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Third Indian Conference on

Computer Applications in Mineral Industry


V. Vinod Kumar,
Rahul Guha
Dy. Director of Mines Safety Director of Mines Safety(S&T)
DGMS, Dhanbad.


Mining was treated more of an art than science during the

early 20 century.
Gradually mining has been transposed to more of a science than an art, due to the
technological advancements in mining. All other spheres of science have rapidly
absorbed computer technology and are now tremendously advanced, earning
accolades across the world. The mining industry in India could not harness the
enormous utilities offered by this technology, though in other parts of the world e.g.
Australia, U.S., Japan , computers play a vital role in the mining industry.
Though the application of computers in the mining industry in India was started more
than a decade ago, it is still in its infancy. )Most of the present day managers are
unaware of the technology and(most of the operators/mining personnel use it for data
processing and as a simple machine replacing the typewriter the main factor being the
lack of exposure towards the application of computers. Thé other aspect is being that
the mining industry is constrained by shortage of trained people in achieving rapid
incorporation of the IT advancements for betterment of the industry.

InIndia, there areabout 612 coal mines including opencast and underground mines.
of these mines are
In non-coal sector about 7000 mines are there on record. Most
Present day managers are busy with
labour intensive, most being conventional mines.
and safety-related matters without
labour dealings and day to day production targets
in accident rates and low productivity
much scientific management, resulting high
so that they can
Mining personnel must be updated on computer applications
With the introduction of
understand the need of the high-tech developments.
will be useful to the manager as an intelligent mining
computers at the unit level, they of the mine, even without much
implement for better safety and productivity
professional (1T) competence)
sectors computers are being
used mainly at large mechanised
Though in organised there is no
level for preparation of monthly reports, payrolls etc.,
mines and at area
at the base level i.e.
user friendly technology
concerted effort to introduce this
of the units.
level for efficient performance
the mining industry

the scope of application of computers in and

This paper highlights standards, production
level for improving safety
unit level as well as company

society in al spheres. toois TOr
Information Technology has invaded the essential
Today, have become
treated as luxury items, the society.
which were once of
educational, industrial and business sectors
professionals in the
are actively involved in projects worla.
Though Indian 1T professionals
in India is very low. T The first rldwide, their
penetration into the mining industry
started nearly five decades ago. The plication
computers in the mining industry
maturity and extensive applicability in some the solvingcountries.
of computers in solv the established
problems and
decision making of the mining industry of foreign
to the mining industry he
advanced state of computer technology applicable
In India there are about 612 coal mines including opencast and undereround miines.
non-coal sector about 7000 mines are there on record and many more
numbering several thousands, which are working Seasonally are not submitti mines,
statutory returns. Most of these mines are labour intensive, m0st being convention. ing
mines. Though application of computers in some ot the large mechanised mines
helped in achieving higher production rates the overall productivity is lo
accident rate is also high when compared to other advanced countries.

At present there is no dearth of software packages applicable to the mining ustry.

Programs for ventilation network analysis, continuous monitoring of mine
environment, equipment maintenance and material management and dispatch svstem
to support management and mine supervisors to make both tactical and strategie
decisions, blast design, GPS, GPR etc. are being widely used in other countries.

Due to various reasons, all of them not technical, the efforts towards large-scale
computerisation in the mining industry in India did not bear expected results. Lack of
infrastructure and required skills at the mine level could be important reasons for this.

Monitoring a number of sensors in a specific area of the mine is no longer sufficient

to gain the productivity benefits that are required to remain competitive. Instead,
mines should use systems which implement cost effective information management
strategy that allows officials to quickly access, integrate and display critical
information to allow them to make better tactical decision and at the same time
provide long term information that senior management requires for taking strategic
This paper highlights what can be done to improve production, productivity and
safety of the mines in India, where the percentage of conventional mines involving
huge manpower is very high, through computerisation.
Computerisation of mining industry can be classified into two
Decision support system (DSS) and application of computers incategories, V1Z.
machinery. Though various Relational Database management systems operating n
integrated software packages are available for DSS, it is (RDBMS) ai"
at a slow pace, whereas
only some of the imported machinery isimplemented
in ni
computers for efficient performance. Mine level equippea
computerisation are discussed computerisation and company i
separately in the following sections.

Improving Production and Productivity: For effective

managerial staff always needs to have a complete management of a mine u
knowledge of the mine produe
productivity, such as daily targets and achievements, output man shift
per (OMS)
piece rated, time rated and overall categories and reasons for shortfall etc. These are
very essential for continuous monitoring and follow up. This can be obtained through
feeding the data from the overman's (supervisor's), technician's, munshi's reports into
the computer. The breakdown analysis clearly gives the breakup of total time lost
cause/item wise. After going through the reports generated by the computer it is easy
to identify the gray areas and priorities set for allocation of scarce resources.
Management of Personnel: Employee personnel records (EPR) can be effectively
maintained at the mine level only, preventing delay in dealing with matters related to
promotions, transfers etc. Maintenance of leave, LTC, LLTC, PME, vocational
training registers becomes easy with the use of computers. Preparation of pay rolls
also can be done at mine level only. Performance of individuals can also be
ascertained by keeping separate records of performance of each person employed for
improving productivity and discipline.
Maintenance of Equipment: To improve the machine performance for improving
the production it is essential to maintain the equipment in good health. For adhering
followed which
the maintenance schedules equipment maintenance system can be
with manpower requirement for each maintenance
gives the material required along
is required keep optimum
to level
Management of Inventory: Material management maintenance
system are grouped
of inventory. Material management and equipment and stores
have better coordination between maintenance personnel
together to,
are available, which can be easily
personnel. Various material management packages can have
tailored and standardised for the mining industry. These systems
on individual decisions is
predetermined triggers so that dependence
continuous monitoring systems are available,
Environment Monitoring: Though and
is collected through sampling
start with manual entry of data, which the form of
the analysis of the data in
can be done for obtaining
testing/checking, or sealed
for better monitoring of the environment of mine workings
tables and graphs
off areas.
or for dealing
For implementation of any new method or system
History of the have the history of the mine,
external agencies, it is very essential to
any matter
most cases. By feeding
the complete details of the
obtain in
which is very difficult to be o v e r c o m e .
it regularly, this inconvenience can
mine and updating
has become
Over the years, the mining industry
Mine Safety Management: can help the
mine management through
and unpredictable. IT
increasingly dynamic accidents and extraction
of meaningful data or
detailed information in the mines safety system,
storage of areas of weakness
the possible mine
analysis of data to identify for the decision making process
to improve
a guideline
which c a n be used as to develop predictive models
also be possible
safety performance. It may
accidents/incidents etc.
and officials
technicians, supervisory staff
of workpersons, modules can be
Training: Proper training of a mine. For this, various training
is essential for
better performance
implementation of
training programmes.
the computer for computerised
made available through be made easy through
of the need for training
c a n

Statutory Requirements: It is observed that undue delay is taking place in fulfling
the statutory requirements of various aspects of mining due to handling of a lar
number of files and documents. It can be made easy with computerisation.


