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Paper. B operating System 2005

1. Which of the following is a TCP/IP protocol used to download website?

a. HTTP b. SMTP c. FTP d. PO

2. A protocol that includes the network layer information and can be forwarded is referred to as which
of following?

a. Routable b. Binding c. switching ` d. Token passing

3. __device is used in digital transmission to regenerate the signals.

a. amplifier b. repeater c. multiplexer d. modem

4. Which of following function is performed at network layer?

a. logical addressing b. routing c. both a & b d. none of them

5. in the ____ layer, the data unit is called segment

a. physical b. data link c. network d. transport

6. Which of following is false about dual mode protection

a. At startup, the hardware starts up in supervisor mode.

b. When system call is occurred, the system is transferred to the user mode.
c. A bit is provided in the hardware to indicate the mode of operation.
d. The user can access memory in user mode.
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

7. Which of following is not include in disk speed

a. Transfer rate b. Seek time c. Rotational latency d. Processing time
8. Which of the following is not a hardware protection

a. Dual mode protection b. Device protection c. CPU protection d. Memory protection

9. Which of the following is true about memory protection

a. Memory is protected in privileged mode.

b. CPU protects the memory by checking the reference in between the limits
c. Operating system protects the memory by checking the reference in between the limits
d. Both b & c
10. Which of the following is not a privileged instruction?
a. Reading data from HDD b. Writing data to HDD
c. Changing mode of operation d. Job clearing its assigned memory

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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1. At track ball requires frequent cleaning because it pick up oil from fingers and dust from the
2. One Giga means one million
3. A chip-for-chip upgrade requires you to remove the existing processor chip and replace it with a
new one.
4. The translation look aside buffer is a software data structure that supports the virtual memory
address translation operation.
5. An I/O port typically consists of four registers.
6. Many operating systems uses interrupt mechanism for virtual memory paging, a page fault
exception that raises interrupt.
7. The controller can be hold to replace each bad sector logically with one of the spare sectors is called
8. The size of page in Window NT is 4kb.
9. A variety of disk-organization techniques, collectively called redundant arrays of inexpensive disk,
are commonly used to address the performance are reliability issues.
10. The process in a distributes system may vary in size and function. They may include small
microprocessors, workstations, minicomputers and large general purpose computer system.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
True False False True True True False True True True


1. When time slice of a running process ends, it moves to blocked state.

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2. Round robin algorithm has less response time then first come first serve.

3. A system in which resources can be pre-empted can be prevented from deadlock.

4. Amount of internal fragmentation in best fit partition select on algorithm is less than that

of worst fit.

5. Hit ratio is ratio of number of running processes to number of idle process.

6. Access list of a file contains address of memory that a file can access.

7. Error detection and control is function of data link layer.

8. LAN card is used to encode digital data to digital signal.

9. Frequency of signal S = 4 sin (4πt + 4) is 4.

10. Communication between a computer and the keyboard is half duplex.

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
False False True True False True False False True True


1. Round Robin algorithm for CPU scheduling is a preemptive algorithm.

2. The average period of time it takes a process to execute is turnaround time.

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3. System with very small page table use associative memory (or Transition Look Aside buffer)

4. Wait and signal are atomic instructions.

5. Whenever a process is in unsafe stat it mean that the process is deadlocked

6. When we compare computational times first fit partition selection algorithm is better than best

fit partition selection algorithm .

7. Shortest job first algorithm may cause starvation.

8. If requested page is not in the memory page fault occurs.

9. User interface is provided in data link layer of OSI model.

10. In mesh topology every device has a point to point link with every other device.

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
True True False True False True True True False True


1. A cooperation process is one that shares information with or controls the sequence of instruction

executed by another process

2. Test and set instruction is not executed atomically.

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3. Binary semaphore is a semaphore whose count may only take on the value 1 or 0.

4. Overlaying does not allow a process to execute despite the system having insufficient physical


5. In preemptive scheduling a process retained control of the CPU until the process blocked or


6. Wasted space within a partition is called external fragmentation.

7. Bus topology requires a multipoint connection.

8. Security and privacy are less issue for devices in a mesh topology.

9. LAN is a data communication system within a building or campus or between nearby buildings.

10. The transport layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a physical


Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
True False True False False False False False True False


1. The Internet has its roots into a network that became functional in 1969, linking scientific
and academic researchers across the United States is
2. Fiber-optic cables have all of the following advantages over cables that use wire except
a. Lower cost and easier installation and modification b. Faster data transmission and
smaller size

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b. Less susceptible to noise from other devices d. Better security for signals during
3. Which of the following OSI layer performs the function of encoding and decoding?
a. Network b. Data Link c. Presentation d. Transport
4. Which of the following OSI layer is closest to the transmission medium?
a. Transport b. Physicals c. Data Link d. Network
5. Which topology requires a central controller or hub?
a. Mesh b. Star c. Bus d.Ring
6. Swap instruction is executed atomically
a. True b. False
7. A process is in running state if it is waiting for some events to occur before it can continue
a. True b. False
8. In non preemptive scheduling the scheduler may preempt a process before it blocks or
a. True b. False
9. First-Come-first served algorithm is non preemptive
a. True b. False
10. Round robin is used extensively in time sharing systems.
a. True ` b. False Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. A process is in a _________ state, if that process has halted its execution but a record od the
process is still maintained by the operation system.
a. Running b. Ready c. Blocked d. Terminate
2. On a system that uses simple paging, memory is divided into fixed-size blocks called page
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
3. A process is in a _______ state, if that process has been created but will not be considered for
loading into memory or for execution.

