
Choose one of these activities. Use vocabulary from the lesson where possible.

Activity 1: Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups. Give reasons and examples for your
answers and explore other points of view.

1. What type of tree would you choose – cut, potted, or artificial? Would you buy or rent a tree?
Give reasons for your answer.
2. These days, homemade tree decorations are also popular. Can you think of some different types?
Explain how to make them.
3. There are lots of traditional ways that people use other plants to decorate their homes at Christmas.
Can you think of any examples?
4. Think of some tips for more sustainable Christmas celebrations. Consider food and drink, gifts and
wrapping paper and holiday travel.
5. In some countries, like Australia, Christmas comes during the summer. What difference do you
think this makes to the celebrations?

Activity 2: A provider of rented Christmas trees wants to advertise their business. Create a poster or
webpage that explains what they do and why people might want to rent a tree instead of buying one.
Include details of the service.

Activity 3: Imagine that you have tried renting a Christmas tree for the first time. Share your experiences
via social media, explaining why you rented a tree and what you liked or didn’t like about doing this.
Would you recommend renting to anyone?

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6 Optional extension
Read the article and answer the questions.

December Decisions
Your guide to selecting the ideal holiday tree

1. So, you’ve got a plan – you’re going for a real tree this year. Decision made, right? Not so fast! You also have
to consider what species of real tree to get. There are actually around fifty types of firs, or evergreen trees with
needles instead of leaves, but only a few of those are commercially grown for Christmas. And each one is slightly

2. One popular type is called the Norway spruce. This is the one that gives off a super pine-y smell that really makes
you feel like it’s Christmas. Smaller ones will be happy in a pot, so you may even be able to rent one.

3. The Nordmann fir, on the other hand, is not going to do well in a pot, so you’ll have to have a cut tree if you want
one of these. Its main selling point is that it doesn’t drop its needles all over the carpet. Its classic A-shape and
well-spaced branches make it a joy to decorate.

4. If you want something a bit different, try the Blue Spruce. As the name suggests, it has an attractive silver-blue
coloring. However, the needles on this tree can be very sharp to handle or step on.

5. Finally, the Lodgepole pine has a lot to offer: a good shape, a fresh pine smell, and softer needles. It’s a great
choice for rooms with high ceilings.


Which is the best choice for each group? Give reasons for your answer.

1. Someone who lives in a castle?

2. A household with a dog or cat?

3. Someone who is worried about climate change?

4. A family with kids?

5. An older person who finds it difficult to move around?

Which type of Christmas tree would you choose and why?

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