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Regina Rahmi, The ImplementationOf Media...


Regina Rahmi11


This study which was conducted at SD Islam Laboratorium Neuhen, Mesjid Raya is intended to
figure out how the implementation of media in English language teaching to the six levels. The study
was conducted case study r esear ch desi gn. The populati on was 44 and the sampl e was
t aken by usi ng nonprobability sample that is convenience sampling was 22 students and 1
English teacher. The research problems are: (1) what kinds of media are used by the teacher in
teaching English? (2) how does the teacher implement media in teaching English? (3) what are the
obstacles faced by the teacher in teaching English by using media (4) what are students’ responses
toward using media in English language teaching? The data were collected by using instruments,
namely: observation checklist sheets, questionnaire sheet, interview guidelines, and documentations.
Based on the data analysis, it was found that (1) the English teacher at SD Islam Laboratorium used
(a) smart phone as audio media (b) visual printed media such as book, magazine and newspaper (c)
visual display media such as picture, flashcard, poster, realia/model/mock up, puzzle and
blackboard (d) teacher herself as model (2) the teacher did three phases in using media. They are:
(a) preparation; learning curriculum and syllabus, the teacher matches the basic competences with
appropriate media, preparing the media, bring the media to the class, recognizing the types of the
students (b) core activity; students’ question about media, student-centered in learning process while
using media, good interaction in using media, cognitive-affective-psychomotor of the student in using
media (c) closing; summarization of using media, motivation/moral value of using media, giving
homework. In addition the teacher did positive performance in using media (3) some difficulties faced
by the teacher in the implementation of media in English language teaching, they are: designing
lesson plan and preparing appropriate teaching materials as media (4) the students' responses toward
the implementation of media was very positive. The findings show that 90% of the students like to
study English by using media. So, it is suggested that English teacher should use the media, because
they are the effective tools in English teaching-learning process.

Keywords: English Language Teaching, Media

Regina Rahmi, Dosen Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris – STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh, Email:

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Regina Rahmi, The ImplementationOf Media...

INTRODUCTION media which can be used by the teacher in

English teaching learning process, but the
Teaching English to young learners is teacher should be selective on choosing the
different from teaching English to adult. It is media, especially in teaching English to the
because the way of children learns a foreign primary school students. As recommended by
language is different from the way of adult Richard and Rodgers (1986: 87) that students
learns. The children learning process need are supposed to study second language
something realistic. Young learners also learn enjoyably. It means the role of the teacher is
when they get motivation in their interest or in very important in motivating the students’
the activities which are relevant to them. In interest in English teaching-learning process
other words, in learning English as foreign and also the relationship connection between
language children learn and understand the teacher and students.
language better by treating and applying it into Clearly, there are many kinds of media
actual activities. Teaching Basic English to the that can be used by the teacher in English
young learners in primary level has important teaching-learning process to the young
role. The English teacher has to understand learners such as audio media, visual media,
much more about young learners in choosing audio-visual media and the teacher herself as a
methods, techniques and media based on the model. In this study, the researcher hopes to
students’ ability, need and interest. English teacher in order to teach English by
The objectives of English language using various instructional materials as media,
teaching to the young learners are to introduce therefore the teacher can make the students
English as second language to them, build the interest to study English language everywhere,
basic knowledge of English and give them in classroom or outside the classroom, over all
motivation in English learning process by SD Islam Laboratorium has applied English
making rewards for their need and interest of from first levels till six levels as local content
this language in the future. For example the subject.
teaching English by using media to the six
levels students at SD Islam Laboratorium, Research Problems
Neuheun, Mesjid Raya, Aceh Besar. The The problems of the study that the
teacher asked the students to bring their small researcher considers important to be searched
favorite things from home, than the teacher as the following:
discuss it in learning vocabularies by asking 1. What kinds of media are used by the
the English meaning to the students. teacher in teaching English at Six Level
Media are very important to help of SD Islam Laboratorium Neuheun?
students in understanding English as the
foreign language. There are many kinds of