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a. Running b. Exit c. Held d. Terminate

4. The number of processes the system can execute is a period of time is called: throughput of a
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
5. A process is in a _________ state, if it is executing on a CPU.
a. Running b. Exit c. Held d. Terminate
6. The _________ model shows how the network functions of a computer ought to be organized.
a. ITU-T b. OSI c. ISO d. ANSI
7. As the data packet moves from the lower to the upper layers, headers are__________
a. Added b. Subtracted c. Rearranged d. Modified
8. Layer 2 lies between the physical layer and the _________ layer.
a. Network b. Data link c. Transport d. Presentation
9. A tree topology is a variation of a ___________ topology.
a.. Mesh b. Star c. Transport d. Ring
10. A television broadcast is an example of ___________ transmission.
a. Simplex b. Half-duplex c. Full-duplex d. Half- Simplex

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. Which of the following scheduler is invoked most frequently?
a. Long term scheduler c. Medium term scheduler
b. Short term scheduler d. None of them
2. The ______ replacement algorithm is a combination of the FIFO and NRU algorithms
a. Second chance b. N_FIFO c. FIFO-RU d. First chance
3. In a batch environment a new process is created in response to the submission of a job.
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
4. Which of the following scheduler control the degree of multiprogramming?

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a. Long term scheduler c. Medium term scheduler

b. Short term scheduler d. None of them

5. A procces is a running state if it is not allocated to a CPU but is ready to run.

a. True b) False c. Statement is not clear

6. Wasted space with in a partition is called__________ .

a. Internal Fragmentation c. Wasted partition

b. Internal partition d. Wasted Fragmentation

7. A ___________ is the communication pathway that transfer data from one devise to another.

a. Node b. Link c. Point d. None of them

8. A cable in a______________ topology stops all transmition.

a. Mesh b. Bus c. Star d. Primary

9.The OSI model consists of __________ layers.

a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d. None of them

10. In _______ transmission, the channel capacity is shared by both communicating device at all times.

a. Simplex b. Half-duplex c. Full-duplex d. Half- Simplex

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. A process of that set of instructions brought to life, a dynamic entity perfuming actions as
prescribed by the code.
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
2. In the__________ layer the data unit is called a frame.
a. Physical b. Data link c. Network d. Transport
3. On interactive systems, the average time it takes the system to start responding to the user
inputs is called __________.

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a. Response Time b. Turnaround time c. Wait time d. Statement is not

4. A process is in a____________.
a. Running b. Exit c. Held d. Terminate
5. A tree topology is a variation of a __________.
a. Mesh b. Star c. Bus d. Ring
6. On a system that uses simple paging memory is divided into fixed-size blocks called page
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
7. A ___________ is a data communication system with in a building , plants or campus or
between nearby building.
a. Local area network (LAN) c. Metropolitan area network (MAN)
b. Wide area network (WAN) d. None of them
8. _____________ is a made of glass and plastic and transmits signals in the form of light.
a. Optical Fiber b. Coaxial Cable c . Twisted Pair d. All of them
9. Waste space with in a portion is called__________
a. Internal Fragmentation c. Wasted partition
b. Internal partition d. None of them
10. A__________ operating system provides minimal functionality since it need not worry about
the complications of sharing resources with multiple processes .
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

a. Time shared b. Batch c. Real-Time d. Disturbed

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. Which layer is responsible for process to process delivery?
a. Network Layer b .Transport Layer c. Session Layer d. Data Link Layer

2. Transmission data rate is decided by………………………

a. Network Layer b. Physical Layer c. Transport Layer d. Data Link Layer

3. Computer Network is
a. Collection of hardware components and computers. c. Interconnected by communication channels
b. Sharing of resources and information d. All of the above.

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4. Which of the following OSI layers correspond to TCP/IP’s application layer?

a. Application b .Presentation c. Session d. All of them.

5. The time taken by the risk arm to locate the specific address of a sector of getting information is
a. Rotational Latency b. Seek Time c. Search Time d. Response Time.

6. Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and the L/O
devices busy?
a. Time sharing b. Spooling c. Preemptive scheduling d. Multiprogramming.

