21st Century Pretest

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21st Century Literature from the Philippines & the World

Pretest/Post test

General Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. During this period, Jose Rizal’s works such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were written to awake the mind of our countrymen.
a. Spanish Period c. Pre-Spanish Period
b. American Period d. Period of Enlightenment
2. The Philippines had literature such as legends, folktakes, folksongs, and the like.
a. Spanish Period c. Pre-Spanish Period
b. Japanese Period d. Period of Enlightenment
3. What is the purpose of bugtong?
a. To entertain b. To educate c. To curse d. All
4. In this period, religious books were written, such as Doctrina Cristiana and Urbana and Felisa, to support or contradict the Catholic Church.
a. Spanish Period c. 21st Century Period
b. American Period d. Period of Enlightenment
5. Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like news, reporting, poetry, stories play, essays, and novels which clearly depicted their
love of country and their longings for independence.
a. EDSA I Period c. Pre-Spanish Period
b. American Period d. The 3rd Republic Period
6. Filipino literature was given a break during this period for the Filipino literature was prohibited from using. Many wrote plays, poems,
short stories, etc. Topics and themes were often about life in the provinces.
a. Japanese Period c. Pre-Spanish Period
b. American Period d. American Period
7. Haiku and Tanaga were influenced by what period?
a. Spanish Period c. 21st Century Period
b. Japanese Period d. Period of Enlightenment
8. This period presented new trends in writing using modern technology.
a. Edsa I Period c. Pre-Spanish Period
b. 21st Century Period d. The 3rd Republic Period
9. This literary period witnessed newspapers which were once branded crony newspapers become instant opposition papers.
a. Japanese Period c. Pre-Spanish Period
b. American Period d. Edsa I Period
10. Poetry during this period were during this period were romantic and revolutionary.
a. The 3rd Republic Period c. 21st Century Period
b. Edsa I Period d. Pre-Spanish Period
11. Poetry during this period were dealt with patience, regard for native culture and customs.
a. The 3rd Republic Period c. Edsa I Period
b. 21st Century Period d. New Society Period
12. Philippine regional literature can be BEST described as ___________.
a. Dynamic b. Outdated c. Spoken d. Traditional
13. Imagery in poetry pertains to _____________.
a. Mental pictures c. Vague resemblances
b. Unique drawings d. Word creations
14. The use of the vernacular in regional literature is ___________
a. discouraged because many people do not understand a piece not written in either English or Tagalog
b. encouraged so that the culture and tradition of a people are upheld despite effects of modernity
c. opposed for the reason that it constraints the expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas of a writer
d. affirmed by many for it allows free flow of feelings and in-sights not understandable to readers 15. A valid observation of literary
development in the Philippines is that _______.
a. History is recorded only in the oral tradition of the country.
b. No literature could reflect the richness of our country's experiences.
c. Literary masterpieces are written by great persons with great remembrances.
d. Literature developed alongside Philippine history.
16. Because of the archipelagic nature of the Philippines, its geographical features, and the presence of various ethno-linguistic groups in the
country, regional literature has become ____________.
a. Anti-modern and traditional c. Rich and varied
b. Short yet vivid d. Nationalistic
17. Who is the strongman of Asia who declared Martial Law who arrested and imprisoned many writers in the country?
a. Diosdado Macapagal c. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Ramon Magsaysay d. None of the above
18. What are the elements of a genre?
a. Story + plot + character + setting = GENRE c. Character + setting + story = plot = GENRE
b. Plot + story + character + setting = GENRE d. GENRE = character + setting + story + plot
19. Which of the following is true?
a. An invented story with imaginary characters/events. c. Fiction is being arranged with pattern
b. Fiction is a play for performance d. None of the above
20. Which text is meant to be performed rather than to be read?
a. Drama b. Poem c. Song d. All
21. Which of the following is true?
a. The character is an animal or person in the story c. The character is the topic for discussion
b. The character is the place where the story took place d. None of the above
22. What is the meaning of literary language?
a. It concerns the writing, study or context of literature c. Form of language that is not used in literary writing
b. It means exactly what is says d. None of the above
23. Which of the following figurative description is true?
a. The grass looks like green hair c. Grass stands firm
b. Grass looks green d. None of the above
24. What figure of speech is used in the sentence, “Life is a rollercoaster”.
a. Alliteration b. Idiom c. Metaphor d. Simile
