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Guide to Compliance for

Hides and Skins Supply


Component III of the "Export Promotion" project:


This Guide to Compliance in the Hides and Skins Supply Chain was devel-
oped for livestock herders, herder cooperatives, animal husbandry experts in
soum1, raw material suppliers, meat factories and tanneries, employees of
slaughterhouses and other interested parties.

This guide was prepared by the Mongolian Leather Industry Association with
inputs of the public and private sector stakeholders under the technical guid-
ance of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The Guide was funded by the UNIDO’s technical assistance to improve ac-
creditation and conformity assessment capacity in Mongolia within the frame-
work of the Export Development project implemented by the Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Light Industry (MOFALI) and financed by the World Bank.
The guidelines will reach users in two forms. It includes:

Chapter 1. Compliance Guidelines: Describes the standard requirements for

the preparation of leather raw materials and how to comply with them and how
to comply with them.

Chapter 2. Good practice recommendations: The technological activities of

leather raw materials a) primary tanning and b) quality protection are dis-
cussed separately.

From the discussion of the meetings held with the experts of the processing
plants, it was concluded that during the preparation of cow, horse and camel
leather, there is a lot of cutting and piercing with knives. In sheep and goat
skin, lesions caused by parasites during life are predominant.

The Constitution of Mongolia stipulates that "Mongolian animals are under the
protection of the State" and the "Animal Health" law came into force in 2018.
The purpose of this law is to protect the health of animals and animals in the
territory of Mongolia, and to protect raw materials and products of animals and
animal origin. It is planned to regulate relations related to meeting sanitary and
hygienic requirements, protecting animal health, and promoting free trade


Chapter 1. Compliance guidelines

1 Soum is (administrative division) (сум; also spelt "soum") of Mongolian inhabited areas in Mongolia

➢ Why guide to compliance is important
➢ Collaborative organizations
➢ Guideline usage
➢ Requirements for the preparation of raw leather material

Chapter 2. Advisory for practicing the right raw leather

➢ The current status of the leather industry

➢ Raw material preparation of leather
➢ Biology and histology structure of leather
➢ Proper practice of preventing damage to skin raw materials during it’s
➢ Proper practice to prevent slaughter injuries cause by skin tablets
➢ Checklist

Why guide to compliance is important

In the past 10 to 20 years the quality and condition of Mongolian raw
materials have deteriorated significantly. The sheepskin competitive price of

MNT 15.0-16.0 of 20 years before as of current decreased to MNT 2.0-3.0
There is an urgent need to elevate the advantages of Mongolia's
leather raw materials to a level where they are prepared to be competitive at
the international level.
According to the research of experts in the leather industry, more than
70 percent of the cow hides received at the factories has holes of hypo-
derma lineatum and hypoderma bovis larvae, deep wrinkle, knife cuts and
punctures, large amounts of fat, dirt, and blood contamination; yak hides
have comb scars (a scar caused by combing the hair with an iron comb to
get cashmere), fractures, and weighting parts such as horns, forehead skin
were not removed; more than 80% of sheep skins have tick and scab scars,
cuts, punctures, scabs, heat caused due to bacteria of quality protection
during the technological period, fat and whale skin, more than 60% of goat
skins have comb scars (a scar caused by combing the hair with an iron
comb to get cashmere), tick, scab scars; and camel skins, punctures, and
stamp scars. As such this Guideline shall be used in order to reduce the
aforementioned defects.
Therefore, there is a crucial need for collaboration among herdsmen, individu-
als with livestock, recipients of raw materials, meat and leather processing
producers, soum, provinces, and government organizations in the sector.
This collaboration is essential as herds require regular veterinary preventive
measures such as washing and vaccination in the industrial environment, and
ensuring food-safe meat preparation, proper handling of leather raw materials
according to standards, appropriate primary processing, and ensuring storage
and transportation without compromising quality.

Participating organizations

This Guideline was prepared by the researchers of MALI in partici-

pation with:

· United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

· Ministry of Food. Agriculture and Light Industry (MOFALI)

· Working group of the professional consultant engineers of MALI
· MALI member leather processing factories
· MALI representatives, raw material suppliers

Guideline usage

This Guideline will be used for livestock health care activities, slaugh-
tering in household conditions at local regions, slaughtering in meat pro-
cessing factories, primary treating leather raw materials, preservation of
leather raw materials during its technology period, and collecting and in-
specting leather raw materials in factories.
This guideline includes 8 module lessons along with self-checking
tests and checklist.