7. Inter process communication can be done through___________.

a. Mails b. Messages c. System calls d. Traps

8. PCB =
a. Program Control Block b. Process Control Block c. Process Communication Block d. None of them

9. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to ______.

a. Command Resources b. Manage Resources c. Provide Utilities d. Be user friendly

10. Which of the following is a criterion to evaluate a scheduling algorithm?

a. CPU Utilization: Keep CPU utilization as high as possible.
b. Throughput: number of processes completed per unit time.
c. Waiting time: Amount of time spent ready to run but not running.
d.. All of the above. Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. Process is _________.

a. A program in execution c. The entity that can be assigned to and executed

b. An instance of a program running on a computer d. All above

2. A process is in a _____state if the process has been created but will not be considered for loading into
memory or for execution.

a. Running b. Exit c. Held d. Terminate

3. A tree topology is a variation of a _________ topology.

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a. Mesh b. Star c. Bus d. Ring

4. On a system that uses simple paging, memory is divide into fixed size blocks called page frame.

a. true b. false c. statement is not clear

5. On some system when a parent process terminates all its children terminated a process known as
a. Cascading termination b. Dependent termination c. Auto termination d. Inner termination
6. If all processes selected by long term scheduler are I/O bound then the device queue will almost
always be empty.

a. true b. false c. statement is not clear

7. The list of pages accessed by a process is called its .................................

a. Table b. Reference string c. Allocation string d. Table partitioning

8. Which of the following is not a transmission mode?

a. Simplex b. Half duplex c. Semi duplex d. Full duplex

9. Coaxial cable carries signal of higher frequency ranges than ....... cable

a. twisted-pair b. Optical fiber c. Twisted fiber d. Fiber pair

10. LED stands for __________

a. Light emission diode b. Laser crystal diode c. Light exile direction d. Laser emitting direction
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. Which of the following schedule is involved most frequently
a. Long term scheduler c. Medium Term Scheduler
b. Short term scheduler d. None of them
2. The ……………….. replacement algorithm is a combination of the FIFO and NRU algorithm
a. Second Chance b. NFIFO c. FIFO-RU d. First chance
3. In a batch environment a new process is created in response to the submission of a job
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
4. A process is in a running state, if it is not allocated to a CPU but it is ready to run
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
5. Which of the following scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming?

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a. Long term scheduler c. Medium Term Scheduler

b. Short term scheduler d. None of them
6. On a system that uses simple paging, memory is divided into fixed size blocks is called page
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
7. The number of processes the system can execute in a period of time is called throughput of a
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
8. The …………………….. layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium.
a. Physical b. Data link c. Network d. Transport
9. Coaxial cable carries signals of higher frequency ranges than ………………… cable
a. Twisted-pair b. Optical Fiber c. Twisted fiber d. Fiber pair
10. Which of the following is not a transmission mode?
a. Simplex b. Half-duplex c. Semi-duplex d. Full-duplex

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

OPERATING SYSTEM 2017 (New pattern )

1. The short term process scheduler is also called :-
a. Swapper b. dispatcher c. threads
2. A cable break in a ___________ topology stop all the transmission .
a. Mesh b. Bus c. star d. primary
3. A process is that set of instructions brought to life , dynamic entity performing actions as
prescribed by the code .
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
4. On instructive systems , the average time it takes the system to start responding to user inputs
is called _____________.
a. Response time b. Medium Term Scheduler c. Wait time d. none of them
5. Round robin (R.R) is preemptive process scheduling algorithm .
b. True b. False c. Statement is not clear

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6. Which topology features a point – to –point line configuration ?

a. Mesh b. Ring c. star d. All of them
7. In the _______________ layer , the data unit is called a frame .
b. Physical b. Data link c. Network d. Transport
8. A _____________ process is one that shares information with or control the sequence of
instructions executed by another process .
a. Share b. integrating c. cooperating d. binding
9. Which dialog control is a function of the ___________ layer .
a. Transport b. session c. presentation d. Application
10. Shortest Job First (SJF) is non – preemptive scheduling algorithm.
a. True b. False c. statement is not clear

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

OPERATING SYSTEM 2017 (Old pattern)

1. In _____ transmission , the channel capacity is shared by both communicating devices at all
time .
a. Simplex b. full duplex c. half duplex d. half simplex

2. Waste space with a partition is called ______________.

a. Internal fragmentationb. External fragmentation c. waste partition d. internal partition
3. One method for reducing internal fragmentation is to use partition of different size
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
4. A process is in a ____ state , if it is waiting for some event to occur before it continuous
executing .
a. Reedy b. Running c. blocked d. Terminate
5. On interactive system , the average time it takes the system to start responding to user input
is called ______.

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a. Response time b. Turnaround time c. wait time d. None of

6. When a process is created , the operating system must be create a PCB for that process
b. True b. False c. statement not clear
7. A _____________ process is one that shares information with or control the sequence of
instructions executed by another process .
a. Share b. Integrating c. Cooperating d. binding
8. Multipoint line configuration is also called __________.
a. Point – to – Point configuration c. point – to - Point configuration
b. Multi – attributes configuration d. multi –connection configuration
9. ______________ is made of glass or plastic and transmits the data in the form of light .
a. Optical fiber b. coaxial cable c. optical fiber d. All of them
10. A____________ is a data communication system covering an area the size of a town / city .

a. Local Area network (LAN) c. Wide Area Network (WAN)

b. Metropolitan Area Network d. None of them

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Operating System 2017 supplementary

