05 OLIVER Script Student CD

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Student CD - Script

Student CD Script | Oliver

OLIVER STORY 1: WOBBLY TOOTH Mum: Today it’s windy! Hold on tight!
Oliver: Daddy, what’s the weather like today?
HELLO SONG Dad: Today it’s hot, phew! Take off your hat!
Hello, what’s your name? Oliver: Mummy, what’s the weather like today?
My name is Oli Mum: Today it’s sunny. Put on your sunglasses!

Hello, what’s your name? Now let’s sing!

My name is Oli
How old are you? WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE?
I am 6, I am 6 I’m putting on my glasses
How old are you? What’s the weather like?
I am 6, I am 6 It’s sunny, it’s sunny
How are you? It’s sunny, sunny, sunny
I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you
How are you? I’m putting on my jacket
I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you What’s the weather like?
It’s cold, it’s cold
Now let’s sing again!
It’s very, very cold
I’m happy, I’m happy I’m taking my umbrella

I’m happy and I smile What’s the weather like?

I’m sad, I’m sad It’s rainy, it’s rainy

I’m sad and I cry It’s rainy, rainy, rainy

I’m angry, I’m angry I’m taking off my jacket

And I stamp my feet What’s the weather like?

I’m tired, I’m tired It’s hot, it’s hot

I’m tired and I sleep It’s very, very hot

I’m hungry, I’m hungry I’m holding my umbrella tight

I’m hungry and I eat What’s the weather like?

I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty It’s windy, it’s windy

I’m thirsty and I drink It’s windy, windy, windy


Oliver: Daddy, what’s the weather like today?
Dad: Today it’s snowy. Put on a hat! One day Oliver was in the bathroom looking in the mirror.
He had a wobbly tooth! Wobble, wobble, wobble, wobble.
Oliver: Mummy, what’s the weather like today?
Oliver moved the tooth back and forth.
Mum: Today it’s rainy. Take an umbrella!
Oliver: Wobble, wobble, wobble.
Oliver: Daddy, what’s the weather like today?
Dad: Today it’s cold, brrrr! Put on a jacket! Dad: Oliver, what are you doing?
Oliver: I’ve got a wobbly tooth!
Oliver: Mummy, what’s the weather like today?

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

Dad: Have you? Let me see. But Oliver and Daddy couldn’t find it.
So Oliver showed Daddy his wobbly tooth. Oliver: Where is my tooth? Is it under the sink? No,
it isn’t. Where is my tooth? Is it in the cupboard? No,
Dad: I think we should pull it out.
it isn’t. Where is my tooth? Is it behind the door? No,
Oliver: Will it hurt?
it isn’t!
Dad: Just a little bit. But if we pull out your tooth,
you can put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy. Oliver: I can’t find my tooth Daddy.
Oliver: Okay! Pull out my tooth Daddy! Dad: Look in the living room.
1, 2, 3 and pull! Daddy pulled out Oliver’s wobbly In the living room, Mummy and Oliver looked for the
tooth. It hurt a little, but Oliver was happy. tooth. They looked under the sofa, in the toy box, and
Oliver: Can I go to the living room to show Mummy behind the TV.
my tooth? Oliver: Where is my tooth? Is it under the sofa? No.
Dad: Okay, but don’t lose your tooth! Is it in the toy box? No, it isn’t. Is it behind the TV?
Oliver put the tooth in his trouser pocket, and went No, it isn’t.
to the living room to show Mummy his tooth. But Oliver and Mummy couldn’t find it.
Oliver: Look Mummy, look! Daddy pulled out my Oliver: I can’t find my tooth Mummy.
wobbly tooth! Mum: Let’s look in the park.
Mum: Wow Oliver that is super! The tooth fairy will
At the park, Oliver and Mummy looked for Oliver’s
come tonight!
tooth. They looked under the slide, next to the
Oliver: Can I go to the park and show my friends my swings, and in the sandpit.
Oliver: Where is my tooth? Is it under the slide? No,
Mum: Okay, but don’t lose your tooth!
it isn’t. Is it next to the swings? No, it isn’t. Is it in
Oliver put the tooth in his trouser pocket and went to
the sandpit? Yes! Yes!
the park to show his friends, his tooth.
Oliver: Mummy, Mummy, I found my tooth! I found
Later in the kitchen, Oliver, Mummy, and Daddy were
my tooth!
having supper.
Mum: Where?
Oliver: The tooth fairy is coming tonight! Oliver: It was in the sandpit!
Dad: Yes, she is! Don’t forget to put your tooth under Mum: Okay, let’s go home, so you can put it under
your pillow. your pillow for the tooth fairy!
Mum: The tooth fairy will bring you some money! At home, Oliver put the tooth under his pillow and
Oliver: Hurray! went to bed.
In Oliver’s bedroom… Dad: Good night Oliver.
Dad: Okay Oliver, let’s put your tooth under your Oliver: Good night Daddy.
pillow. Mum: Good night Oliver.
Oliver: Okay! Uh-oh... Oliver: Good night Mummy.
Oliver’s tooth wasn’t in his trouser pocket.
The next day...
Oliver: Where is my tooth? I can’t find it!
Oliver woke up and looked under his pillow, the tooth
Dad: Look in your bedroom.
fairy had taken his tooth and left him some money.
In his bedroom, Oliver looked for his tooth. He looked
Oliver: Wow! 2€! Wow!
under the bed, in the wardrobe, and behind the door.
Oliver: Where is my tooth? Is it under the bed? No, it The end.
isn’t! Where is my tooth? Is it in the wardrobe? No, it
isn’t! Where is my tooth? Is it behind the door? No, Now let’s sing!
it isn’t!
But Oliver couldn’t find it. WOBBLY TOOTH SONG
Oliver: I can’t find my tooth Daddy.
Wobble, wobble, wobble, wobble
Dad: Let’s look in bathroom.
Wobbly, wobbly tooth
In the bathroom, Oliver and Daddy looked for the
tooth. They looked under the sink, in the cupboard, I have got a wobbly tooth
and behind the door. Wobble, wobbl-y

