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G12 - Luna, Elham O.

12- Faraday
General Chemistry 2 Reflection
1st Semester - 2nd Quarter
Looking back on our time together in General Chemistry 2 during the second quarter, I
can't help but realize just how much I missed diving into math-related subjects. The thrill of
solving equations and manipulating numbers to unveil the secrets of chemical reactions was
undeniably exhilarating. From exploring the complexities of intermolecular forces to deciphering
the mysteries of thermodynamics, every lesson was a stepping stone towards a deeper
understanding of the underlying principles governing chemical phenomena.

In addition to the joy of computation, I've also learned a great deal throughout this
quarter through the insightful discussions that we had. Each concept mastered, each equation
balanced, served as a testament to our collective growth and dedication to the pursuit of

In essence, General Chemistry 2 in the second quarter has been a remarkable journey
filled with moments of excitement, revelation, and personal growth. It has reignited my passion
for math-related subjects, broadened my understanding of chemistry, and reminded me of the
sheer joy that comes from unraveling the mysteries of the natural world through the lens of

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