1. Moving Process from main memory to disk is called ___________.
A. Scheduling B. Caching C. Swapping D. Spooling
2. A process is a victim of ......... if it becomes stuck in a scheduling queue indefinitely.
A. Turnaround B. Starvation C. Page Fault D. Segmentation
3. Which of the following is contained in Process Control Block (PCB)?
A. Process Number B. List of Open files
C. Memory Limits D. All of them
4. The OSI model consists of ______ layers.
A. Three B. Five C. Seven D. Eight
5. Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ............ transmission.
A) Simplex B) Half-duplex C) Full-duplex D) Automatic
6. A thread is a flow of execution through the process’s code, with its own program counter, system
registers and stack.
A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear
7. Which one of the following is not true?
A) Kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system

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B) Kernel is the first part of operating system to load into memory during booting
C) Kernel is made of various modules which cannot be loaded in Tuning operating system
D) Kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
8. Coaxial cable carries signals of higher frequency ranges than ............... cable
A) Twisted-pair B) Optical Fiber C) Twisted Fiber D) Fiber Pair
9. What is the meaning of Bandwidth in Network?
A). Transmission capacity of a communication channels
B). Connected Computers in the Network
C). Class of IP used in Network
D). None of Above
10. Which topology features a point-to-point line configuration?
A) Mesh B)Ring C) Star D) All of them

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

Operating system 2018 Annual

1. PCB=
a. Program Control Block c. Process Control Block
b. Process Communication Block d. None of them
2. The Primary job of the operating system of a computer is to_______
a. Command Resources c. Manage Resources
b. Provide utilities d. Be user’s friendly
3. Which of the following scheduler is invoked most frequently?
a. Long term scheduler c. Medium term scheduler
b. Short term scheduler d. None of the above
4. Which of the following is a criterion to evaluate a scheduling algorithm?
a. CPU Utilization: keep CPU utilization as high as possible.
b. Throughput: number of processes completed per unit time.
c. Waiting time: Amount of time spent ready to run but not running.
d. All of the above
5. The ______ replacement algorithm is a combination of the FIFO and NRU algorithms.
a. Second chance c. N-FIFO

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b. FIFO-RU d. First Chance

6. Which of the following scheduler controls the degree of multiprogramming?
a. Long term scheduler c. Medium term scheduler
b. Short term scheduler d. All of the above
7. A cable break in a ______ topology stops all transmission.
a. Mesh c. Bus
b. Star d. Primary
8. The OSI model consists of ______ layers.
a. Three c. Five
b. Six d. None of them
9. Transmission data rate is decided by _________
a. Network layer c. Physical layer
b. Transport layer d. Data link layer
10. Which of the following OSI layers correspond to TCP/IP’s application layers?
a. Application c. Presentation
b. Session d. All of them

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

Operating system 2018 supplementary

1. Wasted space within a partition is called ________ .
A) Internal Fragmentation B) Wasted Partition
C) Internal Partition D) Wasted Fragmentation
2. ________ transmission, the channel capacity is shared by both communicating devices at all
A) Simplex B) Half-duplex C) Full-duplex D) Half-simplex

3. Ina batch environment a new process is created in response to the submission of a job
A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear

4. The physical communication pathway that transfers data from-one device to another.
A) Node B) Link C) Point D) None of them
5. A process is in a Running state, if it is not allocated to a CPU but is ready to run.
A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear
6. Which layer links the network support layers and user support layers?
A) Session layer B) Data link layer
C) Transport layer D) Network layer
7. In______ OS, the response time is very critical.
A) Multitasking B) Batch C) Online D) Real-time

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8. Which OSI layer provides the services to user?

A) Application B) Session C) Presentation D) Data Link

9. Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and
the I/O devices busy?
A) Time-sharing B) Spooling C) Preemptive scheduling D) Multiprogramming
10. An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of minimizing the average waiting time of a
given set of processes is __ .
A) FCFS scheduling algorithm B) Round robin scheduling algorithm
C) Shortest job- first scheduling algorithm D) None of the above

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

Operating System Supplementary 2019

1. In ____ transmission, the channel capacity is shared by both communicating devices all the
time .
A) Simplex B) Half-duplex C) Full-duplex D) Halt-simplex
2. Which of the following scheduler is invoked on an 1/O interrupt
A) Long term scheduler B) Medium term scheduler
C) Short term scheduler D) None of them
3. One method for reducing internal fragmentation is to use partitions of different sizes.
A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear
4. On interactive systems, the average time it takes the system to start responding to user
inputs is Called______.
A) Response time B) Turnaround time C) Wait time D) None of them
5. When a process is created, the operating system must create a PCB for that process.
A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear
6. A______ process is one that shares information with or controls the sequence of instructions
executed by another process.
A) Shared B) Integrating C) Cooperating D) Binding
7. An interrupt is an event generated by the CPU and control goes to the Operating

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A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear

8. Multipoint Line configuration is also called.
A) Point to Point Line configuration B) Multi-drop Line configuration
C) Multi-Attribute Line configuration D) Multi-Connection Line configuration
9. ________ made of glass or plastic and transmits signals in form of light.
A) Optical Fiber B) Coaxial Cable C) Optical Fiber D) All of them
10. A_______data communication system covering an area the size of a town or city
A) Local Area Network (LAN) B) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
C) Wide Area Network (WAN) D) None of them

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Operating System 2019 Annual

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. Which of the following Not a transmission mode.