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

Pull it, pull it, pull it, pull it Whose turn is it?
Pull it, pull it out Whose turn is it?
Let’s pull out my wobbly tooth It’s yours, it’s mine, it’s my turn
Pull, pull 1-2-3
I’ve got a strawberry
Put it under the pillow I’ve got a strawberry
Now let’s go to sleep Yipee, yippee
Put it under the pillow I have got a pair
For the tooth fairy

Put it under the pillow Oliver: I’ll get it!!! Hello! My name’s Oliver! Welcome
to my house! This is the living room. I watch TV
The tooth fairy will come
in the living room. This is the kitchen. I eat in
Put it under the pillow the kitchen. This is the bathroom. I shower in
Good night everyone the bathroom. This is my bedroom. I sleep in the
bedroom. And this is the playground. I play in the
Wobble, wobble, wobble, wobble
Wobbly, wobbly tooth PREPOSITIONS SONG
I have got a wobbly tooth Put your hand
Wobble, wobbl-y In your pocket
In, in
In your pocket
Mum: Oliver, where is the tooth?
Oliver: It’s lost!
Mum: Is it in the bedroom? Is it under the bed? Put your hand
Oliver: Nooo, it isn’t. On your head
Mum: Is it in the bathroom? Is it next to the shower?
Oliver: Nooo, it isn’t. On, on
Mum: Is it in the living room? Is it behind the sofa? On your head
Oliver: Nooo, it isn’t.
Mum: Is it in the kitchen? Is it on the table?
Oliver: Nooo, it isn’t. Put your hand
Mum: Is it at the playground? Is it in the sandbox? Under your bottom
Oliver: Yes, yes it is!!! Hurray we’ve found my tooth!!!
Now let’s sing! Under your bottom


Put your hand
Whose turn is it? Whose turn is it?
Between your knees
It’s yours, it’s mine, it’s my turn
Between your knees
I’ve got an apple
I’ve got a plum
Put your hand
What a pity
Next to your feet
I haven’t got a pair

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

Next to I’m putting on my jacket

Next to your feet What’s the weather like?
It’s cold, it’s cold
Clap your hands It’s very, very cold
Clap, clap, clap
Clap, clap I’m taking my umbrella
Clap your hands What’s the weather like?
It’s rainy, it’s rainy
Bye, bye!
It’s rainy, rainy, rainy