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2. How does the teacher implement media in THEORITICAL REVIEW OF

teaching English at Six Level of SD Islam LITERATURE
Laboratorium Neuheun?
3. What are the obstacles faced by the 1. English Language Teaching to
teacher in teaching English by using Children
media at Six Level of SD Islam Teaching English as foreign language
Laboratorium Neuheun? to children is easy, enjoyable and fun. But in
4. What are student’s responses toward reality, it is difficult to be done by some
using media in English language teaching teachers, because they do not mastering the
at Six Level of SD Islam Laboratorium ways in teaching English to children. To
Neuheun? successfully teach children a second language
requires specific skill and intuitions that differ
Research Objective from those appropriate for adult teaching. So
There are four objectives of study that that, teaching children is not only teaching
the writer wants to know: language development, but also understanding
1. The kind of media in teaching English at of their environment, their mental process
Six Level of SD Islam Laboratorium which used in thinking, remembering,
Neuheun. perceiving, recognizing, and classifying the
2. The English teacher implementing utterances. It means that the methodology
teaching-learning process in using media applied and the material given when teaching
at Six Level of SD Islam Laboratorium English to children should be suitable with all
Neuheun. those factors on children’s perspective.
3. The obstacles faced by the teacher in Children use English genuinely, learning
teaching English by using media at Six something new and developing character as
Level of SD Islam Laboratorium whole people as well. Moreover, children aged
Neuheun. 7-12 are still dependent and need security. If
4. The student’s responses toward using English lesson becomes frightening for them
media in English language teaching at Six or they become frustrated, mother tongue
Level of SD Islam Laboratorium sometimes may be use.
Neuheun. The teacher has to be aware of
children’s characteristic in teaching-learning
process. McGLothin (1997: 8) in his article A
Child’s First Step in Language Learning
corroborated that children have their own
strategies in learning. They are not interested
in language for its own sake, however, they
also are not disturbed by the language he does

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not understand. Its mean that they have more attained the purpose of English learning by
pay attention to things that are easy to using both kinds of media, audio media and
understand and they also have basic interest to visual media.
help them in learning English. For example, by As Nunan (1999: 57) mentioned about
listening, imitating and repeating the model learners types and learning preferences. He
performed. Children imitate the sounds or explained as below:
patterns which they hear or see around them Type 1. Concrete learners
and receive positive reinforcement for doing These learners tend to like games, pictures,
something. Actually, they are like to find films, videos, using cassettes, talking in pairs,
something new to help them in learning by and practicing English outside class.
having parents’ or teachers’ supports in Type 2. Analytical learners
involving their education. These learners likes studying grammar,
. studying English books and reading
2. The Types of the Students newspapers, studying alone, finding their own
In language skills, the teacher should mistakes, and working on problems set by the
be identified the different types of the students teacher.
emphatically. It can be helped the teacher in Type 3. Communicative learners
running the activities of English teaching These students like to learn by watching,
process, and also help the student in acquiring listening to native speakers, talking to friends
their abilities. Besides that, skill’s integrations in English and watching television in English,
also need to know by the teachers to increase using English out of class in stores, trains, and
their ability in classifying the types of the so on, learning new words by hearing them,
students in teaching English by using media. and learning by conversations.
The interaction between the use of Type 4. Authority-oriented learners
media and characteristic of students’ learn can These learners preferred the teacher to explain
be determined the result of students’ learns. Its everything, liked to have their own textbook,
mean that the students will get the significance to write everything in notebook, to study
advantage when they learn by using media grammar, learn by reading, and learn new
according with their characteristics, types and words by seeing them.
their learning style. The researcher can be 3. Teacher’s Roles in Teaching English
gave the example on it. Visual students will be by Using Media to Children
more obtain to get the advantage when studied In teaching English to children by
through visual media, like picture, diagram, using media, teacher conduct as a model,
video, or film. While audio students are being facilitator, controller, assessor, organizer,
helped by learning with the audio media, like participant and prompter. As clearly says by
radio, voice record, or teacher’s discourse. Harmer (2007: 260-261) that well prepared
However, audio-visual students are going to be teachers need to know about the job they are

