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shows us that an action was in the pastPast simple
We use the past simple to describe: -

- finished actions in the past:

- finished actions over periods of time in the past: -
"I studied for an exam."
- habits in the past:
- past facts: -
"I studied for four years."
"I studied every night when I was at school."
"I studied history at university."
To be (special)
She / He /it / I = was
They/ you /We = wereAffirmative
She was a doctor, she worked in the hospital
She wasn’t (was not) a doctor, she worked in the hospital as a secretary
Was she a doctor?
Irregular and regular verbs ot
Catch = caught book= booked he
Antonia caught the ball using her hands
Negatives sentences = Auxiliary did not
rb /. didn’t do=did I
did my homework / I didn’t do my homework
Antonia didn’t catch the ball
Did Antonia catch the ball?
CONTINUOUS "I was studying for an exam all night."
"At 11am, I was visiting my grandmother."

We use the past continuous:

to emphasise the continuous
nature of a finished action in the
to describe a continuous action
that was in progress at a
particular time:
We do not use the past continuous
for habits in the past: not "I was
taking the bus to school."
CONTINUOUS "She read the newspaper while I was doing the
We use "while" with the past continuous to
"While I was doing the gardening, she read the
describe a continuous action that was in newspaper."
progress at the same time as another action,
using either the past simple or past
SIMPLE "I went downstairs when I heard the doorbell." or
"When I heard the doorbell, I went downstairs."

"when" and past simple

We use "when" with the past

simple to describe two actions
where one action is the result of
another action, or happens
immediately after:
CONTINUOUS "I was studying history at university when I learnt
to play the saxophone.”
We use "when" with the past "I was going downstairs when I heard the
continuous and past simple:
doorbell." or "When I heard the doorbell, I was
to describe an action that was in going downstairs.""
progress (using past continuous)
when another action happened
(using past simple):

to describe a continuous action
that was already in progress
(using past continuous) and was
interrupted by a shorter action
(using past simple):
When we use these two tenses together, it shows us that the past simple action happened in the middle of the past continuous action, while it was in progress.
We often use these tenses to show an action interrupting another action

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