Chapter 1.Compliance guidelines

Standart requirements for the preparation of leather raw materials

About 150 national standards are in place in the leather industry as shown in
the table below

№ Standard category Quantity,


1. Leather technology 83

2. General issues of leather processing 1

3. Processing and supporting materials 1

4. Raw leather 37

5. Leather and sheepskin products 11

6. Shoe production 10

7. Water quality, dirty water 7


By Year Percentage

1960-1970 5,3
1971-1980 18,0
1981-1990 37,3
1991-2000 3,3
2001-2012 16,0
After 2012 22,0
Share of international /MNS ISO/ standard /14 innovation 10,0
The current standards are developed based on GOST
and Czech /CSN/ standards

The following industry-wide standards apply to leather raw materials. It in-

Leather. General requirements for skinning and skinning of animals, MNS


Leather. General requirements for the peel and skin- MNS 6870:2020
ning of an animal
Leather, Hide and skins flaying general requirement

It was approved by Order No. C/43 dated November 03, 2020 of the Head of
Standards and Metrology, and it was newly approved to be enforced from No-
vember 03, 2020.
This standard applies to the skinning and preparation of hides during skinning
in animal skinning factories, workshops and local areas, and includes terms,
definitions, technical requirements and categories for skinning animals manu-
ally in animal skinning workshops and factories.
Most importantly, this standard includes methods of skinning animals without
According to the technical requirements of this standard, a livestock slaugh-
tering plant is a legal entity that has the capacity to slaughter more than 20
head of cattle or more than 100 small animals per day, has complete techno-
logical equipment, has a laboratory, and is licensed by an authorized organi-
Cattle slaughtering workshop means a legal entity licensed by the authorized
body for slaughtering a smaller number of animals than a cattle slaughtering

The main standard for leather processing factories to check and accept raw
materials. Raw material preparation, Leather, Raw leather, Technical require-
ments. MNS 0060:2013

Raw material preparation ,leather,raw leather MNS 0060:2023

and technical requirements
Raw hide and skins. Leather. Technical require-

This standard applies to the preparation, inspection, acceptance and trade of

all types of leather and leather raw materials.

According to the technical requirements of the standard, the classification of

leather raw materials, type of quality protection, weight and area ratio are in-
dicated, and the procedures for removing diseases, weighting agents, pack-
aging, labeling, storage, transportation, and reception of leather at the pro-
cessing plant are defined.

Classification of leather raw materials:

By origin: a) Bod leather - cattle, horse, camel

b) Bog leather – sheep, goat
c) Other – hunting other
By state of quality a) Cooled
protection: b) Salted
c) Dried
d) Froze
By weight: Little, light, middle, heavy
By size: Small, medium, large
By damage: a) No damage
b) Less damage
c) Medium damage
d) Large damage
By hair length: Full grown, partial grown

Classification of leather raw materials:

Classification Bod Bog

cattle horse camel sheep goat

1. Weight. /kg/ Low /up to/ 8,0 - - - -

Light /up to/ 8,1-15,0 8,0 17,0 - -

Medium 15,1-20,0 8,1-12,0 17,1-24,0 - -

Heavy /up/ 20,1 12,1 24,1 - -

2. Field/in dm2/ Small - - - 40,0-55,0 40,0-55,0

Medium - - - 55,1-85,0 55,1-85,0

big /up/ - - - 85,1 85,1

Terminology and definition standards for damage to leather and

leather raw materials

Terminology and definition of leather damage MNS 3121: 2013

Description of the hide and skin defects

What is an damage?
Damage to leather raw materials is a variety of changes that reduce
the quality and value of leather, caused by the biological and external
physical, mechanical, and chemical effects of the livestock body and
flesh, and make it difficult to produce products.
Raw material damage to leather is divided into 3 categories: pre-
slaughter period, slaughter period, and post-slaughter period.
1. Pre-slaughter damages included 20 types of damages, such as
those caused by ticks, insects, stamps, marks, combing wool and
cashmere, and shearing.
2. Slaughter damages include 11 types of damages, such as cuts
and punctures with a knife when the skin is infected, contamination of
the yellow meat, and blood stains.
3. Post-slaughter damages include 15 types of damages such as
chaff, beetle punctures, fractures, mold formation, and rotting.

