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Object: SAP FI Company / Project

HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project

Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

SAP S/4 Hana Implementation

FI User Manual
Post Dated Checks

IBM Global Business Services 

Document Version Control

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only
 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Version Date Description Name

0.01 Initial IBM FI Team

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

1. POST DATED CHECKS............................................................................................... 4

GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 4
2. STEPS .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 CHECKS RECEIVABLE ......................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Bill of Exchange Payment........................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Presented to Bank .................................................. 8
2.1.3 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Cleared at Bank ................................................... 12
2.2 CHECKS GIVEN TO VENDOR ............................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Presented to Vendor ............................................. 14
2.2.2 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Cleared at Vendor ................................................ 17
2.2.3 Clear Vendor ............................................................................................................ 20
2.3 POST DATED CHECK LIST................................................................................................... 21
2.4 REVERSE CHECK POSTINGS ............................................................................................... 23

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

1. Post Dated Checks

The below steps will describe the postdated checks circuit.

2. Steps

2.1.1 Bill of Exchange Payment

Menu (Menu Path)

Accounts Receivable  Document Entry  F-36 - Bill of Exchange
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

In the following screen the user enters the information that is explained in the following table:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D User Input Comments

Document Date M Enter the document The document date is
date. the date on which the
original document was
Type M This field proposed
by the system.
Company Code M Enter the appropriate
Company Code.
Posting Date M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
Period M Enter the period.
Currency M Select the currency.
Pstky M This field proposed Posting Key: 09
by the system.
Account M Enter the Customer
SGL Ind M This field proposed W is a special G/L
by the system. indicator for Checks
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

At the tab “Transaction to be processed” proposed by the system: Incoming payment. Press
“Enter” and will appear the next screen:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

In the above screen open the check list at Bill Portfolio and select “01”.

Press “Continue”.

In the following screen the user enters the information that is explained in the following table:

Field Name Description M/I/D User Input Comments

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only
 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Amount M Enter the Amount.

Text I
Type the description
for the document you
want to create.
Due on M Enter the expiration
date of the check.
Check No M The number of the
Bank M Select from the
possible values.
Account No M Select the Account
Bank Country M Depending on the
country select the
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

Press “Process Open Items”.

Press “Enter”.

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D User Input Comments

Amount M Enter the Amount.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

Press <<Post>>.

2.1.2 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Presented to Bank

Menu (Menu Path)

AccountingFinancial AccountingAccounts
ReceivableDocument EntryBill of ExchangeBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check EnhancementBill of Exchange/Postdated
Check Transactions
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

This transaction handles the steps of a postdated check which will be presents to Bank and then
be cleared. In the following screen the user enters the information that is explained in the
following table:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D

User Input Comments
Company Code M
Enter the Company
Document Date M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
Posting Date M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

At the tab “Transactions” select: Presented to Bank.

Go to the tab “Selection Criteria” and the user enters the information that is explained at the
following table:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
10 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D User Input Comments

Bill of M Select 01.
Currency M Select the currency.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

Press <<Execute>>.

In the next screen select the check you have registered:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
11 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Press <<Execute>> and will appear the next screen. At the table of posting data open the check
list and select the appropriate Contra Bank Account.

Press <<Continue>>.
Press <<Execute>>.

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
12 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

2.1.3 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Cleared at Bank

Menu (Menu Path)

AccountingFinancial AccountingAccounts
ReceivableDocument EntryBill of ExchangeBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check EnhancementBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check Transactions
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

In the following screen the user enters the information that is explained in the following table:

Field Name Description M/I/D

User Input Comments
Company Code M
Enter the Company
Document Date M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
Posting Date M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

At the tab “Transactions” select: Cleared at Bank.

Go to the tab “Selection Criteria” and the user enters the information that is explained at the
following table:
IBM & HGI Internal Use Only
 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
13 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D User Input Comments

Bill of M Select 01.
Currency M Select the currency.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

Press <<Execute>>.