In this paper an attempt has been made to present conceptual model of a Mines
Management Information System (MMIS) which, if developed, may cater to the
information need of persons related to production and safety in mines of a company

comprehensively with comparative ease.

The Model
The logical way to develop a conceptual model of MMIS, is to first identify the basic
objectives behind the mission of mine management, the activities decision making
processes directed towards them, the agencies involved, and the types of information
needed to support these activities.

The number of units/organisations engaged in promoting the cause of mines

management are many and their activities diversified. However, from the viewpoint
of their information need relating to mines management, they can broadly be
classified into five types:

(a) Operating units

(b) Analysers
(c) Policy makers
(d) Innovators and researchers
(e) Information receptors

If we classify the organisations according to common activities related to mine

management, they may be grouped as follows:

Mine level units

- Mining areas

Planning and designing units of mining company.

- Educational institutions
- Research laboratories
- Equipment/material manufacturers
- Trade Union

State Government/Regulatory Advisory

Central Government/Regulatory or
- Consultants Advisory agency
- International bodies
- Information bank

These organisations, their locations, their

would define the environment of the proposed
activities/interactions and their objectives
The total MMIS be viewed as a
group of several subsystems, each dedicated
process the information need of a
particular kind. Considering the typical activities to
the participating groups listed earlier, the basic
emerge as follows: information needs would logically

Mines operational information
- Geological information
- Geo-technical information
Technological information
- Information relating to Standards
Environmental information
Mine planning & design information
Finance & Accounting systems
Stores &Purchase
HRD information
- R&D Information
- Policy information
- Legal information
- Information related to Trade Union/Society in general
Information related to Expert Bodies/Safety conferences/Committees,
- International Information
- Knowledge Archives

broadly dubbed into two major

mentioned above may be
All the subsystems activities/decision making processes
of the
one for supporting typical
subsystems; other would tackle the
(application programming aspect); the
participating groups transmission between the subsystems,
administration, data
jobs of overall systems these would contain application
one of
co-ordination work. The first
and all other be identified as follows:
some of which may
oriented software packages,

- Maintenance scheduling,
- Production planning and scheduling
- Mineral dispatch system
Mine surveying/ Mine plan

- Accidents/Dangerous occurrences

- Safety equipment
Mine history & status safety
Health of workers
Record of PME and

- Record of Vocational training

- Rescue etc.
between the management
be the interface of data
These packages will actually channel for input to MMIS in respect
will also provide a
with the MMIS. They activities.
c o u r s e of these
generated in Once
generate mixed type of data.
of a single agency may of
Any particular activity MMIS, it will be resolved
into one or more basic types
these dataflows inside On the other hand,
concerned subsystem.
related to the on the
information and from different subsystems depending
would draw inputs
application module and process them accordingly.
requirement of the activity, serve the
ifit can effectively
successful only
An MMIS can be workers and
Scope and Coverage:
professionals,researchers, are tobe
of management these agencies
purpose and commitment of all

Therefore, the
requirement, role forum, so that satistactory
appropriate representative to draw at
discussed and
finalised in an
of MMIS is difficult different
The exact boundary
ensured to all parties. adaptation
services are
definite shape will emerge
after its organisational
the outset.

seventies devoted to the custodial
preventing unauthe1zea
task of
Having spent the a new promotional
of information capacities in the private sector,
new stress on exports
made it easier to
to pervade the DOE. At the same time a and
began between the state
visualize a common which depended on co-operation
private sectors. (Encarnation, 1989)
the growth
with developed countries

Impact of collaboration and cooperation

of Indian Computer Industry

Growth in Software
in 1999-2000
have grown 57% to Rs.17,150 crore ($4bn)
Indian software exports the Nationa
in 1998-99, according to a survey by
from Rs 10,940 crore($2.65bn)
Software and Service Companies (Nasscom). Nasscom is projecting
Association of in 2000-01.
continue to grow and will reach $6.3 billion
that software exports a total revenue
of Rs. 24,350 crore
services industry grossed
The IT software and 15,890 crore ($3.9bn)
last year. The
1999-2000 up 53% from Rs
(S5.7bn) during domestic sales. According to
the Nasscom president
both export and
revenues include Indian software services
continues to be the major market for
Dewang Mehta, the accounted for 23.5% in
1999-2000. The number of
with a share of 62%
while Europe has
their software requirement
that have been outsourcing
Fortune 500 companies their requirements from
with as many as 185 outsourcing
also been steadily growing
to a record 1,250 and
is expcted to
have grown
The number of software companies companies logging exports

next year. The number of software

cross 1,600 mark accounted for 61% of the export
stands at 37. The top 25 exporters
Rs.100 crore now
Services continued to be
the largest
revenues in
1999-2000. Tata Consultancy to the
software services with exports
of Rs. 1,820 crore. According
exporters of of 45 % at
revenues from the
domestic market registered a growth
Nasscom president,
Rs. 7,200 crore in 1999-2000.
from India are gaining
Mr. Mehta said of the major reasons that software exports
out of the 23
across the world is because
of the quality certification. And
SEI-CMM (Software Engineering Institute-Capability
Maturity Model) level 5
number is expected to grow in
certified companies, 15 are from India. This
that reached level 4 according to Mr.
as there are several companies
Growth in Hardware
it was
According the IDC figure, India's 1999 sales of 1.1 million PCs meant that
million but not
the fourth PC market in Asia Pacific region, well behind China's 4.9
too far from South Korea's 2.2 million and Australia's 2.1 million. By
2002 India will
overtake Australia in terms of number of PCs sold. By 2004 India will be the secondd
largest market behind China in the Asia and Pacific region.
HCL has retained its position at the top of the list in terms of number of boxes sold,
while Zenith lost its number two position to Compaq, which was number three last
year. But the dark horse of the year turned out to be HP, with some aggressive pricing
and market push, was able to more than double its numbers from a paltry 27,000 last
vear to 60,000 this year. We are seeing the segregation of the PC market into four
distinct groups of players. Leading from the front are those who have 50,000 units per
year or more. In this elite group, led by HCL, are Compaq, HP and Zenith. Wipro just
missed the bus this year but should be there next year. IBM has a similar story and
with a consumer strategy in place, should take its
place in the group next year.
Last but not the least the one-city brands and the unbranded vendors
called assemblers. Their output could be a paltry 100 a month, but collectively they
ship more numbers than the top 10 companies together do and often it is they who
decide which way prices will go. Working close to the customers and on slender
margins they are often seen by the customers as better alternatives to the more
established vendors. Just ahead of them is the group that sells around 10,000
machines every year. In this group are Dell, Accel. SNI, Apple, Computech and CMS.
Behind the lead pack are those who ship around 25,000 units per year and also those
who are trying to reach that figure. In this group are Minicomp as the leader followed
by Vintron, Acer, PCS, Visualan and Accel.
The PC hardware and component industry has found the international players
disinterested in setting up their manufacturing bases in the country. Most of the PC
components are imported and assembled by native vendors rather than being sourced
within the country. Barring the Tandom group that manufactures and exports hard
drive heads, no other company local or international has a reasonably high
manufacturing base in the country.