Quality assurance methods. Standard MNS 5094:2013

Classification code 59.140.20
Raw material preparation, leather and quality assur- MNS
ance methods 5094:2013

Preparing raw hide and skin, Methods of preservation of
the hide and skin

This standard applies to quality protection for all types of leather raw mate-
Quality control refers to activities performed to prevent spoilage of raw ma-
Primary cleaning is the process of completely separating meat, fat residue,
blood, dirt, juice, dirt, snow, ice, etc. from the skin and leather raw materi-
als after slaughtering and preparing them for quality protection.
This standard specifies the primary treatment of leather before quality pro-
tection, not to mix the leather with dirt, and to wash and buff the yellow
flesh side.
Choose the type of quality protection depending on the type of leather raw
materials to be used for quality protection, purpose, preparedness, condi-
tions of storage containers, weather conditions, and factory orders.

Quality assurance methods. Standard MNS 5094:2013

Classification code 59.140.20

Quality protection methods for leather raw materials:
1. Cooling method:
- Quality protection can be applied to leather and leather raw materials
prepared at designated slaughterhouses and delivered to processing
plants in a short period of time.
- When protecting by cooling, leather and leather raw materials can be
stored in a place with a temperature of -10C for no more than 72 hours
and supplied to the processing plant.
2. Salting method:
- The salting method is divided into two: salting by sprinkling salt and salt-
ing by immersion in a salt solution.
- Chlorine leaf salt content should not be less than 40 percent, salt content
should not be less than 90 percent, the size of salt crystals should not
more than 0.3 cm, and the height of the collection of salted skin should not
be more than 1.5 m.
- After the 1st salting and the dip is completely released, the 2nd salting
should be performed.
- Store the salted leather in a warehouse with a temperature of +10C -
+100C, away from sunlight.
3. Drying method:
- Drying methods are divided into two categories: simple drying and salt
- Hides can be laid out in a shady place with good air circulation, with the
yellow flesh side up, and patted to dry
- Simple drying method is suitable for protecting the quality of bog and bod
small hides and game leather.
- Salted wet hides and skins can be dried in the shade to protect their
quality and allow them to be stored for a long time.
4. Freezing method:
- Wet hides and skins that have undergone primary care can be spread

out on a flat surface or folded according to standards and frozen for short-
term quality protection.

General requirements for the storage of leather and fiber raw mate-
rials of animal origin.
Standard MNS 6982:2022, Classification Code 65.120

General requirements for storage of MNS 6982:2022
raw materials of animal origin leather
and leather
General requirements for storage of leather and fifer raw
materials of animal origin

This standard applies to the establishment of requirements for the storage

of raw materials of livestock origin leather and fiber.
- A warehouse of raw materials is a sanitary building equipped with special
equipment and measuring devices for long- and short-term storage of live-
stock raw materials.
- Warehousing means that during the preparation and storage of raw ma-
terials of livestock origin, protecting its main characteristics, not endanger-
ing the environment and human health, and ensuring the safety of raw ma-
terials, it provides an opportunity to create appropriate practices by provid-
ing comprehensive sanitary and hygienic activities.
- The should have specifics such as preventing biological pollution, does
not have negative impacts on human health, based on physical and chem-
ical methods that meet the requirements of hygiene, and provides an op-
portunity to carry out disinfection procedures.
- Warehouses are integrated and diversified
- The warehouse must be built at a distance from residential areas in ac-
cordance with the approved design and relevant building norms.

General requirements for leather and fur processing industries, standard

MNS 5480:2005

General requirements for leather, MNS 5480:2005
hide and fur processing factories
General requirements for leather and fur processing

This standard establishes general requirements for workplaces, production

technology operations, equipment, labor safety and human resources, and
the environment of leather, leather and fur processing plants and is applied in
the leather industry.
The MNS 5480:2005 standard refers to normative documents such as hy-
giene norms and rules and requirements for the planning of industrial build-
ings, workplace environment, safety of industrial equipment, labeling of toxic
chemicals, technical conditions for connection to the centralized water supply
and sewage system. is reflected accordingly.