A. Simplex B. Semi Duplex C. Half Duplex D. Full Duplex

2. A process is in a Running state, if it is not allocated to a CPU but is ready to run,

A. True B. False C. Statement is not clear
3. A ______process is one that shares information with or controls the sequence of instructions
executed by another process.
A. Shared B. Cooperating C. Immigrating D. Binding
4. The______ replacement algorithm is a combination of the FIFO and NRU algorithms,
A. Second Chance B. FIFO-RU C. N-FIFO D. First Chance
5. A______ is the physical communication pathway that transfers data from one
device to another.
A. Node B. Point C. Link D. None of them
6. A cable break in _______ topology stops all transmission.
A. Mesh B. Star C. Bus D. Primary

7. An interrupt is an event generated by the CPU and control goes to the Operating
A. True B. False C. Statement is not clear
8. Round Robin (RR) is preemptive process scheduling algorithm.

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A. True B. False C. Statement is not clear

9. Coaxial cable carries signals of higher frequency ranges than _____cable
A. Twisted-pair B. Twisted Fiber C. Optical Fiber D. Fiber Pair
10. LED stands for ______________.
A. Light emitting diode B. Light exile direction
C. Laser exiting diode D. Laser emitting direction

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Operating system 2020

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. The System average period of time which it takes a process to execute is called a ...
A) Response time B) Turn round time C) Wait time D) None of them
2. In bus topology, there is a single cable to which all the network nodes are connected. So,
whenever a node tries to send a message or data to other nodes, this data passes through all
other nodes in the network.
A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear
3. This layer is an addition to OSI model when compared with TCP IP model
A) Application layer B) Presentation layer
C) Session layer D) Both Session and Presentation layer
4. The functionalities of presentation layer includes
A) Data compression B) Data encryption
C) Data description D) All of them
5. Information about a process is maintained in a
A) Stack B) Translation Look aside Buffer
C) Process Control Block D) Program Control Block
6. The state of a process is defined by:
A) The final activity of the process B) The activity just executed by the process
C) The activity to next be executed by the process D) The current activity of the process
7. Ina time-sharing operating system, when the time slot given to a process is completed, the
process goes from the running state to the:
A) Blocked state B) Ready state C) Suspended state D) Terminated state

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8. Encryption and decryption are functions of

A) Transport layer B) Session layer C) Presentation layer D) None of them
9. In computer networks, the data from the application layer is sent to the transport layer and is
converted to segments. These segments are then transferred to the network layer and these
are called packets. These packets are then sent to data link layer where they are encapsulated
into frames. These frames are then transferred to physical layer where the frames are
converted to bits.
A) True B) False C) Statement is not clear
10. Which one of the following task is not done by data link layer?
A) Framing B) Error control C) Flow control D) Channel coding

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Operating system 2021 Annual

1. In the ___________layer, the data unit is called a frame.
a. Physical b. Data link c. Network d. Transport
2. Dialog control is a function of the __________layer.
a. Transport b. Session c. Presentation d. Application
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

3. Memory management is _____________.

a. Not used in modern operating system
b. Not used on multiprogramming systems
c. Replaced with virtual memory on current system
d. Critical for even the simplest operating system
4. A process is that set of instructions brought to life, a dynamic entity performing actions as
prescribed by the code.
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
5. Moving Process from main memory to disk is called.
a. Scheduling b. Caching c. Swapping d. Spooling
6. Wasted space with in a partition is called
a. Internal Fragmentation c. Internal Partition
b. Wasted Partition d. Wasted Fragmentation
7. A process is a victim of.........if it becomes stuck in a scheduling queue Indefinitely.
a. Turnaround b. Starvation c. Page Fault d. Segmentation
8. A process is in a Running state, if it is not allocated to a CPU but is ready to run.
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
9. Pearson Publishing, with headquarters in London and branch offices through-out Asia, Europe,
and South America, is probably connected by a _______________.
a. LAN b. MAN b. WAN d. None of them

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10. A. is the physical communication pathway that transfers data from one device to
a. Node b. Link c. point d. none of them

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Operating system 2021 special Exam

1. Which of the following is not a transmission mode
a. Simplex b. Half Duplex Semi c. Duplex d. Full Duplex
2. A process is in a Running state, if it is not allocated to a CPU but is ready to run.
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
3. A process is one that shares information with or controls the sequence of instructions
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

executed by another process.

a. Shared b. Integrating c. Cooperating d. Binding
4. The algorithm replacement algorithm is a combination of the FIFO and NRU
a. Second Chance b. X-FIFO c. FIFO-RU d. First Chance
5. A. is the physical communication pathway that transfers data from one device to another.
a. Node b. Link c. point d. none of them
6. A cable break in a ______topology stops all transmission.
a. Mesh b. Bas c. Star d. Primary
7. An interrupt is an event generated by the CPU and control goes to the Operating System
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
8. Round Robin (RR) is preemptive process scheduling algorithm.
a. True b. False c. Statement is not clear
9. Coaxial cable carries signals of higher frequency ranges than.
a. Twisted-pair b. Optical Fiber c. Twisted Fiber d. Fiber Pair
10. LED stands for ________________
b. Lights emitting diode c. Laser exiting diode
c. Light exile direction d. Laser emitting direction