Why India, despite having everything in its favor, has failed to grow into a natural
choice for the PC hardware manufacturers is not hard to understand. In a volume
driven business with wafer-thin margin, the high turnaround time has been
detrimental to the success of the business. Exports will have to become a key market,
as domestic markets are yet to take off in order to achieve economny of scale, if
manufacturing facilities of global scale are to be set up.

India stands out poorly with a high turnaround time. Comments Vinnie Mehta,
President MAIT, "In India it could be 16-30 days -significantly higher than three
days in case of Singapore and one-two days in Philippines." Can manufacturers
afford to wait for the undue and long procedural delays at the customs or civil
authorities ends, that India offers along with its traditional pitch of low-cost and high
skilled labor? No doubt, the country has some native players in manufacturing, like
Microtek in monitors and key boards and Vintron in mother board and PCs, India is
still a long way from being close to the likes of Taiwan. The same stands for value
additions and re-exporting of the same to international markets.

Have we missed the PC manufacturing opportunity? Says Vinnie, "Probably yes and
with zero duty coming by 2003, I don't see how we can interest manufacturing
activities with the current state of affairs." The government has been phasing out the
duties since the era of liberalization and it is expected that by 2003, the IT hardware
industry will be the first to have zero-duty imports.

Currently due to a duty of 15% on finished goods imports local

manufacturers/assemblers enjoy some protection. Whether they will be able to sustain
when this advantage goes off in a zero-duty regime (along with the continuous
procedural delays) is anybody's guess. Though companies like Wipro, IBM, Compa
and Acer have beefed up their manufacturing and assembling activities, continuing to
do so in the post-zero duty scenario is hard to imagine.
Third Indian Conference on Computer Applications in Mineral Industry (ICCAM-2001)



Dr Samir Kumar Das, Associate Professor, Department of Mining Engineering,

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.


The application of IT in the mineral industries started nearly four decades ago.
However, the phenomenal growth in the application of IT started nearly two decades
back through the process of a continuous improvement in technology Now, IT has
become an essential tool for the mining professionals not only for solving various
problems but for decision making also. The internet has become an important part
and allied industries for a
theinformation technology for promoting global mining
wider acceptance and subsequently open newer channels of communication

ideas and provide the of vital information. A number of

promote exchange of
important internet web-sites are now receiving global attention from various mining
industries. Remote on-line PC-based instrumentation system for
developed to connect quickly
monitoring of a mining system/ sub-system has
is now possible on of the
any cornerof the world and a quick decision any
softwares have been developed for
mining discipline. A huge number of computer
industries out of which a software "POWSS"
various purposes related to the mining
has been
on the selection of powered
roof supports (including calculation of capacity)
This is the first of its kind in the world to
developed by the author at IIT, Kharagpur. remote sensing and Geographic
mention. Besides the above, image processing,
around the world. These are highly
Information System (GIS) are widely in use tool
and object oriented decision making
sophisticated, valuable, inter disciplinary
and application of technology and they can
w.r.t alternate routes for development
environmental impact assessment,
resource management,
readily applied for natural is now gaining wider
etc. in mining industries.
In fact, the remote sensing data
in India.
in various resource management surveys
acceptance and appreciation
'GPS' (i.e. the Global Positioning System)

Another important innovation and time, with

users to determine position, velocity
navigational system that allows satellites. Towards the
radio signals broadcast from GPS
the use of GPS receivers and
has taken place with the application of
end of 1991, a major innovative breakthrough in the
HEMM and for material movement tracking
the Global Positioning System to areas that
in detail the foregoing aforementioned
opencast mines. paper has dealt
are being utilized widely in the mining industry.


collection, storage, processing,

defined as, the
Information technology (IT) is with the
of information of any system or sub-systems
transmission and presentation
and telecommunication devices at the quickest
help of electronics, computing of IT in the
or for other purposes. The application
time in decision making process for possible
four decades ago but it's major growth
mineral industries started nearly
decades back through the continuous improvementfor in
application started nearly two for the mining professionals
technology. Now IT has become an essential tool
decision making. The IT offers the following advantages
problem solving and
economic, prOduction, operation, control
of the
a it covers most

systems utlization of men, machin

integration and opumum ines and
h it allows real
with a greater degree
of flexibility money
tation in economic cale
opportunities for the exploitat
c. it offers greater customized business. mobility and flexibil
openness, in
d. it offers greater
process, efficiency,
etc. capita
investment and physical
internationalization of production and marketing
e. it promotes the
automation of the machine system, offers higher
f. it promotes total cquipment
availability, reduced cost of mainte
ntenance, longer equipment ervice life, reduced
reduced spare parts cost, etc.
inventory cost,
e. it displays various two or
three dimensional models including ground s ater
reserves, atmospheric envelop,
. it offers an integration of geology, geophysics and geochemistry with the use of

i. it offers an easy location of a spot on the ground surface, position of forest
including density, position of a mobile machine and thereafter the reauired
control through the GPS
i. it offers the real time communication links between operations and system
management groups
k. it offersquickest mode of communication from one point to the other through the
systems viz. Hot-line, STD and ISD telephonic communication (including
satellite communication system), e-mail, audio systems, internet, etc.
. it offers discrete and continuous
system simulation,
neural network, fuzzy logic,
artificial intelligence, expert systems, web based
animations, etc.
graphics, virtual reality,
m. it promotes market
intelligence and project
media, project bidding, programming and opportunities
to act
tendering as

activities, quality control and monitoring of project tasks and

auditing, etc.
IT wasintroduced in the Mining
sequence of the IT activities industries
40 years back. The
including their chronological
-1. Presently IT
promotes exploration, application domain are shown in the
design, support design and mining and processing, mill planning Fig
characteristics of strata selection, equipment selections, evaluation anu of
grade control, environmental calculation of ore reserves and
transport and production monitoring and control, health and grade including
materials handling control, continuous health safety monitoring
system, the health and
management and reclamation, coal monitoring of the macnined
safety program,
information services, etc. In and mineral geological survey1ng, lau
systems is possible. It management
mining digital modeling of and trade, statistics au
and incorporate fleet management total mine managc nt
geological modelingmaysystems,
management systems, enterprise asset geographic information systems, mine plannse
planning systems, global management systems, parallel daae
positioning systems through
directional mobile communication systems& enterprise re urce
bandwidth, stockpile management network with use of NAVSTARS, bi-
management, inventory control, adequate responsiveness nd
system, financial
assists day
to material and human resource
day operations and
organization.,management, erc. also
assists more effecuv
Operators and data recorders, who commission the instruments, monitor and
maintain the system may not be the experts. But the field experts handle data,
interpret, make decisions and finally their decisions are implemented in the field.
The information superhighway will deliver the relevant data along with the
specific problem to the knowledge-based system implementation for quick
analysis, solution and decision for the safety and production at a very fast rate
Besides the above, a software "POWSS" on selection of powered roof supports
which is
including calculation of capacity has been developed at IIT, Kharagpur
"POWSS" is
the first of its kind developed in the world. The novel features of the
as follows:
it is developed for the Selection of Powered Roof Supports including
determination of their capacity in tune with the realistic strata mechanics concept
the detached and the deflected
of site specific nature. It considers the loads due to
strata mechanics concept and
roof rockmass based on the fourth degree parabolic
above the longwall panel.
the engineering classification of strata
for the selection of powered roof supports
the software "POwsS" can be applied
under any situations e.g. from shallow
(including their capacity determination) weakest to strongest superincumbent
great from thin to thick seam, from
depth, from
to massive sandstone deposit,
strataenvelop, from stratified composite layers system to
fractured strata conditions, from single pass
normal to highly faces employing
of working, for longwall
integral/sub-level caving system
Shearer or Plough, etc.
winning machine like and operate, cost effective,
software is elaborate, easy to handle will
the developed and reliability. The software
and is having a very high degree of precession
much helpful for the coal industries and the practicing the above
be very members etc, who can do
planners, university faculty
engineers, mine without the help of
their own level in the fastest manner

mentioned exercises at mechanics.