Chapter 2. Good practice recommendations for raw leather ma-

1.The current status of the leather industry

The main industrial sector of our country, the light industry sector, began in
1934 with the establishment of an industrial combine. At its peak in the
1990s, the industry was divided into leather, wool, apparel, printing, and
wood. The most developed of these was the leather industry, and 5.5 million
leather raw materials that were prepared at that time were processed in a full
cycle, together with waste, into leather products such as sheepskin coats,
leather coats, clothes, gloves, bags, shoes, whale glue. , artificial leather, fac-
tory wool, etc., and exported a certain part of it to third countries.
Although the industry has been in a state of decline after privatization, since
2004, half of the leather raw materials that were exported have been pro-
cessed, and now half of the raw materials are purchased and processed by
national factories themselves. At present, 40 leather processing and wool
washing factories and 100 leather product producing factories and enter-
prises are operating under the Mongolian Leather Industry Association.Since
2011, the "Leather Sector Revitalization Project" has been developed and the
Parliament and the Government of Mongolia issued resolutions,
Sheepskin, peltry and since
September 2014, 140 billion MNT discounted loans have been granted to
Leather footwear
leather industry enterprises. I am taking a loan with a production
Support material discount of MNT.
Leather production Leather bag and
factory small object produc-
Leather, chrome, tion
Leather cloves pro-

Leather clothing pro-


Sheepskin process- Industrial waste wa-

ing factory ter
Chemical supply
Leather processing Semi leather pro- Solid waste (yellow
factory cessing factory meat, shaving, left-
General structure of Mongolian
Preparation of raw leather industry overs of cutting, etc.)
Full leather process- Factory wool cash-
ing factory mere

Since 2014 The government discounted loans have started to be granted for leather industy

Since 2013 The legal framework of the industry was formed, direct association of livestock producers
was established, and incentives were started to be given to livestock farmers

Since 2008 Leather semi-processing industries continued to operate steadily, and final prod-
uct industries began to recover

Since 2003
New leather processing factories were established and started to recover
During 1990 -
2001 The entire leather industry was collapsed

In 1991
All industries started to be privatized

In 1990 The Ministry of Light Industry and the Leather Impex firm were dissolved, and all
factories started working independently

In 1988 By changing its structure to 'Leather Industry Union Leather Impex Firm', export
and import operations are carried out independently within the industry.

In 1972
Historical Bureau
It has of aLeather
evolved into Industry
new organization Development
called 'Leather Industry Union' and has be-
come an independent industry

In 1934 The foundation of the leather industry was laid with the establishment of the in-
dustrial complex

In 1912 Khiagt buligaar factory was established as Mongolia's first machine-made leather

Preparation of leather raw materials

Characteristics of Mongolian animal skin. Adapted to extreme changes in na-
ture and climate, they are fed with mother's milk from birth and live in open
The leather of the Mongolian breed, which feeds on grasses and grows and
reproduces by natural selection, has a rougher and rougher coat, and is con-
sidered to be of the best quality compared to other countries due to its natural
quality. With this inherent quality, our animal skins are competitive in the
world.The main advantages of pasture leather are the characteristics of the
climate and nutritious green plants. Therefore, our leather raw materials are
rightly considered ecological raw materials.
However, due to negligence in animal care and breeding, wrong diseases
when animals stray, skinning, non-observance of storage and protection pro-
cedures and standards, and finally processing with outdated technologies, the
natural quality of our animal hides is deteriorating and we are losing huge re-
sources.Raw material preparation system between 1970-1980. The system of
preparing and receiving raw materials according to standards, performing
quality control, and classifying them was a large unified network established
at the level of sums, provinces, and the country. Leather raw materials com-
ing from rural areas to the city are re-classified in a single centralized "Tavan
Erdene" primary leather processing factory, and quality control is carried out
in the leather processing factories. The skin of each insert was inserted sepa-
rately.In this way, the processing of leather classified by the same area and
weight with the same technology had a good effect on the quality of the prod-
uct.Livestock and raw material injuries were relatively low because the ani-
mals were subjected to injections and washing regularly, leather raw materi-
als were prepared according to standards, and quality control was carried
out.Raw material preparation system between 1990-2011. At the beginning of
1990s, the empty space of the raw materials preparation units that were abol-
ished was filled only by profit-seeking traders, but the system of leather and