HELLO SONG I’m taking off my jacket

What’s the weather like?
Hello, what’s your name?
It’s hot, it’s hot
My name is Oli
It’s very, very hot
Hello, what’s your name?
My name is Oli
I’m holding my umbrella tight
How old are you?
What’s the weather like?
I am 6, I am 6
It’s windy, it’s windy
How old are you?
It’s windy, windy, windy
I am 6, I am 6
How are you? STORY
I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you
Early one morning Oliver couldn’t sleep, he felt ill,
How are you? he felt very ill.
I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you He shouted for Mummy and Daddy.
Oliver: Mummy! Mummy! Daddy! Daddy! Come,
Mummy and Daddy came into Oliver’s bedroom.
Oliver: I’m happy! Smile, smile, smile!
I’m sad! Cry, cry, cry! Dad: Oliver, what’s wrong?
I’m angry! Stamp, stamp, stamp! Oliver: I feel ill. I feel very ill.
I’m hungry! Eat, eat, eat!
Mum: Okay Oliver, you can’t go to school today. Let’s
I’m thirsty! Drink, drink, drink!
go to the doctor’s.
I’m cold! Scarf on, scarf on!
I’m hot! Phew, phew, phew! So Oliver got out of bed, took off his pyjamas, and
I’m ill! Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze! put on his trousers and a jumper. Oliver said...
I’m tired! Yawn, yawn, yawn! Oliver: My whole body hurts.
And Oliver started to cry.
Now let’s sing!
In the living room...
Mummy checked Oliver to see if he had a
I’m putting on my glasses Mum: Daddy, I think Oliver has a temperature.

What’s the weather like? Oliver, Mummy and Daddy were on the car driving to
see the doctor.
It’s sunny, it’s sunny Mum: Oliver what’s wrong?
It’s sunny, sunny, sunny Oliver: I’m scared, I don’t want to go to the doctor’s.
Dad: Don’t be scared Oliver. The doctor is very nice.

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

At the doctor’s surgery... I have got a tummy ache

Doctor: Hello Oliver! How do you feel?
Oh no, oh no
Oliver: I feel ill.
Doctor: What’s wrong Oliver? I have got an earache too
Oliver: My tummy. I have a tummy ache. Poor Oliver
So the doctor checked Oliver’s tummy.
Doctor: What else is wrong?
Oliver: My ears hurt. I have an earache. I have got a sore throat
So the doctor checked Oliver’s ears. Oh no, oh no
Doctor: What else is wrong? I have got a headache too
Oliver: My throat hurts. I have a sore throat.
Poor Oliver
So the doctor checked Oliver’s throat.
Doctor: What else is wrong?
Oliver: My head hurts, I have a headache. And my Medicine for my tummy ache
legs and my feet hurt too! Thank you, doctor
Doctor: Oh my Oliver, your whole body hurts! You
have flu! And some pills for my headache

The doctor gave Mummy and Daddy some medicine Thank you very much
for Oliver.
Doctor: Here is some medicine for Oliver’s tummy
A lolly for my throat
ache, and some pills for his headache. And Oliver
has to stay in bed! Thank you, doctor
Mum: Thank you doctor!
I am all better now
Dad: Thank you doctor!
Thank you very much
The doctor saw that Oliver was still sad.
Doctor: Oliver don’t be sad. You will be healthy soon.
Here, have a lolly for your sore throat! OLIVER AND DOCTOR DIALOGUE
Oliver: Thank you!
Oliver: I feel ill.
Later, at home... Mum: Uh, oh. Let’s go to the doctor’s.
Oliver is in bed.
Doctor: What’s wrong Oliver?
Mum: Oliver, are you still scared of the doctor?
Oliver: I’ve got an earache.
Oliver: No, Mummy, the doctor is nice!!
Doctor: Have some medicine.
A few days later...
Doctor: What’s wrong Oliver?
Oliver is in his bedroom. He is dressed for school.
Oliver: I’ve got a tummy ache.
Dad: You are all better now Oliver.
Doctor: Have some medicine.
Mum: Now you are healthy!
Dad: Now you can go to school! Doctor: What’s wrong Oliver?
Oliver: I’ve got a headache.
So Mummy and Daddy took Oliver to school.
Doctor: Have a pill.
Mum and Dad: Bye, bye Oliver!
Oliver: Bye, bye Mummy and Daddy! Doctor: What’s wrong Oliver?
Oliver: I’ve got a sore throat.
The end.
Doctor: Have a lolly.
Now let’s sing!
Now let’s sing!


