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Vocabulary Revision

Exercise 1: Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. Change the form of the
words by adding the right PREFIX or SUFFIX. There are 4 extra words.

suggest happy patient correct build

work honest think healthy understand
usual agree paid success like

1.Sarah was becoming increasingly ________________ at their lack of interest because she
was waiting for a long time.
2. Many of the figures were ______________. Unfortunately, the authorities didn’t want the
public to learn the real statistics.
3. We welcome any comments and ________________ on this proposal. Each person’s
advice is valuable and important to us.
4. People living in poor countries have to deal with _______________ living conditions. They
may suffer from hunger, lack of water and lots of diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.
5. He has been _____________ about his age and academic qualifications. In other words, he
was trying to trick people by hiding the truth.
6. Not many people prefer living in rural areas. That means it isn’t ______________ for many
people to move to big cities, which leads to overpopulation in these particular areas.
7. I believe that some of my colleagues are ______________. They need to earn more but
their good qualities are not recognized by their employers.
8. He ______________ with his parents on most things. That is, they tend to have different
opinions on the same topics, which causes arguments between them constantly.
9. Doctors have a busy schedule most of the time. People expect them to _____________;
however, they need to have more a flexible program.
10. It could take ten years for the area to completely ______________ after the hurricane.
Particularly, old houses were severely damaged.
11. Sometimes, people are likely to ______________ each other and they may fall out with
their close friends just because of this reason.
12. There may be many problems in _______________ cities such as robbery, murder, and
smuggling. The government should provide opportunities for citizens so that they can move
to the countryside.

Prepared by Özge Fidan (Some sentences were adapted from

1. impatient
2. incorrect
3. suggestions
4. unhealthy
5. dishonest
6. unusual
7. underpaid
8. disagrees
9. overwork
10. rebuild
11. misunderstand
12. overpopulated

Prepared by Özge Fidan (Some sentences were adapted from

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