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French Topic 1

Les salutations Nom: ______________________ Classe: ________

1. Draw a line between the French greeting and matching English meaning 4. Write these sentences in French. 5. Write the correct French greetings in each bubble

Au revoir! Say hello in the morning Good bye! See you soon!
How are you?
Bonsoir! Say hello in the late aŌernoon or evening
Bonne nuit! Say 'see you soon' I am very well.

Bonjour! Goodbye/see you later

And you?
Salut! Say 'hi' or 'bye' anyƟme
À bientôt! Say goodbye at night
Not well.
À demain! Say ‘see you tomorrow ‘

2. Unjumble these French greetings 6. Write the correct French greetings in each bubble
Good day Hi! My name is Marie. What’s your name? My name is Samuel. How are you?

3. Complete the crossword puzzle.

1 2 DOWN I’m well. And you? I’m so, so. Bye. See you soon.
1. Mrs/Madam
2. me too

3. and you?
4. How are you?
5 5. Mr/Sir
6. thank you

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