Mummy, daddy I feel ill I feel ill, I feel ill, what shall I do?
Oh no, oh no Tell me, tell me, what’s wrong with you?
Mummy, daddy I feel ill I’ve got a headache, my head hurts and hurts.
Poor Oliver Why not, why not take a pill?

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

I feel ill, I feel ill, what shall I do? Whose turn is it?
Tell me, tell me, what’s wrong with you? It’s yours, it’s yours
I’ve got an earache, my ears hurt and hurt. It’s your turn
Why not, why not take a pill?
Roll the dice
I feel ill, I feel ill, what shall I do? Roll the dice
Tell me, tell me, what’s wrong with you? Come on, come on
I’ve got a tummy ache, my tummy hurts and hurts. Roll the dice
Why not, why not take some medicine?
Roll the dice
I feel ill, I feel ill, what shall I do? Roll the dice
Tell me, tell me, what’s wrong with you? Come on, come on
I’ve got a sore throat, my throat hurts and hurts. Roll the dice
Why not, why not have a lolly?
PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS DIALOGUE Mum: C’mon Oliver let’s play a game!
Oliver: Hurray!
Oliver: Some medicine for my earache.
Mum: First roll the dice! Roll the dice! What number
Some medicine for my tummy ache.
have you got?
A pill for my headache.
A lolly for my sore throat. Oliver: I’ve got six! One, two, three, four, five, six!!
Now I’m all better! Now I’m happy. Mum: What is it? What is it?
Oliver: It’s a lolly!
Now let’s sing! Mum: Well done Oliver!!
Oliver: Okay Mummy, your turn! Roll the dice! Roll
the dice! What number have you got?
Mum: I’ve got eight! One, two, three, four, five, six,
Roll the dice
seven, eight!!
Roll the dice
Oliver: What is it? What is it?
Come on, come on Mum: It’s the doctor!
Roll the dice Oliver: No, it’s wrong! It’s wrong!
Mum: Okay, Oliver, your turn! Roll the dice! Roll the
dice! What number have you got?
Roll the dice Oliver: I’ve got ten! One, two, three, four, five, six,
Roll the dice seven, eight, nine, ten!!

Come on, come on Mum: What is it? What is it?

Oliver: It’s a tummy ache!
Roll the dice
Mum: Well done Oliver! Well done! You’re the
What did you get?
I got a 3 Oliver: I win! I win! Hurray! Hurray!
Now let’s sing!

Whose turn is it? PREPOSITIONS SONG

It’s mine, it’s mine Put your hand
It’s my turn In your pocket

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

In, in How are you?

In your pocket I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you
How are you?
Put your hand I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you
On your head
On, on
On your head Dad: Oliver why are you smiling?
Oliver: I’m smiling because I’m happy.
Dad: Oliver why are you crying?
Put your hand Oliver: I’m crying because I’m sad.
Under your bottom Dad: Oliver why are you stamping your feet?
Under Oliver: I’m stamping my feet because I’m angry!

Under your bottom Dad: Oliver why are you yawning?

Oliver: I’m yawning because I’m tired.
Dad: Oliver why are you sneezing?
Put your hand
Oliver: I’m sneezing because I’m ill.
Between your knees
Dad: Oliver why are you wearing a scarf?
Between Oliver: I’m wearing a scarf because I’m cold, brrr!
Between your knees Dad: Oliver why are you taking your hat off?
Oliver: I’m taking my hat off because I’m hot, phew!
Dad: Oliver why are you eating?
Put your hand
Oliver: I’m eating because I’m hungry.
Next to your feet
Dad: Oliver why are you drinking?
Next to Oliver: I’m drinking because I’m thirsty.
Next to your feet
Now let’s sing!

Clap your hands MOODS SONG

Clap, clap, clap
I’m happy, I’m happy
Clap, clap
I’m happy and I smile
Clap your hands
I’m sad, I’m sad
Bye, bye! I’m sad and I cry


I’m angry, I’m angry
HELLO SONG And I stamp my feet

Hello, what’s your name? I’m tired, I’m tired

My name is Oli I’m tired and I sleep

Hello, what’s your name?

My name is Oli I’m hungry, I’m hungry

How old are you? I’m hungry and I eat

I am 6, I am 6 I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty

How old are you? I’m thirsty and I drink

I am 6, I am 6

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

STORY Dad: She cries because she is hungry.