leather raw materials preparation was lost, and the following negative situa-
tions arose. It includes:
-In the last 20 years, the quality of raw materials has deteriorated compared
to the 1980s due to the stagnation of animal health work.
-In the process of processing, only 57-70% of sheep skins are damaged by
ticks and 26-40% by tattoos.
-One of the signs of the decrease in the quality of leather is the loss of leather
tanning technology, and injuries caused by cutting, slashing, and piercing with
a sharp knife account for 5-8% of the skin area of cattle, 27-59% of the area
of cow skin, and 60-70% of the area of horse skin.
-Animal slaughtering and skinning by industrial methods have been reduced
to manual methods;
-Raw materials are no longer classified by grade or number;
Pursuing the number of animals, the number of old animals has started to in-
Raw material preparation system since 2012. In accordance with the resolu-
tions No. 74 of 2012 of the Parliament and No. 48 of 2013 of the Government
of Mongolia, the work of direct acceptance of skin and leather raw materials
from herders, people with animals, and cooperatives to the national leather
and leather processing industries has been carried out for 2 consecutive
years in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Protection
-It was organized to distribute the goods to the appointed representatives in
the rural areas by publishing the receipts for receiving hides and leather raw
materials from the herdsmen, people with animals and cooperatives.
-Compile and publish manuals 5 times on leather raw material preparation
methods and technologies, quality protection procedures, setting and receiv-
ing quality grade numbers, organize and distribute on-site training to herders
and appointed representatives.

-Establish working relationships with organizations such as Animal Protection
Fund, State Veterinary Hospital, Breeding Department, 21 provinces, 330
Sumad administrations, National Veterinary Department, Veterinary Service,
and appointed 1,800 representatives in 21 provinces as part of the implemen-
tation of Government Resolution No. 48 of 2013. Working contracts have
been signed with the Mongolian Leather Industry Association and Leather
Processing Industries.
Resolution No. 48 of the Government was updated and Resolution No. 394
was approved. According to Appendix No. 2 of Resolution No. 394, 3,000
MNT per small animal hide and 15,000 MNT per bod hide are paid to "coop-
erative member farmers and persons with animals who ordered hides and
skins to be prepared in accordance with the standards at the national leather
and hide processing factory and whose animals were subjected to origin veri-
fication" The payment of MNT incentives became an important policy mea-
sure to encourage livestock farmers to pay attention to the quality of their raw
materials and protect their quality, and further support the development of the

2013-2020 news on leather raw material incentives

он Total Commodities Included in the promotion Incentives

amount of Percentage of
prepared covered by raw materials Number of Quantity Quantity
for raw mate-
herders(th of Bod’s of Bog’s
hide promotion included in ousand- hide(thou- hide(thou-
(thousand- (thousands) the promo- tugrug)
s.hide) sands) sands)
2013 10895.1 741.4 6.8 29.8 40.6 700.8 2711.7

2014 9284.3 2014.6 21.7 54.5 159.6 1854.9 7959.6

2015 15192.9 2586.7 17.0 45.1 177.8 2408.8 9894.0

2016 14001.2 3342.8 23.9 64.2 299.7 3043.1 13626.2

2017 14523.4 3742.5 25.8 78.0 384.8 3357.7 15845.1

2018 19290.6 2360.2 12.2 39.3 260.8 2099.4 10210.1

2019 19555.8 2,610.2 13.3 37.8 289.0 2,321.2 9,913.0

2020 The bonus for 2020 was not given in 2021, it was given in 2022.
Дүн 102743.3 17398.4 16.9 348.7 1612.3 15785.9 70159.7

Type of Thick-
area of Weigh
raw ma- ness in Explanation
skin in t in kg
terial mm
The layer of color is thin, the pattern on the face is quite small,
She and the layer is quite even. It is suitable for use in many types
70-75 1.8-2.5 3.4 of leather, suede, sari, small items, shoe front and inner leather.
ep skin
It is also processed and used for fur and sheep products.
Goat skin is stronger, denser and more flexible than sheep skin.
Goat 65-70 2.5-
1.8-2.5 It is suitable for processing and use of chevrolet leather for
skin 3.0 shoes, clothing and gloves.
Relatively uniform thickness throughout the area. Because the
Cow 220-500 2.5-5.0 front side of the leather is soft and durable, it is suitable for use
20 in high-quality chrome, leather, shoe leather, seat cover leather,
and clothing leather.
Horse leather is similar in quality to cow leather, but differs in
Hors 250.7- morphology and histological structure. Horse hide is suitable for
1.2-6.0 16-19 processing into leather for shoes and soles, as well as leather
e hide 335.0
for equipment, as well as seat covers and leather for clothing.
Compared to cowhide, the top layer is thicker, the hair follicles
are deep seated, several hairs are produced from one follicle,
Cam and the thickest skin is in the crotch area. Camel leather is suit-
24.2 able for processing and use as leather for the soles of shoes,
el hide
camels, zel, airag, white borvi, kakuur, dashmag, horse-riding

