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EnergyProcedia 158
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10 International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong,
10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong,
Cleaner production nodes in fish processing. Case study in Latvia
Cleaner production
Edvins Terehovics,
nodes in
The 15th International fishIvars
Raimonda Soloha, onVeidenbergs,Case
District Heating study
in Latvia
Edvins Terehovics,
of Energy Systems
feasibility Soloha,
and Environment,
of using theAzenes
Riga Technical
Veidenbergs, demand-outdoor
iela 12/1, Blumberga*
Riga, LV–1048, Latvia

temperature function for a long-term district heat demand forecast

Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Riga Technical University, Azenes iela 12/1, Riga, LV–1048, Latvia

I. Andrića,b,c*, A. Pinaa, P. Ferrãoa, J. Fournierb., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc
Abstractproduction is a continuous and preventive approach to the environmental and energy management and allows to provide
Center for Innovation,
manufacture Technology
products withand Policy Research
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to evaluate 44300
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This study is topreliminary
outlines analyze a specific fishtheprocessing
results of analysis,
which can(case be study)
used asfrom the viewpoint
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for further and environmental
research and optimization. management to evaluate
Case study focusespossibility to implement
on the analysis cleaner
of electricity
consumptionmeasures and therefore
in fish processing, improve
which company’s
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on technologies, This study
products, outlines preliminary
raw materials, results ofprocesses
climatic conditions, the analysis,
developed can methodology
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for further
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consumption in fishofprocessing,
power use. Testing methodology which depends
for fish on technologies,
processing case study products,
consists ofrawthematerials,
analysis of climatic
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and creationprocesses etc.
of empirical
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for2 decreasing the
model. Resultsmethodology
of multiple algorithm
regression presents
showprocessing and analysis
that obtained equation of production
describes 75 %data to analyzed
of the find tendencies
data (Rof=0.754).
flexibility of
greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat
power use. Testing of methodology for fish processing case study consists of the analysis of results and creation of empirical
sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease,
model. Results of multiple regression analysis show that obtained equation describes 75 % of the analyzed data (R2 =0.754).
prolonging the investment return period.
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2019 main
Thescope of this
Authors. paper isbytoElsevier
Published assess the feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference on Applied
This is an open
forecast. The access
districtarticle under thelocated
of Alvalade, CC BY-NC-ND
in Lisbonlicense (
(Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Energy (ICAE2018).
buildings thatunder responsibility
vary of the scientific
in both construction periodcommittee of ICAE2018
and typology. – The 10th
Three weather International
scenarios Conference
(low, medium, on Applied
high) and three Energy.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference on Applied
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
Energy (ICAE2018).
Keywords: cleaner production, fish canning, indicators, enfironmental and energy management, flexibility
compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
Keywords: cleaner production, fish canning, indicators, enfironmental and energy management, flexibility
(the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
1. Introduction
Each industrial process combines
decrease in the number of heating hours three interrelated
of 22-139h during thefeatures:
heatingresources (materials,
season (depending on thewater, energy, ofwaste
combination weatheretc.),
technologies and final
renovation scenarios product.OnAllthethese
considered). other features are linked
hand, function interceptwith processes
increased that canperbedecade
for 7.8-12.7% optimized eitheronby
(depending the
Each industrial
coupled the process
scenarios). process
values combines
suggested three
by replacing resource,
be features:
used to changing
modify resources
thehabits (materials,
function or replacing forwater, energy,considered,
the scenarios waste etc.),
(equipment). and
technologies and final
improve the accuracy product.
of heat demandAll these features are linked with processes that can be optimized either by
improving the process itself (e.g. by replacing resource, changing habits etc.) or replacing technologies (equipment).
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under
* Corresponding responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
E-mail address:
* Corresponding author
Keywords: Heat demand;
E-mail address:
1876-6102 Copyright Forecast;
Ltd. Allchange
© 2018 rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018).
1876-6102 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018).

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
1876-6102 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICAE2018 – The 10th International Conference on Applied Energy.
3952 Edvins Terehovics et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 3951–3956
2 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