without the need of much expertise in the strata
consultant and
any which might have been spent
can be saved directly
A huge amount of money
consultants. Because of
the right selection of
unnecessarily for the system or a
disaster of a
failure of powered support
powered roof supports, avoided. This will lead to a saving of million of rupees
longwall face can be fully
this is universally applicable.
Information System (GIS) are

remote sensing and Geographic decision making

Image processing, valuable, interdisciplinary
and object oriented
highly sophisticated, of technology and they
routes for development and application etc.
tools w.r.t alternative resource management,
environment assessment,
in natural utilized to
be readily applied have been effectively
industries. sensing techniques
Remote ete. Remote
in the mining information concerning the area, it's condition,
and resouree
obtain real time data and appreciation in various
i d e r acceptance
the technology
sensing data is gaining inherent acdvantages offered by
in India due to the inaccessible
management surveys to survey
time and it becomes possible Remote Sensing
viz. cost effectiveness, less methods would have limitations.
areas where
System facilitate:

synthesized maps
geology c o n c e rrning
nino areas of
ol applied
view of the reo only fewN
km. while
a synoptic

interest on specific anomalies.

ironment. hundred
focusing the prospcctor s caps zones of
surlaces mineralization of Cu Pb and Zn,
of oxidation and
diamond deposits. *pip
circular forms, anomalies at the top of the re bodies,
detection of
serves to
the surtace formations fro discre
combination that
basement and
to follow
the hidden
e x t e n s i o n of a mineralized
nit. ogical
s t r u c t u r e s : faults containing mineral:

recognition of
the different
of tolds affecting earth crust
such as t
zone and the mapping
dentifving the tectonic features that may atfecta deposit and uid
guide mining
operation accordingly.

reducing field studies

for the outcropping ore bodies, by helping to di
of ore (bauxite, for examples) inate
between the different grades
a mining extension.
making decisions during
offering tools to mix the digital data with the data collected from dit
techniques by the prospecting geologist (field surveys geo-chemina
data surveyors. and
geophysical measurement) and geographic

MIS Lausitzer and Mitteldeutschen Bergbau Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (LMBV

and the department of "Geo-informatics and Mine Surveying" of DMT (Geo- Tec-3
are working together since 1994 to set
up a geo-information system (through satellite
for remediation of sites where opencast Iignite
mining operations are abandoned or
are almost exhausted. The aim of the
is to enhance the quality of the
geo-information system being set up at LMBV
data, reduced-scale
drawings, maps. plans and other
documents required to implement and monitor the restoration work and to ensure an
improved exchange of information between the individual
purpose existing computer evaluations and LMBV divisions. For this
the localconditions are integrated in the
advanced calculation programs tailored to
conducted by the divisions for GIS. The technical searches and evaluations
Site geology,
development, remediation for use/nature
soil mechanics,
hydrology, open-cast minng
presented in
cartographic conservation and mining subsidence
form on the basis
following form the basic information of the basic spatial references. di
systems by the GIS:
the digital
collection of
the digital collection of mining-related
real estate reduced-scale drawings,
the official
topographical maps. maps and figures,


collection standard for
is drawn up components of the ining-related reduced-scale drawing
implementationmining-related reducunfs
down the to ensure
standard symbols
assigning an
object code,
to be
used and of the above
requ ents. It lays
the basis of the it is
ensured that their
there allocation
digitalization standard, cell and is a clear
files and levels. By
to Ies
allocation o
line libraries are he Micro

actions provide an


vour and best

and practices are

accurate and pertine
e n d e a v o u r
for executed

which human)


An Example now provide an

monitoring system view to th
and operating
personnel regarding potential pro
ce. planning catastrophic fa information wher well
maintenance comparet
of any
would be very useful to the
hefore the

to the actual operating


pertormance, its position and

and engineer
road conditio
correlate cquipment Global Position ha
to advent of
The ability advantage
due to the ystem
hecome a significant


and controled by the U.S D

GPS is a navigational system,
allows the users to

determine position, velocity and

Defence. This
receivers and radio sigrals broadcast from GPS satellites. When operatinain GPS
its full
GPS is a constellation of six orbital planes of four satellites each TThis
The satellites orbit Earth roughi
covers 24 satellites and orbital spares. roughly
every 12
n altitude of 20200 kilometers, covering the entire planet 24 hours a day and
a week. To
determine its position in X, Y, and Z coordinates nd
seven days
receiver requires an unobstructed view of at least iour GPS satellites. The GPS
traces have numerous uses, including monitoring the dig advance, dumping Datterm
and road use in the opencast mines. As each GPS reading is time stamped, traces can
be used even to make accident investigations. Accuracy of upto two metres is
sufficient for most of the mobile equipment applications.

GPS Based Truck Dispatching System

Towards the end of 1991, a major innovative
incorporation of Global Positioning for HEMM andbreakthrough with the materialized
material movernent tracking. The
concept of Dual GPS Zone ensures
in status from Loaded to redundancy of the dump switches and the change
Empty vice versa is automatic.
technology in dispatch management systems Incorporation of GPs
data collection, ensures
reduced field hardware interference byreduction cost, accuracy of
low response time
with decrease in field unauthorized personnel and
red proximity
detectors. With this, the hardware components like becons and inira
28-33%. Truck productivity
dispatch systems extend their can be increased by approximatey
systems in their software horizons to
management of machine incorporate
for the
adequate mechanism to monitor
truck dispatch trigger alarms. critical information w
and system ensures that each An integrated extension of the current
apportioned to various support activity within the maintenance shed is ed
departments in ensuringdepartments for tracking the performance
functions would
provide the necessary
operations personnel
availability of
the HEMM.
as well bandwidth the
support departments. effect control ovet
as to
systems are extending h
line. Today this systembeyond mining boundaries for Presently, the truck aisptomtching
improving machinery has become an integral parteffecting enterprise iev
controland it has availability and of any large
rge surface mine for
Suria real time
provenits economic utilization, management control,
viability in over 100 conuo the
installations in u
Truck dispatching sy'stem coupled with real time monitoring improves the
utilization factors for coal trucks. overburden trucks and shovel.
It ensures reduction in late start and
early finish hours.
The truckS need not be required to queue at the fueling bay. It is expected that the
average queuing time for fueling would be reduced.
Advanced scheduling and planning sub-systems inherent in truck dispatch systems
provide constraint-based computation and analysis on the deployment of HEMM
units. Excess trucks in a shovei / dumper combination are identified and
segregated with the aim of saving in operating costs. This is likely to improve
non-spare parts related availability
The system by allocation and sequencing of trips of the dumpers between the
seams of various grades will facilitate blending of coal to the desired grade.
Incorporating the integrated management support tool. all activities performed on
HEMM, the reason for stoppages, non availability of spares, integration with
materials and maintenance sub-systems etc. are nicely evaluated and the downm
time can be minimized.
Incorporation of Integrated monitoring system will offer cost reduction for truck
tyres and other vital components.
Through real time tracking and fuel content discounting methodology. the system
will assist to reduce fuel cost.