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going to do before they can start successful 6. Game

plans. In his descriptions, he mentioned there
are six major areas of necessary knowledge, 6. The Overview of Media
namely: Learning and teaching a foreign
1. The language for the level. language needs a lot of patience, energy, time,
2. The skill for the level creativity and competence. The success of the
3. The learning aids available for the level teaching and learning of foreign language
4. Stages and techniques in teaching skills including English is determined by a
5. Systematical activities number of factors such as the students, the
6. Classroom management skill teacher, the methods, material and media or
7. Rapport establishment aids used.
8. Praise and criticism’s balance Media supported the primary school
9. Energy generation students in mastering basic English. As
declared by Heinich, at al. (1996: 4) that using
4. Curriculum, Syllabus and Lessons materials as media in teaching English as
Plan in Using Media foreign language can be helpful to the teacher.
Curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan It is a tool to support the learning that is used
are important components in language as medium in instruction to deliver the
teaching. Especially English, the teacher have materials to the learners.
to plan what and how to teach, what methods,
strategies and media that can be used, how to A. Definition of Media
combine the connection between the steps in Media are being used to send
teaching according curriculum, syllabus, messages to the students and stimulate them to
lesson plan with the methods, strategies and learn, as Gagne et. al. (1992: 8) defines that
media that will be used in teaching learning media are various components in learners’
process. And also how to achieve the goal of environment which support the learners learn.
the English teaching programs. This may include traditional materials such as
handouts, book, newspapers, magazine, charts,
5. Methods and Techniques Used in slides, overheads, real objects, flash card and
Teaching English to Children videotape or film, television, and radio, as well
newer materials and methods such as
1. Audio-Lingual Method computers, internet, and interactive video
2. Total Physical Response (TPR) conferencing. And also blackboard, which is
Method being used by a teachers to inform learners
3. Silent Way Method about what they are teaching, at the same time
4. Story Telling Technique we also talk about instructional media and
5. Song, Music and Dance Technique

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teaching aids. The board is teaching aids and the use of different kinds of media such as
what is on the board is instructional media visual and printed media are sometimes known
Media are considered as the way of as multi-media or mixed media. There are
communication used to carry messages with various kinds of media, but visual aids are the
an instructional purpose or intent, for example appropriate media for learners, particularly
to facilitate communication. Latuheru (1988) children. The visual aids which are commonly
as cited by Kasbolah (1995: 10) states that used for teaching English are book,
instructional media are the media whose newspapers, magazine, pictures, realia or real
function is integrated in the instructional objects (mock up), posters, cartoons, and flash
objectives stated in the syllabus. It can say that cards.
media bring information or messages from the
information resources, here teacher as sender B. Why Use Media in English Language
to the student as receivers which intended to Teaching
increase the learning outcome and to attain
certain educational objectives which can be Media is very useful in learning the
specified in different ways. As Sadiman et al, English language. The teacher and students are
(2010; 14) stated that media is a guideline helped by using media to achieve the learning
which can be stated about media. Media is goals. So that, the teachers should apply the
anything used to send message(s) from the media in teaching - learning activities because:
sender(s) to the receiver(s), so it can be 1. Media can be solved the lack of the
aroused the learners’ thought, feeling, and learners’ experiences. Learners have
interest to gear the students’ learn. different background such as areas, family
The researcher can be summed up that life, society, social economic, etc.
media can be used in the teaching of English, 2. Media can be reached everything out of the
because they can activate and stimulate the class. There are so many things around the
students’ interest in studying English, lessen learners that cannot be reached by them,
verbalism, and make the acquisition of the such as: bacteria, virus, etc. To know and
result of learning. However, it must be see those tiny things, we must use a
remembered that in the use of media, it is microscope as a media. We use a picture to
important for the teachers to have certain present things which cannot be brought into
ability and skill to use media effectively and the classroom such as: markets, stations,
efficiently. On the other hand, media are used harbors.
by teachers to impart and emphasize on 3. Media are created the possible direct
information, stimulate interest, and facilitate interaction between the learners and their
the learning process. It can be aural, audio, environment.
visual, or audio-visual media. In a language 4. Media are produced some observation. The
teaching, teaching materials which involves learners’ observation can be directed into