The aim of CP is to ensure rational use of resources, minimize waste, save money etc. Moreover, nowadays
companies are forced to work more on the environmental performance [1]. First of all, cleaner production principles
are closely linked to the concept of circular economy (CE) which aims to close the loop between extraction of raw
materials and disposal of waste by finding new applications not just by recycling, but also by trying to reuse,
remanufacture, refurbish, repair, upgrade and cascade materials and components [3]. Moreover, one of the European
Union’s (EU) targets within CE strategy is to reduce landfilling maximum to 10 % among all waste by 2030 [4].
Four main aspects of CE are production and consumption, waste management, secondary raw materials, as well as
competitiveness and innovations [5]. Second of all, another binding EU directive related to CP is directive on Energy
Efficiency 2012/27/EU [6] which aims to increase energy efficiency by 30 % until 2030. Third of all, Environmental
Management System (EMS) is a part of the overall management system of the company. EMS in the company is
characterized by the ISO 14001 and/or Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) which are voluntary measures
that can be implemented by companies to ensure a good and continuous quality and management system to reduce
negative impact on the environment and human health [7].
Cleaner production is a process in which current production process is gradually being transitioned towards
zero waste production with high eco-efficiency [2]. Generic principles of cleaner production and services are
related to materials, water, energy and the protection of natural resources and the environment. However, not all
general principles can be directly related to the use of materials, energy and water. Therefore, it is always
necessary to analyze how these principles can be taken into account in each particular case in order to rationally
use raw materials and resources.
According to the research by Matos L. et al [8], implementation of cleaner production provides several benefits,
for instance: mitigation of pollution, waste and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; improvement of process
productivity and product efficiency (mass balance flows of materials, energy, water, waste); reduction of risks on
human health, environment and occupational safety; new business opportunities (new products); improvement of the
corporate image on a regional, national and/or international level; organizational competitiveness and profitability;
improvement of the work environment (better work conditions, increased employee qualification); improvement of
product safety; improvement or modernisation of technological process. On the contrary, there are several
drawbacks [8] associated with cleaner production too. For example, lack of guidelines on cleaner production and
sustainability; lack of knowledge and understanding of the necessity of cleaner production; lack of financial,
technological, informational resources, as well as skilled workforce; short-term investment predominance over long-
term investment; absence of environmentally friendly culture at work.
The aim of the current research is to evaluate the current state of the company, which can be used as a baseline
scenario for further optimization.

2. Methodology

To get acquainted with the scope of the analyzed company, in total two site visits have been done
(December 2017 and April 2018). The first site visit was in December 2017. The second site visit took place in April
2018. Moreover, it was discussed which data still are necessary to continue data analysis. Acquired data from the
company are monthly data in year 2016 and 2017.
The aim of data analysis was to conduct material and energy flow analysis and find out what are the links
between raw materials, energy (heat and electricity), water and the production. This has been done by calculating
specific performance indicators, e.g.:
 specific electricity consumption [MWhel/t of net production];
 specific water consumption [m3/t of net production];
 specific heat consumption [MWhth/t of net production].
In order to evaluate calculated indicators, whenever possible indicators were compared to the values available in
BAT documents, e.g. one of the document that was used as a reference was BAT in fish processing industry: A
Nordic perspective [9].
Edvins Terehovics et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 3951–3956 3953
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3

2.1. Overview of the analyzed fish processing company

Analyzed fish processing company has been established in 1949 and is located in the Northern part of Latvia
along the Gulf of Riga. The main scope of the company is production of canned fish products: smoked fish and
roasted fish. Other products that are produced are fish balls and fish pate. Main fish species that are used in the
production of canned products are Baltic sprat and herring. Figure 1 shows some of the fish processing processes in
the analyzed company.

Fig. 1. Analyzed fish processing industry: (a) fish grading (on the left), (b) fish roasting (on the right)

Baltic sprat constitutes approximately 64 % of the total fish consumption in 2017, Baltic herring – 17 %, but
Atlantic Ocean fish – 19 %. Consumption of raw fish in 2017 equals to 2856 t/year. Total production in 2017 is
12342 t/year (including packaging), from this amount the net weight of the fish in the final product equals
2593 t/year.
Figure 2 shows a simplified scheme of the analyzed fish processing company. Within the company there are
3 main utilities: production facility, boiler house and wastewater treatment

Final Purified water

product Emissions

Waste- treatment plant
Electricity Production utility

Heat Boiler house

Raw materials Wood chips

Fig. 2. Simplified scheme of the analyzed fish processing company

The main flows among the facilities are resources, materials, energy (heat and electricity) and water. Processes
that occur in the production facility are cleaning, refrigeration, thawing, grading, smoking and roasting, packing in
cans, sealing, washing, sterilization of cans, addition of labels, packing in boxes.
3954 Edvins Terehovics et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 3951–3956
4 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

2.2. Outline of the methodology

Figure 3 shows part of the conducted research. Methodology starts with the data acquisition and mathematical
data processing to arrange data that has been received from the company. Then procedure continues with data
analysis in which data that is not suitable for the analysis, has been excluded. For example, data can be eliminated
from the analysis if it does not correspond to the production. After that specific performance indicators can be
calculated by linking specific and corresponding variables together. Then, whenever possible, calculated indicators
have been compared with BAT values on fish processing.

Data Mathematical data

input processing

Explanation of Elimination of invalid

Result analysis
differences data


Calculation of specific

Is difference caused by
inappropriate calculation of
Benchmarking analysis Indicators from BAT

No Does corresponding indicator

corresponds to value in BAT?