Oliver: Daddy, why does the baby smell sometimes?
One day, when Oliver woke up, Mummy and Daddy Dad: She smells when she has a dirty nappy.
weren’t there!
Oliver went into the kitchen, and saw his Grandma. The next day, in the living room…

Oliver: Grandma, where are Mummy and Daddy? Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. They brought
Grandma: Mummy and Daddy are at the hospital. You lots of presents. Oliver was very happy, maybe one of
have a new baby sister! the presents was for him!
Oliver: Really? Wow! Grandma: Here Mummy, open this present!
Grandma: Do you want to go to the hospital and Oliver: What is it? What is it?
meet your baby sister? Mum: Wow, baby pyjamas, thank you Grandma!
Oliver: Yes, yes, yes! Oliver didn’t like that present.
Grandma: Okay, but first get dressed and have
Grandpa: Here Daddy, open this present!
Oliver: What is it? What is it?
Oliver: Okay Grandma!
Dad: Wow, a dummy, thank you Grandpa!
So Oliver got dressed quickly! Oliver: All of the presents are for the baby!
Oliver: Pyjamas off! Pants on! Trousers on! Jumper Buuaaaahhhhhhh!!
on! Socks on! Shoes on! Oliver started to cry and ran out of the kitchen, to his
Then he ate his breakfast. Cereal and juice, yummy! bedroom, and hid under the bed. Oliver was very sad.

Then Oliver and Grandma took the bus to go to the Mum: Oliver, what’s wrong?
hospital. Oliver: I’m sad.
Mum: Why?
At the hospital... Oliver: You, Daddy, and Grandma and Grandpa only
Oliver: Hello Mummy! Hello Daddy! love the baby. Nobody loves me!
Mum and Dad: Hello Oliver! Mum: That’s not true. I love you very, very much.
Daddy loves you very, very much. And Grandma and
Mummy and Daddy hugged and kissed Oliver.
Grandpa love you very, very much.
Oliver: Where is the baby? Where is the baby? Oliver: Really?
Dad: She is in her cot sleeping. Mum: Yes. Come downstairs, I think Grandma and
Oliver: Can I hold her? Please? Please? Grandpa have a surprise for you.
Mum: Yes, Oliver, but remember, be very careful. Oliver: Okay...
Oliver: I know, I remember. I will be very, very
In the living room...
Grandma and Grandpa: Here you go Oliver. A present
Oliver held his new baby sister. He was very happy.
for you!
Dad: You are a very good big brother. Dad: What is it? What is it?
Mum: The best big brother! Oliver opened the present.
Oliver: Wow, a T-shirt! What does it say?
A few days later at home...
Dad: It says, BIG BROTHER.
Grandma: Come on Oliver! Come on! Mummy, Daddy Mum: You are a big brother now Oliver.
and your baby sister are here! Grandma and Grandpa: A great big brother.
Oliver: Hurray! Hurray! Oliver: Thank you!
Grandma, Grandpa, Mum and Dad: We love you
Oliver was very excited to be a good big brother and Oliver!
play with the baby.
The end.
Later in the living room…
Oliver: Mummy, Mummy, can I play with the baby? Now let’s sing!
Mum: No, not now Oliver. The baby is sleeping.
Oliver: Okaaayyy. BABY SONG
That night Oliver couldn’t sleep, the baby cried, and
I have got a baby sister
cried, and cried.
Hello baby sister
The next day, in the nursery...
Oliver: Daddy, Daddy, why does the baby cry and cry? I have got a baby sister

Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

Hello baby sister Baby: I am small. I am very, very small. I haven’t got
hair. I am a girl. Who am I?
Can I hold her?
Oliver: Are you my baby sister?
Yes, you can Baby: Yes, I am!
But be very careful Grandma: I am big. I have got white hair. I am a girl.
Can I play with her? Who am I?
Oliver: Are you Grandma?
Not now Grandma: Yes, I am!
The baby is sleeping Mum: I am big. I have got black hair. I am a girl. Who
Why does the baby cry? am I?
Oliver: Are you Mummy?
She cries because she’s hungry
Mum: Yes, I am!
Why does the baby smell?
Grandpa: I am big. I have got grey hair. I am a boy.
She’s got a dirty nappy Who am I?
I’m a very good big brother Oliver: Are you Grandpa?
Grandpa: Yes, I am!
I love my baby sister
I’m a very good big brother Now let’s sing!