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the important things based on the teacher’s (1973) in Kasbolah (1995: 16) stating that
aims. media can make a class situation more alive
5. Media can be kept the basic, concrete and since the media can interest students and
real concepts of the teaching. attract students’ attention.
6. The learners’ motivation is aroused by D. Kind of Media
using media in learning. a. Audio Media
7. Media are integrated the experience from Audio media offer a wide range of
the concrete things to the abstract ones. opportunities for group or individual use that
According to Ruis et al (2009: 4) there can deliver instruction involving verbal
are some advantages of using media in information and guiding the learning of
teaching-learning process. Those are; intellectual and motor skills. Example:
1. To increase the learners’ motivation. (cassette recorder or tape recorder) song,
2. To avoid the learners bored. music, reading story, etc. with the same
3. To make the learners easy to understand examples, Kemp and Smellie (1989) in
the instructional material. Onasanya (2004: 130) defines that audio aids
4. To make the teaching learning process are media that can be listened to.
more systematic 1. Tape recorder and cassette recorder
5. To achieve the learning goals. 2. Radio
It can say that media are arisen the 3. Smart phone
learners’ interest, stormed the learners’ brain
to think creatively and concretely in b. Visual Media
understanding English effectively. 1. Book or textbook
2. Magazine or newspaper
C. Roles of Media 3. Flashcard, picture or poster.
Media can make the information more 4. Real object/Realia/Model/Mock up
attractive. Picture and real objects are easily 5. Puzzle
processed to catch and hold children’s 6. Blackboard or whiteboard
attention. Kasbolah (1995: 14) states that 7. Stick figure
instructional media have several roles. Three
of them are attention role, communicative role, c. Audio-visual Media
and retention role. Attention role of media is to The instructional media that involve
attract the students’ attention, to heighten the the senses of sight and hearing are named:
students’ curiosity, and to convey the audio-visual media (Kasbolah, 1995: 19). In
information. Particularly, the role of media in language teaching, Richards, et al (1985; 21)
an instructional situation is for supplemental defines that audio-visual media is a great help
of the live instruction in the classroom. This is in stimulating and facilitating the learning of a
in line with the statement of Finocchiaro foreign language. The examples of audio-

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visual media are: television, and computer, in teaching English by using media at SD
video, etc. Islam Laboratorium Neuhen by using
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY observation check list, interview guidelines,
This study is qualitative in nature with questionnaire and documentation. This study
observational, interview and questionnaire also investigated what are student’s responses
research techniques. Qualitative methodology toward of using media in English language
allows researchers to focus on perceptions teaching for Primary School Student at SD
behaviors and experiences (Bodgan & Biklen, Islam Laboratorium Neuheun. The target
1998: 55). Case study research excels at population of this study is all of six level’s
bringing us to an understanding of a complex students of SD Islam Laboratorium Neuheun,
issue or object and can extend experience or Mesjid Raya. By using convenience sampling
add strength to what is already known through as a procedure to get sampling unit according
previous research by providing the real people to the research need, the sample is 23, which
in real situation. Cohen, et al (2005: 181) were 22 students and 1 English teacher.
defined that case study is a specific instance
that is frequently designed to illustrate a more RESEARCH FINDING AND
general principle. Further, they said that case DISCUSSIONS
study provides a unique example of real 1. The Kind of Media in Teaching English
people in real situation, enabling readers to at Six Level of SD Islam Laboratorium
understand ideas more clearly than simply by Neuhen
presenting them with abstract theories or
principles. Table 1. Kind of Media in English
Based on the objective of this study, Language Teaching
the research conducted the study in the form of
investigation intended to obtain information on
the use of media in English language teaching
at SD Islam Laboratorium Neuheun.
This study tries to collect the
information on the use of media in English
language teaching at SD Islam Laboratorium
Neuhen. More specially, the data gathered on
what media used by the teacher in teaching
English and the obstacles faced by the teacher

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Basic Competency
N Vocabular
Kind of Media Medium Yes Readin Writin Listenin Speakin
o y
g g g g

Tape recorder √
Radio √
Smart Phone √ √ √ √ √
Book √ √ √ √ √ √
Printe Magazine √ √ √ √ √
d Newspaper √ √ √ √ √
Mail √
Picture √ √ √ √
Flashcard √ √ √ √
Poster √ √ √
Visua Slide √
l Graphic √
Displa Photography √
y Realia /Mock-
√ √ √ √ √ √
Puzzle √ √ √ √ √ √
Blackboard √ √ √ √ √ √

Stick figure √ √ √ √ √ √

Television √

Audio-Visual Vidio √

Computer √

Teacher √ √ √ √ √ √

Based on the table 4.1, it was found of printed media, the teacher used course
that the teacher used several media from each book for all competences, magazine and
variable of media that could be interpreted as newspaper used in reading, writing,
follow; speaking, and vocabulary. In informal
1. Audio media. The teacher did not use all short interview of the using printed
of media in this variable, she used smart media, the researcher asked to the teacher
phone almost for all competence of about her reason why she did not use
teaching-learning process, and these are magazine and newspaper in teaching
writing, listening, speaking, and listening, but actually in case, the teacher
vocabulary. could read the articles from magazine and
2. Visual media. In this variable divided into newspaper loudly, so that the students
two: printed and display. In observation listened carefully. From the teacher

