Dietary Deficiency Diseases

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Dietary Deficiency Diseases

Dietary deficiency diseases are conditions that result from an inadequate intake or
absorption of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids. These
nutrients are required for various physiological functions in the body, and their deficiency
can lead to various health problems. Malnutrition can also lead to a variety of health
problems and diseases. Malnutrition occurs when the body does not receive enough
nutrients, either because of a lack of food or an inability to absorb nutrients properly.

1. Iron Deficiency Anaemia: This condition can cause

fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and pale skin.
It can also cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat, chest
pain, and heart failure in severe cases.

2. Vitamin D Deficiency: This deficiency can cause weak,

brittle bones and an increased risk of fractures. In
children, it can cause rickets, leading to bone deformities
and growth delays. In adults, it can cause osteomalacia,
which causes bone pain and muscle weakness.

3. Vitamin B12 Deficiency: This deficiency can cause

pernicious anaemia, which can cause fatigue, weakness,
and neurological problems such as tingling or numbness
in the hands and feet. In severe cases, it can also cause
confusion, depression, and dementia.

4. Iodine Deficiency: This deficiency can cause goitre, an

enlargement of the thyroid gland. In severe cases, it
can also cause hypothyroidism, a condition where the
thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones.
This can cause fatigue, weight gain, and depression.

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Dietary Deficiency Diseases

5. Vitamin C Deficiency: This deficiency can cause scurvy,

which can cause weakness, anaemia, and bleeding gums.
It can also cause muscle pain, joint pain, and skin rashes
in severe cases.

6. Calcium Deficiency: This deficiency can cause

osteoporosis, weakening bones and increasing the risk
of fractures. In severe cases, it can also cause muscle
cramps, spasms, and numbness in the fingers and toes.

7. Kwashiorkor: This is a form of malnutrition caused

by a lack of protein in the diet. It is most common in
children and can cause swelling, an enlarged liver, and
changes in skin and hair colour.

8. Marasmus: This is a severe form of malnutrition

caused by a lack of calories and protein in the
diet. It can cause the wasting of the muscles and
other tissues and can lead to stunted growth and
developmental delays in children.

It's worth noting that some dietary deficiencies may

increase the risk of other health problems. For example,
vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased
risk of certain cancers, autoimmune diseases, and heart
disease. Similarly, calcium deficiency can increase the
risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

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Dietary Deficiency Diseases
Match the disease and deficiency that is linked to that disease.

Disease Deficiency

1. anaemia A. a lack of protein

2. rickets B. lack of calories and protein

3. pernicious anaemia C. Iodine deficiency

4. goitre D. Vitamin B12 deficiency

5. scurvy E. Calcium deficiency

6. osteoporosis F. Iron deficiency

7. Kwashiorkor G. Vitamin D deficiency

8. Marasmus H. Vitamin C deficiency









Dietary Deficiency Diseases
Match the disease and deficiency that is linked to that disease.

Disease Deficiency

1. anaemia A. a lack of protein

2. rickets B. lack of calories and protein

3. pernicious anaemia C. Iodine deficiency

4. goitre D. Vitamin B12 deficiency

5. scurvy E. Calcium deficiency

6. osteoporosis F. Iron deficiency

7. Kwashiorkor G. Vitamin D deficiency

8. Marasmus H. Vitamin C deficiency

1. F

2. G

3. D

4. C

5. H

6. E

7. A

8. B


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