The system and operation

mine location benches. dumps.
To begin., virtual beacons are created for the key
virtual beacon is a database entry that
crushers, shops, intersections, etc. Each
location and a defined circle of influence
contains the X and Y coordinates of a the
know when equipment enters or leaves
surrounding the location to let the system local
network of virtual beacons is stored in
location area. This information about the
shift. GPS receivers on the
memory on-board
the mobile equipment. During the
GPS satellite signals and
mobile equipmentcontinually position themselves, using
enters or leaves the circle of influence of a

DGPS corrections. When any equipment

communications processor notities a central computer
virtual beacon, its on-board
decisions. With dispatching systems. positional
which uses the data in its assignment the shift (typically
at regular intervals during
data is also collected from equipment the co-ordinates of each
and stored in a database. Dispatch updates
every 30 seconds) Satellite Equipment Tracking system
location to Modular Global Positioning
key network. This sets up a list
of "Virtual beacons" to
data radio
(GPSI) via the arrives at an identified
location. The field computer
determine when the vehicle to inform the vehicle
sends message to the central computer system
system then
arrives at a location of
each vehicle to determine when it
arrival. Byy allowing for
and the requirement for an additional radio channel just
radio traffic is minimized describes the operation of the system:
GPS is eliminated. The following process
nunmber on the
into the truck by entering his payroll
t h e equipment operator
the central computer system.
graphical console. Upon receipt of the message by lined up on the equipment
that the operator is properly
dispatch checks to verify
Assuming all these to be
and properly operate the equipment.
licensed to assignment.
greetings and then given an appropriate
the operator is sent personal

.at this point the haul cycle begins. Presuming that he truck
assignment is done
to a shovel.
itially empy.t
after acknowledging
the shovelassignmen the operator ives
console display. the exact
indicated on the graphical
. as the truck travels to the shovel, it passes one or more virtual
locations are defined in the software as the
beacon locations
mine layout is
Typically, virtual beacon locations are
defined and updated at all destin htered
dumppoints, shop and shovel location and key road intersections viz
the field computer system stores a complete list of all virtual beacon locaficn.
the mine. It constantly compares the current co-ordinates read from the int
GPS receiver to the list of virtual beacon co-ordinates. When the vehicle aives at
the defined radius of a virtual beacon location, it sends the unique virtual heacc
identification number to the central computer system via the main data radio link
Dispatch uses this information to verity the current truck location.

GPS Based Shovel Positioning Systems

With a well-developed system, mine block information, including bench identity,
material type, block boundaries (X and Y coordinates), etc. is sent from the mine
planning package to the shovel fleet, alongwith the target bench floor grade data for
on-board storage. For_bucket positioning, this provides a graphics console on each
shovel to display to the operator the specific blocks at the bench where the shovel is
working. Then during the shift, the system continuously takes precision readings of
the bucket position, compares the positions with the coordinates of the blocks and
highlights on the console -the block the shovel is digging. The system also displays
the exact dig points of the dipper in each block by analyzing the GPS data, which is
different in haulage, swinging, digging and dumping modes. This allows operators to
verify whether they are digging the correct blocks at all times, even at night in adverse
weather, and to move from block to block without the requirement for ore stakes. This
offers accurate load accounting, blending and quality control. The mining block and
dig point are displayed to the operator and the same, may also be shown on a
computer back at the office in near real time, or after the shift as GPS playbacks and
reports graphically. This data can also be transferred to a mine planning package to
determine the dig advance and update the mine model. To assist in controlling the
bench floor grade, the system displays an elevation bar on each graphics console that
indicates whether the shovel's tracks are high or low in relation to the target elevation
for the bench and allows shovel operators to get back on grade. The elevation bar can
also be used for maintaining level benches or for creating slopping benches for
improved drainage.
GPS Based Auxiliary Equipment Positioning System
Dozers, water trucks, graders and pickup vans can be equipped with Hub based GPS
cquipment as well. Mine authority can keep a track of the equipment and dispatch the
appropriate equipment to an area for cleanup, road improvement, ete.

A haulage truck driver notices spillage on the road and pushes a button marked
spillage" on the graphics console to indicate spillage at the truck's present
location. The GPS coordinates and spillage code is sent to the dispatcher
foreman/overman who in turn nstructs the grader to proceed to the spillage
of early ninetie
models developmert
r e c o g n i t i o n
Accordino tosome indicat thiere
patterm about 600 more in the
and US and
r e s u r g e n c e

i n t e l l i g e n c e
seeing the U
in speech recognition
in u s e vision and
visi capabi
software systems
on ar

expert robots
1500 of will be
are Developments which
stage. to a
pointers come.

m a c h i n e s
in the
on sound

of the fi business an
s u c c e s s
of an


to change.
With humar
digital computer
of worl

and rapid
the nature work, ucation and
to shape
its lives would be increasin
in our

proficient in
of computers would
in future; would not
Those who time.
illiterates of the present
left behind MINERAL
lustry during the exploratin
indus ploration
in the mineral
data is generated The data ni
The data need to be analyz
a m o u n t of gatheréd data.
Large variation in the initial
with insignificant was for
this reason that in the stages initial
studies. It
feasibility eless, computer
Neverthele computer applications
applications in in
mine planning. finanoa
were used
for are still predominant in
computers almost all other industries,
in urrently, 60%
60%% of computer
mining, as applications control. CuTently,
material handling and
utilized for these purposes.
the industry is
time throughout
mineral industry are confined to mineral
of computers in
Broadly, the application estimation, mine operations planning
(exploration), ore reserve
property evaluation system. The most
mine planning & scheduling and information _management (3) numerical
are (1) statistics, (2) simulation,
commonly used tools and techniques of automated monitoring
and (4) database management system. Use
algorithm, is more common in_mineral processing
systems, with process control computers,
The unique features of the
plants as compared to their use in mining processes.
environment have necessitared
mining industry system, equipment and operating
hardware has
development of mathematical and computer models. While the cost of
decreased significantly, software development continues to be expensive. The major
trends in the mineral industry computer applications reveal a blend of old & new
tools, techniques and methods to solve both long-standing and emerging problems.
Someof the areas where computer applications have made their presence felt iS

mineral exploration & remote sensing data acquisition tremendous pro
has been made./In environmental management & Land Use Plan
application of computers have been made.
For mineral resource/reserve evaluation,
been sophisticated spatial statistical tools
have used extensively.
3. KFinancial evaluations, investment
fornalized into greater risk and justifications and cost contro/are