In the next screen select the Check you have presented at Bank.
Press <<Execute>> and will appear the next table. Enter the expiration date of the check.

Press <<Execute>> and will show up the next screen:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only
 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
14 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

In the above screen enter the expiration date.

Press <<Continue>> and the document posted.


2.2.1 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Presented to Vendor

Menu (Menu Path)

Accounting Financial AccountingAccounts
ReceivableDocument EntryBill of ExchangeBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check EnhancementBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check Transactions
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

In the following screen the user enters the information that is explained in the following table:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
15 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D

User Input Comments
Company Code M
Enter the Company
Document Date M This field is by Type the Date you want.
Posting Date M This field is by Type the Date you want.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

At the tab <<Transactions>> select: Presented to Vendor.

Go to the tab <<Selection Criteria>> and the user enters the information that is explained at the
following table:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
16 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D User Input Comments

Bill of M Select 01.
Currency M Select the currency.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

Press <<Execute>>.

In the next screen select the check you have registered and put the vendor’s number in the next

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Press <<Continue >>.

2.2.2 Bill of Exchange Transactions – Cleared at Vendor

Menu (Menu Path)

AccountingFinancial AccountingAccounts
ReceivableDocument EntryBill of ExchangeBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check EnhancementBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check Transactions
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

In the following screen the user enters the information that is explained in the following table:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
18 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Field Name Description M/I/D

User Input Comments
Company Code M
Enter the Company
Document Date M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
Posting Date M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

At the tab <<Transactions>> select: Cleared to Vendor.

Go to the tab <<Selection Criteria>> and the user enters the information that is explained at the
following table:

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
19 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

Press <<Execute>>.

In the next screen select the Check you have presented at Vendor.
Press <<Execute>> and will appear the next table. Enter the Vendor number.

Press <<Execute>>.

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
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Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

2.2.3 Clear Vendor

Menu (Menu Path)

AccountingFinancial AccountingAccounts
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

Here we can clear open items of a vendor to each other. In our case based on the above steps
we can clear the Vendor Invoice with the Check Amount given to the Vendor.

In the following screen the user enters the information that is explained in the following table:

Field Name Description M/I/D User Input Comments

Account M Enter the Amount.
Clearing Date M Type the description
for the document you
want to create.
Period M This field proposed You could change the
by the system. propose value.
Company Code M Enter the Company
Currency M Select the relevant
IBM & HGI Internal Use Only
 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
21 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

(“M/I/D”: “M” = Mandatory, “I” = Input, “D” = Display)

Press <<Process Open Items>> and will appear the next screen:

Press <<Post>>.


Menu (Menu Path)

Accounting Financial AccountingAccounts
ReceivableDocument EntryBill of ExchangeBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check Enhancement Postdated Check List
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

Fill all necessary fields as per below and then press “Execute”

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
22 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19

At the screen below you can have a full overview of the postdated checks that are registered in
the system and the documents that have been created for that check. Moreover, if you want to
check individually the documents and the steps for a particular check then select a check and
press the “History” Button.

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services
Object: SAP FI Company / Project
HGI / SAP S/4 Hana Implementation Project
Title: SAP FI User Manual Filename: Document1 Page
23 of 23
Responsible Team: IBM-FI Team Status: Date
0.01 Initial 10/10/19


In case you want to cancel/reverse a step made before for a check then follow the below path:

Menu (Menu Path)

Accounting Financial AccountingAccounts
ReceivableDocument EntryBill of ExchangeBill of
Exchange/Postdated Check Enhancement Postdated Check
Transaction Code (Transaction Code can be displayed:-> System -> Status)

From here, you can select which point you will recall and in which step you will set the check

Then you pick up the respective GL accounts and Portfolio at “Selection Criteria” tab.

IBM & HGI Internal Use Only

 Copyright 2018, IBM Global Business Services

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