Adjusting To A New Normal

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Adjusting to a New Normal: 5

Tips for Back-to-School This


1. Utilize interactive platforms and games

Many teachers who are fully remote struggle to balance the pedagogy
of instruction with engagement. Virtual video platforms like Zoom,
Google Hangouts, and Webex allow teachers to connect with their
entire class at once to provide more engaging, effective online
instruction. However, watching a PowerPoint or looking at documents
for an extended period of time can leave students uninvolved and
wanting more.
Some virtual platforms have interactive modules that teachers can use
to facilitate engagement. Additionally, teachers can utilize PowerPoint
add-ons that embed activities or games. Pear Deck, Mentimeter,
and Kahoot are digital integrations that teachers can add to virtual or
in-person lessons. As a student myself, I can attest that Kahoot
always breaks up the monotony of presentations or lessons to make
learning exciting!

2. Facilitate discussions and collaboration

Finding pathways to engage students in group discussions to build
collaboration and communication skills is critical this upcoming school
year. Since the COVID-19 lockdowns, in-person social interaction has
changed dramatically, so giving students the space and opportunity to
connect and collaborate will be necessary for their development. If
your classroom is fully virtual, consider breakout rooms on your virtual
platform or a discussion forum where students can express and share
ideas. For remote, hybrid, or in-person learning, a long-term group
project or research activity that gives students the opportunity to
collaborate together is also a great option.
It’s important to also consider universal supports for all students who
are less comfortable in group settings. Some students may thrive
speaking up and writing ideas on a discussion forum but are less
successful sharing over video in a classroom setting. Remain flexible
and allow for all types of sharing and collaboration techniques based
on the modality and comfort of your individual students.
3. Make time for socio-emotional learning
COVID-19 has proven to be a difficult time for our society, especially
for children, who are still developing and trying to understand their
changing circumstances. Whether you’re remote or in person,
educators must create the environment and opportunities in which
student growth is possible. To help your students process this shared
experience, teachers must make time for activities that promote socio-
emotional learning during the week. This will help students feel
supported by their learning environment and build skills to cope, heal,
and thrive.
Weekly journal assignments are a simple activity that dually builds
writing skills and can serve as a way for teachers to check in with their
students’ emotional state. Consider the following questions to start:

 What would a perfect day look like to you?

 For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
 What is your favorite memory?
 What does friendship mean to you?
 Describe something that makes you angry. Why did you choose that?
 How do you have fun and unwind?

Other activities that teachers can utilize are a “worry scale” to check in
or assigning the “vision board” activity for students to cut out or draw
images that reflect their goals, aspirations, and dreams.

4. Be available and flexible

Your students may react to distance learning or changes at school
(wearing a mask, physical distancing, etc.) in various ways. Be ready
for behavioral changes—such as early learners seeking attention and
teenagers coming to class late with a quieter demeanor. Remember
that your students are going through immense developmental
changes and feelings during these unexpected societal changes.
Some students might have difficulty adjusting from their summer
sleeping schedule or creating a routine for this upcoming school year,
so try to remain flexible and give students time to gather their
There are students who will miss assignments in the beginning of the
year because they are overwhelmed or hindered by technological
difficulties. Take the time to check in individually with each student to
provide a safe environment for your students to express their
emotions, and provide flexible deadlines as needed.

5. Prioritize your own self-care

Self-care can keep you at the top of your game and ready to handle
any challenges that come up during this difficult time. A positive,
healthy self-care strategy can include activities that address physical,
psychological, emotional, spiritual, social, and professional factors
every day. Below are a few quick activities that almost any teacher
can incorporate into their daily lives to de-stress:
 Schedule breaks into your daily routine—ten to twenty minutes a day
to decompress from any items that may be causing stress.
 Practice positive self-talk and affirmations to develop compassion and
empathy for yourself.
 Practice deep breathing and mindfulness.
 Find and seek out social support. Talk to other teachers or school
support staff about your stress and shared experience.
 Organize, organize, organize! Create plans and to-do lists to keep you
from getting overwhelmed, and keep your working space orderly and

Every teacher is encouraged to find practices that will work best for
their schedule, but make sure to take the time to avoid stress and
burn-out. Just remember, these times are difficult for parents,
students, and educators alike, but we are all in this together and will
make it through!

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