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Reward Criteria For Employees

1. Dita Amelia
2. Dewi Ratnasari
3. Salsa Nabila Nasution


Employee of the year is an award or recognition program given to employees
who have demonstrated performance and dedication


1.Definisi Reward Criteria For Employees

2.Types Of Awards

3.objectives of reward criteria for employees.

4.benefits of reward criteria for employees.

5.factors that influence employees.


1.Definisi Reward Criteria For Employees

Awards are recognition of employee achievements and/or years of service in the form of
promotions, opportunities for self-development, signs of commitment and loyalty, as well as
awards in other forms.

A.Following are the awards according to experts, namely:

• According to Arikunto: an award is something that is given to someone because they
have achieved the desired achievement
• According to Djamarah (2008): a reward is giving something to another person as a
reward or keepsake/souvenir.
• According to Sastrohadiwiryo (2009): rewards are remuneration provided by the
company to its workers, because these workers have contributed energy and thought
for the progress of the company in order to achieve the goals that have been set.
• According to Leman (2000): a reward is something given to individuals or groups if
they perform an excellence in a certain field.
• According to Slameto (2010), a reward is an award given by a teacher to a student as
a gift because the student has behaved well and has succeeded in carrying out the
tasks given by the teacher well.

2.Types Of Awards

1. Intrinsic reward is a form of employee appreciation but does not come

from the work the employee does. This form of appreciation is
satisfaction with the work done so that it becomes the pride of the
company organization. This can take the form of a supportive work
environment, a flexible work system, an open career path, and a
company that is open to criticism and suggestions.
2. Extrinsic rewards This type of reward is something received from outside
work. Usually this form of reward can be seen in the form of money,
goods, allowances, employee bonuses, company profit sharing, salary
increases, prizes or promotions.

According to Mahsun (2006), there are two types of rewards based on the
reward objectives to be achieved, namely:
• Social rewards (social rewards). Social rewards relate to praise and self-
recognition obtained both from within and outside the organization.
Social rewards are extrinsic reward factors obtained from the
environment. This social award can take the form of financial material
and appreciation certificates.
• Psychic rewards (psychic rewards). Psychological appreciation is related
to self-esteem, self-satisfaction and a sense of pride in the results
achieved. Psychic rewards are intrinsic rewards that come from within a
person, such as praise, praise and congratulations that employees feel as
a form of recognition for themselves, thereby bringing satisfaction to

According to Djamarah (2008), there are four types of rewards based on the
form of reward given, namely:
• Praise: Praise is one of the easiest forms of reward.
• Respect: There are two types of rewards in the form of honors, the first
is in the form of a coronation, where the child who receives the honor is
announced and shown in front of classmates, including the school or
perhaps in front of the student’s parents.
• Present:The prize referred to here is a reward in the form of goods.
• Token of appreciation: Rewards in the form of tokens of appreciation are
also called symbolic rewards

3.objectives of reward criteria for employees (tujuan)

The goal achieved in giving rewards is to increase intrinsic motivation from
extrinsic motivation, namely that a person must carry out an action, then the
action arises from the person’s own awareness.

4.benefits of reward criteria for employees (manfaat)

Increase employee motivation.
Feel appreciated by the company
Increase productivity.
Create a positive workplace.
Reducing employee turnover rates.
Create a happier work environment.

5.that influence employees ( faktor)

The factors that influence the size of the award include the following
(Hasibuan, 2007):
1.Supply and demand for labor
If there are more job seekers (supply) than job vacancies (demand) then the
reward is relatively small. Conversely, if there are fewer job seekers than job
vacancies, then the relative reward will be greater.
2.Organizational ability and willingness
If the organization’s ability and willingness to pay improves, the level of
appreciation will increase. But on the other hand, if the organization’s ability
and willingness to pay is less then the level of appreciation is relatively small.

3.Employee organization
If the employee organization is strong and influential, the level of appreciation
will be greater. On the other hand, if the employee organization is not strong
and has little influence, the level of appreciation is relatively small.

4.Employee work productivity

If the employee’s work productivity is good and large, the reward will be even
greater. On the other hand, if work productivity is poor and low, the reward will
be small.