I’m happy with my sister

Oliver can watch TV. Baby can’t watch TV, she’s too Roll the dice
Come on, come on
Oliver can play football. Baby can’t play football,
she’s too small. Roll the dice
Oliver can ride a bicycle. Baby can’t ride a bicycle,
she’s too small.
Roll the dice
Baby can sleep in a cot. Oliver can’t sleep in a cot,
he’s too big. Roll the dice
Baby can wear nappies. Oliver can’t wear nappies, Come on, come on
he’s too big.
Roll the dice

I got a 3
Mum: Look Oliver, a present for you, a present!
Oliver: What is it? What is it? 1-2-3
Oliver sings:
A present for me, a present for me, Whose turn is it?
A present for me, oh what can it be?
It’s mine, it’s mine
A bicycle, a football,
a T-shirt, or sweets, It’s my turn
Oh what, oh what, oh what can it be? Whose turn is it?
Mum: What is it Oliver? It’s yours, it’s yours
Oliver: Wow, it’s a T-shirt!
It’s your turn

Dadd I am big. I have got black hair. I am a boy. Who Roll the dice
am I? Roll the dice
Oliver: Are you Daddy?
Come on, come on
Dad: Yes, I am!
Roll the dice

– 10 –
Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

Roll the dice I am 6, I am 6

Roll the dice How are you?
Come on, come on I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you
Roll the dice How are you?
I’m fine thank you, I’m fine thank you
Now let’s sing again!
Now let’s sing again!
Brown, purple, orange, pink WEATHER SONG
Wink, wink, blink, blink (x2) I’m putting on my glasses
What’s the weather like?
Brown hair It’s sunny, it’s sunny
Brown bear It’s sunny, sunny, sunny
Mud is brown
A stick is brown I’m putting on my jacket
What’s the weather like?
Purple aubergines
It’s cold, it’s cold
Purple plums
It’s very, very cold
Yum, yum, yum

I’m taking my umbrella

Brown, purple, orange, pink
What’s the weather like?
Wink, wink, blink, blink (x2)
It’s rainy, it’s rainy
It’s rainy, rainy, rainy
Orange oranges
Orange carrots
I’m taking off my jacket
Orange juice
What’s the weather like?
It’s hot, it’s hot
Pink, pink bubblegum
It’s very, very hot
Pink pigs
Well done kids!
I’m holding my umbrella tight
Bye, bye!
What’s the weather like?
OLIVER STORY 4: WASHING MACHINE It’s windy, it’s windy
It’s windy, windy, windy
Hello, what’s your name? Now let’s sing again!

My name is Oli
Hello, what’s your name?
My name is Oli I’m happy, I’m happy

How old are you? I’m happy and I smile

I am 6, I am 6 I’m sad, I’m sad

How old are you? I’m sad and I cry

– 11 –
Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

I’m angry, I’m angry Oliver: Ah-ha! I have an idea! I can wash my clothes!
Mummy will be happy if I wash my clothes!
And I stamp my feet
So Oliver took off his clothes and put them in the
I’m tired, I’m tired washing machine.
I’m tired and I sleep Oliver: Jumper off! Trousers off!
Then he added the soap.
Oliver: How much soap do I need? Hmmm… One
I’m hungry, I’m hungry scoop of soap, two scoops of soap. I think I need
more! My clothes are very dirty! Three scoop of soap,
I’m hungry and I eat
four scoops of soap. Perfect!
I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty Oliver closed the washing machine door and pressed
I’m thirsty and I drink the button.
Oliver was very happy; he was a big, big boy, washing
STORY his clothes all by himself.