project management. sensitivity analysis and cóst a kingfot

4. National databases,
accident statistics, areparticularly those and
on coal & mineral resource
being made
national resource management. available to users for local,
Mine monitoring and control systems have become standard for evaluation of
mine atmospheric conditions, equipment performance, equipment tracking
monitoring & maintenance. )Advances in sensors, telemetry and computer

systems have been integrated to enhance operating systems. in their

Mine management information systems have seen gréat growth
development and use for personnel, engineering and operating system.
macro design
7 Mine planning and development applications have addressed
with more complex
factors such as plant siting, capacity and transportation
operations research models and algorithms.
Computers have been used in mineoperation planning and design in various
and ground control.
operations such as ventilation, hdulage with increased
9. Mineral/coal processing plants (C.H.P.s) have expanded
for plant circuit design
sophistication in process control and computer models
control & analysis.
of computers include robotic, artificial
10. New & emerging applications hardwares (for continuous
intelligence and expert system. Mining fitted with mini-computer hardwares
are being
shovels, draglines, trucks, etc.) their
making correct decisions during
and softwares to help the operator in
several challenges
century will face
The mineral industry management of the operations, the data
advances in mineral industry
and opportunities arising from Some mining industry-specific
and transmission technology.
information acquisition
the future are the following:
technical issues for
difficult geological,
conditions arising from ever increasing
poorer quality
1 More demanding &
environmental and social (land use) issues. Deeper
environmental & social

have to be mined under greater nations arising from

deposits may concerns &
a w a r e n e s s of the

Increase in the global and substitution,

acid rains, waste disposal,
warming, fuels and
competition, market, Use of solid fossil
conservation, and national needs.
recycling and environmental issues
will become significant.
in the developed & developing
of the working population needs at work
Greater aspiration increased health & safety
3 of life,
countries for higher quality benefits. If the industry
needs and higher wages &
of family to operate
place, recognition the mines have to the designed
is to remain competitive, r e s o u r c e s .
with less input of
technology in any
of the computer
reason is
to the and labour. The
The biggest challenge both the management
be acceptance by
organization will fundamental way of
alters the decision making
This new technology
quite obvious. all critical for management and its
& retrieval; technology
collection, its processing the new
the development
of a d v ocates
contributing to The
The key factors Development (HRD).
Human Resource
related to
introduction are all points:
has the following
introduction of computers

ten Anerene on Onnuter Apyoications in Mineral Industry (ICCAMI2001)

Computer Application in Mine Planning and Dispatch System - A

Case Study

S.K. Sharma & N. Singhwi

Gujrat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., Ahmedabad

With rising projevt eosts. operational cost, and global competitiveness, it is of umost

importanoe that before starting any mining venture:

(a Deposit be studied thoroughly.

6) Mine planning be optimized.
()Operational parameters be optimized.
(d) U'nforeseen development/deviations be incorporated in mine planning for
generating an alternative optimal plan on routine basis.
(e) Monitoring. analysis and control be exercised effectively.
are increasingly being accepted as a
To meet these objectives, computer applications
tools available with
Lool. Computers today are one of the most important helping
discusses some of the finer applications in this
mining mineral industry. Present paper
of 4.0 million tonnes is 2 largest
Panandhro Lignite Mine with an annual production 8.5 km*
Kutchh arid region. Lignite bearing area is
mine in India, situated in Gujarat's
tonnes. Mining of lignite is done by deploying
with a total reserve of 110 million
of 900 m/hr capacity, high capacity
continuous miner (Bucket Wheel Excavator)
shovel-dumper combination and partially manually.
carried out by the Commissionarate of Geology
Borehole survey of this deposit was
verification part by the Gujarat Mineral Development
Mining (CGM). with reserve fed to computer having software
Corporation Ltd. (GMDC). These data were
Datamine-5 (NT) System.
from borehole survey carried out by
The borehole location plan was prepared
verified by the GMDC by adopting grid pattern
CGM at regular intervals. These were
of data was systematically stored in computer,
of 150m x150m. This huge amount
error free before treating it for orebody
corrected and validated to make database
borehole plan,
database we can see the graphical display of
modeling. From borehole
for a boreholes or for a group of borehole along an arbitrary
grade histogram
line. It gives vital information for day-to-day quality prediction and monitoring.

block model was block size of 20mx20mxim. This

created with a
was further split into 27
sub-blocks to get more realistic reserve and grade
The block model is verified by taking
slice plan at 1.0m intervals and cross-sections.
the stripping ratio for prevalent
The mineable reserve was estimated by defining
constraints. Thermal value contours were prepared
for planning of unitorm
grade mining especially for thermal power plant.
visualisation for type of deposit,
These reports provide comprehensive insight and method and
selection of mining
reserve estimation, mineable reserve. quality/grade, Visualisation ot
dangers/hindrances for selected mining method.
possible impending
must Tor mine planning
and controlle
these parameters
today providing ample faci
softwares are
cilities for sinperations.
geological Vision, optimum level of plannin

Schematic diagram of data processing

Smulation, ,

Observations Graphical Data (Topoz

Outcrop, leasehold unit
(lithology, structure),

mine plans) poear, pi,

DATA Synthesis
Database Creation


Reports e.g
Borhole location plan
2. Borehole litholog
3. 3D
orebody modeling
Reserve estimation
5. Block model
6. Cross section
7. Grade seam model
Stripping ratio plan
Thermal value plan
10. Reclamation plan
following major geological
sets of
vision and related
1. River in the
constraints: environmental parameters
2. middle of the produced
Variation in
lignite and lignite bearing area.
4. Appearance of hard strata.overburden thickness.
5. Maintenance of dispatch at
6. Compliance with G.P.cB.
level of 4.0
million tonnes
7. quality adherence as norms.
Operating per
cost per tonne. customer demand.

Major objectives were:

1. Minimum re-routing of conveyors.

and least number of transfer points for
2, Minimum length of transportation circuit
material handling.
3. Maximum recovery of minerals.
4. Utilisation of available
5. Cohesive and integrated system operation.
6. Encapsulation of acid producing
void towards fulfilling socio-economic objectives.
7. Utilisation of generated
these parameters simulation was done which produced the optimum
are as fellows:
plans. These plans
1. Long-term plan i.e.15 years' plan.

2. Short-term plan for production

scheduling and reclamation.

