Learning Strategies and Factor Affected of Learning Bilingualism

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Ninda Rizqi Safitri cek

by Ninda Nindz

Submission date: 18-May-2020 09:26AM (UTC+0700)

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File name: The_Learning_Strategies_to_Applying_Bilingualism_1.docx (64.54K)
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Tabel 1
Most Frequently Used Direct Learning Strategies of Bilinguals
Strategy type Strategy
Memory I review English/ Arabic lesson often.
Compensation When I can’t think of a word during a conversation in
English/ Arabic, I use gestures.
Compensation To understand unfamiliar English/Arabic words, I
make guesses.
Compensation If I can’t think of an English/Arabic word, I use word
or phrase that means the same.
Cognitive I say or write new English/Arabic words several times.
Memory I physically act out new English/ Arabic words.
Compensation I make up new words if I don’t know the right ones in

Tabel 2
Most Frequently Used Indirect Learning Strategies of Bilinguals
Strategy type Strategy
Social If I don’t understand something in English/Arabic, I
ask the other person to show down/say again.
Social I practice my English/Arabic with other students.
Social I ask for help from English/Arabic speakers.
Social I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk.
Affective I talk to someone else about how I feel when learning
Metacognitive I look for people I can talk to in English/Arabic.
Metacognitive I pay attention when someone is speaking
Tabel 3
Factor Affecting on Bilingual Education
Section I 1. Rank the languages according to the order you
acquired them. (English, Arabic, Other)
2. For how long you have been learning English
and Arabic language.
3. Rank according to which language you use
most with schoolmate.
4. Do you often you talk English with your
5. Do you often you talk Arabic with your
6. I often read English on my own time.
7. I often read Arabic on my own time.
Section II 1. How much work do you do for the English
2. How much work do you do for the Arabic
3. How often do you get to participate in the
English classes’ activities?
4. How often do you get to participate in the
Arabic classes’ activities?
5. How much useful knowledge have you gained
from your English courses?
6. How much useful knowledge have you gained
from your Arabic courses?
7. How do you feel about learning English?
8. How do you feel about learning Arabic?
9. How important is learning English to you?
10. How important is learning Arabic to you?
Section III 1. How often do you ask your schoolmate for
help for English assignments?
2. How often do you ask your schoolmate for
help for Arabic assignments?
3. How often do you discuss things that you have
read/studied with your schoolmate?
4. How was important to children learning
English as a second language?
5. How was important to children learning Arabic
as a second language?
ninda nindz cek

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