Survey of herd numbers, heads and prepared hides (2015 to 2022)
2022 o
Indicator Measurement 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Number of
Thousand units 3780.4 4080.9 4388.5 4390.9 4753.2 4732 5020.8 5515.8 4582.8

1 Cattle Prepared
Thousand units 660 635 663 902 849 1272 924 1103 876

Personal weight Percent 17.46 15.56 15.11 20.54 17.86 26.88 18.40 20.00 19

Number of
Thousand units 3295.3 3635.5 3939.8 3940.1 4214.8 4093.9 4324 4821.1 4033.1

2 horse Prepared
Thousand units 357 286 276.0 537 570 918 581 655 522.5

Personal weight Percent 10.83 7.87 7.01 13.63 13.52 22.42 13.44 13.59 12.8

Number of 27856. 32747.

Thousand units 24943.1 30109.9 30554 32267.3 30049.4 31083.4 29951.
herds 6 7

3 Sheep Prepared 10530.

Thousand units 6621 5553 6072 7856 8688 11853 8136 8163.7
leather 8

Personal weight Percent 26.54 19.93 20.17 25.71 26.93 39.45 26.17 32.16 27.1

Number of 25574. 27569.

Thousand units 23592.9 27346.7 27124.7 29261.7 27720.3 26454.8 26830.
herds 9 4

4 Goat Prepared
Thousand units 5555 4795 5081 5538 6004 9203 7330 8598.8 6513.1

Personal weight Percent 23.55 18.75 18.58 20.42 20.52 33.20 27.71 31.19 24.2

Number of
Thousand units 368 401.3 434.1 459.7 472.4 472.9 453.8 470.5 441.6

5 Camel Prepared
Thousand units 36 27 33.9 41 53 75 66 69.8 40.2

Personal weight Percent 9.78 6.73 7.81 8.92 11.22 15.86 14.54 14.84 11.2

Number of 61549. 71121.

Thousand units 55979.8 66219 66460.2 70969.3 67068.5 67336.9 65838.
herds 2 5

Total Prepared 20957.

Thousand units 13228 11296 12122 14874 16164 23320.0 17038.0 16125.
leather 9

Personal weight Percent 23.63 18.35 18.31 22.38 22.78 34.77 25.30 29.47 24.4

In recent years, there have been some changes in the preparation of leather
raw materials. It depends on several factors. It includes:
Livestock population has increased dramatically in recent years
Due to the reduction of infectious and other diseases in animals, the interest
of countries to import meat from our country has increased, and meat exports
have increased, especially Arab countries have started to buy a lot of veal
New meat processing plants have been added in provincial centers and large
The most important thing is that slaughterhouses were established in Emeelt
and Nalaih areas of Ulaanbaatar city, and a lot of slaughtering began.
In the months of June, July, and August, when the animals begin to fatten,
slaughtering increased significantly, which affected the amount of leather
The researches of the Agricultural University and other institutions are new

Based on all of this, the leather raw material production volume chart issued
by MASU Association researchers in the 2010s has been re-reviewed, appro-
priate changes have been reflected, and the revised raw material production
chart has been included since 2015.

Biology and histological structure of skin
The skin is an organ with a unique structure and complex system to protect
the animal body from external influences, and it is a biological structure that
plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body.

When animals and animals are alive, the skin performs the following func-
tions. It includes:
- Protecting the body from the physical, mechanical, and chemical effects of
the environment (heat, cold, dust, snow, rain, bacteria, toxins, etc.)

- Regulating body metabolism and maintaining body heat
The histological structure of the skin consists of three distinct layers. These
include: top soil, dermis or brown soil, and yellow flesh layer.

Processed hides and skins are treated with derma or brown soil, and for
sheep and fur, top soil and hair coat are treated with brown soil.

Animal skin is a biological structure made up of various proteins, so the tech-

nologies for protecting its quality, processing it into tissue and products are
based on its histological structure, protein characteristics, chemical composi-
tion, and the type of leather.



Hide or skin topography

1. Area structure 2. Thickness structure

Before slaughter. Animal husbandry

Get used to keeping animals properly cared for, sanitizing and
de-worming in standard time.
According to Article 25.5 of the Livestock Health Protection Law,
animals should be sanitized and de-wormed every year, and pre-
ventive measures against parasites will be implemented accord-
ing to the chart below.