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Operating system 2021 supply exam

1. The primary distinction between the short term scheduler and the long term scheduler is
a. The length of their queues c. The type of processes they schedule
b. The frequency of their execution d. None of them
2. Which of the following is not a transmission mode?
a. Simplex b. Half Duplex Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8
c. Semi Duplex d. Full Duplex
3. Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from External fragmentation?
a. Segmentation b. Pure demand paging c. Swapping d. Paging
4. Which of the following is/ are the drawbacks of Ring Topology?
a. Failure of one computer, can affect the whole network
b. Adding or removing the computers disturbs the network activity.
c. If the central hub fails, the whole network fails to operate.
d. Both of A and B
5. The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to:
a. Command resources c. Manage resources
b. Provide utilities d. Be user friendly
6. TCP/IP ................. layer corresponds to the OSI models to three layers.
a. A) Application b. Presentation c. Session d. Transport
7. ________ refers to the ability of multiple process (or threads) to share code, resources or
data in such a way that only one process has access to shared object at a time.
a. Synchronization b. Mutual Exclusion c. Deadlock d. Starvation
8. The time taken by the disk arm to locate the specific address of a sector for getting
information is called __________.
a. Rotational Latency b. Seek Time c. Search Time d. Response Time
9. Which of the following layer of OSI model also called end-to-end layer?

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a. Presentation layer b. Network layer c. Session layer d. Transport layer

10. A process is in a ……… state, if that process has been created but will not be considered for
loading into memory or for execution.
a. Running b. Exit c. Held d.None of them

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Question 1 a) Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

b) Write down the short note Scheduling


Question no 1) Write down the short note on deadlock with respect to operating system (5marks)

Question no.2 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

a) Explain the following terms: Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

1. Transmission medium (4)

2. Multi –point line configuration (with diagram) (1)


Question no . 3 b) Briefly explain the following components of the data communication system: (5marks)

1. Message (2.5)

2. Sender (2.5)

Question no . 4 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

Question no . 4 a) a) Which is more efficient, circuit switching or visual switching? Why?


Question no . 4 b) Write a short note on segmentation with respect to operating systems? (5marks)

Question no . 5 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

Question no . 5 a) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of

(a) WAN

(b) Differentiate between Star topology and Bus topology

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Question no . 6 a) Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

(a) Briefly explain the function of the following layers of OSI model

(b) Transport layer

Question no . 6 a) Write a short note on the following and draw the diagram also (5marks)

(a) Coaxial cable

(b) Twisted pair cable


Question no 1 Do either part (a) of part (b) of this question (5marks)

a. Draw a diagram showing the five common process states and the transitions among them. Be sure to
label all states and transitions.

b. What is PCB what sort of information contains PCB?

Question no 2 Do either part (a) of part (b) of this question (5marks)

a. Write down the necessity of file management system and explain reason of disk fermentation

b. What do mean by cache memory and how it’s different from RAM?

Question no 3 Do either part (a) of part (b) of this question

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8


a. Write down the difference between hierarchical and relational data model with the help of an

b. Differentiate between FAT-16 and NTFS bit systems?

Question no 4 Do either part (a) of part (b) of this question (5marks)

a. You are trying to install a network card into a computer with the following hardware: COM1,
COM2, LPT1, PS/2 mouse, and an IDE hard drive controller. The NIC supports IRQ(s) 3, 4, 5, 7
and 10. Which IRQ(s) could you use?

b. Describe the layered architecture of the OSI Model?

Question no 5 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question (5marks)

a. What is difference between MESH Topology and BUS Topology?

b. What is the difference between HUB and SWITCH? Describe with examples.


Question no.1 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question (5 marks)

a. Explain each of the following.

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a 1. Context Switching (2).

a 2. Process Control Block (3).


Question no.1 b. Following tables show a set of processes with arrival time and CPU bursts
calculate (a) Waiting time for each process (b) Average Response Time (c)
Turnaround time; by applying.
i. Round robin Algorithm with Time Quantum (3)
ii. Shortest Remaining Time. (2)

Process Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0 7

P2 2 5

P3 4 2

P4 6 3

P5 9 6

Question no 2 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question (5 marks)

a. Write a note on each of following.

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

a 1. Monitors (2)

a 2. Mutual Exclusive (3)


b. Write a note on Associative memory (Translation Look Aside Buffers).

Question no 2 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question (5 marks)

a. On a system using demand paged memory, it takes 120 ns to satisfy a memory

request if page is in memory. If the page is not in memory, the request take 5 ms.

If the page fault rate is 20%, what is effective access time?


b. What is magnetic disk? Explain how data are stored and organized on magnetic disk.

Question no 3 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question (5 marks)

a. Write a note on Functions of Session Layer.


b. What is meant by topology? Write a note on Ring Topology.