One day, Oliver was at home. He was bored; he All of a sudden, foam started to come out of the
wanted to play with somebody. washing machine.
Oliver: Oh-oh! Foam! Oh no! It’s going everywhere!
Oliver went into the nursery. Maybe he could play Oliver had put too much soap in the washing
with the baby. But no, the baby was sleeping. machine.
Oliver went into the kitchen. Maybe he could play Mum: Oliver! Oliver! What are you doing?
with Daddy. Oliver: I got dirty in the garden. I am washing my
Oliver: Daddy can you play with me? clothes.
Dad: No Oliver, I am busy. I am cooking. Mum: You put too much soap in! Come on, we have
to clean up.
Oliver went into the living room. Maybe he could play
Oliver and Mummy cleaned up.
with Mummy.
Oliver: Mummy, can you play with me? Mum: Wipe, wipe, wipe. Dry, dry, dry.
Mum: No Oliver, I am busy. I am cleaning. Oliver: Finished!
Oliver: But Mummy I am bored! Can I go outside and Mum: Good job Oliver. But you aren’t allowed to
play in the garden? wash your clothes all by yourself any more. Do you
Mum: No Oliver, it’s raining. understand?
Oliver: But Mummy I want to play with my truck. My Oliver: Yes Mummy. I’m sorry Mummy.
truck is in the garden. Mum: That’s okay. Give Mummy a hug.
Mum: Okay Oliver, you can go to the garden and get Oliver: Hug, hug, hug.
your truck. Don’t forget your raincoat and wellies! The end.
And don’t get dirty!
Now let’s sing!
Oliver: Hurray! I promise Mummy, I will be a good
boy. I won’t get dirty.
Oliver went to the utility room and put on his
raincoat and wellies. I’m playing in the garden
Oliver: Raincot on! Wellies on! I’m ready!
I’m playing with my truck
In the garden...
I’m playing in the puddle
Oliver went outside to the garden and found his
truck. Splish, splash, splash
Oliver: Hurray my truck!
But then Oliver saw a big, big puddle!
I’m playing in the puddle
Oliver: Wow, a big, big puddle!!
Oliver began to play in the puddle with his truck. I’m playing in the rain
Oliver: Oh, oh, I am dirty. I am very, very dirty!
Now I’m very dirty
So Oliver went inside. In the utility room, Oliver took
Mud, mud, mud
off his raincoat and wellies.
Oliver: I am very, very dirty. Oh no! Mummy will be
angry! What am I going to do?
Then Oliver saw the washing machine.

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Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

I can wash my clothes WHAT TO WEAR? DIALOGUE

Put them in the washing machine Oliver: Today it’s hot, phew! I can wear shorts, a
Jumper off, trousers off T-shirt, sandals, and sunglasses!

Put them in the washing machine Oliver: Today it’s cold brrrr!! I can wear shoes,
trousers, a jumper, and a jacket!
Oliver: Today it’s rainy! I can wear trousers, a jumper,
One scoop, two scoops, three scoops, four a raincoat, wellies, and take an umbrella!
Washing powder, close the door Oliver: Today it’s snowy! I can wear trousers, a
Round and round and round it goes jumper, a jacket, boots, and a hat!

Round and round… Oh, no, foam! Now let’s sing!

Quick, we have to clean it up PREPOSITIONS SONG

Wipe, wipe, wipe - dry, dry, dry Put your hand
Quick, we have to clean it up In your pocket
Sorry mummy, hug, hug, hug In, in
In your pocket
Oliver: Mummy, mummy, what are you doing?
Put your hand
Mum: I am cleaning.
On your head
Oliver: Daddy, daddy, what are you doing?
Dad: I am cooking On, on

Oliver: Baby, baby, what are you doing? Baby is On your head

Now let’s sing! Put your hand

Under your bottom
Whose turn is it? Whose turn is it? Under your bottom
It’s yours, it’s mine, it’s my turn
I’ve got an apple Put your hand
I’ve got a plum Between your knees
What a pity Between
I haven’t got a pair Between your knees

Whose turn is it? Put your hand

Whose turn is it? Next to your feet
It’s yours, it’s mine, it’s my turn Next to
I’ve got a strawberry Next to your feet
I’ve got a strawberry
Yipee, yippee Clap your hands
I have got a pair Clap, clap, clap

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Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright
Student CD Script | Oliver

Clap, clap
Clap your hands


Where can Oliver ride his bicycle?
Oliver can ride his bicycle in the playground.
Where can Oliver watch TV?
Oliver can watch TV in the living room.
Where can Oliver play football?
Oliver can play football in the garden.
Where can Oliver play with his truck?
Oliver can play with his truck in the bedroom.
Now let’s sing!

1, 2, 3
Follow me
4, 5, 6
Mix, mix, mix
7, 8
This is great
9 and 10
Let’s do it again

1, 2, 3
Follow me
4, 5, 6
Mix, mix, mix
7, 8
This is great
9 and 10
It’s the end

Bye, bye!

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Kids&Us 2015 | This recording is copyright

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