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explanation, the researcher could received learning process as a teacher and as

her reason that she could not used medium on it.
magazine and newspaper in listening From a short informal interview that
because of her ability in reading of high the writer did after the class ended, it was
level language which used in the found that the reason that the teacher only
articles.The other item of display media used very few media because firstly, it was
which is fun for the student is puzzle. The due to the teacher’s qualification in using
students were done the puzzle in all media. The teacher had no special trainings
competences. The last medium in visual that added her knowledge about the strategy in
(display) variable is blackboard. The teaching English by using media. Secondly, it
teacher used it to explained the hard was due the limit facilities that the school had
words by wrote the meaning of words and related to English teaching material or media
some time drew sticky figure on for the students.
3. Audio-visual media. The teacher did not 2. The teacher Implements Media in
use all item of audio-visual variable at all. Teaching English at Six Level of SD
4. Teacher. The teacher functioned as media Islam Laboratorium Neuheun
in all competence of English teaching-
learning process. She was done all of her Table 2 The Teachers’ Steps in Using Media
responsibility in English teaching-
Phase Items Yes No
Preparation Learning curriculum and syllabus √
Matching the basic competences with appropriate media √
Preparing the media √
Checking the electricity available √
Bringing the media to the class/put the media on the place √
Recognizing the students (audio student, visual student, audio-visual

Opening Explanation of the media that will use √
Systematic in using media √
Students' question about media √
Student-centered in learning process while using media √
Good interaction in using media √
Cognitive-affective-psychomotor of the student in using media √
Closing Summarization of using media √

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Motivation/moral value of using media √

Giving homework √

Based on researcher’s observation, the would be little bit hard for the teacher to
teacher’s weaknesses were on the preparation manage the classroom. Nevertheless, the
of media, like model or mock up which is the teacher would get the students’ enthusiasm
same and only from library, the teacher did not and students’ questions about media. The
prepare the new model by her own. From the classroom was crowded by the time. The
above table, it could be seen that the teacher teacher asked the student to be quit and back
was not being good in opening phase. In the to their sit.
classroom, the researcher found that the In the next steps, the teacher asked to
routine activities were almost the same done the students to make some groups to analyze
by the teacher and students. After the teacher the media which was presented. The student-
came to the classroom, the students would centered built up the spirit in the classroom,
greet to the teacher. Then, the teacher would which students were more active than the
check the attendance of the students. After that teacher. The teacher was done monitoring of
the teacher would review the previous subject all groups and helps them if needed. The
to refresh the students’ mind about last lesson. teacher has good interaction with the students,
In the preparing phase, the teacher and also gave the other realistic example for
learns more the curriculum and syllabus to see the lesson that the students could easy to
the topic which will teach to the student, and understand. The teacher in this session also
then she matches the basic competencies used blackboard and chalk to stick figure the
according to the curriculum, syllabus and topic thing to explain it to the student. The
with the appropriate media. Preparing the Taxonomy Bloom is also included in aspect of
media is the next step that the teacher do in learning process in using media; they are
preparation phase. cognitive or mental skill (knowledge),
In the core activities phase, the teacher affective or the growth in feelings or
did not do the phases systematically. It was emotional area (attitude), and psychomotor or
hard to do because the teacher did not have the the manual or physical skills (skills).
systematically lesson plan on using media. She In addition, in closing phase, the
used the guide from textbook in using media teacher did not summarize the lesson as the
(what media presented on the textbook). Some feedback for them. Actually, summary is very
of students did not patient and directly asked needed for the students to memorize the lesson
to the teacher about media which was that they learned. Before gave the homework,
presented in front of the classroom or on the the teacher motivated the students at the end of
wall of the classroom. Some students came to the class to keep leaning at home.
see closely the media too. Consequently it

