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Успешно справиться с чем – то, преуспеть в каком – то деле (часто
употребляется в письменной речи)
Plenty of college sports stars have been unable to succeed in the NFL, NBA, etc.
Elam believes there are other students like Williams who can succeed in college.
Did you ever doubt that you were going to succeed in your high-risk enterprises?

Справиться с чем-то успешно, добиться успеха когда делаешь что-
то сложное, после упорных усилий (то же самое что и succeed, но
используется больше в разговорной речи)
Finding the time to manage investments effectively can be extremely challenging.
Each of us can make some individual decisions that can help us manage our risks.
How did you manage to take notes while participating in all of those activities?

Достигать чего-либо в результате большого труда и успешно
закончить что-то
To achieve that purpose, there must be an issue, context, something to overcome.
Planning two or three jobs ahead may be the only way to achieve ambitious goals.
The students see what's possible to achieve but also that not everyone makes it.

Заканчивать, завершать (подчеркивает не только полную
завершенность, но и то, что устранены все недостатки,достигнут
необходимый результат)
It was new construction, and the builders ran out of money to complete the work.
Students typically have the chance to complete a dissertation in the third year.
Hall, 42, needs to complete 10 hours for his undergraduate degree in psychology.

Иметь дело с, справляться с
In the near future, we will be trying to find a better way to handle this issue.
Then wolves started killing livestock in 1987, and no one knew how to handle it.
Some schools, advocates say, don't have enough to handle the number of students.
1.These people watch him go through hard work in order _______________ in
the Olympics.
2.Fair enough, but I feel that Nissan really didn't ______________
expectations very well.
3.Despite the obstacles, plenty of companies ______________ in making
money in Indonesia.
4.Researchers are able to ____________ fine control of the new material's
5.Strong communication and leadership skills are required to
____________ in this role.
6.Web stores are taking a variety of steps to get consumers to
________________ purchases.
7.Andy should be applauded for the great things he helped us
_____________ at Newcastle.
8.It will take about 34 months to ______________ all phases of the new
hospital project.
9.What specialized training or education is required ______________ in
this field now?
10.He is thought ________________ logistics and financing for terrorist
cells in the area.
11.Fair enough, but I feel that Nissan really didn't ____________
expectations very well.
12.That morning, Eric left us with a list of tasks to ________________the
foundation work.
13.________________ equality, therefore, nursing had to gain the same
status as medicine.
14.You are an adult now, and it's time for you to _____________ issues in
an adult manner.
15.He returned to UK to ________________ his senior year and is still on
the baseball team.
16.You have renewed my faith in my ability to start and
______________in my own business.
17.We do well to use financial professionals to help ____________ the
financial problems.
18.The report, which took two years to _____________, was financed with
a federal grant.
19.It's easier to ______________ the workload and the chores get done
without interference.
20.Pupils gaining a higher Level 5 at the age of 11 should ____________ a
B grade at 16.
21.That will give you the margin of safety to _____________ bad times,
present and future.
22.He has relied on cognitive behavioural therapy to ____________
depression for 16 years
23.You want people to _____________ a certain goal and the goal should
be black or white.
24.It shows that the airlines were able to _____________ these things in
an effective way
25.Workers are labouring around the clock to ______________ facilities
and accommodation.
26.Eventually, the economy will eventually have to _____________ with
less government aid.
27.The child is looking at the parent for how to _____________ and react
to the situation.
28.I am always open to suggestions from businesses on how best we
can ____________ that.
29.Because I have always avoided things like this, I don't know how to
_____________ this.
30.The patients also can be extremely difficult for dentists and
workers to _______________
1.These people watch him go through hard work in order to succeed in the
2.Fair enough, but I feel that Nissan really didn't manage
expectations very well.
3.Despite the obstacles, plenty of companies succeed in making
money in Indonesia.
4.Researchers are able to achieve fine control of the new material's
5.Strong communication and leadership skills are required to succeed
in this role.
6.Web stores are taking a variety of steps to get consumers to
complete purchases.
7.Andy should be applauded for the great things he helped us achieve
at Newcastle.
8.It will take about 34 months to complete all phases of the new
hospital project.
9.What specialized training or education is required to succeed in this
field now?
10.He is thought to handle logistics and financing for terrorist cells in
the area.
11.Fair enough, but I feel that Nissan really didn't manage
expectations very well.
12.That morning, Eric left us with a list of tasks to complete the
foundation work.
13.To achieve equality, therefore, nursing had to gain the same status
as medicine.
14.You are an adult now, and it's time for you to handle issues in an
adult manner.
15.He returned to UK to complete his senior year and is still on the
baseball team.
16.You have renewed my faith in my ability to start and succeed in
my own business.
17.We do well to use financial professionals to help manage the
financial problems.
18.The report, which took two years to complete, was financed with a
federal grant.
19.It's easier to handle the workload and the chores get done without
20.Pupils gaining a higher Level 5 at the age of 11 should achieve a B
grade at 16.
21.That will give you the margin of safety to handle bad times,
present and future.
22.He has relied on cognitive behavioural therapy to manage
depression for 16 years
23.You want people to achieve a certain goal and the goal should be
black or white.
24.It shows that the airlines were able to handle these things in an
effective way
25.Workers are labouring around the clock to complete facilities and
26.Eventually, the economy will eventually have to manage with less
government aid.
27.The child is looking at the parent for how to handle and react to
the situation.
28.I am always open to suggestions from businesses on how best we
can achieve that.
29.Because I have always avoided things like this, I don't know how to
handle this.
30.The patients also can be extremely difficult for dentists and
workers to handle

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