No Recommendations for
Recommendations for
slight improvement


Fig. 3. Flow chart of data analysis methodology

The obtained data was screened to understand whether there are some unsuitable data (not related to production)
that should not be included in the analysis. Statistical analysis includes calculation of specific indicators, as well as
correlation and regression analysis among various parameters. Results of regression analysis is closely linked to data
quality. In this work multiple regression analysis has been performed using data analysis tool STATGRAPHICS

3. Results and discussions

Multiple regression analysis has been performed to evaluate how varying fish production influences specific
electricity consumption. In total 18 data points from different months are used in multiple regression analysis. Some
Edvins Terehovics et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 3951–3956 3955
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 5

months have been excluded from the analysis due to no production during those months. In regression analysis there
is 1 dependent variable and 5 independent variables (different products). Company produces around 190 different
products (mainly different packaging or spices added). In order to conduct statistical analysis the amount of products
has been scaled down to only 5. Grouping has been done on the basis of the used fish processing technique.
Multiple regression equation (1) of the fitted model is as follows:

E=0.855-0.000916a-0.00171b-0.00239c-0.00587d-0.0022e (1)

E – specific electricity consumption, MWhel/t;
a – smoked sprats (Baltic sprat and herring) in oil, MWh/month;
b – roasted sprats (Baltic sprat and herring) in oil or in tomato sauce, MWh/month;
c – fish balls, MWh/month;
d – fish pate, MWh/month;
e – Atlantic Ocean fish in oil or in tomato sauce, MWh/month.
According to the analysis of variance, there is a statistically significant relationship between variables at the 99 %
confidence level. Fitted R squared equals to 75.4 %, but adjusted R squared which is more suitable at comparing
various models is equal to 65.1 %. Another important objective of regression analysis is no correlation among
independent variables. This can be checked with the help of correlation matrix.
P-values for coefficient a and coefficient b are > 0.05 which means that these values do not correspond to 95 %
confidence interval. The highest p value is for coefficient a and it corresponds to 74 % confidence level. According
to the model it has been suggested to remove this independent variable from the analysis, but as it is smoked fish
which corresponds to the majority of production, it was decided to leave this variable in the model. However, reason
which could explain why smoked fish is not significant is that heat consumption plays more important role in its
production (heat and smoke). However, as there was not enough heat consumption data it was not possible to
perform multiple regression analysis on this.

Table 1. Correlation matrix for coefficient estimates

Koef. Constant a b c d e
Constant 1.000 -0.7549 -0.1047 -0.4313 0.0509 -0.1331
a -0.7549 1.000 -0.1509 0.0581 -0.4264 -0.2498
b -0.1047 -0.1509 1.000 -0.1132 0.0193 -0.2155
c -0.4313 0.0581 -0.1132 1.000 0.2911 0.1286
d 0.0509 -0.4264 0.0193 0.2911 1.000 0.0162
e -0.1331 -0.2498 -0.2155 0.1286 0.0162 1.000

As can be seen in the correlation matrix (Table 1), all absolute values of correlation are not bigger than 0.5,
therefore there is no serious multicollinearity. Relation between observed and predicted values (calculated by
equation) can be seen in the Figure 2.
As can be seen in the Figure 4 the equation describes observed and predicted (calculated by regression equation)
data. Acquired equation can be used to forecast electricity consumption in varying production processes.
4. Conclusions
A case study in fish processing company has been started to introduce the principle of cleaner production. Flow
chart of data analysis methodology has been developed to analyze the performance of the company.
Multiple regression analysis has been performed to evaluate how well different products (independent variables)
influence electricity consumption (dependent variable) in the production process. Acquired multiple regression
equation predicts specific electricity consumption in different production conditions. The obtained equation
describes 75 % of the analyzed data (R2 =0.754) and can be used as a baseline scenario for further analysis.
6 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000
3956 Edvins Terehovics et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 3951–3956





0.32 0.42 0.52 0.62 0.72
Fig. 4. Plot of specific electricity consumption [MWhel/t of net production] – predicted versus observed values

Further analysis will involve scenario development for the implementation of cleaner production principles in the
company. To more thoroughly analyse company’s data and evaluate improvement potential and possibilities, further
analysis acquire data that have been collected with a shorter time step. This could be done by going to the company
and performing measurements to monitor data. However, this is a time-consuming process.
This research is a preliminary study developed within the framework of a project “Improvement of production
efficiency in fish processing companies” funded by European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Project is being
implemented in the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment (Latvia). Special thanks to Bachelor student Laine
Lupkina for her assistance with the preparation of the publication.
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[3] J. Korhonen, C. Nuur, A. Feldmann, and S. E. Birkie, “Circular economy as an essentially contested concept,” Journal of Cleaner Production,
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[4] “Waste policy review - Environment - European Commission.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-May-2018].
[5] European Commission, “Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social
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[6] European Parliament and Council of the European Union, Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy
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[7] H. K. Salim et al., “Global trends in environmental management system and ISO14001 research,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 170, pp.
645–653, Jan. 2018.
[8] L. M. Matos et al., “Implementation of cleaner production: A ten-year retrospective on benefits and difficulties found,” Journal of Cleaner
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[9] Nordic Council of Ministers, “BAT in fish processing industry: Nordic perspective,” 2015.

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