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In conclusion, it can be said that the some aspects in implementing media in

teachers’ performance were good, though English language teaching. The result is based
there was still a little thing to improve by the on the assumption that the teacher still has
teacher such as built up the own lesson plan in some difficulties on implementation of media
using media. It is needed to making the class in English language teaching, they are about
run systematically as planned. The teacher also designing lesson plan and preparing
should be aware of problems that might appropriate teaching materials as media.
happen during the teaching-learning process. The following table delineates the
description of teachers’ difficulties on
3. The Obstacles Faced by the Teacher in implementation of media in English language
Teaching English by Using Media teaching at SD Islam Laboratorium Neuheun.
Based on the data collected through Table 3. Teacher’s Problems on Designing
short interview to the English teacher, it can be Lesson Plan and Preparing
sum up that the teacher got difficulties on Materials

No The Difficulties About Lesson Plan and Material Resources Yes No

1 Formulating the lesson plan in teaching English by using media √
2 Following the steps on lesson plan √
3 Ignoring the lesson plan √
4 The availability of materials source √
5 Choosing and modifying materials √
No The Difficulties About Lesson Plan and Material Resources Yes No
6 Arranging the material systematically and accurately √
7 The availability of found for authentic material √
8 Choosing appropriate material base on students' ability, need, and interest √

As shown in table 4.3, it could be said had adjusting to the syllabus and text book in
that there was an important indicator of English teaching-learning process.
designing lesson plan of teaching English by From the table, it was stated that the
using media. Finding showed that the teacher most serious problem concerning to the
did not use lesson plan in English teaching- English language teaching is in teaching
learning process by using media. The materials preparation. In this case, the
researcher assumed that she got difficulties in researcher assumed that the school
arranging the lesson plan. The result was administration should allocate some more
based on the assumption that the English financials for materials provision. The teacher
teacher at SD Islam Laboratorium Neuheun had problem on arrange the material

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systematically or accurately. This result was Six Level of SD Islam Laboratorium

based on assumption that the teacher got Neuheun
difficulties in arrange the materials
systematically. The researcher assumed that Like teacher, students are also very
the teacher has to study or trainee more about important part in teaching-learning process.
how to arrange the lessons plan and the Moreover, for primary school students, their
materials available which have to include in reaction are still considered by the teacher in
teacher lesson plan on English language order to know how their responses in English
teaching by using materials to the young teaching-learning process. To obtain the data
learners. The others indicator that having the on the students’ responses towards of the using
availability of materials sources, choosing, and media in English language teaching, the
modifying the materials and choosing researcher distributed a questionnaire to 22
appropriate materials based on the student’s students of six levels. The questionnaires were
ability, need and interest. The result gave the distributed in order to know the students’
researcher assumption that English teacher of opinion or attitude whether or not they feel
SD Islam Laboratorium Neuheun got positive towards in using media in English
difficulties on the indicators mentioned language teaching. The students were asked to
previously. It mean that the teacher had to got circle the words that best represented how they
more training or study more about the cases in felt about the things related to the
order to reduce their weaknesses on the implementation of using media in English
aspects. Besides, she should be supported by language teaching.
the effective and continuous workshop to
improve her knowledge and competence. Table 4. Students’ Answer for Every
4. The Students’ Responses Toward Using
Media in English Language Teaching at

No Questions Option Respondents %

a. strongly agree 18 81,9
b. agree 4 18,1
1 Learning by using television is fun c. disagree - -
d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
Listening song from smart a. strongly agree 17 77,3
2 phone/radio/cassette recorder add the b. agree 4 18,1
motivation in learning c. disagree 1 4,6

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d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
a. strongly agree 12 54,5
b. agree 9 40,9
I more feel balmy learning vocabulary
3 c. disagree 1 4,6
by using picture / flashcard.
d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
4 a. strongly agree 8 36,3
b. agree 9 40,9
By using realia, improving my ability in
c. disagree 5 22,8
learning English
d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
a. strongly agree 10 45,5
b. agree 10 45,5
I easier read in English after learning by
5 c. disagree 2 9
using course book/magazine/newspaper.
d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
a. strongly agree 19 86,4
b. agree 3 13,6
Poster use make me easy to work along
6 c. disagree - -
with the classmate in learning English
d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
a. strongly agree 10 45,5
Puzzle make me more self confidence b. agree 8 36,3
7 for the showing my ability in learning c. disagree 4 18,2
English d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
a. strongly agree 9 40,9
b. agree 4 18,2
By using video can easily me to explain
8 c. disagree 9 40,9
the lesson to the classmate
d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
a. strongly agree 7 31,9
Media make me easier in finishing
9 b. agree 15 68,1
examination problem
c. disagree - -