Salient features of the plans are as fellows:

integrated planning for

all mining system throughout projectlife.
1. Coherent and
2. Uniform stripping ratio. demand.
in scale as per market
3. Flexibility for change of minerals, i.e., limestone, lignite and
for different types
4. Separate handling plan
5. Uniform production cost planning. and backfilled landscape
of created void space
6. Environment friendly management
course in its original
position after mining.
Maintenance of river

Dispatch &Ouality Control:

two modes
Dispatch has the following industries of Gujarat,
This mode supplies to
Truck mode of supply exercised at face itself.
(a) control aspect is
Maharashtra. Its quality Network (LAN). It helps
Rajasthan & linked by Local Area
and check points are is 1,500 trucks/day.
Weighbridges movement, which
and control of traffic for
in proper monitoring to sales office
record transfer from weighbridge
Besides this, LAN
monitoring and control.
low at about
to KLTPS -
In countryplant, load factor is To feed
mode supply role.
(6) Conveyor quality coal plays dominant
50-60%. For increasing
PLF, good
is as follows:
good quality lignite, plan
for incoming and outgoing
1. Installation of on-line-analyser reclaimer yard.
different grade stacks in heaps as per
2. Creation of lignite from different
Movement facility for
reclaimer to supply
quality requirement.
hind tnian Conterence on Conputer Aplieations in Minerat hndustry (1CCAMI 2001)
Computer Based Geostatistienl Modelling Process for Ore Evaluation
A Step-by-Step Case Study on a Bauxite Deposit

Asst. P'rofessor, Dept. of Applicd (Geology, Indian Sehool of Mines, Dhanbad
E-mall: bhabesh sarkar@


Gicostatisties hus been extensively applied in the mining industry for reserve

cstimation and control over the last

grade yeurs. Despite the superiority of
geostatistics, there is still some reticence in its uSe primarily due to an increasing
attention to
tendency towards complexity in the mathenmatical treatment without much of an
the geology and nature of mineralisation. This paper deals with the development
retains control and
integrated geostatistical modelling process in which a geologist
with the sample values are
has confidence in the final results. The geology together
chosen to be the basic eriteria for designing the modelling process. A step-by-step
test case.
study on a bauxite depósit is presented as a

grown from being fringe

a mathematical
In the last forty years, geostatistics has
the growing
in the mining industry. Notwithstanding
subject to one that is widely used Some of the reasons
of geostatistics, there is still some reticence in its use.
acceptance increase in the
reticence include: a) considerable
that can be accounted for this the mathematical
of the underlying theories; b) growing complexity of
assumptions consideration in the
treatment of these theories;
and c) very little geological
are to provide improved
estimation prooedures. If geostatistical techniques
identification of
understanding of the mineralisation type followed by
a thorough of a suitable
the essential prerequisites. Application
various homogeneous zones are Variable (Matheron,
the Theory of Regionalised
mathematical function based on
ore evaluation within
distinct homogeneous zones of a
then be made for
1971) can
an appropriate
mineral inventory and
the development of
deposit leading to relations. It is in this context
that a computer based
establishment of grade-tonnage to a
process has
been developed and applied
integrated geostatistical modelling
bauxite deposit following a step-by-step


is the organisation
A key prerequisite integrated geostatistical modelling process
to an
data are entered and
Raw geological and exploration
of an exploration database. The geological
format to control the data processing.
processed to a desired
database for interpretation
stored in a computer
and exploration data are database contains
orebody modei. The exploration
generation of an appropriate
to the geology
of a deposit. Ditterent
Geological information pertaining various physico-chemical conditions
environments reflect economic
distribution of
within which different deposits

governed by one o r
in any deposit

mineral constituents

control(s). viz. rock type,

stratigraphy, struct
are of special imr
and genesis
controls. These rtance in
among other that aid in the idena
geostatistical modelling process cation
of mineralisation (Mellish, Prelle
homogeneous zone(s)
.Drillhole information pertaining to
drill identification, viz.
viz. collar coordinates in XVz type
and date: survey information, Y represents North: ordinate
X represents Easting,
system (where and 2
and downhole survey measurements. i.e.
represents Elevation), nuth
of survey dowm the hole and their
and dip at collar, depth
azimuths and dips; and sample
information, viz. depths to ton ding
of sample and sanple grade information.

An integrated geostatistical modelling process must provide for close interact

among the geologist, the computer and the mathematical estimation procedura
such a way that the geologist retains control and has confidence in the final resu lts
With exploration database in hand comprising geological and drillhole information.
the integrated geostatistical modelling process entails the following operations:

Sample value compositing;

Frequency distribution modelling;
Selection of block size;
Block kriging; and
Mineral inventory and grade-tonnage relations.
Sample Value Compositing
The location of individual drillhole
leads to compositing of
given distances of constant interval
values wherein the individual drillhole
samples are
grouped into segments of constant length
homogeneity. The values corresponding to thealong
the hole, subject to
composited weighted values. The location and size of
of constant length are the
coincide with the bench elevation the composites are chosen to
and bench height
composites and their respective centroid XYZ respectively. The sample value
value database. coordinates constitute the composite
Frequeney Distribution Modelling
Probability modelling of frequency
support provides a significant distribution of the composite values of
Typical averaging of sample insight into mineralisation characteristics of a constant
representative values in a mineral depos
deposit without identifying
case of a
frequency distribution model may lead to ne
such mixed deposit (Rendu, 1985). mixing of populations n u
population yields poor Geostatistical modelling carried ou
analysis and a probability estimates. A
based on the
plot would
number of breaks straight-forward
provide the number of
overall staus
plot. In case population
in the
probability such an componc
a mixed population, a physical split
composite value databaseanalysis
of the
may then

carried out with the aid of geological control(s). The probability
Aooree of kurtosis
and chi-squared plot,
of fit test statisticsdegree

for 1
fit of a probability model to a provide
opriate criteria sample frequency distribution.

structural analysis is initiated once the

populations representing
nthomogeneous mineralised zones are identified. Experimental
semi-variograms are constr
structed along four principal directions, viz.
0", 45", 90" and
uith a lag interval approximately equal to the sample interval and an
gularisation of 11.25 These semi-variograms angle of
express the dissimilarity among
function of distance between them at
sample values
as a
orientations. If no
difference in the characteristics of the directional semi-variograms is
observed, a mean isot ropic 3D semi-variogram
is assumed to
ture of the mineralisati
explain the spatial
Among the techniques of model fitting to an
vnerimental semi-variogram, Point Kriging Cross-Validation technique (Davis and
Borgman, 1979) is the robust one. The technique involves initial estimates of semi
variogram model params, viz. Nugget variance (Co), Continuity variance (C) and
Range of influence (a) by eye inspection followed by cross-validation of these params
using point kriging technique empirically. Actual sample values are compared with
values that are estimated by point kriging using neighbouring sample values confined
within the radius of search. A model approximated by this approach eliminates the
degree of subjectivity.