25. A figure of speech that compares two different things using the words “like” or “as.”
a. Alliteration b. Idiom c. Metaphor d. Simile
26. What figure of speech is used in the sentence, “You scared me to death”.
a. Oxymoron b. Symbol c. Hyperbole d. Cliché
27. How would you describe onomatopoeia?
a. Term used when a word imitates a sound it is describing. c. A sound of jeep beep…beep…beep
b. A sound of a train as an example - toot…toot…toot. d. All of the above
28. Which is an example of personification?
a. The leaves of the trees are dancing c. I will walk a thousand miles for you
b. I will get the stars and give it you. d. All of the above
29. What is an example of oxymoron
a. All’s fair in love and war. c. Nobody goes to Murphy’s Bar anymore — it’s too crowded.
d. None of the above
b. He is clearly confused during the exam.
30. How do you explain literary context?
a. A diversity of social speeches. c. Pertains to relation between the writer’s life and works.
d. None of the above.
b. Pertains to the nature of the genre being discussed.
31. What is the umbrella term for hundreds of countries, so many religions and thousands of different languages?
a. World geography c. World literature World
b. World religion d. scenery
32. What is the main idea of Aristotle’s tragedy Oedipus Rex?
a. It is all about the fall of King Oedipus c. To highlight the son unknowingly married his mother
b. It is about the story of tragedy d. All of the above
33. Which of the following is true
a. Ramayana is an Indian epic c. Ramayana is the dream of rood
b. Ramayana is the teaching of Confucius d. All of the above
34. What do you think peanuts, chips, and the like are considered comfort food?
a. You use your hands/fingers when eating them c. You can just throw the pack or recycle them All
b. You need not to wash kitchen utensils d. of the above
35. How do you explain the diet of identity
a. It is not only in tongue that there is significant taste c. When we lose to drive to do anything
b. When we dislike someone’s, it is also a taste d. All of the above
36. What is literature?
a. Literature are books and other writings c. The author’s attitude towards the details in the story
b. It is all about the message of life d. It is only the imagination of the author
37. Literary elements is defined as
a. These are books and other writings c. It is a part of something It
b. It is about literature and other stories d. is a part of the story
38. How do you explain tone in the literary elements?
a. The author’s attitude towards detail in the story c. There are the problems that needed to be solved
b. It is the story that the author’s feel for the readers d. It’s the story’s message about life
39. Can you define characters in the literary elements?
a. It is the big problem to be solved c. It is the person telling the story None
b. It is the people/animal in the story d. of the above
40. What is the relationship between the characters and narrator?
a. Both are humans c. Both contributes to the completeness of literary elements
d. All of the above
b. Both say something in the story
41. Which of the following is true?
a. Literary genre is of literature c. Literary genre is a category type None
b. Literary genre is a category of literature d. of the above
42. How would you categorized drama, fiction, non-fiction and poetry?
a. Those are the 4 subgenres of literature c. Those are the 4 main literary genre None
b. Those are 4 historical fiction d. of the above
43. What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
a. Fiction is sad, while non-fiction is happy c. Fiction is real history, non-fiction isn’t
b. Fiction didn’t actually happened, non-fiction did d. None of the above
44. What is the difference between tragedy and mystery?
a. Tragedy is a subgenre of drama, mystery is of fiction c. Both
b. Tragedy is fantasy, mystery is history d. None of the above
45. Which is given more attention by teenagers?
a. Biography because it’s about the story of people’s life c. Comedy because it is humorous drama with happy endings
d. It depends upon the level of happiness of a teenager
b. Narrative because it is a poem that tells a story
46. What will happen if a story is passed down by storytelling from generation to generation?
a. They will be considered fairy tales c. They are folktales All
b. They will be called tall tales d. of the above
47. What ideas/facts show about fairy tales and folktales?
a. Created to teach children lessons c. Created to have moral lesson All
b. Created by hardships people face d. of the above
48. Can you compare myths and legends?
a. Legends are dramas, myths are comedies c. Legend is to Robin Hood, myth is to Maria Makiling
b. Legends = famous people, myths = natural phenomena d. None of the above
49. Which of the following is an example of a tragedy?
a. Beowulf b. Robin Hood c. King Arthur d. Hamlet
50. How will you explain traditional literature review?
a. It has no know authors c. Both
b. Used for education and entertainment d. None of the above

Prepared by: Jeff Carlo V. Marges/Debie A. Domingo/Angelo D. Garcia/Karla Andrea P. Galang/Jaharah M. Filipino

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