Veterinary care
Controlling from diseases and parasites Getting used to do doing regular animal

When combing the goat ,don’t damage the skin
When shearing the sheep, don’t

damage the skin

Good practice to prevent skin injuries during slaughter

Animal skin disease

-Animals are slaughtered under the supervision of a veterinarian by trained

staff with appropriate knowledge and equipment. It
-Must have experience in proper handling of animals
-He must have understood that animal skin is a valu-
able raw material, equal to meat, and learned the
method of cleaning it without piercing it.
-To be provided with knives intended for cutting or
cutting the animal's skin, and not to get sick with
sharp knives that are not intended for use
-Be fully equipped with labor protection clothing

-Cut the skin of the animal properly and cleanly without piercing it by holding
it as obliquely as possible according to the standard with a specialized knife.
-As far as possible, animals should be kept in a dedicated meat processing
plant and skinned using skinning equipment
-The diseased skin should be cleaned under the skin and removed from the
weight-weights such as blubber, blubber, tail, and ears.
The skin can be skinned without cutting by using a meat processing machine.

It is also possible to remove the skin of the bod skin without cutting the felt on
the leather stripping device developed by the UNIDO project.

Leather stripping device by UNIDO project

3D image

Deskinning device for Bod and Bog

Good practices for the prevention of post-mortem injuries to

Primary processing of leather raw materials

After removing the skin, completely remove the weights (horns, hooves,
hooves, ears, hooves, udders, sand, dirt, snow, etc.) without mixing with dirt
or other contaminants according to clause 5.6 of the MNS 60:2013 standard.
Remove the skin with the yellow flesh side up, on a flat surface table or a
special inclined bench, without damaging the soil, with a special knife.

Primary care of leather raw materials:
After removing the skin, the weighting objects must be completely removed
by MNS 60:2013, clause 5.6, without mixing with dirt or other contaminants /
horns, hooves, hooves, ears, tusks, udders, sand, dirt, snow, etc/.
When performing primary care, removal of the remains of fat, and yellow
meat and trimming can be done by hand.
Place the leather inside out on a flat table or a special keen bench and scrape
it off with a special knife without damaging the base. It can be obtained with a
machine intended for meat processing plants.
It is essential to begin the process of cooling and preserving the skin as soon
as possible. Minor injuries caused by decay cannot be restored.
• Store covered and protected from rain and direct sunlight.
• Perform sufficient exchange between the placed skin.
• Lay no more than 3-4 feet (1 meter)

Prevention of post-slaughter damages:

Methods of preventing damage to the skin during preliminary preservation

- Do not contaminate the hide/skin with dirt or other contaminants while
- All extra weights shall be removed in full accordance with clause 5.4 of the
MNS 0060:2013 standard
- Completely cleans the blood remains from the hide/skin during the slaugh-
- Avoid cutting the hide/skin when removing flesh and fat from the flesh side
- After removing flesh and fat, stack hide/skin flesh side on flesh side. Do not
store cleaned hide/skin more than 1.5 hours before salting or other
methods of preservation.
- If some parts of the hide/skin is dry or half-dry, hide/skin should be wiped
with a towel dipped in salted water to moisten the dried areas . Moist-

ened hide/skin should be folded inwards(hair out) along the central line of
the spine and left for 30-40 minutes.

Preventing damage that may occur during main preservation
Prevention of damage that may occur during freezing of the hide/
- Freezing is a measure to temporarily
protect wet, cleaned skin and hides
from rotting by freezing it using natu-
ral cold. When freezing the hide of
the cow and horse, the hair is facing
inward, the bellies are folded to
the middle, and the neck is folded in-
ward into the front two legs, therefore the hide shape becomes rectangu-
lar.The skin of small animals should be frozen completely flat, and it is forbid-
den to freeze them in pairs.If frozen hides and skins are stored for a long
time, there is possibility to freeze dry them, therefore it is forbidden to store
them in open storages for too long.
To prevent damage that may occur
during drying preservation method -It
is a simple method to reduce the mois-
ture content of the raw material by
slowly evaporating it using natural heat
to prevent rotting
-Dry in a special shaded the storage
room, protected from the sun's rays
-Be careful not to dry them too much, for the reason that the collagen fibers of
the skin stick to each other and do not absorb moisture when needs to be
3. Prevent damage that may occur during salt preservation method
- Protecting the quality of raw hide/skin by salting is a reliable method that
has been handed down for millennia.