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Question no 4 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question (5 marks)

a. What are different types of unguided media, give examples of each.


b. Explain Phase-Shift keying by given examples.


Question no 1 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question. (5 Marks)

a) Write down the different states of a process and briefly explain each one.
b) Write a note on priority Scheduling.

Question no 2 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question. (5 Marks)

a) If logical address is of 32 bits and page size is 1212 bytes .then how many bits are reserved
for page numbers.
b) Write in detail about fragmentation.

Question no 3 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question. (5 Marks)

a) Briefly describe Message passing system.

b) Write note on deadlock prevention.

Question no 4 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question. (5 Marks)

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

a) Write a note on Network layer of OSI model.

b) What is the interconnection of networks write briefly.

Question no 5 Do either part (a) or part (b) of this question. (5 Marks)

a) Write note on infrared.

b) Write note on coaxial cable.


Question no 1 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)
a) What is “REPLACMENT” strategy in regard to store management? Describe the least recent used and
optimal algorithm of page replacement.
b) Following table shows a set of process with arrival timed and CPU burst calculated average waiting
time per process by applying shortest remaining time algorithm.
Process Arrival time (ns) Burst time (ns)
P1 0 5
P2 3 4
P3 6 4

Question no 2 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

a) What is meant by a deadlock and what are four necessary conditions that can arises the deadlock in a

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Question no 3 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

a) What is meant by a process? Write down the different states of a process and briefly explain each of
b) on s system using demand paging memory, it takes 140 ns to satisfy a memory request. If page in
memory. If the page is not in memory, the request takes 5ms. If the page fault rate is 30% what is
effective access time?

Question no 4 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

a) W hat is meant by topology? Name the five basic network topologies and give advantages of mesh
b) What are the main categories of network? Write a short note on LAN

Question no 5 Do either part a or b of this question (5marks)

a) How do guided media differ from unguided media? What is the major advantage of shielded twisted
pair over the unshielded twisted pair?
b) What is meant by transmission mode? Write a short note on half duplex transmission mode.


Question No 1 (a) Define the following ( 2+2+2)

 Effective bandwidth
 Twisted pair cable
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

 Session layer

Question no 1(b) Following shown the set of processes with arrival time and processing draw the Gantt
chart illustrating their exaction using shortest job and calculate average witting time using shortest job first .

Process name Arrival time Processing time

P1 0 3
P2 1 6
P3 4 4
P4 6 2

Question no 2(a) Explain the following (2+2+2)

 Star topology
 Half topology

Question no 2(b) Define the deadlock . what are the possible technique to manage deadlock ? what is different
deadlock prevention and deadlock detection . (6.5)

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Question no 3(a) what are the main function provided by a file system . (6.0)

Question no 3 (b) write a brief note on TCP/IP suite . (6.5)


Question no 1(a) Differentiate swapper and dispatcher . (6.5)

Question no 1(b) Discuss briefly distributed system operating system . (6.0)

Question no 2(a) Discuss “overlays” memory management scheme also discuss one disadvantages of this
scheme . (6.5)

Question no 2(b) write note on simple segmentation (6.0)

Question no 3(a) Discuss the functions of physical layer in OSI model . (6.0)

Question no 3(b) Differentiate the mesh topology and star topology . (6.5)


Question no 1(a) Differentiate Kernal mode and User mode of a system excutation and also disscss three
ways to enterin Kernal modefrom user mode. (6.5)

Question no 2(b) Draw and explain process state transition diagram (6.0)

Question no 2(a) Write a note on demand paging. (6.0)

Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

Question no 3(b) Describe Second Chance page replacement algorithm. (6.5)

Question no 3(a) Differentiate among LAN, WAN and MAN. (6.0)

Question no 3(b) Discuss briefly functions of Network Layer of OSI Model. (6.5)


Question no 1 What is process scheduling criteria ? And list out any six scheduling criteria with short
description. (Marks: 3+9.5=12.5)

Question no 2 Differentiate First-in First-out (FIFO) and least Recently used (LRU) page replacement.

Algorithm (Marks:6.5)

b) Discuss File System Architecture. (Marks:6)

Question no 3. Discuss briefly functions of Transport and Session Layer of OSI Model.

(Marks: 6+6.5=12.5)


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Question no 1. Discuss Briefly Different Process Attributes. (Marks: 12.5)

Question no 2. a) Write a note on Critical Section. (Marks: 6+6.5=12.5)

b) Define Deadlock and also discuss four conditions for deadlock occurrence.

Question no 3 a) What is network Topology and discuss different types of topologies with figures.

b) What is transmission mode and discuss three different types of transmission mode with examples.
(Marks: 6+6.5=12.5)


Question no 1 a) Write note on Boot Process (Marks: 6+6.5=12.5)

b) Describe number of factors affect the determination of the page size.

Question no 2 Discuss different types of operating systems. (Marks: 12.5)

Question no 3 Discuss briefly function of physical layer and Data link layer of OSI model, (Marks:12.5)


Question no 1Discuss briefly different process scheduling algorithms? (Marks: 12.5)
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

Question no 2 (Marks: 6.5+6.0 =12.5)

a) Discuss briefly critical section.

b) Discuss three different phases of process scheduling.