Selection of Block Size

The decision on the choice of block size for kriging is governed by several factors;
such as geological structure, sample density, proposed mining method, targeted daily
production and equipment capabilities. Ideally, the height of a block is taken as the
bench height and the other two dimensions should equal at least a quarter of the
average sample spacing (David, 1977).
Block Kriging
To initiate block kriging, a mineral deposit is divided into a number of regularly
spaced bench slices followed by delineation of mineralised boundaries on each slice
on the basis of geological considerations. Each of these slices with delineated
size of a block
mineralised envelope is further divided into smaller units, equalling the
with constant Z value.
in lateral dimensions, forming a set of X and Y arrays of blocks
Blocks within each mineralised envelope are then kriged one after another slice-by-

Mineral Inventory and Grade-Tonnage Relations

below the other from top to bottom to
stacked level-wise
ne Kriged blocks are one
blocks. This constitutes the mineral
dea3D array of regularly spaced gridded ot
A step-wise integration
r h a t provides total stock of mineral in place. values a
produces Setic
Led block grade frequency curve over a range of grade A greater tonnage i
de-tonnage estimates at various alternative cutoff grades. grades ked
C1ated with relatively lower cutoff grades. Progressively higher are O
leads to decrease .
ncreasing the degree of mining seleciivity that a sound
basis for mine
relations provide
aVCrage grade pf ore. These
Third indian Conference on Computer Applications in Mineral
Industry (ICCAM-2001)

Abani Ranjan Samal & Pramod

World Geoscience Data Services India
(P) Ltd., Bhubaneshwar

Mineral industry development is a highly expensive and

survey to exploration to exploitation, at each and
risky job. Reconnaissance
every step accurate and
estimation is needed and that's where the computerisation is up-to-date
each stage of mineral resource development is required. Optimisation at
Dossible within the timeframe of the project, if done highly time-consuming and not
for special type of softwares to suit the
manually. There are requirements
objectives of the mineral
Drocessing and visual validation of the results make the project industry. High-speed
as the problems of the mineral industry are site specific, the bestmanagement easy. But
software should have
maximum flexibility to be usable in all such sites and should be customisable for
specific problem at any site. any


The present paper describes the suitability of MICROMINE software in mineral

industry especially in exploration, mine planning and production
MICROMINE software is one of the major management. The
products of Micromine
Ltd.(Australia), presented in India by WGDS India, Bhubaneswar. This software Pty has
been regarded as the best
exploration and mine planning software tool worldwide.
The tools available-within this
integrated system of Micromine can produce the best
analysis in terms of accuracy and customisation as per the user requirement. The
authors have used an example
of a live project, recently carried out for one of the
clients in India, to explain briefly the utility and capability of the said software.

The present paper aims at explaining the utility of MICROMINE in mineral resource
exploration, modelling, development and production management. The readers will
have opportunity
capability of the MICROMINE software, its
to assess the
optimum use and unique user-friendliness in operation. The reader can further find
the paper useful in
finding the latest modern technological innovation in the area of
mineral exploration and mineral resource
The example used in this paper is a part of our consulting work done for some clients.
AS per the non-disclosure type of mutual understanding with the client, the name of
he client, geology and reserve details cannot be disclosed in this paper. The authors
cannot disclose the name of the project or the name of the deposit.
ine exploration and mining software system is an integrated software used tor
SOrts of
exploration module
and mining exercises worldwide. The core
ot the
software tool for
which is a
sofware is known as Gpick.
with this Gpick' makes it Gr

The '3D' view capability
are nineteen
different modules
attached, which can be inteprate
Gpick3D), Contour, Digital
with the TherCOre
module. The modules are Core (Gpick/
Drill Hole 2, Geology, Grade Contol
Terrain Model
Display 2. Drill Hole 1, ontrol, Mine
1. Stato
fodelling, Plotting,
Pit Design, Ore Body Modelling, Plotting, Statist
Design General. Open 3D and Wireframing.
stics, String,
Wireframing, The brie
Mine Design. Survey 1, Survey 2, details of
Strip shown in the Annexure1.
these modules


of different functions can be described in the following examnl

The capability
chromite ore body intersected by a set ofinclinoe
inclined drill
example uses live data from a
described below:
Details of the process are

The data s e

the client was set inchuded:the

in ASCl format. The data
The data set supplied
by RL, total
collar information (Hole number, Easting, Northing,
file with all depth, Azimuth, Din
information (Hole number, Survey
depth) of drill holes,

DRILL HOLE3250 326.75134.06 50
LH 3250 366 133 78.70
H2 3250 369 133 50.20
H3 3250 385.50 132.89 91.50
3250 425.50 132.20 94.50
3250 425.50 132.20 195
3300 323.50 133.20 106.50
H8 3300 356.50 134.22
H9 3300 377.50 133.45 82
0H10 3300 377.50 133.45 145

Figurel: Collar file in

Micromine format

sample number, from, to, Assay data). Inese

and assay information (Hole number, They were
shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
files look like any spreadsheet (as
using Drillhole/Validate function.

Drill-hole cross-sections:

distribution of the collar

data was cr
The drill holes were displayed in plan and the
describes the distribution drill n
checked using unique 'query' option. Figure 4
view.From the abOve
in plan view and querying the collar data from the
inferred that the drill holes were drilled in 100m X 25m (approximately)
griu e
are 104 drill holes drilled in two different zones. The northern zone (Zonel) naThe
drill holes along the approximate strike direction of the chromite ore bouy
southern zone (zone 1B) has less number of drill holes.
ical analysis for all parameters of interest was easily made. The statistics of
hes and Fez03 are as shown below in Boxl. The statistical distribution of
shown i e 7. Statistical distribution of other
Is parameters is
as alsoshown
in Annexure 2.
Box1: Detailed statistics of Cr;O, FcO, Fe203
Cr:Oa FeO Fe,O
:0.00 Minimum 0.00 Minimum : 0.00
:61.56 Maximum 57.6 Maximum 95
10166 No of points 10166 No of points
No of points :10166
: 174532.24 Sum 29209.19 Sum 49101.02
Sum Mean
17.17 :2.87 Mean 4.83
Mean 504.4563 Variance :29.6714 Variance 83.8987
:22.4601 Std dev :5.4471 Std dev 9.1596
Std dev
Rel std dev 308 Rel std dev :1.896 Rel std dev : 1.896
4201 No of points 3583 No of points 3316
No of points
3.6197 Mean of natural logs :1.8619
Mean natural logs:
of Mean of natural logs2.3969
Geometric Mean : 37.33 Geometric Mean 44 Geometric Mean :10.99
Natural Log Variance :0.3095 Natural Log Variance :0.4710 Natural Log Variance : 1.0884
Nat Log Std Deviation: 0.5564| Nat. Log Std Deviation : 0.6863 Nat. Log Std Deviation: 1.0432
Sichel's V :0.3095 Sichel's V :0.4709 Sichel's V : 1.0880
Sichel's Gamma 1.1674 Sichel's Gamma :1.2655 Sichel's Gamma :1.7229
Sichel's T-Estimator :43.5747 Sichel's T-Estimator:8.1443 Sichel's T-Estimator: 18.9335
Block modelling:
Keeping into consideration the drill hole distance and client's need for mine planning,
the block dimension was fixed as 20m, Sm and 20m in X, Y and Z directions for
block modelling of the major zonel ore. Radius of search was chosen to be 150m for
block grade estimation. Cut-off grades were set at 10%, 20%, 30%, 42%, 48%, 54%
and 60%. Using inverse distance square method, the block grade estimation was
carried out. The user-defined layers of estimated block values were visualised in 2DD
and 3D (Annexure 3) environment for cross-checking.
These tools are highly essential in mine or production planning-ike important
processes. The user of MICROMINE enjoys the flexibility of visualising any sector of
ore with colour coded blocks with or without block values.
RE WIireframing tool of MICROMINE used to create wireframe
om geological model. The wireframe was created using the ore outlines tor tne o
was a
in vertical
Sections. The wireframe (Figure 8) is highly useful for reserve estimation.

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