- There are two methods of salting the raw material: by sprinkling salt on
the hide/skin or soaking it in a salt solution.
- The height of the salted hide/skin stack must not exceed 1.5 meters, and the
temperature of the storage room should not exceed +15c°C degrees. Salt
consumption is 35-40 percent of the wet weight of hide/skin.
- The first period of salt introduction is not less than 7 days for big hides and 5
days for small skin.
- When the salt is fully penetrated into the raw material, the hide/skin be-
comes compact and flexible. The dermis layer is gray-white when cut with a
- Choose the right salt to use for salting, if the composition of the salt contains
more than 2 percent of calcium and magnesium, it will cause damage to the
flesh side of the hide/skin (salt spots).
- If the raw material is not properly salted, salt stains may occur
- To prevent the formation of salt spots on salted hide/skin, after salting, you
can spray a 10% solution of calcified soda.
- Washing off blood residue be-
fore salting the hide/skin is an
easy way to prevent salt spots
from forming.

- Prevent damage during long-

term storage and transporta-
tion- In order to preserve the
quality of leather raw materials
without damages, it is necessary to properly organize resources. A study
has been conducted on the possibility of continuously supplying raw materi-
als to the tanneries regardless of the season. The study concluded that, it is
enough, if there is a 3-month supply of hides and 5-month stock of small

skins.- If dried hide/skin has too much moister, it cannot be stored for long
period of time because there is a chance that the hide/skin can be dam-
aged by beetles and moth.- Frozen and dried skins should be transported
protected from breakage and bending.- In spring, fall and summer, regard-
less of the type of preservation method used, raw materials should be
protected from rain and moister when transporting- When storing and trans-
porting hides and skins, it is necessary to use a special bench or pallet.The
designated pallet should be 1200x800 mm and 1800x800 mm. It is suitable
that the bigger pallet should hold 40-100 pieces of hides, and 150-250
pieces of small skin on the small pallet. The brut weight of the pallet should
not be more than 2000 kg, including the skins.

Good Production Practices for Animal Husbandry

A person who has mastered the traditional methods and technology for

slaughtering animals in a herder's town will slaughter them, and when they

are sick, they will cut off the skin from the shins lengthwise along the white

streaks of fat, and the skin will be removed from the shins up to the joint of

the calf.


the field, the method of skinning the bod skin is to use an ax and not to poke the

bod skin by hand

At the animal slaughtering plant, the skin is

peeled cleanly without cutting the skin us-

ing the skinning equipment, and after clean-

ing the blubber, remove the weights such

as the tail, ears, horns, etc.

ning de-
vice for
device for

What does it mean? Y N What is re-

e o quired?

Does MNS0060:2013 is the general If answer is yes, wrong. This is stan-
requirement on flaying livestock hide dard for preparing leather raw mate-
and skin rial. Standard on general require-
ment of flaying livestock hide and
skin MNS 6870:2020.

Is it right to remove the blood, pus, If answer is no, wrong. blood, pus,
scum, and fat from the skin during scum, and fat not removed from the
raw materials treatment? hide and skin for a while, it may affect
the quality protection.

Is it right to mix with dust and dirt If answer is yes, wrong. Primary
the raw material after slaughter? treatment for leather raw material
shall be conducted at the concrete
field without mixing with dirt.

Leather protection method is only If answer is yes, wrong. There are 4

freezing methods of leather quality protection,
which are freeze, salting, dry by salt-
ing, dying. Freezing method can be
used only during cold weather.

Cutting during slaughtering will not If answer is yes, wrong. Cutting will
affect raw material quality. significantly affect the quality of final
processed leather.

Can the leather frozen for quality If answer is yes, wrong. Can be
protection be stored until August and stored not later than April and May.
September of that year?

Leather raw material weighting parts If answer is yes, wrong. Leather raw
only include the hide and skin of the material weights only include the skin
neck area. of the neck area. According to clause
5.4 of MNS 0060:2013 standard on
leather raw materials, weighting parts
include horns, hooves, ears, etc.

Can the preservation be conducted If answer is yes, wrong. Primary

without primary treatment? treatment forms good condition for
good quality protection technology.

When freezing raw If answer is yes, wrong. If the leather

leather to protect its raw materials are folded together and
quality, can it be frozen frozen, the soil should be exposed
with the soil inside and outside and the hair should inside. In
the hair outside? this way, it is easy for suppliers and
receivers of raw materials to deter-
mine the quality of raw materials.


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