Question no 3 (Marks: 6.5+6.0 =12.5)

a). Define line configuration and also differentiate point to point line configuration and

multipoint line configuration with figures

b) Discuss Briefly functions of application layer OSI MODEL.

OPERATING SYSTEM 2017 (new pattern)

Question no 1 Define the following : (Marks: 12.5)

1. Tread
2. Heavy weight process
3. Light weight process
4. Swapper
5. Dispatcher

Question no 2 (Marks: 6.5+6.0 =12.5)

a) Discuss briefly operating system kernel .

b) Write and Discuss three different state of process .

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Question no 3 (Marks: 6.5+6.0 =12.5)

Discuss Briefly functions of data link layer and presentation layer OSI MODEL.

OPERATING SYSTEM 2017 (old pattern)

Question no 1 (Marks: 6.5+6.0 =12.5)

Define the condition for deadlock occurrence and also explain the differentiate the dead lock
prevention and detection .

Question no 1 Discuss and list out the malicious programs that are thread for security of the system .

Question no 3 (Marks: 6.5+6.0 =12.5)

Discuss Briefly functions of session layer and presentation layer OSI MODEL.

(Marks: 6.5+6.0 =12.5)

Operating system 2017 Supplementary

Q 6) (a) Differentiate Swapper and Dispatcher. (Marks:6.5)
(b) Discuss briefly Distributed Operating System (Marks:6.0)

Q 7) What is a process and describe briefly process state transition diagram (Marks:12.5)

Q8) Discuss briefly functions of Network and Transport Layers of OSI Model. (Marks: 12.5
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

Operating system 2018

QUESTION NO 1: In each of the listed memory management schemes, briefly describe the functions performed by the
operating system software . (Marks: 12.5)
(1) Single Absolute Partition(with base register)
(2) Buddy Systems
(3) Multiple Variable Partitions
(4) Simple Paging

QUESTION NO 2 :- Define critical section and deadlock with four conditions for deadlock occurrence.
(Marks: 12.5)

QUESTION NO 3: Discuss briefly functions of Physical and Network layers of OSI Model Layers. (Marks: 12.5)
Operating system 2018 (supply)
Question no 1:- Differentiate preemptive and non –preemptive scheduling algorithms and also discuss any two types of
each scheduling algorithm . (Marks: 12.5)
Question no 2 Define the following :- (Marks: 12.5)

 Virtual memory
 Cascading termination
 Page fault
 Second chance algorithm

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 Medium term scheduling algorithm

Question no 3 : please discussed briefly , how do the TCP/IP protocol suite correlate to the layer of OSI model .
(Marks: 12.5)

Operating system 2019

Question no 5 Discuss briefly different types of page replacement Algorithms . (Marks: 12.5)

Question no 6: Define the following :

1. Process
2. Ready state process
3. Process control Block
4. Round robin Scheduling Algorithm

5. Short term Scheduler

Question .7. what is network topology and differentiate different types of topologies with advantages and disadvantages
draw diagram also . (Marks: 12.5)

Operating system 2019 Supply

Q.5. Define the following: (Marks: 12.5)
Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

Page fault, Page size, FIFO Algorithm, NRU Algorithm, LRU Algorithm
Q.6. Differentiate simple paging and simple segmentation. (Marks: 12.5)
Q.7. Discuss Functions of data link and session layers of OSI Model. (Marks: 12.5)

Operating system 2020 Annual

Q.6. (Marks: 12.5)

Define operation system and also discuss tasks performed by operating systems.
Q.7. (Marks: 12.5)
Define the following:
Turnaround Time
Round Robin Algorithm
Q.8. (Marks: 12.5)
What is network Topology and differentiate different types of topologies with advantages and
disadvantages. Draw figures also.

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Operating system 2021 Annual

Q.6. (Marks: 12.5)
What is process scheduling ? and also discuss three phase of scheduling
Q.7. (Marks: 12.5)
Define the following:
a. Round Robin Algorithm
b. Operating system
c. Simplex Transmission Mode
d. Thread
e. Turnaround Time
Q.8. (Marks: 12.5)
Discuss functions of presentation and network layers of OSI model .
Operating system 2021 special Exam
Q.6. (Marks: 12.5)
a. Discuss briefly operating system kernel.
b. What is a process and also discuss different states of process.
Q.7. (Marks: 12.5)
Define the following:
a. Process
b. Trap Prepared BY Prof .M.A Khan Punjab Group of college campus # 8

c. Topology
d. Thread
e. Light weight process
Q.8. (Marks: 12.5)
Discuss functions of presentation and Session layers of OSI model .
Operating system 2021 Supply
Q6. (Marks:12.5)
Differentiate Kernel Mode and User Mode of a system execution and also discuss three ways to enter in
kernel mode from user mode.
Q7 (Marks: 12.5)
Define the following:

a. Ready state of Process

b. Turnaround time
c. Thread
d. Program Counter
e. Heavy weight Process.
Q8 (Marks: 12.5)
Differentiate OSI model and TCP/ IP protocol suite.

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