5.Government with laws and presidential decrees

The government by law and presidential decree determines the minimum
award amount. This government regulation is very important so that
organizations do not arbitrarily determine the amount of rewards for
employees. The government is obliged to protect the public from arbitrary

6. Cost of living
If the cost of living in the area is high, the level of appreciation will be greater.
On the other hand, if the cost of living in the area is low then the level of
appreciation is relatively small.

7. Employee position
Employees who occupy higher positions will receive greater salaries/awards.
On the other hand, employees who occupy lower positions will receive small

8.Education and work experience

If you have higher education and longer work experience, the rewards will be
greater, because your skills and abilities are better.

9. National economic conditions

If national economic conditions are advancing, the level of appreciation will
increase, because it will approach full employment conditions.


1.The conclusion
Employee of the year is an award or recognition program given to employees who have
demonstrated performance and dedication and,Awards are recognition of employee
achievements and/or years of service in the form of promotions, opportunities for self-
development, signs of commitment and loyalty, as well as awards in other forms.

“We as writers want to tell readers that”

• employees who have demonstrated performance and dedication

1.Definisi Reward Criteria For Employees

Awards are recognition of employee achievements and/or years of service in the form of
promotions, opportunities for self-development, signs of commitment and loyalty, as well as
awards in other forms.
A.Following are the awards according to experts, namely:
• According to Arikunto: an award is something that is given to someone because they
have achieved the desired achievement
• According to Djamarah (2008): a reward is giving something to another person as a
reward or keepsake/souvenir.
• According to Sastrohadiwiryo (2009): rewards are remuneration provided by the
company to its workers, because these workers have contributed energy and thought
for the progress of the company in order to achieve the goals that have been set.
• According to Leman (2000): a reward is something given to individuals or groups if
they perform an excellence in a certain field.
• According to Slameto (2010), a reward is an award given by a teacher to a student as a
gift because the student has behaved well and has succeeded in carrying out the tasks
given by the teacher well.

2.Types Of Awards

1. Intrinsic reward is a form of employee appreciation but does not come from the work
the employee does. This form of appreciation is satisfaction with the work done so that
it becomes the pride of the company organization. This can take the form of a supportive
work environment, a flexible work system, an open career path, and a company that is
open to criticism and suggestions.
2. Extrinsic rewards This type of reward is something received from outside work. Usually
this form of reward can be seen in the form of money, goods, allowances, employee
bonuses, company profit sharing, salary increases, prizes or promotions.

3.objectives of reward criteria for employees (tujuan)

The goal achieved in giving rewards is to increase intrinsic motivation from extrinsic
motivation, namely that a person must carry out an action, then the action arises from the
person’s own awareness.

4.benefits of reward criteria for employees (manfaat)

Increase employee motivation.
Feel appreciated by the company
Increase productivity.
Create a positive workplace.
Reducing employee turnover rates.

Create a happier work environment.

5.That influence employees ( faktor)

The factors that influence the size of the award include the following (Hasibuan, 2007):

1.Supply and demand for labor

If there are more job seekers (supply) than job vacancies (demand) then the reward is
relatively small. Conversely, if there are fewer job seekers than job vacancies, then the
relative reward will be greater.
2.Organizational ability and willingness
If the organization’s ability and willingness to pay improves, the level of appreciation will
increase. But on the other hand, if the organization’s ability and willingness to pay is less
then the level of appreciation is relatively small.

3.Employee organization
If the employee organization is strong and influential, the level of appreciation will be
greater. On the other hand, if the employee organization is not strong and has little
influence, the level of appreciation is relatively small.

4.Employee work productivity

If the employee’s work productivity is good and large, the reward will be even greater. On
the other hand, if work productivity is poor and low, the reward will be small.
5.Government with laws and presidential decrees
The government by law and presidential decree determines the minimum award amount.
This government regulation is very important so that organizations do not arbitrarily
determine the amount of rewards for employees. The government is obliged to protect the
public from arbitrary actions.