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Regina Rahmi, The Implementation Of Media ...

d. strongly disagree - -
Total 22 100
a. strongly agree 13 59,1
School have to providing of new media,
b. agree 7 31,9
because learning English by using media
10 c. disagree 2 9
is compatible for student which still
d. strongly disagree - -
lower English
Total 22 100

In general it can be summed up that teacher was being in designing lesson plan of
the average mean score of students’ responses using media. The teacher cannot designed the
toward the implementation of media in lesson plan on it because she had not been has
English language teaching was between 2.1 up the guideline to prepare all the role that should
to 3 and 3.1 up to 4 which belongs to criteria be put in the lesson plan on the using media in
agree and strongly agree. This means that English language teaching. But she only uses
students’ responded positively toward the the general lesson plan in whole English
implementation of media in English language teaching-learning process. The lesson plan was
teaching. designed according to the syllabus.
The most important to discuss is about
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS teaching materials problem. The majority of
The study investigated a number of teaching materials adjusting from text book by
issues as presented in the findings comprising the teacher, it was hard to the teacher to
the media which are used by the teacher in arranged the materials systematically and
English language teaching according to the because she did not have ability on how to
basic competences in primary school, how is arrange the materials as media. The teacher
the teacher implementing the media in English also has the problem on how choosing and
language teaching, what are the problems modifying the materials and choosing
faced by the teacher in implementing media in materials absed on the students’ ability, need
English language teaching and also students’ and interest.
responses toward the implementation of The English teacher had adjusting to
media the syllabus and text book in English teaching-
Besides, from the study it also found learning process. In solving teaching materials
that there are two obstacles faced by the preparation problems, the school
teacher in teaching English by using media at administration should allocate some more
SD Islam Laboratorium Neheuen Aceh Besar, financials for materials provision, and also the
they are in designing lesson plan and preparing teacher should get more training or study more
materials. The first problem faced by the

ISSN 2086 – 1397 Volume V Nomor 1. Januari – Juni 2014 | 15

Regina Rahmi, The Implementation Of Media ...

about the cases in order to reduce their accessing the website for find out a lot of
weaknesses on the aspects. way to produce the interesting media for
The students respond positively young learners or searching for the other
toward the implementation of media in sources of teaching materials.
English language teaching. It was proved 2. In teaching process, the teacher should
based on the data obtained from questionnaire; follow the steps of teaching stated in the
they totally selected the options of strongly lesson plan. In the other words, the lesson
agree and agree on the questionnaire sheet that plan is a guide for teaching but not just
the media has the important role or good way for completing the administrative
to improve their ability in basic competencies requirement. So that in implementation of
and enrich their vocabulary. media in English language teaching also
5.1. Suggestions has to follow the lesson plan as the
The value of materials as media in guideline. The teacher hoped to start to
English language teaching has been arrange the lesson plan on it.
extensively discussed but there is still room for 3. The function of media are to improve the
more analysis and creativity regarding the use ability of the students, so that, the good
of media in English language teaching facilities in the school can help the
generally. The teacher needs to increase her teacher to do interactive teaching-learning
ability to find the useful of the other media to process to develop the students aware in
create teaching objectives from media. She learning English as second language. In
also has to design instructional materials to viewing, the language learning is to make
help students to better understand a foreign easy in communication. The School has
language in this case is English. to provide of new media as the facilities
To achieve the goals of that can help the teacher to do interactive
implementation of media in English language teaching-learning process to develop the
teaching to be optimal, the researcher would students aware in learning English as
like to give some suggestions: second language.
1. The teacher is expected to maximize in 4. There are many assumptions that the
improving the ability of the students’ implementation of media in English
competencies by introducing the language teaching is suitable for young
sufficient media for each competence learner. But actually the case is teaching
(skill) in order to motivate the students in by using media also can applied for adult
every condition through using the real beginners. It was researched by some
object and interesting media for them to expert which researcher read.
keep trying and learning.
The teacher also can enrich her ability in
create the instructional materials by

ISSN 2086 – 1397 Volume V Nomor 1. Januari – Juni 2014 | 16

Regina Rahmi, The Implementation Of Media ...

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