6. Cost of living
If the cost of living in the area is high, the level of appreciation will be greater. On the other
hand, if the cost of living in the area is low then the level of appreciation is relatively small.
7. Employee position
Employees who occupy higher positions will receive greater salaries/awards. On the other
hand, employees who occupy lower positions will receive small salaries/awards.
8.Education and work experience

If you have higher education and longer work experience, the rewards will be greater,
because your skills and abilities are better.
9. National economic conditions
If national economic conditions are advancing, the level of appreciation will increase,
because it will approach full employment conditions.

3.Reference List

ga%20nama%20baik%20perusahaan ( introduction background)
0penghargaan%20dalam%20bentuk%20lainnya (Definisi Criteria penghargaan)
tujuan-dan-syarat.html?m=1 ( pengertian penghargaan menurut para ahli, jenis
penghargaan menurut para ahli ,tujuan penghargaan, fungsi penghargaan)
arian%2C%20mingguan%2C%20bahkan%20tahunan ( jenis-jenis penghargaan terbagi
menjadi dua bagian, dan manfaat penghargaan)
mempengaruhi_8.html?m=1 ( faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penghargaan)

Awards are recognition of employee achievements and/or years of service in the form
of promotions, opportunities for self-development, signs of commitment and loyalty, as well
as awards in other forms, objectives of reward criteria for employees is The goal achieved in
giving rewards is to increase intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation, namely that a
person must carry out an action, then the action arises from the person’s own awareness
and,benefits of reward criteria for employees is (Increase employee motivation,Feel
appreciated by the company,Increase productivity,Create a positive workplace,Reducing
employee turnover rates,Create a happier work environment,.That Influence employees (
faktor), The factors that influence the size of the award include the following (Hasibuan,
2007): Supply and demand for labor If there are more job seekers (supply) than job
vacancies (demand) then the reward is relatively small. Conversely, if there are fewer job
seekers than job vacancies, then the relative reward will be greater,Organizational ability and
willingness If the organization’s ability and willingness to pay improves, the level of
appreciation will increase But on the other hand, if the organization’s ability and willingness
to pay is less then the level of appreciation is relatively small,Employee organization If the
employee organization is strong and influential, the level of appreciation will be greater On
the other hand, if the employee organization is not strong and has little influence, the level
of appreciation is relatively small, Employee work productivity If the employee’s work
productivity is good and large, the reward will be even greater. On the other hand, if work
productivity is poor and low, the reward will be small, Government with laws and
presidential decrees The government by law and presidential decree determines the
minimum award amount. This government regulation is very important so that organizations
do not arbitrarily determine the amount of rewards for employees. The government is
obliged to protect the public from arbitrary actions, Cost of living If the cost of living in the
area is high, the level of appreciation will be greater. On the other hand, if the cost of living
in the area is low then the level of appreciation is relatively small, Employee position
Employees who occupy higher positions will receive greater salaries/awards. On the other
hand, employees who occupy lower positions will receive small salaries/awards. Education
and work experience If you have higher education and longer work experience, the rewards
will be greater, because your skills and abilities are better, National economic conditions If
national economic conditions are advancing, the level of appreciation will increase,because
it will approach full employment conditions.
Table Of Content
Tatle Page

Abstrak ................................................................................................................ I
Table of Content ................................................................................. II

A-INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND .................................................. 1
B-THE PURPOSE OF REPORT ........................................................... 2

1.Definisi Reward Criteria For Employees ....................................... 1
a.Following are the awards according to experts.
2..Types Of Awards.......................................................................... 2
.a Intrinsic reward.
.b Extrinsic rewards.
3.Objectives of reward criteria for employees.................................. 3
4.Benefits of reward criteria for employees .................................... 4
5. That Influence Employees ............................................................. 5

1. Definisi Reward Criteria For Employees.................................... 1
a.Following are the awards according to experts.
2..Types Of Awards.......................................................................... 2
.a Intrinsic reward.
.b Extrinsic rewards.
3.Objectives of reward criteria for employees.................................. 3
4.Benefits of reward criteria for employees .................................... 4
5. That Influence Employees ............................................................ 5
6. Abstrak ........................................................................................ 6
Reference List.

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